7,302 research outputs found

    The Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica oak forest: a new habitat for the Capercaillie?

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    P. 901-906We described an extension of the known distribution range of the Cantabrian Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus into an atypical area and habitat for the species. Nine Capercaillie leks and 14 cocks were registered in Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica forests in an area of 1,500 km2, of which 4,500 forest hectares were surveyed. At present, this population represents both the southern-most distribution for Capercaillie and the only one inhabiting Mediterranean Q. pyrenaica forests, what suggests a wider adaptation of this (sub)species than previously thought. This population and its habitat need to be better studied, as well as to be considered in conservation planning for Cantabrian CapercaillieS

    Ordenanzas del marquesado de Ayamonte, año 1702 : ordenación del territorio y regulación de los recursos

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    Los señores de Ayamonte otorgaron, a lo largo de la Edad Moderna, diferentes y sucesivas normativas para las poblaciones que conformaron el territorio del Marquesado, tratando de regular aspectos del mismo como el funcionamiento político de sus cabildos, las relaciones intraterritoriales y con el exterior, la explotación de los recursos económicos o la ordenación de sus estructuras sociales. Este trabajo analiza y transcribe las ordenanzas que se redactaron en el año 1702 las cuales, en parte, reiteraban las disposiciones anteriores y , en algunas temáticas, introdujeron novedades sobre el gobierno de este antiguo señorío onubense._____________________________The lords of Ayamonte granted, throughout the Modern Age, different and successive norms to the populations which conformed the territory of the Marquesado, trying to regulate aspects, like the political system of their town halls, the relationships with their territories and with the outside, the exploitation of their economic resources or the arrangement of their social structures. This work analyses and transcribes the rules that were written up in year 1702 which, partly, reiterated the previous laws and, in some subjects, they introduced new features on the government of this old onubense lordship

    Estrategias farmacológicas en el tratamiento de la adicción por cocaína

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    Probablemente la cocaína está siendo consumida de forma alarmante debido en parte a la falsa idea de que no iba a producir las devastadoras consecuencias y efectos atribuidos a otras drogas de abuso. Sin embargo, su gran poder adictógeno, dificulta lograr el abandono del consumo y sí plantea graves problemas destacables y efectos secundarios potencialmente vitales.En esta adicción, destaca el polimorfismo de patología psíquica coexistente. Nos limitaremos a conceptuar el tratamiento de la propia adicción y a esquematizarlo al máximo para favorecer la mayor claridad posible, dado que existen numerosos datos, referencias bibliográficas y publicaciones sobre el tema.El progreso en el conocimiento del mecanismo de acción de la cocaína ha abierto una serie de expectativas e investigaciones en un intento de mejorar el más adecuado rendimiento de los tratamientos farmacológicos.Actualmente, el arsenal terapéutico está concebido como una herramienta para ayudar a los pacientes a mantenerse abstinentes en conjunción con otros abordajes de tipos psicoterapéuticos y sociales

    Adaptive neurofuzzy ANFIS modeling of laser surface treatments

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    This paper introduces a new ANFIS adaptive neurofuzzy inference model for laser surface heat treatments based on the Green’s function. Due to its high versatility, efficiency and low simulation time, this model is suitable not only for the analysis and design of control systems, but also for the development of an expert real time supervision system that would allow detecting and preventing any failure during the treatment

    The synergy of multithreading and access/execute decoupling

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    This work presents and evaluates a novel processor microarchitecture which combines two paradigms: access/execute decoupling and simultaneous multithreading. We investigate how both techniques complement each other: while decoupling features an excellent memory latency hiding efficiency, multithreading supplies the in-order issue stage with enough ILP to hide the functional unit latencies. Its partitioned layout, together with its in-order issue policy makes it potentially less complex, in terms of critical path delays, than a centralized out-of-order design, to support future growths in issue-width and clock speed. The simulations show that by adding decoupling to a multithreaded architecture, its miss latency tolerance is sharply increased and in addition, it needs fewer threads to achieve maximum throughput, especially for a large miss latency. Fewer threads result in a hardware complexity reduction and lower demands on the memory system, which becomes a critical resource for large miss latencies, since bandwidth may become a bottleneck.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving latency tolerance of multithreading through decoupling

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    The increasing hardware complexity of dynamically scheduled superscalar processors may compromise the scalability of this organization to make an efficient use of future increases in transistor budget. SMT processors, designed over a superscalar core, are therefore directly concerned by this problem. The article presents and evaluates a novel processor microarchitecture which combines two paradigms: simultaneous multithreading and access/execute decoupling. Since its decoupled units issue instructions in order, this architecture is significantly less complex, in terms of critical path delays, than a centralized out-of-order design, and it is more effective for future growth in issue-width and clock speed. We investigate how both techniques complement each other. Since decoupling features an excellent memory latency hiding efficiency, the large amount of parallelism exploited by multithreading may be used to hide the latency of functional units and keep them fully utilized. The study shows that, by adding decoupling to a multithreaded architecture, fewer threads are needed to achieve maximum throughput. Therefore, in addition to the obvious hardware complexity reduction, it places lower demands on the memory system. The study also reveals that multithreading by itself exhibits little memory latency tolerance. Results suggest that most of the latency hiding effectiveness of SMT architectures comes from the dynamic scheduling. On the other hand, decoupling is very effective at hiding memory latency. An increase in the cache miss penalty from 1 to 32 cycles reduces the performance of a 4-context multithreaded decoupled processor by less than 2 percent. For the nondecoupled multithreaded processor, the loss of performance is about 23 percent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Power Factor Corrector Design applied to an 85-kHz Wireless Charger

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    Wireless charging technology extends the battery autonomy by allowing more flexible and practical ways of recharging it even when the electric vehicle is on move. The frequency conversion, which is required to generate a kHz-ranged magnetic field, also leads to considerable harmonics. As a result, the power factor and the corresponding efficiency decrement. This paper proposes a Power Factor Corrector which overcomes this drawback. The most relevant feature of the designed Power Factor Corrector is that it does not need any electrical signal from the secondary side to adjust its operation properly. The simulation results show the ability of the proposed scheme to increment the system efficiency for different State-Of-Charge in the Battery.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Biología y conservación del urogallo en un hábitat mediterráneo = Biology and conservation of the Capercaillie in a Mediterranean environment

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    154 p.El escaso número y el hábitat abrupto en el que vive el Urogallo Cantábrico, son factores limitantes a la hora de estudiar su biología y factores del declive, por tanto, estas limitaciones deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de planificar su conservación. El tradicional dogmatismo arrastrado hasta la actualidad acerca de sus preferencias ecológicas, ha subestimado los melojares mediterráneos del sur de la cordillera Cantábrica como hábitat para la subespecie. Sin embargo, estos melojares se encuentran dentro de la distribución histórica (siglo XVII) de la subespecie y en la actualidad permanecen ocupados y con reproducción de Urogall