109 research outputs found

    Indicaciones y sugerencias sobre el entrenamiento de fuerza y resistencia en ancianos

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    En este artículo pretendemos exponer las tendencias que existen sobre entrenamiento deportivo en personas mayores. Casi siempre, estamos acostumbrados a asociar el ejercicio físico que practican con actividades lúdicas, de baja o nula intensidad en las que el carácter lúdico es el principal protagonista de la sesión dejando atrás el rendimiento físico. Un correcto trabajo de resistencia o de fuerza bien realizado, a unas cargas de entrenamiento considerables producen una mejora fisiológica que aumenta su independencia funcional, y que mejora, no solo sus condiciones de vida sino que a la larga disminuyen las principales causas de muerte que existenIn this paper we expose the trends that exist about training in greater persons. Almost always, we are accustomed to associate the physical exercise that they practice with games activities . This activities have a low level of instensity and the objetives is the game whithout performance. A good work of endurance or strength adapted training charges produce a physiological improvement that increases their functional independence, and it improves their life quality and it reduces the causes of death that exist in Spain

    Evolució de les tendències professionals del titulat en Educació Física i en Ciències de l’Activitat física i de l’Esport des del 1975 fins a l’actualitat

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    En aquest article exposem com han evolucionat les tendències i sortides professionals dels professionals de l’Educació Física a partir dels estudis dels diferents autors que han intentat d’aportar una visió sobre la qüestió. Des del primer estudi de Mestre (1975), fins a l’actualitat, han sorgit diferents investigacions en aquest camp, que han analitzat el perfil professional en base a les demandes laborals, tot finalitzant en les aportacions de l’European Network of Sport Sciences Institutes (1999). A manera de conclusió i després de l’exposició efectuada, s’han elaborat unes directrius sobre les línies futures que regiran el camp laboral en la nostra professió; en destaquem la inexistència de regulació professional i la transcendència que ha adquirit en els nostres dies la pràctica de l’esport, cosa que aconsella i justifica plenament la necessitat d’una regulació completa i sistemàtica, amb el rang normatiu exigit per l’article 36 de la norma constitucional

    El enfoque de los sistemas dinámicos en el aprendizaje del bote en baloncesto en un contexto escolar

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    En este articulo tratamos de demostrar la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos. Se realizó un diseno cuasiexperimental con dos grupos intactos no equivalentes. Grupo experimental (GE):25, grupo de control (GC):20, con medidas pretest y postest. La variable independiente fue la utilización de unas gafas limitadoras de visión. La variable dependiente fue el tiempo mínimo en la ejecución de test de habilidad en el bote. La unidad didáctica de 7 sesiones era de fundamentos técnicos en baloncesto. Los resultados muestran como se han producido mejoras muy significativas (p-0,001) en el test de bote en zig-zag en el GE, aunque tambien existen mejoras en el grupo de control utilizando un modelo de nsenanza-aprendizaje convencional en EF.This paper attempts to demonstrate the theory of dynamic systems. A quasi-experimental design with two intact, non-equivalent groups was drawn up: an experimental group (EG):25 and a control group (CG): 20; including pre and post-test measurements. The independent variable used was vision-limiting glasses. The dependent variable was the minimum time for performing a dribbling-skills test. The didactic unit of 7 sessions focused on basic basketball techniques. The results measure the EG very significant improvements (p < 0,001) in the zigzag dribbling test, although improvements in the control group using a conventional PE teaching-learning model also existed

    Evolución de las tendencias profesionales del titulado en educación física y en ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte desde 1975 hasta la actualidad

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    En este artículo exponemos como han evolucionado las tendencias y salidas profesionales de los profesionales de la educación física desde los estudios de los diferentes autores que han intentado aportar una visión sobre la cuestión. Desde el primer estudio de Mestre (1975), hasta la actualidad, han surgido diferentes investigaciones en este campo, que han analizado el perfil profesional en base a las demandas laborables, finalizando en las aportaciones del European Network of Sport Sciences Institutes (1999). A modo de conclusión y tras la exposición efectuada, se han elaborado unas directrices acerca de las líneas futuras que regirán el campo laboral en nuestra profesión de las que destacamos la inexistencia de regulación profesional y la trascendencia que ha adquirido en nuestros días la práctica del deporte, que aconsejan y justifican plenamente la necesidad de una regulación completa y sistemática con el rango normativo exigido por el art. 36 de la norma constitucional


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    The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of 3 weeks of isokinetic training vs plyometric training of the knee flexors and extensors on isokinetic strength. Twenty four students volunteered to participate, divided into 3 groups: one group performed the isokinetic exercises; a second group performed consecutive jumps, and a third was a control group. The knee extensor and flexor muscle peak torque, total work and average power of each leg were concentrically measured at 300º·s-1 using a Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer. The results indicated that the concentric isokinetic training resulted in increase peak torque. ANOVA analysis between the three groups revealed statistical differences for peak torque (

    Contributions of each of the four swimming strokes to elite 200-400 individual medley swimming performance in short and long course competitions

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    OBJECTIVES: The relative contribution of each of the four strokes to performance, and whether these contributions differ substantially between short course and long course competitions is unclear. To clarify these issues the aim of this study was to assess the strokes that have more influence on the performance in the 200 and 400 m IM swimming performances of elite male and female swimmers, participating in major events: Olympic Games (OG) and World Championship (WC) in short-course and long-course from 2012 to 2021.METHODS: Data from 1,095 swimmers (501 women and 594 men) who competed in 200 and 400-m IM were obtained with a minimum level of 800 FINA points. Linear regression modelling and classification trees were employed to quantify differences between strokes and short/long course swimming.RESULTS: Regression analysis indicated that breaststroke ( β = - 0.191; p &lt; 0.000) and backstroke ( β = - 0.185; p &lt; 0.000) had a bigger effect on IM performance, with butterfly ( β = - 0.101; p &lt; 0.000) having a lesser impact. The classification trees showed threshold performance standards in terms of 50-m times in form-stroke events must be fulfilled to attain medal-winning performances. CONCLUSIONS: These form-stroke standards represent important milestones for designing medal-oriented training strategies for both 200 IM and 400 m IM. Achieving a medallist position in 200 and 400 m IM requires obtaining specified lap times in butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke for males and females in long-course competitions, and breaststroke and backstroke for short-course competitions. The OG presents more exigent demands of lap times in butterfly, crawl and backstroke for IM swimmers.</p

    Influence of Shoe Mass on Performance and Running Economy in Trained Runners

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the effects of adding shoe mass on running economy (RE), gait characteristics, neuromuscular variables and performance in a group of trained runners. Methods Eleven trained runners (6 men and 5 women) completed four evaluation sessions separated by at least 7 days. The first session consisted of a maximal incremental test where the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) and the speed associated to the VO2max(vVO(2max)) were calculated. In the next sessions, RE at 75, 85, and 95% of the VT(2)and the time to exhaustion (TTE) at vVO(2max)were assessed in three different shoe mass conditions (control, +50 g and +100 g) in a randomized, counterbalanced crossover design. Biomechanical and neuromuscular variables, blood lactate and energy expenditure were measured during the TTE test. Results RE worsened with the increment of shoe mass (Control vs. 100 g) at 85% (7.40%, 4.409 +/- 0.29 and 4.735 +/- 0.27 kJ.kg(-1).km(-1),p= 0.021) and 95% (10.21%, 4.298 +/- 0.24 and 4.737 +/- 0.45 kJ.kg(-1).km(-1),p= 0.005) of VT2. HR significantly increased with the addition of mass (50 g) at 75% of VT2(p= 0.01) and at 75, 85, and 95% of VT2(p= 0.035, 0.03, and 0.03, respectively) with the addition of 100 g. TTE was significantly longer (similar to 22%, similar to 42 s,p= 0.002,ES= 0.149) in the Control condition vs. 100 g condition, but not between Control vs. 50 g (similar to 24 s,p= 0.094,ES= 0.068). Conclusion Overall, our findings suggest that adding 100 g per shoe impairs running economy and performance in trained runners without changes in gait characteristics or neuromuscular variables. These findings further support the use of light footwear to optimize running performance