318 research outputs found

    Situación sociodemográfica y formativa de los entrenadores personales en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    En este estudio se describe el género, edad y la formación inicial y permanente de las personas que trabajan en el entrenamiento personal en la Comunidad Valencian


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    One Way of Bringing Final Year Computer Science Student World to the World of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Case Study

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    In this paper, a learning project is explained which is being carried out at the school of computer science at the University of Seville. The aim is that students receive knowledge of assistive technologies when in fact there is no this discipline in our curricula. So the best way, it is programming final studies projects in this field. We want to make the projects have a real application and can solve difficulties that children with Cerebral Palsy have in their daily activities in the school.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Pathogenesis of Staphylococcus epidermidis in prosthetic joint infections : can identification of virulence genes differentiate between infecting and commensal strains?

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    Background: Staphylococcus epidermidis is a commensal of human skin flora and a frequent causative micro-organism in prosthetic joint infections (PJIs). To date, no single marker has been identified to distinguish infecting strains from commensal S. epidermidis populations. Aim: To find possible genetic markers to distinguish between the two populations. Methods: Fifty S. epidermidis strains from patients with PJIs were analysed, 50 from the skin of healthy individuals (commensal strains) and 17 from the surgical field of patients undergoing primary arthroplasty. In these three groups the antimicrobial susceptibility profile, sequence type, biofilm formation, and virulence factors were studied. Strains from the surgical field have not been compared previously with strains from the other two groups. Findings: S. epidermidis strains from PJI patients were significantly more antibiotic resistant than commensal strains and surgical field strains. A wide variety of sequence types was found in commensal and surgical field strains. The predominant sequence type was ST2 and it was only present in PJI strains (44%). Differences in biofilm production did not differ between populations. Virulence genes sdrF and bhp, the complete ica operon, and the insertion sequence IS256 were significantly predominant in PJI strains. By contrast, embp and hld genes and the arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME) were more prevalent in commensal strains. Surgical field strains could be a valid control group to discriminate between infecting and commensal strains. Conclusion: A combination of characteristic features can differentiate between infecting and commensal S. epidermidis strains in PJI, whereas a single marker cannot

    Reconocimiento de patrones de tensión-deformación de los ligamentos de una articulación. Implementación en Virtex II

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    Versión electrónica de la ponencia presentada en III Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable & FPGAs, celebrado en Madrid en 2003En este trabajo se presenta la implementación de un sistema electrónico de clasificación de patrones de señales de deformación-tensión para el estudio de los ligamentos de la rodilla. En esta experimentación preliminar, se han utilizado gatos de laboratorio. El objetivo es obtener las señales necesarias para realizar el análisis del comportamiento dinámico de los ligamentos estabilizadores de la rodilla. El sistema fue descrito en VHDL e implementado en una FPGA Xilinx Virtex II.Este trabajo se financia con el proyecto de investigación de referencia 01/0371 del Fondo de Investigaciones Sociosanitarias. El diseño y construcción de los sistemas basados en FPGAs y microcontroladores ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto TIC 001- 2688-C03-03 del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Alternative Eco-Friendly Methods in the Control of Post-Harvest Decay of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits

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    The effectiveness on several fruits by the application of alternative methods against fungi is summarized in the present chapter. Several investigations have reported the efficacy of these technologies for controlling fungal infections. Currently, high post-harvest loses have been reported due to several factors such as inefficient management, lack of training for farmers, and problems with appropriate conditions for storage of fruits and vegetables. Even now, in many countries, post-harvest disease control is led by the application of chemical fungicides. However, in this time, awareness about fungi resistance, environmental, and health issues has led to the research of eco-friendly and effective alternatives for disease management. The pathogen establishment on fruits can be affected by the application of GRAS compounds like chitosan, essential oils, salts, among others; besides, their efficacy can be enhanced by their combination with other technologies like ultrasound. Thus, the applications of these alternatives are suitable approaches for post-harvest management of fruits

    Geomorphology of the Avilés Canyon System, Cantabrian Sea (BayofBiscay)

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    The Avilés Canyon System (ACS) is a complex, structurally-controlled canyon and valley system constituted by three main canyons of different morphostructural character. They are, from east to west: La Gaviera Canyon, El Corbiro Canyon and Avilés Canyon. In addition to this ACS, a new canyon has been surveyed: Navia Canyon. We present for the first time a high resolution multibeam map showing with great detail the morphological and structural complexity of this segment of the Cantabrian margin. ACS presents a tectonic imprint marked by NW-SE, NNE-SSW and E-W structures. The morphology of their reaches as well as their single mouth, in addition to some rock dredges in their major valleys, demonstrates active down-slope flushing. The continental shelf shows a flat, uniform slope with local and well defined rock outcrops south of Aviles Canyon head. Sedimentary zones are limited, showing thin unconsolidated sedimentary cover. Strong continental margin water dynamics avoid thicker sediment deposition, being littoral sedimentary dynamics responsible for transport to the canyons heads and conduit to the Biscay Abyssal plain. Biscay Abyssal Plain shows evidence of a strong westward current affecting the surveyed strip of this more than 10 km wide plain. Presence of two parallel deep sea channels, erosive scarps, and erosion of gully divides on the lower slope, may indicate that this is part of the distal fan at the termination of the large turbiditic system fed by Cap Ferret, Capbreton and other large canyons (Santander, Torrelavega, Lastres and Llanes) to the west of ACS.Instituto Español de OceanografíaVersión del edito

    El colesterol en alimentos ¿es bueno o malo?

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    El colesterol es un componente de las membranas celulares y es parte de la síntesis de los esteroides como la vitamina D. Se encuentra presente en el organismo como “colesterol bueno” (HDL) y “colesterol malo” (LDL). Se recomienda un valor menor de 200 mg/dL de colesterol en sangre, para evitar el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Los niveles recomendados de colesterol HDL y LDL son: 72 mg/dL y 130 mg/dL, respectivamente. En el 2016 en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT) se evaluó la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños, adolescentes y adultos, y se pudo observar un aumento en zonas rurales. Dentro de los alimentos altos en colesterol que consumimos se encuentran: la carne como las costillas con 109 mg , la leche entera con 124 mg y el huevo con 274 mg de colesterol. Los huevos son un componente clave de la dieta en México, y de sus componentes la yema posee un valor de 272 mg de colesterol. Una dieta alta en colesterol y grasa como es la occidental puede aumentar el riesgo de padecer cáncer de mama. Es importante consumir: aceites vegetales, semillas, frutos secos y las legumbres, que son fuente de fitoesteroles para disminuir el colesterol LDL en sangre

    Confined benzene within InOF-1: Contrasting CO2 and SO2 capture behaviours

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    The confinement of small amounts of benzene in InOF-1 (Bz@InOF-1) shows a contradictory behavior in the capture of CO2 and SO2. While the capture of CO2 is increased 1.6 times, compared to the pristine material, the capture of SO2 shows a considerable decrease. To elucidate these behaviors, the interactions of CO2 and SO2 with Bz@InOF-1 were studied by DFT periodical calculations postulating a plausible explanation: (a) in the case of benzene and CO2, these molecules do not compete for the preferential adsorption sites within InOF-1, providing a cooperative CO2 capture enhancement and (b) benzene and SO2 strongly compete for these preferential adsorption sites inside the MOF material, reducing the total SO2 capture

    Ocean Circulation over Formigas and Ormonde Seamounts

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    Seamounts constitute an obstacle to the free ocean flow, modifying the patter of circulation. As a result of these alterations, a variety of hydrodynamical processes and phenomena may take place in seamounts, among others, Taylor columns/caps. These oceanographic effects may turn seamounts into very productive ecosystems with high biodiversity. Under these conditions seamounts provide a particularly good environment for the settle of some organisms, acting as stepping stones and contributing to its dispersal. In this study, we verify if these oceanographic effects explain the presence of cold-water corals of Mediterranean origin in the Atlantic. To achieve this, three seamounts in the path of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) through the Eastern North Atlantic were selected: the Gazul mud volcano, and the Ormonde and Formigas seamounts. In order to determine the hydrographic and dynamical conditions in each one of the three locations, CTD, LADPC and biochemical observations were carried out. Taylor columns were not observed in any of the three sampled areas. Although we found suggestions of upwelling/downwelling systems, their effect was barely noticed in the circulation pattern. The oceanographic processes in those areas are more influenced by the vertical distribution of water masses, which determine the stability of the water column. Moreover, the high values of the Brunt-Väisälä frequency around the MOW halocline can lead to the formation of internal waves. These perturbations in the water column can enhance the vertical mixing, producing suspension, which, in turn, could affect the vertical distribution of cold-water corals