1,269 research outputs found

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    Aplicación de las clasificaciones geomecánicas al estudio de excavaciones subterráneas

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    Se realiza una revisión de la metodología seguida en la elaboración de las Clasificaciones Geomecánicas, así como de los factores geológicos que son empl eados por éstas. Se han seleccionado, por sus características específicas, cuatro clasificaciones (R.S.R., Q., R.M.R. Y S.R.e.), siendo estudiados en profundidad

    Naturally graded quasi-filiform Leibniz algebras

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    AbstractThe classification of naturally graded quasi-filiform Lie algebras is known; they have the characteristic sequence (n−2,1,1) where n is the dimension of the algebra. In the present paper we deal with naturally graded quasi-filiform non-Lie–Leibniz algebras which are described by the characteristic sequence C(L)=(n−2,1,1) or C(L)=(n−2,2). The first case has been studied in [Camacho, L.M., Gómez, J.R., González, A.J., Omirov, B.A., 2006. Naturally graded 2-filiform Leibniz Algebra and its applications, preprint, MA1-04-XI06] and now, we complete the classification of naturally graded quasi-filiform Leibniz algebras. For this purpose we use the software Mathematica (the program used is explained in the last section)

    Invasive maxillary sinus aspergillosis: a case report successfully treated with voriconazole and surgical debridement

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    Introduction: Invasive aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses is a rare disease and often misdiagnosed; however, its incidence has seen substancial growth over the past 2 decades. Definitive diagnosis of these lesions is based on histological examination and fungal culture. Case Report: An 81-year-old woman with a history of pain in the left maxillary region is presented. The diagnosis was invasive maxillary aspergillosis in immunocompetent patient, which was successfully treated with voricona - zole and surgical debridement. Possible clinical manifestations, diagnostic imaging techniques and treatment used are discussed. Since the introduction of voriconazole, there have been several reports of patients with invasive aspergillosis who responded to treatment with this new antifungal agent. Conclusions: We report the importance of early diagnosis and selection of an appropriate antifungal agent to achie - ve a successful treatment

    Numeric and symbolic evaluation of the pfaffian of general skew-symmetric matrices

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    Evaluation of pfaffians arises in a number of physics applications, and for some of them a direct method is preferable to using the determinantal formula. We discuss two methods for the numerical evaluation of pfaffians. The first is tridiagonalization based on Householder transformations. The main advantage of this method is its numerical stability that makes unnecessary the implementation of a pivoting strategy. The second method considered is based on Aitken's block diagonalization formula. It yields to a kind of LU (similar to Cholesky's factorization) decomposition (under congruence) of arbitrary skew-symmetric matrices that is well suited both for the numeric and symbolic evaluations of the pfaffian. Fortran subroutines (FORTRAN 77 and 90) implementing both methods are given. We also provide simple implementations in Python and Mathematica for purpose of testing, or for exploratory studies of methods that make use of pfaffians.Comment: 13 pages, Download links: http://gamma.ft.uam.es/robledo/Downloads.html and http://www.phys.washington.edu/users/bertsch/computer.htm

    Estudio sobre el cambio de actitudes hacia la dispacacidad en clases de actividad física

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    Dentro de un contexto escolar, se pretende que compartir la practica de un deporte para discapacitados visuales (goalbar) favorezca la conexion entre las concepciones personales acerca de la discapacidad y las creencias  acilitadoras de las actitudes que generan pensamientos y actuaciones mas integradoras. Utilizando una metodologia experimental, se ha accedido a una muestra de estudiantes de Educacion Secundaria (N=132), todos ellos companeros de alumnos con deficiencia visual. Con dos momentos de medida (pretestpostest), administrando cuestionarios sobre el cambio de actitudes y sobre creencias hacia la atencion a la discapacidad. Tras el estudio, se ha evidenciado un cambio significativo de actitudes y creencias con respecto a compartir espacios y experiencias con alumnos con discapacidad visual. Se han encontrado correlaciones significativas y positivas ante variables relacionadas con la autoconcepcion personal (capacidad de controlarse ante las relaciones, creencias hacia la problematica), nucleos actitudinales (implicacion personal) y entornos o momentos de experiencias (facilitacion de concepciones genericas acerca de convivir y compartir con iguales con discapacidad) que generan un marco de  integracion y aceptacion si se actua sobre ello

    Análisis antropológico de los restos humanos hallados en la Tumba U.20 de la Necrópolis de Kom al-Ahmar / Sharuna (VI Dinastía) durante las campañas 2006/2007/2008

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Activation of microglia in specific hypothalamic nuclei and the cerebellum of adult rats exposed to neonatal overnutrition

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    Much attention has been drawn to the possible involvement of hypothalamic inflammation in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders, especially in response to a high-fat diet. Microglia, the macrophages of the central nervous system, can be activated by proinflammatory signals resulting in the local production of specific interleukins and cytokines, which in turn could exacerbate the pathogenic process. Because obesity itself is considered to be a state of chronic inflammation, we evaluated whether being overweight results in microglial activation in the hypothalamus of rats on a normal diet. Accordingly, we used a model of neonatal overnutrition that entailed adjustment of litter size at birth (small litters: four pups/dam versus normal litters: 12 pups/dam) and resulted in a 15% increase in bodyweight and increased circulating leptin levels at postnatal day 60. Rats that were overnourished during neonatal life had an increased number of activated microglia in specific hypothalamic areas such as the ventromedial hypothalamus, which is an important site for metabolic control. However, this effect was not confined to the hypothalamus because significant microglial activation was also observed in the cerebellar white matter. There was no change in circulating tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α levels or TNFα mRNA levels in either the hypothalamus or cerebellum. Interleukin (IL)6 protein levels were higher in both the hypothalamus and cerebellum, with no change in IL6 mRNA levels. Because circulating IL6 levels were elevated, this rise in central IL6 could be a result of increased uptake. Thus, activation of microglia occurs in adult rats exposed to neonatal overnutrition and a moderate increase in weight gain on a normal diet, possibly representing a secondary response to systemic inflammation. Moreover, this activation could result in local changes in specific hypothalamic nuclei that in turn further deregulate metabolic homeostasi

    Desarrollo y validación de una versión preliminar de la escala de competencia emocional en el deporte (ECE_D)

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    El importante papel que juegan las emociones en los contextos deportivos ha sido ampliamente defendido en la literatura sobre psicología del deporte. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar y validar un instrumento para evaluar la competencia emocional de los deportistas. La muestra la componen 367 deportistas de ambos géneros pertenecientes a diferentes disciplinas deportivas. Se analizaron los antecedentes y las características psicométricas de la Escala de Desarrollo Emocional (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden y Dornhein, 1998). Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron en términos generales el modelo de cuatro factores propuesto por los autores originales y además, plantea la posibilidad de incluir mejoras sustanciales del cuestionario para futuras versiones relacionadas con su aplicabilidad.The relevant role of emotions in competitive contexts has been widely supported in the sport psychology literature. The aim of this study was to create a valid measure of emotional development in sports. The sample is composed by 367 sportsmen/women belonging to different sporting disciplines. Analyses were performed about the antecedents and the psychometric properties of the Emotional Development Scale (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden & Dornhein, 1998). Results showed that, in general terms, the initially proposed four factor model was supported. Implications for considering the improvement of the applicability questionnaire are advance