1,091 research outputs found

    Protomodel for the creation of an integrated management system under the fractal holonic paradigm and the triple E

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    En la actualidad las empresas se enfrentan a una situación en que la administración de todos sus procesos debe ser planteada de forma que se pueda conseguir la máxima eficacia y eficiencia empresarial y, en la medida en que se consideren las distintas variables de cada proceso (ambiente, personas, procesos, materiales, equipos, productos, etc.) y se gestionen de la mejor forma, se estará optimizando su funcionamiento. Es por esto que, el protomodelo que se propone en este trabajo, centra su atención en resolver un cómo integrar los sistemas de Calidad, Medio ambiente, Seguridad y Salud Laboral a través de una propuesta de herramienta informática que sirva de espacio para la gestión documental de los sistemas y espacio de interacción entre los actores involucrados con el Sistema de Gestión. Se trata del resultado de un análisis bajo los paradigmas holónico fractal y la triple E, con los cuales se facilita desvelar en la dinámica empresarial, factores críticos de éxito para la implantación de un Sistema de Gestión Integrada. Para la transcripción de la idea que se plantea aquí, se utilizó el lenguaje UML, encontrándose la propuesta en su etapa de diseño.At present, companies are faced with a situation in which the administration of all their processes must be approached in such a way as to achieve maximum business effectiveness and efficiency and, to the extent that the different variables of each process (environment, people, processes, materials, equipment, products, etc.) are considered and managed in the best possible way, their operation will be optimised. For this reason, the protomodel proposed in this work, focuses its attention on resolving how to integrate the systems of Quality, Environment, Occupational Safety and Health through a proposal for a computer tool that serves as space for document management systems and space for interaction between the actors involved with the Management System. It is the result of an analysis under the fractal holonic paradigms and the triple E, with which it is easier to reveal in the business dynamics, critical success factors for the implementation of an Integrated Management System. For the transcription of the idea presented here, the UML language was used, the proposal being in its design stage

    Bases and foundations of the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis: Review article

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    Peritoneal carcinomatosis refers to a shedding or tumor that spreads to the peritoneal serosa and structures of the abdominal cavity. It is an entity with a poor prognosis. Several conditions can cause this, the most common being colon, rectum, ovary, stomach or appendix cancers, including peritoneal pseudomyxoma, among others. The abdominal cavity invasion is considered a clinical stage IV. For a long time life expectancy of this entity was very short. With the advent of meticulous techniques in cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) the prognosis of patients has changed. In some conditions, these procedures are standard treatments. CRS is a very important prognostic factor; leaving a less residual disease in the patient, the evolution will be better. The HIPEC starts immediately after the surgical event. The hyperthermia increases the cytotoxic effect of antineoplastic drugs. Numerous studies have appeared in medical literature wherein the clear improvement in survival of the affected population is demonstrated. It is essential that a multidisciplinary team participates in the decision for the best treatment option and the maximum clinical benefit of the patients

    Thermal Performance of Facades Based on Experimental Monitoring of Outdoor Test Cells in Tropical Climate

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    The high cost of energy consumption in buildings highlights the importance of research focused on improving the energy efficiency of building’s envelope systems. It is important to characterize the real behavior of these systems to know the effectiveness in terms of energy reduction. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to characterize the thermal performance of facades based on experimental monitoring of outdoor test cells in tropical climate. To carry out this research, a case study was presented to compare two construction systems. One of them is a light façade (M1) and the other a reference façade (M2). A thermal simulation was performed for the opaque and glazed facades. In addition, several parameters were measured with different types of sensors, as well as environmental variables to evaluate the thermal and lighting behavior of multiple facades systems under real conditions. The findings show that light façade behavior was the opposite of what was expected, since by incorporating a window in the façade it has allowed solar radiation to increase the interior temperature in both modules. In the case of the light facade the penalization was higher than the reference facade, which has a lower thermal transmittance than M1. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091773 Full Text: PD

    Statistical analysis on metric and geometric features of dolmens in the Gor river megalithic landscape (Granada, Andalusia, Spain)

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    Funding for open access charge: University of Granada/CBUA.The construction of dolmens took place in Europe from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (fifth millennium BC–second millennium BC) and had a rapid development along the Atlantic façade, with an important focus in Andalusia. Within this area, the megalithic necropolises located in the banks of the Gor River (Granada, Andalusia, Spain) are studied. In this paper, multivariate techniques are applied to characterize the dolmens associated with the Gor river megalithic landscape by means of two analyses. First, a new classification of the dolmens in necropolises using their location variables produces an optimal number of 8 necropolis instead of the traditional 11. In addition, this classification improves the traditional spatial division of the dolmens because there is no overlapping between necropolises. Secondly, a multivariate analysis of the dimensional variables, which aims to detect possible constructional patterns, is performed obtaining three main variables of grouping. The first two, length and width of the chamber, can be summarized as the area of the chamber and, in terms of this, the dolmens can be classified into two main groups. The third one, the length of the corridor, can be considered as a factor for intragroup discrimination.University of Granada/CBU

    Physiological and molecular implications of plant polyamine metabolism during biotic interactions

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    "During ontogeny, plants interact with a wide variety of microorganisms. The association with mutualistic microbes results in benefits for the plant. By contrast, pathogens may cause a remarkable impairment of plant growth and development. Both types of plant microbe interactions provoke notable changes in the polyamine (PA) metabolism of the host and/or the microbe, being each interaction a complex and dynamic process. It has been well documented that the levels of free and conjugated PAs undergo profound changes in plant tissues during the interaction with microorganisms. In general, this is correlated with a precise and coordinated regulation of PA biosynthetic and catabolic enzymes. Interestingly, some evidence suggests that the relative importance of these metabolic pathways may depend on the nature of the microorganism, a concept that stems from the fact that these amines mediate the activation of plant defense mechanisms. This effect is mediated mostly through PA oxidation, even though part of the response is activated by non-oxidized PAs. In the last years, a great deal of effort has been devoted to profile plant gene expression following microorganism recognition. In addition, the phenotypes of transgenic and mutant plants in PA metabolism genes have been assessed. In this review, we integrate the current knowledge on this field and analyze the possible roles of these amines during the interaction of plants with microbes.

    Herramientas de modelado para Bioingeniería, casos de estudio: a) Antena de relajometría por Resonancia Magnética, b) Bobina generadora de gradientes magnéticos

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    En el campo de la imagenología, clínica, la resolución y el contraste de imágenes médicas es el reto a obtener por los radiólogo en cada estudio o adquisición obtenida, aunque existen diversas técnicas de software que ayudan a apreciar de manera favorable estos conceptos, su potenciación es determinada por la tecnología del equipo y la intensidad de su campo magnético, este último concepto asociado para la técnica de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. En la actualidad existe un método alternativo, que permite observar de manera eficaz ciertas regiones o secciones anatómicas diana, y con una mayor claridad visual que las técnicas actualmente en uso, es a través del uso de agentes de contraste, como ejemplo el Gadolinio, que permite potenciar y resaltar en intensidad, las secciones anatómicas que fueron programadas para su estudio. Para su uso, los agentes de contraste deberán ser evaluados en un equipo de relojometría de ciclado rápido por resonancia magnética, que tiene la función de obtener los valores T1 y T2, tiempos de relajación del elemento. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación, es un estudio de las diferentes herramientas de software de simulación involucradas en el análisis de los elementos transceptores, del equipo de relajometría de ciclado rápido por RM (Resonancia Magnética), elemento que tiene como función obtener los vectores de magnetización transversal y longitudinal de la muestra de gadolinio, así como la bobina generadora de gradientes de campo magnético, para entender el comportamientos de las nanopartículas ante las variaciones de campo electromagnético

    Emulación del sistema músculo-esqueletal y el control de movimiento en una plataforma experimental

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    Muchos fisiólogos han observado que el músculo humano o animal es una especie de tejido elástico (como un muelle) con componentes contráctiles, los cuales dan una longitud de umbral modificable neuralmente para el desarrollo de fuerzas. La determinación de las fuerzas del músculo durante el movimiento no es solamente esencial para el análisis de las cargas internas que actúan en los huesos y articulaciones, si no que también contribuyen ha entender más profundamente los controladores neuronales. Los sistemas de control biológicos han sido estudiados como una posible inspiración para la construción de controladores de sistemas robóticos. En este trabajo, se diseño e implemento un sistema biomecánico que tiene propiedades mécanicas casi similares a las de un brazo humano o animal. En este sistema se implementaron modelos matemáticos del músculo biológico, para la generación de fuerzas en el músculo esqueletal total. Además, se desarrollo una red cortical para el control de movimientos voluntarios con restricciones neurofisiológicas y psicofísicas motoras. El controlador neuronal es propuesto para realizar el seguimiento de trajectorias deseadas en la articulación de un simple eslabón controlado por un par de actuadores agonista-antagonista con propiedades musculares. El sistema es capaz de ejecutar movimientos de alcance voluntarios, con perfiles de velocidad en forma de campana bajo perturbaciones. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el sistema presenta las propiedades básicas del músculoesqueletal las cuales son las relaciones fuerza-longitud y fuerza-velocidad. El controlador neuronal permite controlar los movimientos deseados y compesar las fuerzas externas.Se agradece el apoyo recibido por los miembros del grupo de investigación de Neurotecnología, Control y Robótica (NEUROCOR) del departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Este trabajo fue financiado en parte por la CICYTTIC99- 0446-C02-01, y por el proyecto SYNERAGH - BRE2-CT980797 BRITE EURAM- de Investigación Básica

    Assessing the individual acquisition of teamwork competence by exploring students’ instant messaging tools use: the WhatsApp case study

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    [En] Nowadays, working in groups is very usual and popular in most professional environments. Thus, students, as potential workers, need to acquire teamwork competence in their educational institutions. However, when the students are working in groups, it is easy assessing their final result but not so much evaluating how each of them, individually, is developing teamwork competence. In this sense, there are several methodologies, and those with better results are the ones that explore students’ interactions in learning platforms when developing the activity/project. Taking into account the latter, students’ interactions do not only happen in a learning platform but also using other tools such as instant messaging tools. This paper explores the possibility to assess the use of instant messaging tools for the acquisition of teamwork competence, and specifically, it presents a case study about the use of WhatsApp. From the results, we can conclude that the students prefer to use instant messaging tools in teamwork activities than other interaction tools as forums; and that the employment of those tools has a positive impact in students’ grades.SIRoboSTEA

    Secondary phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) swelling response is a good indicator of T-cell-mediated immunity in free-living birds

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    El phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) se prueba para medir la inmunidad adquirida y es uno de los métodos más utilizados; actualmente, está siendo debatido a raíz de los nuevos conocimientos sobre la compleja fisiología del proceso. Como respuesta secundaria reiterada a los mayores desafíos vinculados a los aumentos de los niveles de linfocitos T circulantes sería indicativo de una respuesta inmune mediada por células, se realizó por primera vez un experimento bajo condiciones naturales con repetidas PHA desafíos en libre-viviendo los pájaros adultos y polluelos para arrojar luz sobre este tema. Hemos encontrado significativamente más fuerte respuesta a PHA inyección secundaria independiente del sexo o la edad, mientras que el control de la condición corporal, la segunda respuesta es en promedio 90% más grande que el primero. Igualmente, los recuentos de linfocitos fueron significativamente superiores en el segundo reto de PHA, mientras que no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las aves no tratadas. Las correlaciones positivas significativas entre la PHA respuesta y ambos recuentos de linfocitos y los niveles de proteínas plasmáticas (principalmente albúmina, globulina (precursor) fueron recuperados, mientras que no hubo diferencias significativas en los niveles de proteínas plasmáticas recuperados entre los retos. Nuestros resultados son consistentes con las aves cautivas, apoyando la validez del PHA de la hinchazón de la piel como prueba precisa de haber adquirido células T como la inmunidad en aves.The validity of using the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) test to measure acquired immunity, one of the most widely used methods, is currently being debated due to new knowledge on the complex physiology of the process. As a greater secondary response to repeated challenges linked to increases of circulating lymphocyte levels would be indicative of a T-cell-mediated immune response, we performed for the first time an experiment under natural conditions with repeated PHA challenges in free-living adult birds and chicks to shed light on this topic. We found significantly stronger secondary response to PHA injection independent of sex or age, while controlling for body condition, the second response being on average 90% larger than the first. Likewise, lymphocyte counts were significantly higher in the second PHA challenge, whereas no significant differences were found among untreated birds. Significant positive correlations between the PHA response and both lymphocyte counts and plasma protein levels (mainly albumin, globulin (precursor) were recovered, whereas no significant differences were recovered in plasma protein levels between challenges. Our results are consistent with those from captive birds, supporting the validity of the PHA skin-swelling test as an accurate gauge of acquired T-cell-mediated immunity in birds.Trabajo patrocinado por: Fondo Mejicano para Conservación de la Naturaleza. Proyecto PIE 2012 A-P-C-IGSI-12-12 Gobierno de Extremadura. CONACYT (I010/176/2012) y becas PO10014 y RE12002 Gobierno de Extremadura. Dirección General de Vida Silvestre. SGPA/ DGVS/08559/11peerReviewe