304 research outputs found

    The master plot in the audiovisual narrative. The western case.

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    A plot provides us the story that it offers a hyphen and later a film. Plots are limited, however possibilities, argument them that these offer music infinite. At the same time, we can say that all cultures avail themselves of some plots and similar arguments to structure their mythical stories. In addition, United States is the modern nation where better a dialectic relation between the myth and story keeps. At this nation, the significance of the event has been shown and you have gotten free through the myth. We will see through this article how the western is the kind of American cinema what else and better answer for the folkloric traditional story to the cánones, because your plots have been taken directly of the classical legends.Una trama nos proporciona la historia que ofrece un guión y más tarde una película. Las tramas son limitadas, sin embargo las posibilidades argumentales que éstas ofrecen son infinitas. Al mismo tiempo, podemos decir que todas las culturas se valen de unas tramas y argumentos semejantes para estructurar sus narraciones míticas. Por otro lado, Estados Unidos es la nación moderna donde mejor se mantiene una relación dialéctica entre el mito y la historia. En esta nación, el significado del acontecimiento se ha mostrado y se ha liberado a través del mito. A través de este artículo veremos cómo el western es el género de cine americano que más y mejor responde a los cánones del relato folklórico tradicional, pues sus tramas han sido tomadas directamente de las leyendas clásicas

    The stereotype as a mechanism of the national identity desintegration. The case of My big fat Greek wedding

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    La industria cultural se aprovecha del poder evocador del estereotipo para construir discursos de fácil identificación con el público. La maquinaria audiovisual, en especial Hollywood, utiliza este mecanismo narrativo para desintegrar los rasgos culturales que conforman la identidad de un grupo social. Los elementos étnicos positivos los integra rápidamente a su cultura, los negativos los convierte en estereotipos que sirven para caricaturizar a la nación donante. Esta afrenta hacia las “culturas periféricas” intenta, a su vez, reforzar y consolidar la débil identidad estadounidense.The cultural industry takes advantage of the evocative power of the stereotype to construct discourses easily identified with the public. The audiovisual machinery, especially Hollywood, employs this narrative mechanism to disintegrate the cultural features that shape the identity of a social group. Positive ethnic characteristics are quickly integrated into its culture; however, negative aspects are converted into stereotypes that serve to caricature the donor nation. This affront to the peripheral cultures tries at the same time to reinforce and consolidate the weak North American identity

    El concepto de transversalidad en la enunciación del género cinematográfico

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    Este artículo pretende mostrar una pequeña revisión del concepto de género y la evolución que conlleva el término centrando el mismo sobre el género del western. Se partió de una metodología cualitativa, en donde el estudio de contenido de diversas películas ha llevado a constatar la evidente transversalidad que ha ido presentando a lo largo de los años. Revisión de la definición del concepto genérico, a la evolución del mismo, hasta llegar a una evidente mezcla trasversal o colateral con otros géneros. Como consecuencia se constata la convivencia entre géneros horizontales y géneros transversales.This article aims to show a small review of the concept of gender and the evolution that leads to the term focusing it on the western genre. We started with a qualitative methodology, where the study of content from various films has led to the obvious finding that mainstreaming has been presented over the years. The concept of genres, this evolution, mixed transverse or collateral with other genres. As a result there is coexistence between horizontal film genres and cross genres

    Morpho-syntactic variations in English and Spanish clipped words: a contrastive study

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    Clipping and linguistic variation are inexorably interconnected. Shortened or elliptical words reflect a great deal of variability of the language, especially in the morphological and phonological levels. The object of this study is precisely to explore the phono-graphemic and grammatical variations occurred in the visible changes undergone by clipped words in Spanish and English. A contrastive analysis of this type reveals both expectedly different correspondences in terms of gender and number, and surprisingly parallel lexico-syntactic features. This suggests that clipped or elliptical units are not only necessarily dependent on intrinsic morpho-grammatical and phonological traits, but they are also characterized by regularities and universal patterns that might show disruptive or “corrupted” constructs. This analysis confirms the peculiarities of clipping and linguistic variations in both languages, in an attempt to comprehend the interconnection between functional motivations, and morphological and phonological changes

    Perspectives and evaluation of teaching by university lecturers as a model of high quality

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    La universitat actual ha de qüestionar el seu objecte i sentit per adequar-se als nous reptes que la societat global li exigeix. Aquest debat afecta el què, el com i el per a què han de produir-se modificacions del que hi era una tradició, i com afecten aquests canvis als docents investigadors i alumnes, sobretot pel que fa a què han d'aprendre -sentit del coneixement-, en què i com han de modificar la seva pràctica i, consegüentment, quina formació és necessària per a adquirir o millorar les seves competències professionals i les seves qualitats personals. Les directrius emeses per l'European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education -ENQA- (2005) són un punt de partida, però insuficients quan en la universitat espanyola falta una carrera professional dels docents investigadors.La Universidad actual tiene que cuestionar su objeto y sentido para adecuarse a los nuevos retos que la sociedad global le exige. Este debate afecta al qué, cómo y para qué deben producirse modificaciones de lo que en ella era una tradición, y cómo afectan estos cambios a los docentes investigadores y alumnos, sobre todo en cuanto a qué deben aprender -sentido del conocimiento-, en qué y cómo han de modificar su práctica y, consecuentemente, qué formación es necesaria para adquirir o mejorar sus competencias profesionales y sus cualidades personales. Las directrices emitidas por la European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education -ENQA- (2005) son un punto de partida, pero insuficientes cuando en la universidad española falta una carrera profesional de los docentes investigadores.Universities today must question their objectives and ability to adapt to the new challenges of the global society. Debate centres on how and why universities must be modified, and how changes will affect researchers and students, particularly insofar as learning is concerned, in what areas and in which ways teaching practices should be modified. This leads to the question on what training is necessary to acquire or improve professional competitiveness, as well as the individual's qualities, procedures and resources. The directives issued in 2005 by the European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) are a beginning, but they are insufficient in the Spanish university system, which lacks a professional career for education researchers

    El tratamiento lexicográfico de las palabras truncadas en español e italiano

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar el contenido lexicográfico de dos diccionarios descriptivos en español y en italiano: Diccionario del español actual (DEA) y Lo Zingarelli 2019 Vocabolario della lingua italiana (Z) en lo que se refiere al concepto de truncamiento léxico. La recopilación de lemas truncados de los diccionarios en los dos idiomas permitirá mostrar características convergentes y divergentes de los diccionarios descriptivos, en particular las marcas léxicas y sociolingüísticas.This article is intended to examine the lexicographic repertoires of two descriptive dictionaries in Spanish and Italian: Diccionario del español actual (DEA) and Lo Zingarelli 2019 Vocabolario della lingua italiana (Z), as regards the definition of clipped words. The compilation of clipped lemmas in both languages can shed more light on similar and divergent features of these dictionaries, particularly on lexical and sociolinguistic markedness

    Narrow-diameter implants: are they a predictable treatment option? A literature review

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    Objective: To evaluate the predictability of narrow-diameter implants as a treatment option in routine clinical practice. A literature review was performed of studies reporting clinical results obtained with these implants. Survival rates, peri-implant bone loss and related complications were evaluated. The working hypothesis was that narrow-diameter implants offer clinical results similar to those obtained with implants of greater diameter. Material and Methods: A Medline-PubMed search covering the period between 2002 and 2012 was carried out. Studies published in English and with a follow-up period of at least 12 months were considered for inclusion. A manual search was also conducted in different journals with an important impact factor. Results: Twenty-one studies meeting the screening criteria were included in the literature review. A total of 2980 narrow-diameter implants placed in 1607 patients were analyzed. Conclusions: The results obtained from the literature indicate that narrow-diameter implants are a predictable treatment option, since they afford clinical results comparable to those obtained with implants of greater diameter

    Autoconcepto, actividad física y familia : análisis de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales

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    El presente estudio fue realizar un análisis psicosocial del autoconcepto en adolescentes españoles, considerando de manera simultánea variables personales, familiares, académicas y físico-deportivas. Los participantes fueron 2.134 adolescentes de ambos sexos, procedentes de veinte centros educativos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 18 años. Se llevó a cabo un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que explica la varianza en un 63.12% y se explora el efecto que tenía la práctica de actividad física, sobre las dimensiones del Test de Autoconcepto Forma-5 (AF-5) de García y Musitu (1999). Los resultados, señalan que el modelo se ajusta correctamente, y que de todas las dimensiones la familiar es la que mayor peso presenta, y la práctica de actividad física no es causa del resto de variables de este modelo.This study was made to carry out a psychosocial analysis of self-concept in Spanish adolescents, simultaneously considering personal, physical, sports, family and academic variables. The participants were 2,134 adolescents of both genders, from twenty Secondary Schools, aged between 15 and 18 years old. A structural equation model was made that explained the variance at 63.12% and explored the effect that physical activity had using the dimensions of the Autoconcepto Forma-5 (AF-5) Test by García and Musitu (1999). The results show that the model was correctly adjusted and that, out of all the dimensions, family has the greatest weight and that the practice of physical activity is not a cause of other variables in the model.O presente estudo visou realizar uma análise psicossocial do autoconceito em adolescentes espanhóis, considerando simultaneamente variáveis pessoais, familiares académicas e físico-desportivas. Os participantes foram 2.134 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, precedentes de vinte centros educativas de Educação Secundária Obrigatória, com idades compreendidas entre os 15e os 18 anos. Foi realizado um modelo de equações estruturas que explica 63.12% da variância, explorando-se de igual modo o efeito que teria a prática de actividade física, sobre as dimensões do Teste de Autoconceito Forma- 5 (AF-5) de García e Musitu (1999). Os resultados, demonstram que o modelo se ajusta correctamente, e que de todas as dimensões, a familiar é a que maior peso apresenta, e a prática de actividade física não é causa das restantes variáveis deste modelo