613 research outputs found

    Inca Garcilaso de la Vega: from historiographer to literary character

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    Nos proponemos presentar y analizar ejemplos del modo en que el Inca Garcilaso, que se ha ganado un lugar relevante en el campo de la historiográfica como un gran cronista de momentos importantes del pasado peruano (El Imperio del Tahuantinsuyo, las guerras civiles, el establecimiento del régimen colonial), ha devenido, por acción de ciertos escritores, en un personaje literario de algunos cuentos o novelas que ficcionalizan momentos importantes de la vida del primer mestizo peruano o sucesos posteriores a su muerte, pero relacionados con el impacto creciente de su personalidad y de su obra en la sociedad peruana.We intend to present and discuss examples of the way in which the Inca Garcilaso, who has earned an important place in the field of the historiographical, as a great chronicler of important moments of the Peruvian past (the Empire of Tahuantinsuyo, the civil wars, the establishment of colonial rule), has become, by the action of certain writers, a literary character of some stories or novels to fictionalise important moments in the life of the first Peruvian mestizo or subsequent events to your death, but related to the growing impact of his personality and his work in Peruvian society

    Improving DISPGB Algorithm Using the Discriminant Ideal

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    In 1992, V. Weispfenning proved the existence of Comprehensive Groebner Bases (CGB) and gave an algorithm to compute one. That algorithm was not very efficient and not canonical. Using his suggestions, A. Montes obtained in 2002 a more efficient algorithm (DISPGB) for Discussing Parametric Groebner Bases. Inspired in its philosophy, V. Weispfenning defined, in 2002, how to obtain a Canonical Comprehensive Groebner Basis (CCGB) for parametric polynomial ideals, and provided a constructive method. In this paper we use Weispfenning's CCGB ideas to make substantial improvements on Montes DISPGB algorithm. It now includes rewriting of the discussion tree using the Discriminant Ideal and provides a compact and effective discussion. We also describe the new algorithms in the DPGB library containing the improved DISPGB as well as new routines to check whether a given basis is a CGB or not, and to obtain a CGB. Examples and tests are also provided.Comment: 21 pages, see also http://www-ma2.upc.edu/~montes

    Scalable Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks with the Spark Distributed Computing Platform Cristo

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    Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) remains an important open challenge in computational biology. The goal of bio-model inference is to, based on time-series of gene expression data, obtain the sparse topological structure and the parameters that quantitatively understand and reproduce the dynamics of biological system. Nevertheless, the inference of a GRN is a complex optimization problem that involve processing S-System models, which include large amount of gene expression data from hundreds (even thousands) of genes in multiple time-series (essays). This complexity, along with the amount of data managed, make the inference of GRNs to be a computationally expensive task. Therefore, the genera- tion of parallel algorithmic proposals that operate efficiently on distributed processing platforms is a must in current reconstruction of GRNs. In this paper, a parallel multi-objective approach is proposed for the optimal inference of GRNs, since min- imizing the Mean Squared Error using S-System model and Topology Regularization value. A flexible and robust multi-objective cellular evolutionary algorithm is adapted to deploy parallel tasks, in form of Spark jobs. The proposed approach has been developed using the framework jMetal, so in order to perform parallel computation, we use Spark on a cluster of distributed nodes to evaluate candidate solutions modeling the interactions of genes in biological networks.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The beginning of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha

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    E l ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (1605) de Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) es una obra de lectura imprescindible para todo hablante del idioma español. Por haber sido publicada hace cuatrocientos años, el acceso al mundo inolvidable de la novela se nos hace más fácil si contamos con una edición que nos guíe con sabiduría y discreción por las páginas gloriosas de esta magna creación del genio cervantino. Esa función es la que cumple, por ejemplo, la preparada por Martín de Riquer, insigne especialista en la novela española por antonomasia, y en cuyo nombre rendimos homenaje a todos aquellos estudiosos que se han dedicado a la tarea ingente de perpetuar la presencia impresa del Quijote entre los lectores de todas las épocas y de todas las sociedades que recorren admirados las andanzas del famoso hidalgo manchego y de todos los personajes que lo rodean y lo complementan, entre ellos, el singular Sancho Panza, par irremplazable del protagonista más universal de las letras castellanas.The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605) by Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) is a must-read for every Spanish speaker. Having been published four hundred years ago, access to the unforgettable world of the novel is made easier if we have an edition that guides us with wisdom and discretion through the glorious pages of this great creation of Cervantes' genius. That function is fulfilled, for example, by the one prepared by Martin de Riquer, a renowned specialist in the Spanish novel par excellence, and in whose name we pay homage to all those scholars who have dedicated themselves to the enormous task of perpetuating the printed presence of Don Quixote among readers of all times and of all societies who travel in admiration through the adventures of the famous La Mancha hidalgo and all the characters who surround and complement him, among them, the singular Sancho Panza, an irreplaceable pair of the most universal protagonist of Spanish letters

    Edmundo Bendezú Aibar, La novela peruana. De Olavide a Bryce

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    EDMUNOO BENDEZU AlBAR, La novela peruana. De Olavide a Bryce, Lima (Editorial Lomen) 1992. 343 p

    David Sobrevilla, César Vallejo. Poeta nacional y universal y otros trabajos vallejianos

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    DAVID SOBREVILLA, César Vallejo. Poeta nacional y universal y otros trabajos vallejianos. Lima, Amaru Editores, 1994. 336 p

    Constantes temáticas y expresivas entre Los heraldos negros y el resto de la obra vallejiana

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    Considering that the entire written work by César Vallejo has been read and analyzed by national and international literary criticism, we propose to highlight the importance of The Black Heralds (1919) in the whole of this work and underline the thematic and expressive constants between the aforementioned collection of poems and Vallejiana production in verse and prose, literary, academic and journalistic. In this work I will use the category of intertextuality to establish with precision and in a well-founded way the connections that exist between the 1919 book and the works that the author published in life and those that have been published posthumously, signifivantly increasing his literary corpus. As appropriate, I will consult exhaustively the relevant bibliography about this topic.Considerando que la totalidad de la obra escrita de César Vallejo ha sido leída y analizada por la crítica literaria nacional e internacional, nos proponemos resaltar la importancia de Los heraldos negros (1919) en el conjunto de dicha obra y subrayar las constantes temáticas y expresivas entre el citado poemario y la producción vallejiana en verso y en prosa, literaria, académica y periodística. En este trabajo utilizaremos la categoría de la intertextualidad para establecer con precisión y en forma fundamentada las conexiones que existen entre el libro de 1919 y las obras que el autor publicó en vida y las que han sido editadas póstumamente, haciendo que el corpus literario se haya incrementado de modo significativo. Como corresponde, consultaremos exhaustivamente la bibliografía relevante acerca de dicho tema

    A narrative vision of the European world in The Captives (1972), by Julio Ramon Ribeyro

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    En los cuatro relatos que pertenecen al libro Los cautivos (1972), de Julio Ramón Ribeyro, un narrador en primera persona, pero con distintas roles en el mundo de la ficción, recrea sucesos desarrollados en distintos espacios del mundo europeo. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar al narrador, culturalmente ajeno a dicho mundo, pero cuya interesante visión nos permite conocer historias patéticas con las armas de una aguda observación.In the four stories that belong to the book Los cautivos (1972), by Julio Ramon Ribeyro, a first-person narrator, but with different roles in the world of fiction, recreates events developed in different areas of the European world. The aim of this article is to analyze the narrator, culturally alien to that world, but whose interesting vision allows us to know pathetic stories with the weapons of a sharp observation

    Goethe: La vida envidiada

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    [ES] Goethe, bibliotecario de vocación y referente cultural de su época, fue el autor de varias obras maestras de la literatura universal y el último representante de la imagen del hombre renacentista capaz de interesarse por múltiples facetas del conocimiento humano, compatibilizando todo ello con una vida privada llena de aventuras y pasiones