1,630 research outputs found

    Evaluación Inclusiva y Calidad Educativa: Concreciones Conceptuales y Metodológicas

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    Este trabajo muestra el concepto de evaluación inclusiva en el marco de una escuela para todos. La evaluación inclusiva puede aportar información que influya en la toma de decisiones para que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje se realice en las mejores condiciones. Para ello se ponen en juego las relaciones tan estrechas que existen entre evaluación inclusiva y calidad educativa. El desarrollo de centros inclusivos supone una apuesta decidida por la calidad. En ella están implicados diferentes agentes. Todos ellos deben contribuir a la creación de una cultura escolar inclusiva.This paper shows the concept of inclusive assessment as part of a school for everyone. Inclusive assessment can provide information to influence decision making for the teaching-learning process takes place under the best conditions. This will come into play such close relations between inclusive education quality assessment. The development of inclusive schools is a firm commitment to quality. It involved various stakeholders. They should all contribute to the creation of an inclusive school culture

    Los nuevos planes de estudio en Pedagogía y Psicopedagogía en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla: avances y retos pendientes

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    Este artículo aborda el proceso de elaboración de los nuevos Planes de Estudio de Pedagogía y Psicopedagogía en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla. En primer lugar, se hace referencia al marco legislativo, para después entrar de lleno en la filosofía que ha regido la reforma de las titulaciones universitarias; este análisis sirve para contextualizar ese espíritu en los planes que en el curso 1998-99 se pondrán en marcha en nuestra facultad. Esta descripción finaliza señalando cuáles son las capacidades profesionales que se exigen al futuro Pedagogo y/o Psicopedagogo, atendiendo a publicaciones oficiales y a aportaciones teóricas recientes, refiriéndose al papel de la Universidad en la formación de estos profesionales. Finalmente, se plantean algunos avances realizados, como la actualización de contenidos, la mayor flexibilidad o la mejor orientación del Practicum. A modo de conclusión, se proponen desafíos pendientes y vías de actuación en relación a la nueva ordenación académica propuesta.This article deals with the process opened by the drawing up of a new Pedagogy and Psycopedagogy University Curriculum in Faculty of Sciencies Education in the University of Seville. First of all, we give some brief references to the legal frame and the aims of this process, we analyse the new curriculum the Pedagogy and Psycopedagogy studies in the course 1998-99. This description conclude analyzing the professional habilities required to this profesionals, we are special attention to the official papers and recent teorethical research on the role of the University. Finally, the author value some of the steps forward carried out, such us: the updating contents, the bigger flexibility and the better prácticum orientation. As a conclusion, some remaining challenges and performance guidelines for the new academic regulation are suggested

    El proceso de convergencia Europea y la identidad de las universidades en la Europa del conocimiento

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    La armonización del sistema universitario con los países de nuestro entorno en el marco de la Unión Europea es uno de los principales retos que nos plantea la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y de Investigación. En este proceso cada universidad tendrá que hacer un importante esfuerzo por situar su identidad de tal manera que pueda hacer frente a los retos de la competencia internacional, en un marco de autonomía institucional, a la vez que mantiene su compromiso con el acceso y la cohesión social. Para dar forma a este objetivo las acciones propuestas en la Declaración de Glasgow (2005) señalan la necesidad de que existan "Universidades fuertes para una Europa fuerte"; la Europa del conocimiento sólo se sostiene desde el compromiso efectivo de las universidades. En este contexto la planificación estratégica se considera uno de los instrumentos mas utilizados para dinamizar el desarrollo de las instituciones al tiempo que racionaliza los procesos de priorización y de secuenciación de las acciones a ejecutar.The harmonization of the university system with the countries of our environment in the frame of the European Union is one of the principal challenges that us raises the creation of the European Higher Education and Investigation Area. In this process every university will have to do an important effort for placing his identity in such a way that it could face to the challenges of the international competition, in a frame of institutional autonomy, simultaneously that supports his commitment with the access and the social cohesion. To give form to this aim the actions proposed in the Declaration of Glasgow (2005) indicate the need of that should exist " strong Universities for a strong Europe "; the Europe of the knowledge only is supported from the effective commitment of the universities. In this context the strategic planning is considered to be one of the instruments mas used to stir the development of the institutions into action at the time that rationalizes the processes of priorización and of sequence of the actions to execute

    Estrategias cognitivo-conductuales para el manejo del estrés en alumnos mexicanos de bachillerato internacional

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    El presente estudio se propuso probar la efectividad de las técnicas cognitivo conductuales en la disminución del estrés e identificar las más útiles para los estudiantes mexicanos de bachillerato internacional (bi). En la investigación participaron 16 alumnos en el grupo experimental y 11 en el grupo control. El programa constó de cinco sesiones en las que se aplicaron diferentes técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. En cada sesión se midió la percepción de efectividad en los participantes. Los resultados fueron los esperados. Se encontraron bajos puntajes de síntomas, estrés y pensamientos automáticos al finalizar el programa, lo que permite concluir que es necesario continuar con la aplicación de este tipo de intervenciones en estudiantes de bi en el mundo para mejorar su proceso de aprendizaje

    Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with mathematics study materials

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    This paper shows the design and validation of a questionnaire aimed at college students to assess their satisfaction level with mathematics study materials. Starting from the theoretical framework presented, we proposed three dimensions: overall quality of mathematics study materials, didactic adequacy and motivation capacity. To that effect, we hereby explain the analysis and validation procedure of the psychometric properties of the assessment instrument. The study sample comprised 1,666 university students. Sample was chosen using a random sampling technique. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) performed on two consecutive samples of freshmen studying Computer Science Engineering confirmed that the Questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with mathematics study materials measures satisfaction conditions in five scales: Didactic Adequacy, Relevance, Engagement, Interaction and Technological Quality. The results revealed the existence of significant psychometric features of the constructed questionnaire

    Educational quality and dropout risk: a causal analysis of the university dropout phenomenon

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    [EN] University dropout is one of the main problems of the Spanish university system due to its high rates. The latest report issued by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, 2020) shows that more than 30% of students drop out of an undergraduate degree program. In order to explore the phenomenon, in line with the scientific literature, we have focused on identifying personal and family variables associated with university dropout. Using an ex post facto, quantitative, descriptive and causal design methodology, we observed significant relationships between the dependent variable “completion of university degree” and the independent variables “age”, “marital status” and “number of siblings”. In agreement with other researches (Belloc et al, 2010; Diaz Peralta, 2008; Lizarte Simon, 2017) we conclude that university dropout is a multicausal phenomenon that needs to be fully understood. This will allow to maximize the use of resources allocated to higher education and optimize university access, permanence and quality policies.Pedraza-Navarro, I.; González-Ramírez, T. (2021). Educational quality and dropout risk: a causal analysis of the university dropout phenomenon. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 881-888. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12910OCS88188

    Technology as gamification means in mathematics learning

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    [EN] Discrete Mathematics is a highly complex university subject. His classes are taught in a traditional way, so in many cases they do not motivate students. This study develops dynamics of gamification to promote a better learning of Discrete Mathematics, in the same way, it seeks to influence the engagement of students in this university subject. 178 students participate in this quasi-experiment (90 in the control group and 88 in the experimental group). The pretest and posttest data of the academic performance and engagement of the experimental group and the control group display that, in terms of progress, the experimental group showed significant progress compared with the control group. The study is concluded by raising the possibility of applying other games and game dynamics that promote a greater variety of gamified activities. In this sense, it is proposed to investigate the effects of the use of games in mobile application format on both engagement and academic performance in Discrete Mathematics.García-Hernández, A.; González-Ramírez, T. (2021). Technology as gamification means in mathematics learning. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 581-587. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13165OCS58158

    Factor Structure of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in a Sample from Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the cultural adaptation of the European Spanish version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarak, & Mermelstein, 1983), for its use in Mexican samples. Using a random sample of students, internal consistency was analyzed and the factor structure of the Spanish version of the PSS was compared with the factor structure found in the English version. Internal consistency was adequate (= .83) and confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the factor structure. Factor 1 explained 42.8% of the variance and Factor 2 accounted for 53.2%. The goodness-of fit measures also revealed an adequate fit. The cultural adaptation of the PSS was also evaluated with satisfactory results.El estudio tiene como propósito valorar la adaptación cultural realizada a la versión española de la Escala de Estrés Percibido (Cohen, Kamarak y Mermelstein, 1983), para ser utilizada en muestras de México. Se analizó la consistencia interna y la estructura factorial de la versión en español del PSS y se comparó con la estructura factorial encontrada para la versión en inglés, utilizando una muestra aleatoria de estudiantes. Los resultados indican una adecuada consistencia interna (= .83) y se confirma la estructura factorial al utilizarse análisis factorial confirmatorio; con el Factor 1 explicando un 42.8% de la varianza y el Factor 2, un 53.2%, así como estadísticos de ajuste aceptables en el AFC. Asimismo, se evaluó, con resultados satisfactorios, la adaptación cultural realizada para el PSS


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    This study was carried out in order to assess whether the levelsof perceived stress and health differed depending on typesof human-pet dog relationships, and to evaluate the correlationbetween perceived stress and health and the frequencywith which activities are carried out with the dogs. Self-reportquestionnaires were filled out by 247 volunteers owning atleast one dog. The results show lower levels of perceived stressand higher levels of mental health in those individuals whoconsider the dog a member of the family. Furthermore, significantcorrelations were found between dog-training activitiesand stress and mental health, between playing with the dogand vitality and mental health, and between walking the dogand vitality. The conclusion was that those individuals whoconsider their dogs as members of the family and carry outmore activities with them have better physical and mentalhealth, as well as lower levels of perceived stress