177 research outputs found

    Sobrepeso en escolares y asociación con la práctica de actividad física y hábitos parentales

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    [Abstract]: Excess weight in childhood and adolescence is an important health problem that tends to persist in adulthood. Among the causes of this increase there appears to be a consensus on emphasizing physical activity as an excellent strategy to achieve better weight control, and on considering some models of parental practices essential for the acquisition of healthy habits in young people.[Resumo]: O excesso de peso na infância e adolescência constitui-se em um importante problema de saúde que tende a persistir na idade adulta. Entre as causas desse aumento parece existir consenso em destacar a prática de atividade física como uma excelente estratégia para conseguir melhor controle do peso e em considerar alguns modelos de práticas parentais fundamentais para a aquisição de hábitos saudáveis nos jovens[Resumen]: El exceso de peso en la infancia y la adolescencia se constituye en un importante problema de salud que tiende a persistir en la edad adulta. Entre las causas de ese aumento parece existir consenso en destacar la práctica de actividad física como una excelente estrategia para conseguir mejor control del peso y en considerar algunos modelos de prácticas parentales fundamentales para la adquisición de hábitos saludables en los jóvenes

    A microstructured capillary electrophoresis method for nitrocellulose detection in dynamite

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    In this article we present a microstructured-capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of minimal amounts of nitrocellulose in dynamite samples. A 6-hole microstructured capillary (MSC) was selected for the method development. First, the hydrodynamic behaviour of the MSC was studied at varying lengths (31, 41 and 51 cm), which had never been studied before. Next, one of the MSC segments (31 cm) was employed to develop a microstructured-capillary electrophoresis method to determine nitrocellulose in dynamite. In a first evaluation, the dynamite derivatization process was investigated to obtain an efficient derivatization yield. Afterwards, the instrumental parameters, more specifically voltage and capillary cartridge temperature, were optimized. Afterwards, the analytical performance of the developed methodology was assessed. Dynamite analyses during a period of 15 days were performed to establish intra-day (10 analyses) and inter-day (40 analyses) precision, obtaining RSDs lower than 6 and 10%, respectively. Besides, RSDs for migration time (<0.5%), peak asymmetry (<3%), resolution (<3.9%) and S/N (<9%) were obtained. Finally, a diluted sample of dynamite was analysed, detecting amounts of nitrocellulose in the order of 220-400 pg.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO

    V Jornada de Innovación Docente “Innovar para crecer, crecer para innovar"

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    Innovación EducativaInfografia del Proyecto de Innovacion Docente de la UVA "Creación y adaptación al EEES de materiales docentes para alumnos extranjeros en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras"Universidad de Valladoli

    Dependencia y adicción al smartphone de una muestra de jóvenes extremeños: diferencias por sexo y edad

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    The use of the smartphone has grown in recent years, becoming a fundamental element in people’s daily lives; however, its use may involve some risks. Young people, a population in constant evolution and learning, are more vulnerable to the risks of smartphone use. The aim was to analyse the dependence and addiction to smartphones in young people in Extremadura. The sample was 271 participants in summer camps in Extremadura in 2019, who answered the questionnaire developed for the study. High levels of dependence and addiction to the smartphone were observed (51.3 % of dependents and 23.6 % of addicts). Also, higher levels of addiction were detected in boys than in girls (30.3 % versus 18.1 %) and in the age group 16-18 years (36 %). Also, economic expenditure on mobile applications and games is higher in men. This shows the problem of smartphone use and abuse among young people. Educational programs may be needed to reduce the risks associated with smartphone abuse.El uso del smartphone ha crecido en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en un elemento fundamental en la vida diaria de las personas; sin embargo, su utilización puede comportar algunos riesgos. Los jóvenes, población en constante evolución y aprendizaje, son más vulnerables a los riesgos de uso de los smartphones. El objetivo fue analizar la dependencia y adicción al smartphone en jóvenes extremeños. La muestra fue de 271 participantes en campamentos de verano de Extremadura en 2019, quienes contestaron al cuestionario elaborado para el estudio. Se observaron niveles elevados de dependencia y adicción al smartphone (51,3 % de dependientes y 23,6 % de adictos). También, se detectaron mayores niveles de adicción en los chicos que en las chicas (30,3 % versus 18,1 %) y en la edad de 16 a 18 años (36 %). Asimismo, el gasto económico en aplicaciones y juegos móviles es mayor en los hombres. Se evidencia así la problemática del uso y abuso del smartphone en los jóvenes. Podrían ser necesarios programas educativos para reducir los riesgos asociados al abuso de los smartphones

    Menopause in Nonhuman Primates: A Comparative Study with Humans

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    Although menopause is a phenomenon predominantly studied in humans or laboratory animals, this chapter discussed the case of nonhuman primates (NHPs), not only with the objective of employing them as study models but also to better understand phylogenetic divergence among species. Those taxonomic differences are reflected in reproductive processes that may be similar to those of human beings, with the presence of a defined cycle or periods of estrus, but perhaps at different ages as well, where menopause plays a crucial role. First, it is important to delimit the concept of menopause by considering its anatomical, physiological, and biochemical parameters, including the cessation of menstrual bleeding or perineal swelling—when present—or follicular depletion and hormonal changes. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to discuss some of the similarities between NHPs and human females, during the menopause period. Studying these phenomena should help us achieve a better understanding of the social, physiological, and environmental factors without adopting any particular cultural view of menopause

    Characterization of patients with breast cancer and their accompaning relatives

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    Introduction: breast cancer burst into the oncologic universeas one of the malignant tumors of higher presence worldwide which is really difficult to ignore. Objective: to characterize the patients diagnosed breast cancer and their relatives. Methods: descriptive study of all the patients with the dignosis of breast cancer, from May 2014 to December 2016 and their accompaning relatives at the Municipality of Rodas. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, schooling level, occupation, accompaning relative, evolution of the disease and treatment. Results: patients between 46 and 65 years old (72 %) predominated, with medium high schooling,(62 %) and with partnership relation. The number of ill women without employment was outstanding. The time of desease evolution showed the highest number of sick women from 3 to 5 years (50, 0 %), the prevailing oncospecific treatment was surgery and chemiotherapy (58,3 %). With respect to the accompaning relatives, a superiority of middleage adults predominated (62,5%) and women (72,2%). Higher level of schooling prevailed (50.0 %) and legal or consensual partnership relation (50,0 % and 29,2 % respectively), professionals (45,8 %) and technicians (25,0 %). Patients identified sons and daughters as the relative who accopany them in their disease process. Conclusions: breast cancer presented mainly of the fourth decade of life, in women with stable partner and generally with three to five years of evolution

    DNA methylation profiling unveils TGF-ß hyperresponse in tumor associated fibroblasts from lung cancer patients

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    There is growing interest in defining the aberrant molecular differences between normal and tumor-associated fibroblasts (TAFs) that support tumor progression. For this purpose, we recently conducted a genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of TAFs and paired control fibroblasts (CFs) from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, and reported a widespread hypomethylation concomitantly with focal gain of DNA methylation; in addition, we found evidence that a fraction of lung TAFs are fibrocytes in origin. Of note, the aberrant epigenome of lung TAFs had a global impact in gene expression and a selective impact on the TGF-ß pathway. To get insights on the functional implications of the latter impact, we analyzed the response of lung TAFs to exogenous TGF-ß1 in terms of activation and contractility. We found a larger expression of a panel of activation markers including a-SMA and collagen-I in TAFs compared to control fibroblasts. Likewise, TGF-ß1 elicited a larger contractility in TAFs than in CFs as assessed by traction force microscopy. These findings reveal that lung TAFs are hyperresponsive to TGF-ß1, which may underlie the expansion and/or maintenance of the tumor-promoting desmoplastic stroma in lung cancer.Postprint (author's final draft

    Compendio de artículos basados en las tesis doctorales 2007-2013. Proyecto de Desarrollo Profesional Docente para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Particulares de la Universidad de Camagüey y la Universidad APEC

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    María de los Ángeles Legañoa Ferrá (biografía): La coordinadora científica de esta publicación es doctora en ciencias pedagógicas. Tiene un máster en educación superior y una licenciatura en educación con especialidad en física. Es profesora titular del Centro de Estudios de Ciencias de la Educación “Enrique José Varona” de la Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”. Su experiencia laboral abarca más de 40 años de docencia en los que ha educado a estudiantes de grado, posgrado, maestría y doctorado. Ha publicado más de 20 artículos y participado en más de 50 congresos internacionales. Ha sido profesora invitada en varias universidades de México como conferencista, profesora de maestría y asesora de doctorados. En República Dominicana coordinó el Programa de Desarrollo Profesional Docente para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Particulares (en UNAPEC) y ha sido consultora del Ministerio de Educación para la revisión curricular de la modalidad en artes. Sus investigaciones se desarrollan en los campos de formación en competencias, desarrollo profesional docente, procesos educacionales y gestión del conocimiento en base a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.Como resultado de la implementación de una atinada política de cooperación internacional e interuniversitaria, la Universidad de Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz" (Cuba) y la Universidad APEC (República Dominicana) diseñaron y ejecutaron el "Programa de Desarrollo Profesional Docente para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Particulares", destinado a elevar las competencias docentes e investigativas de los profesores de UNAPEC en sus áreas especialización profesional. De todos los profesores y directivos favorecidos con dicho proyecto (más de 360, que realizaron al menos un diplomado en las áreas de formación pedagógica general y metodología de la enseñanza de la matemática o metodología de la enseñanza de las ciencias particulares), 15 alcanzaron el grado de doctor en ciencias pedagógicas por la Universidad de Camagüey. El libro que aquí se presenta contiene artículos que ellos prepararon sobre la base de sus tesis doctorales, que plantearon todas -a partir de investigaciones científicas- posibles soluciones y recursos para mejorar y perfeccionar la gestión y la docencia en esta universidad. Los artículos del libro Proyección de las ciencias pedagógicas en UNAPEC están distribuidos en cinco secciones que estudian aspectos nodales de la enseñanza superior: la gestión universitaria y su papel para contribuir a que la institución cumpla su misión en los órdenes de la formación, la investigación y la extensión; el correcto diseño curricular para que los estudiantes puedan adquirir las competencias generales y profesionales necesarias que contribuyan a su exitosa incursión en el mundo; la incorporación inteligente de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el sistema educativo; el modo de formar y evaluar adecuadamente las competencias en los programas académicos impartidos; y la enseñanza de las matemáticas como herramienta cognitiva fundamental en una sociedad global altamente tecnificada. Con esta publicación, que es fruto de un trabajo a largo plazo por la elevación de la calidad del quehacer universitario, se espera contribuir al debate académico en torno a algunas de las más acuciantes problemáticas que inciden en las instituciones de educación superior dominicanas y latinoamericanas.Universidad APE

    Plk1 regulates contraction of postmitotic smooth muscle cells and is required for vascular homeostasis

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    Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1), an essential regulator of cell division, is currently undergoing clinical evaluation as a target for cancer therapy. We report an unexpected function of Plk1 in sustaining cardiovascular homeostasis. Plk1 haploinsufficiency in mice did not induce obvious cell proliferation defects but did result in arterial structural alterations, which frequently led to aortic rupture and death. Specific ablation of Plk1 in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) led to reduced arterial elasticity, hypotension, and an impaired arterial response to angiotensin II in vivo. Mechanistically, we found that Plk1 regulated angiotensin II-dependent activation of RhoA and actomyosin dynamics in VSMCs in a mitosis-independent manner. This regulation depended on Plk1 kinase activity, and the administration of small-molecule Plk1 inhibitors to angiotensin II-treated mice led to reduced arterial fitness and an elevated risk of aneurysm and aortic rupture. We thus conclude that a partial reduction of Plk1 activity that does not block cell division can nevertheless impair aortic homeostasis. Our findings have potentially important implications for current approaches aimed at PLK1 inhibition for cancer therapy.This work-was supported by the Marie Curie activities of the European Commission (Oncotrain program; fellowship to P.W), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; fellowship to A.G.-L.), the CENIT AMIT Project "Advanced Molecular Imaging Technologies" (TEC2008-06715-C02-1, RD07/0014/2009 to F.M.), the Red de investigacion Cardiovascular (RIC), cofunded by FEDER (grant RD12/004240022 to J.M.R.; grant RD12/0042/0056 to L.J.J.-B), Fundacio La Marato TV3 (grant 20151331 to J.M.R.), the Castilla-Leon Autonomous Government (BIO/SA01/15, CS049U16 to X.R.B.), the Solorzano and Ramon Areces Foundations (to X.R.B.), MINECO (grants RD12/0036/0002 and SAF2015-64556-R to X.R.B.; SAF2015-63633-R to J.M.R.; and SAF2015-69920-R to M.M.), Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme (grant SAF2014-57791-REDC to M.M.), Red Tematica CellSYS (grant BFU2014-52125-REDT to M.M.), Comunidad de Madrid (OncoCycle Programme; grant S2010/BMD-2470 to M.M.), Worldwide Cancer Research (grants 14-1248 to X.R.B., and 15-0278 to M.M.) and the MitoSys project (European Union Seventh Framework Programme; grant HEALTH-F5-2010-241548 to M.M.). CNIC is supported by MINECO and the Pro-CNIC Foundation. CNIO and CNIC are Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence (MINECO awards SEV-2015-0510 and SEV-2015-0505, respectively).S