2,467 research outputs found

    Overexpression of mitochondrial if1 prevents metastatic disease of colorectal cancer by enhancing anoikis and tumor infiltration of NK cells

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    Increasing evidences show that the ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 (IF1), the physiological inhibitor of the ATP synthase, is overexpressed in a large number of carcinomas contributing to metabolic reprogramming and cancer progression. Herein, we show that in contrast to the findings in other carcinomas, the overexpression of IF1 in a cohort of colorectal carcinomas (CRC) predicts less chances of disease recurrence, IF1 being an independent predictor of survival. Bioinformatic and gene expression analyses of the transcriptome of colon cancer cells with differential expression of IF1 indicate that cells overexpressing IF1 display a less aggressive behavior than IF1 silenced (shIF1) cells. Proteomic and functional in vitro migration and invasion assays confirmed the higher tumorigenic potential of shIF1 cells. Moreover, shIF1 cells have increased in vivo metastatic potential. The higher metastatic potential of shIF1 cells relies on increased cFLIP-mediated resistance to undergo anoikis after cell detachment. Furthermore, tumor spheroids of shIF1 cells have an increased ability to escape from immune surveillance by NK cells. Altogether, the results reveal that the overexpression of IF1 acts as a tumor suppressor in CRC with an important anti-metastatic role, thus supporting IF1 as a potential therapeutic target in CRCThis research was funded by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (SAF2013-41945-R, SAF2016-75916-R and SAF2016-75452-R), CIBERER-ISCIII (CB06/07/0017) and Fundación Ramón Areces, Spai

    Cooperación funcional de Notch 1 e IL-7 en el desarrollo de los linfocitos T humanos y en la fisiopatología de la leucemia T linfoblástica aguda

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 30-06-201

    Obesidad infantil: una aproximación en la Educación Primaria de Valladolid

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    La obesidad infantil constituye un problema de salud a corto y largo plazo cuya prevalencia está aumentado en los últimos años, siendo esta cifra de 6,3% en España en 2015. Objetivo: aproximar la situación de la obesidad infantil en Valladolid en niños de 6º curso de Educación Primaria, estimar el porcentaje de sobrepeso y obesidad entre la muestra y contrastar las diferencias de catalogación en función de las tablas utilizadas. Métodos: estudio piloto descriptivo trasversal cuasiexperimental con una muestra de 80 alumnos de 11-13 años de los colegios C.E.I.P. Francisco Pino, C.P. Pedro Gómez Bosque y C.E.I.P. Profesor Tierno Galván de Valladolid. Las variables recogidas fueron: peso, talla, IMC, porcentaje de masa grasa, tensión arterial, el perímetro de la cintura, el perímetro de la cadera e índice cintura-cadera y las tablas utilizadas para la catalogación del sobrepeso y obesidad fueron las proporcionadas por la Fundación Faustino Orbegozo Eizaguirre. Resultados: la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad utilizando las tablas de Orbegozo fue de 3,8% y 11,3% respectivamente. El sobrepeso fue más prevalente en niñas (12,5%), y la obesidad más prevalente en niños (10%). Al utilizar las tablas propuestas por la OMS, encontramos 13,8% de sobrepeso y un 16,3% de obesidad, siendo ambas más prevalentes en niños (15% y 17,5% respectivamente). Conclusión: existe una falta de estudios acerca de la obesidad infantil en el ámbito de la comunidad de Castilla y León y en la provincia de Valladolid, así como un consenso en el método de catalogación de la misma, lo que provoca errores de sobreestimación e infraestimación de la obesidad infantil. Según el estudio realizado, Valladolid presenta una prevalencia de obesidad infantil mayor que Castilla y León (11,3% frente a 10%).Grado en Enfermerí

    Degradación del comportamiento a flexión de perfiles tubulares de acero expuestos a la intemperie utilizados como protecciones colectivas y medios auxiliares en edificación

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    Los perfiles tubulares de acero (PTA) son más habitualmente empleados el ámbito de las protecciones colectivas (PC) y medios auxiliares de edificación (MAE), al ser usados en ámbitos de seguridad, adquieren una importancia tal que motiva el estudio de la fiabilidad de su comportamiento mecánico. Por ello se motiva este trabajo estudiando a flexión PTA con las mismas calidades que los que habitualmente se emplean en PC y MAE. Han sido ensayadas a flexión un total de 150 secciones de PTA, utilizando como variables la velocidad del ensayo, la distancia entre los apoyos, la influencia del dispositivo de apoyo y la comparativa entre el comportamiento de PTA expuestos a la intemperie durante 3 años en la Sierra de Guadarrama (en servicio como postes en sistemas de protección de borde) con PTA adquiridos. En este trabajo se ha evaluado en todos los casos las diferencias existentes entre los espesores de cada PTA medido con calibre, su espesor nominal y su espesor medio de cada tubo. El esquema de solicitaciones y tensiones resultante del ensayo de flexión es muy similar en la mayoría de los casos a los esquemas de solicitaciones y tensiones reales a los que trabajan los PTA utilizados como PC y MAE. En este caso, la sección más desfavorable esta solicitada por el máximo momento flector y el máximo cortante y la variación del flector a lo largo de las barras es lineal. Documentos técnicos como el CTE-SE-A o el EC3, establecen una clasificación para determinar el método de cálculo de las secciones de acero, y en la que la mayoría de las secciones de los PTA son clase 1(aquella que permite la formación de una rótula plástica con capacidad de rotación suficiente para la redistribución de momentos) con lo que es posible utilizar el cálculo plástico o el elástico para la determinación de las solicitaciones. Esta clasificación indica directamente la capacidad de aprovechamiento de la sección antes de que se produzca la abolladura y depende de las dimensiones de las secciones de los PTA. Estudios anteriores desvelan que los PTA no llegan a plastificarse ya que antes de que se produzca este fenómeno se abollan, lo que motiva el colapso. Como resultado de este trabajo de investigación se pretende estudiar, como ya predijo en su tesis González García, M.N. [1] que la clasificación de secciones indicada por EC3 o CTE para PTA queda del lado de la inseguridad porque predice comportamientos plásticos en secciones que no tienen posibilidad de plastificación

    A new constitutive model for polymeric matrices: Application to biomedical materials

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    Semi crystalline polymeric composites are increasingly used as bearing material in the biomedical sector, mainly because of their specific mechanical properties and the new advances in 3D printing technologies that allows for customised devices. Among these applications, total or partial prostheses for surgical purposes must consider the influence of temperature and loading rate. This paper proposes a new constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers, commonly used as matrix material in a wide variety of biomedical composites, that enables reliable predictions under a wide range of loading conditions. Most of the recent models present limitations to predict the non-linear behaviour of the polymer when it is exposed to large deformations at high strain rates. The proposed model takes into account characteristic behaviours of injected and 3D printed thermoplastic polymers such as material hardening due to strain rate sensitivity, thermal softening, thermal expansion and combines viscoelastic and viscoplastic responses. These viscous-behaviours are relevant for biomedical applications where temperature evolution is expected during the deformation process due to heat generation induced by inelastic dissipation, being essential the thermo-mechanical coupling consideration. The constitutive model is formulated for finite deformations within a thermodynamically consistent framework. Additionally, the model is implemented in a finite element code and its parameters are identified for two biomedical polymers: ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE). Finally, the influence of viscous behaviours on dynamic deformation of semi-crystalline polymeric matrices is analysed

    Evaluating the environmental profiles of winter wheat rotation systems under different management strategies

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    Climate change poses a remarkable challenge to global food security, for which wheat is one of the main staple agricultural commodities. The cultivation of different varieties of winter wheat in Galicia (commercial and native) under rotation systems with potato, maize and oilseed rape was evaluated from an environmental point of view. The general approach of this study included the gathering of the inventory data of the different crops, the quantification of their environmental impacts and economic benefits, to identify the best land management system. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used as environmental tool. The environmental profiles of each rotation system were reported in terms of nine impact categories. Crop rotations were analysed both per hectare and per € of gross margin, so that the information can be relevant to land-management decisions. Preference ranks were established based on an environmental normalized score for both units. The results suggest that arable operations contribute decisively to the environmental profile of the rotations. The avoided mineral fertilization processes, the carbon storage in the soil when returning straw to the field, as well as the electricity production clearly influence the environmental impact of the rotations. Scenarios that include native wheat under organic management are always the environmentally preferred ones while the preferred alternate crop depends on the reference unit. Concerning the margin gross, scenarios including the native variety report the highest profits, being the potato the preferred alternate crop. Further assessment needs to be undertaken to identify differences in the results of different ways of conducting LCA, i.e. attributional vs consequential approachesThis research has been supported by the project Enhancing diversity in Mediterranean cereal farming systems (CerealMed) project funded by PRIMA Programme and FEDER/Ministry of Science and Innovation – Spanish National Research Agency (PCI2020-111978), by FEDER 2019/058A project in collaboration with Panaderia da Cunha and by a project granted by Xunta de Galicia (project ref. ED431F 2016/001). S.G.-G. and M.T.M. belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC2013-032, co-funded by Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (EU). S.G-G. would like to express her gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant references RYC-2014-14984) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training (Grant reference CAS19/00037) for financial supportS

    Estimating the environmental impacts of a brewery waste–based biorefinery: Bio-ethanol and xylooligosaccharides joint production case study

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    This is the accepted manuscript of the following article: González-García, S., Comendador Morales, P., Gullón, B., 2018. Estimating the environmental impacts of a brewery waste–based biorefinery: Bio-ethanol and xylooligosaccharides joint production case study. Industrial Crops and Products 123, 331-340In the food industry, the brewing sector holds a strategic economic position since beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. Brewing process involves the production of a large amount of lignocellulosic residues such as barley straw from cereal cultivation and brewer’s spent grains. This study was aimed at developing a full-scale biorefinery system for generating bio-ethanol and xylooligosaccharides (XOS) considering the mentioned residues as feedstock. Life Cycle Asssessment (LCA) methodology was used to investigate the environmental consequences of the biorefinery system paying special attention into mass and energy balances in each production section to gather representative inventory data. Biorefinery system was divided in five areas: i) reconditioning and storage, ii) autohydrolysis pretreatment, iii) XOS purification, iv) fermentation and v) bioethanol purification. LCA results identified two environmental hotspots all over the whole biorefinery chain: the production of steam required to achieve the large autohydrolysis temperature (responsible for contributions higher than 50% in categories such as acidification and global warming potential) and the production of enzymes required in the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (>95% of contributions to terrestrial and marine aquatic ecotoxicity potentials). Since enzymes production involves high energy intensive background processes, the most straightforward improvement challenge should be focused on the production of steam. An alternative biorefinery scenario using wood chips as fuel source to produce heating requirements instead of the conventional natural gas was environmentally evaluated reporting improvements ranging from 44% to 72% in the categories directly affected by this hotspot.This research has been financially supported by Xunta de Galicia (project ref. ED431F 2016/001), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTQ2016-81848-REDT) and the STAR-ProBio project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program (Grant agreement No. 727740). Dr. S. González-García and Dr. B. Gullón would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for financial support (Grant references RYC-201414984 and IJCI-2015-25305, respectively). The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC 2013-032 and to CRETUS Strategic Partnership (AGRUP2015/02). All these programmes are cofunded by Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (EU)S

    Formación empresarial (conocimientos, habilidades, característicasy aptitudes que todo empresario debe tener)

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Relaciones Industriales) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx