3,143 research outputs found

    The relationship between school, family and community setting as quality factor in adult and children’s education (Introduction to monograph)

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    Este artículo destaca la necesidad de fomentar las relaciones de cooperación entre los centros escolares, las familias y los entornos sociales comunitarios por actuar todos ellos como contextos y agentes educativos y de socialización que, por separado no pueden llegar a responder de manera eficaz a las necesidades de desarrollo y formación de menores y adultos. A este respecto, se describen e introducen en este artículo los trabajos que configuran este número monográfico, que tratan de conceptualizar el valor social de esta cooperación, de ofrecer resultados de investigación que muestran la necesidad de llevarla a efecto, y de aportar propuestas metodológicas y experienciales en centros y en entornos comunitarios que permitan hacerla realidad.The need to promote effective school-family-community partnership is emphasized given that these three social environments act as educational and socialization agents that separately cannot effectively respond to the developmental and educational needs of children and adults. The papers that make up this monographic issue are introduced and described. Their authors attempt to conceptualize the social value of school-family-community partnership, to offer research results that demonstrate the need for this partnership, and to contribute methodologies and experiences for the school and community settings so that they may be put into practice

    Laboratorio Web para prototipado y verificación de sistemas hardware/software

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    Versión electrónica de la ponencia presentada en Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones, celebrado en Madrid en 2003En este trabajo se presenta un laboratorio Web basado en plataformas reconfigurables. El usuario sólo necesita un ordenador personal con acceso a Web para implementar un prototipo de un sistema digital, siendo posible además verificar su funcionamiento. El entorno permite trabajar en remoto con las herramientas de síntesis e implementación de un diseño digital en un circuito FPGA desde una descripción VHDL. También es posible la compilación en remoto de código fuente descrito en C para ser ejecutado en el procesador embebido de la plataforma. El laboratorio se ha probado con éxito para complementar los contenidos teóricos de un curso de postgrado. Los experimentos incluyen la realización de sistemas especializados que involucran: el estudio de la interface de los componentes hardware específicos y el procesador con el que intercambian datos, la verificación de un prototipo de procesador implementado en FPGA y el desarrollo de módulos hardware para aplicaciones en robótica. En todos los casos el usuario consigue una implementación de un prototipo del sistema completamente operativo para su utilización directa en aplicaciones prácticas.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por los proyectos TIC2000-0464 y TIC2001- 2688-C03-03 y del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología

    Prosocialidad y dificultades de socialización en la adolescencia : influencias según sexo y práctica deportiva

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    El objetivo del estudio fue describir y comparar los niveles de prosocialidad y dificultades de socialización en función del género, el nivel y el tipo de práctica deportiva. En el trabajo participaron un total de 409 adolescentes de 12 a 19 años (M = 14.81; DE = 1.79) que cursaban ESO y Bachillerato. Los resultados mostraron que las chicas presentan significativamente más conducta prosocial que los chicos, especialmente las no federadas. Más concretamente, los chicos federados señalan significativamente peores cualidades para socializarse que los no federados, mientras que las chicas no federadas señalan significativamente ser menos hábiles en facetas de la personalidad socializadora que las federadas. Una alta frecuencia de actividad física, se relaciona con buenos niveles de tendencia prosocial y óptimos recursos para socializarse, marcados principalmente por la ausencia de temor a perder relaciones o la impulsividad.The aim of this study was to describe and compare the levels of prosociality and socialization difficulties depending on gender, level and type of sports practice. A total of 409 adolescents aged 12 to 19 participated in the work (M = 14.81; DE = 1.79) who were studying Secondary Education. The main results showed that girls had significantly higher levels of prosocial behaviour than boys, especially those who were not federated. More specifically, federated boys report significantly lower scores to socialize that the non-federate ones, while non-federated girls point out significantly to be less skillful in facets of the socializing personality than the federated ones. A high frequency of physical activity is related to good levels of prosocial tendency and optimal resources to socialize, marked mainly by the absence of fear of losing relationships or impulsiveness.O objectivo do estudo foi descrever e comparar níveis de prosocialidade e dificuldades de socialização de acordo com o género, nível e tipo de prática desportiva. Um total de 409 adolescentes entre 12 e 19 anos de idade (M = 14,81; SD = 1,79) que estudavam na ESO e Bachillerato participaram no estudo. Os resultados mostraram que as raparigas apresentam um comportamento significativamente mais prosocial do que os rapazes, especialmente os não federados. Mais especifica-mente, os rapazes federados relatam qualidades socializantes significativamente piores do que os rapazes não federados, ao passo que as raparigas não federadas relatam uma proficiência significativamente menor nas facetas da personalidade socializante do que as raparigas federadas. Uma elevada frequência de actividade física, está relacionada com bons níveis de tendência prosocial e recursos óptimos para socializar, marcados principalmente pela ausência de medo de perder relações ou impulsividade

    Nanoscale measurement of the power spectral density of surface roughness: how to solve a difficult experimental challenge

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    In this study, we show that the correct determination of surface morphology using scanning force microscopy (SFM) imaging and power spectral density (PSD) analysis of the surface roughness is an extremely demanding task that is easily affected by experimental parameters such as scan speed and feedback parameters. We present examples were the measured topography data is significantly influenced by the feedback response of the SFM system and the PSD curves calculated from this experimental data do not correspond to that of the true topography. Instead, either features are "lost" due to low pass filtering or features are "created" due to oscillation of the feedback loop. In order to overcome these serious problems we show that the interaction signal (error signal) can be used not only to quantitatively control but also to significantly improve the quality of the topography raw data used for the PSD analysis. In particular, the calibrated error signal image can be used in combination with the topography image in order to obtain a correct representation of surface morphology ("true" topographic image). From this "true" topographic image a faithful determination of the PSD of surface morphology is possible. The corresponding PSD curve is not affected by the fine-tuning of feedback parameters, and allows for much faster image acquisition speeds without loss of information in the PSD curve

    Enrichment of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidizing bacteria in a membrane bioreactor

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    The use of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (n-damo) processes could represent an innovative technology in order to minimize the environmental impact of anaerobic sewage effluents at low temperatures, since these biological processes are able to simultaneously remove nitrite and dissolved methane in anaerobic conditions. Nevertheless, n-damo bacteria are well-known by their reported low activity and slow doubling times which hinders a practical application. On this study, the enrichment on these bacteria was successfully achieved in a membrane bioreactor system at 28 °C. Despite biomass accumulation was not detected, a high apparent specific n-damo activity of 95.5 mg NO2−-N g−1 MLVSS d−1 was achieved after 388 days of operation, being one of the highest nitrite removal rates reported in the literature for n-damo cultures to date. Additionally a slow doubling time of 11.5 d was estimated. 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing analysis indicated that Candidatus Methylomirabilis became the most abundant bacterial organism by day 344 with a relative abundance of 50.2%. During the entire experiment ammonium was continuously added to the system as an alternative nitrogen source, to avoid biomass growth limitations. Finally, a relation between permeate nitrite concentrations and nitrous oxide production was found, which allows to optimize the process in terms of the minimization of both nitrogen species. The nitrous oxide emissions represented between 0 and 3.7% of the denitrified nitrogenThe authors acknowledge the financial support received from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the projects HOLSIA and COMETT (CTM2013-46750-R & CTQ2016-80847-R), both co-funded by FEDER. T. Allegue would also like to express his gratitude to the same Ministry for awarding a research scholarship (BES-2014-069114). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC 2013-032, programme co-funded by FEDER, and to CRETUS (AGRUP2015/02)S

    Innovación, evaluación y Universidad

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    Este libro es una invitación a reflexionar sobre la evaluación de los aprendizajes en la universidad. Fruto de la reflexión de los profesores que componen el claustro de educación en la UCAM surgen las Jornadas de Buenas Prácticas Docentes que esta edición se dedica a la innovación aplicada a la evaluación. Las buenas prácticas son las experiencias educativas en materia de evaluación desarrolladas en la UCAM en las diferentes titulaciones. El objetivo es intercambiar experiencias y difundir las actuaciones que se han realizado desde los diferentes grados universitarios en la UCAM, poner a disposición de la sociedad las experiencias más destacadas. Pensar la evaluación y sus buenas prácticas, es cuestionar estereotipos, modelos, formas de hacer, planteamientos, en conclusión, revisar el modo de hacer con el estudiante, con la sociedad y lo que el profesorado plantea.Educació

    Effect of user presence on receive diversity and MIMO capacity for rayleigh-fading channels

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    The effects of the presence of the user on multipleinput– multiple-output (MIMO) performance for wireless communications systems is investigated through measurements in a reverberation chamber. Measured results have demonstrated that despite a decrement on the envelope correlation coefficient, a degradation of both diversity gain and MIMO capacity are expected when the user is present. While the validity of the correlation coefficients for predicting MIMO performance is limited in the presence of the user, the effects have also been found to be strongly dependent upon frequency, antenna topology, and user characteristics.This work was supported in part by the Fundación Séneca, the R&D coordinating unit of the Autonomous Region of Murcia (Spain) under Projects 2I05SU0033 and TIC-TEC 06/01-0003

    Emulation of MIMO nonisotropic fading environments with reverberation chambers

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    Some recent publications have extended the emulating capabilities of reverberation chambers. While polarization imbalance has been removed and Ricean-fading environments are now properly emulated, these chambers are still limited to isotropic nonline of sight (NLOS) scattering. By controlling the power received, number of resolvable multipath components (MPC), angular spread (AS), and angle of arrival (AoA), the emulation of real-propagating environments with both isotropic and nonisotropic scattering are demonstrated in this letter using a reverberation chamber with several multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) arrays.This work was supported in part by the Fundación Séneca, the R&D unit of the Autonomous Region of Murcia (Spain) under project references TIC-TEC 07/02-0005 and by the Spanish National R&D Programme through TEC2007/63470/TCM