8,416 research outputs found

    Mixed-field orientation of a thermal ensemble of linear polar molecules

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    We present a theoretical study of the impact of an electrostatic field combined with nonresonant linearly polarized laser pulses on the rotational dynamics of a thermal ensemble of linear molecules. We solve the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation within the rigid rotor approximation for several rotational states. Using the carbonyl sulfide (OCS) molecule as a prototype, the mixed-field orientation of a thermal sample is analyzed in detail for experimentally accessible static field strengths and laser pulses. We demonstrate that for the characteristic field configuration used in current mixed-field orientation experiments, a significant orientation is obtained for rotational temperatures below 0.7K or using stronger dc fields.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    The Berry phase and the pump flux in stochastic chemical kinetics

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    We study a classical two-state stochastic system in a sea of substrates and products (absorbing states), which can be interpreted as a single Michaelis-Menten catalyzing enzyme or as a channel on a cell surface. We introduce a novel general method and use it to derive the expression for the full counting statistics of transitions among the absorbing states. For the evolution of the system under a periodic perturbation of the kinetic rates, the latter contains a term with a purely geometrical (the Berry phase) interpretation. This term gives rise to a pump current between the absorbing states, which is due entirely to the stochastic nature of the system. We calculate the first two cumulants of this current, and we argue that it is observable experimentally

    Fine Structure of Open Shell Diatomic Molecules in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields

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    We present a theoretical study of the impact of an electric field combined with a magnetic field on the rotational dynamics of open shell diatomic molecules. Within the rigid rotor approximation, we solve the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation including the fine-structure interactions and the \Lambda-doubling effects. We consider three sets of molecule specific parameters and several field regimes and investigate the interplay between the different interactions identifying the dominant one. The possibility of inducing couplings between the spin and rotational degrees of freedom is demonstrated.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Algunas consideraciones sobre la actual regulación de los derechos y deberes de los diáconos permanentes

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    El presente estudio ofrece una reflexión sobre la actual regulación del diaconado permanente -no exenta, quizás, de ciertos desajustes-. considerando tres grandes cuestiones: la relación entre estado clerical y vida conyugal; la actividad profesional de los diáconos permanentes y su participación en la política. Para ello, se toman como punto de partida las normas del Código de Derecho Canónico de 1983 sobre los derechos y deberes de los clérigos (cfr. cc. 273-289) y el Directorio de la Congregación para el Clero de 1998, sobre el ministerio y la vida de los diáconos permanentes, que presenta una perspectiva parcialmente distinta en algunos aspectos importantes. Se examinan también, en relación con esas mismas cuestiones, algunas normas de derecho particular; concretamente los Directorios para los diáconos permanentes elaborados por las Conferencias episcopales de Estados Unidos y de Brasil, y que han sido aprobados en estos últimos años 'ad experimentum' por la Santa Sede. ------ The present study offers a reflection about the actual regulation of permanent diaconate -not exempted, perhaps, from certain confusions- considering three important questions: the relationship between clerical state and conjugal life; the professional work of the permanent deacons and their participation in politics. For that purpose, this study considers as a point of departure the norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 about the rights and obligations of the clergy (cfr. cc. 273-289) and the Directory of the Congregation for the Clergy of 1998 about the ministry and the life of permanent deacons, which presents a perspective partially different in some important aspects. Besides, in relation with those same questions, some norms of particular law are studied, concretely the Directories for permanent deacons prepared by the Episcopal conferences of Unites States and of Brazil, which have been approved 'ad experimentum' in these recent years by the Holy See

    Entre la espada y la pared: el Partido Católico Nacional en la época de Huerta

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    Como se ha podido ver en pocas pinceladas, los meses de existencia del Partido Católico Nacional coincidieron con el inicio de una de las épocas de la historia de México más convulsionadas y, específicamente, con la dictadura de Victoriano Huerta, personaje ampliamente repudiado por sus contemporáneos a causa de su alevosa ascensión al poder y, más aún, del terror que utilizó para conservarlo, así haya sido durante poco tiempo. En esta última etapa de su breve historia, dentro del pcn existieron al menos tres grupos de afiliados: quienes eran propensos a colaborar con el régimen, quienes lo rechazaban absolutamente y quienes creyeron que, siendo un hecho consumado que el poder ejecutivo lo ejercería Huerta, habría que darle una oportunidad para enmendar las cosas y devolver al país su vida institucional a través de elecciones democráticas. Este último grupo, el más numeroso, terminaría desilusionándose por completo a causa de los crímenes políticos, la disolución del congreso y las elecciones amañadas de octubre de 1913 y, a partir de ese momento, se convertiría en uno más de los actores más críticos en contra del gobierno de Huerta. Como consecuencia de esto, el dictador suprimiría el periódico –órgano del partido– en dos ocasiones –la última, definitivamente– y encarcelaría primero, para después desterrar, a los principales líderes católicos. No obstante esto último, al triunfo de la facción llamada «constitucionalista», levantada en armas para vengar a Madero, el pcn y con él muchos católicos sufrieron una verdadera persecución, acusados de haber sido sostenedores del régimen huertista

    Improved Prediction of Heuristic Configuration for Queue Priority on FaCt++ Semantic Reasoner

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    With the adoption of the semantic web, interest in technologies and theory about formalizing the representation of knowledge, and automated reasoning has increased. Ontologies are concrete instances of knowledge representation and logical reasoners play an important role during the creation of ontologies, since they can find logical errors during design. One of these logical reasoners is FaCt++, which implements an optimized analytical tableaux algorithm. The specific implementation of tableaux in FaCt++ includes a set of priority queues to handle and expand the different operators that can be found during reasoning, these queues have an order for applying the different operators, which in this work will be referred as priority configurations. It was proved by the authors of FaCt++ that there is not a single priority configuration that has the best performance for all types of ontologies. Recently it was suggested that machine learning models can be successfully applied to find the best heuristic for every specific ontology. In this work is presented the process to build a machine learning model to find the best priority configuration for every ontology in detail. The model proposed in this work uses fewer features than the one shown previously and creates a simpler model with similar or better accuracy on the resulting classification.ITESO, A. C