74 research outputs found

    Employability skills and quality of life among employees with mild and moderate intellectual disability who attend occupation centres in catalonia (Spain)

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    Background: The study explores the relationship between quality of life (QoL) and employability skills in a non-random sample of 100 employees of occupational centres (OCs) in Barcelona (Spain). The influence of gender, age and level of intellectual disability (ID) is also explored. Method: A quantitative approach was adopted to collect and examine data, gathered through two different instruments: the GENCAT SCALE (Verdugo et al., 2008) (and the Employability Skills Scale (Jariot, Laborda and González, 2020). Results: A correlation between QoL and employability skills has been found. A relationship between age and employability skills was also found, in which younger individuals reported better in employability skills. Age was also found to have an effect on some QoL domains. The ID level turned out to be a significant factor in the development of employability skills, as well as in some QoL domains. The crucial role of job placement in personal development is underlined, as well as the need for more inclusive procedures in occupancy services.Introducción: el estudio explora la relación entre calidad de vida y competencias de empleabilidad en una muestra no aleatoria de 100 empleados de centros ocupacionales en Barcelona (España). También se explora la influencia del género, la edad y el nivel de discapacidad intelectual en ambas variables. Método: se adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo para recopilar y examinar datos, reunidos a través de dos instrumentos diferentes: la Escala GENCAT (Verdugo et al., 2008) y la Escala de Competencias de Empleabilidad (Jariot, Laborda y González, 2020). Resultados: existe una correlación entre la calidad de vida y las competencias de empleabilidad. También se encontró relación entre la edad y dichas competencias, en la cual las personas más jóvenes obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas. También se descubrió que la edad influye en algunos dominios de calidad de vida. El grado de discapacidad resultó ser un factor significativo en el desarrollo de competencias de empleabilidad, así como en algunos dominios de calidad de vida. Se subraya el papel crucial de la inserción laboral en el desarrollo personal, así como la necesidad de procedimientos más inclusivos en los servicios de ocupación

    Sordoceguera : estado de la cuestión en investigación psicoeducativa sobre comunicación

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    La sordoceguera, que en España afecta a unas 6000 personas, es una discapacidad poco visible socialmente, debido en parte a su baja prevalencia. No obstante, a lo largo de la historia, como mínimo a partir de 1930, ha sido objeto de estudio e investigación, como lo constatan los distintos escritos publicados en revistas y foros internacionales especializados. Este artículo, que se enmarca en un estudio sobre comunicación y sordoceguera, pretende abordar el estado de la cuestión sobre la investigación psicoeducativa en este campo. Partiendo de una revisión bibliográfica que abarca desde principios del siglo XX hasta la actualidad, se describen los ámbitos más estudiados, las principales tendencias investigadoras y las aportaciones más relevantes. Se empieza con una breve conceptualización de la citada discapacidad, seguida por una revisión teórica de la evolución en la investigación psicoeducativa, con especial énfasis en la comunicación. Se detalla el proceso metodológico de búsqueda, y se exponen los principales hallazgos y carenciasDeafblindness is a disability that affects about 6,000 people in Spain. It is not a socially visible disability probably due to its low prevalence. Nevertheless along history, at least from 1930, it has been studied and researched as it can be verified through papers published in magazines and international specialized forums. This paper, which is part of a bigger research about communication and deafblindness, has the objective to search the state of the art about psychoeducational research in this field. Starting with a bibliographical review since the beginning of the XX century up to nowadays, the range of action in research as well as the main trends and the most relevant contributions are described. It starts with a brief conceptualization of deafblindness, followed by a theoretical review about the psychoeducational research evolution, emphasizing communicational issues. The methodological process and the main findings and lacks are also describe

    Estudio cualitativo sobre discapacidad intelectual y trabajo protegido. La orientación como herramienta para mejorar la calidad de vida

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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Employment is a key tool to optimize social inclusion and improve quality of life (QoL) of people with Intellectual Disability (ID). This study explores the employment’s quality of workplace of people with ID in Special Employment Centers and Occupational Centers. Method: 186 semi-structured interviews were developed; 157 to employees and 32 to employers of the two types of centers. Information was collected regarding the nature of the center, its organization, possibilities for promotion and the level of workers well-being. Results: First data shows that there are three elements that determine the possibilities of professional development of people with ID and the level of quality of their employment: professional guidance, lifelong learning and intervention in participatory processes. As a result, they have been found to lack opportunities to become involved in the decision-making processes of their socio-labor life; they do not have widespread access to regulated post-compulsory studies or permanent training and there is no natural support as a normalizing element, among others. Conclusions: The better job placement of the collective depends on a process of vital orientation that includes not only periods of decision making and transition to work, but also extends throughout their professional life. The aim is to improve their work situation to advance towards the optimization of the quality of life.RESUMEN Introducción: El empleo es una herramienta clave para optimizar la inserción social y mejorar la calidad de vida (CV) de las personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI). Esta investigación estudia la calidad del empleo de personas con DI en Centros Especiales de Empleo (CEE) y en Centros Ocupacionales (CO). Método: Se desarrollaron 186 entrevistas semiestructuradas; 157 a empleados y 32 a empleadores de las dos tipologías de centros. Se recogió información referente a la naturaleza del centro, su organización, posibilidades de promoción y el nivel de bienestar de los trabajadores. Resultados: Los primeros datos muestran que existen tres elementos que determinan las posibilidades de desarrollo profesional de personas con DI y el nivel en la calidad de su empleo: la orientación profesional, la formación a lo largo de la vida y la intervención en procesos participativos. En función de ello se ha detectado que carecen de oportunidades para implicarse en los procesos de decisión de su vida sociolaboral, no tienen acceso generalizado a estudios postobligatorios reglados o de formación permanente y no existe el apoyo natural como elemento normalizador, entre otras. Conclusiones: La mejor ocupabilidad del colectivo depende de un proceso de orientación vital que abarque no sólo períodos de toma de decisiones y transición al mundo laboral, sino que se extienda a lo largo de toda su vida profesional. La finalidad es la mejora laboral para avanzar hacia la optimización de la calidad de vida.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Employment is a key tool to optimize social inclusion and improve quality of life (QoL) of people with Intellectual Disability (ID). This study explores the employment’s quality of workplace of people with ID in Special Employment Centers and Occupational Centers. Method: 186 semi-structured interviews were developed; 157 to employees and 32 to employers of the two types of centers. Information was collected regarding the nature of the center, its organization, possibilities for promotion and the level of workers well-being. Results: First data shows that there are three elements that determine the possibilities of professional development of people with ID and the level of quality of their employment: professional guidance, lifelong learning and intervention in participatory processes. As a result, they have been found to lack opportunities to become involved in the decision-making processes of their socio-labor life; they do not have widespread access to regulated post-compulsory studies or permanent training and there is no natural support as a normalizing element, among others. Conclusions: The better job placement of the collective depends on a process of vital orientation that includes not only periods of decision making and transition to work, but also extends throughout their professional life. The aim is to improve their work situation to advance towards the optimization of the quality of life

    El perfil competencial laboral de personas con discapacidad intelectual en centros ocupacionales

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    Labour integration has a positive impact on people with Intellectual Disability (ID), being employment a key element in their process of social integration and community participation. The aim of this research is to optimize the labour integration and professional development of people with mild and moderate ID in order to facilitate their social inclusion. A non-probabilistic incidental sampling was carried out, with the participation of 16 occupational centres of Barcelona’s metropolitan area. A questionnaire was created and administered to 100 people with mild and moderate ID. A non-experimental research design was used, in which the professional skills of the participants in their natural professional context (occupational centres) were analysed. Results show a statistically significant relationship (positive and moderate) between all the competences. People with ID have a similar development in the analysed competences; those with a low degree of ID show higher levels of competence than those with moderate ID. It is noteworthy that, regardless of the degree, all the evaluated competences exceed the average score. The fact that the participants in the research are located in occupational centres is certainly a variable that facilitates their competence development.La inserción laboral repercute positivamente en el entorno del colectivo de personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI), y el empleo es decisivo en su proceso de integración social y participación comunitaria. Se pretenden optimizar los procesos de integración laboral y desarrollo profesional de las personas con DI leve y moderada para facilitar su inclusión social. Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo incidental, en el que participaron 16 centros ocupacionales de la provincia de Barcelona. Se creó y aplicó un cuestionario a 100 personas con grados de DI leve y moderado. Se utilizó un diseño de investigación no experimental, en el que se analizaron las competencias profesionales de los participantes en su contexto natural (centros ocupacionales). Se constata una relación (positiva y moderada) estadísticamente significativa entre todas las competencias. Las personas con DI tienen un desarrollo similar en las competencias analizadas; las que presentan un grado de DI leve muestran niveles competenciales superiores a los de las personas con DI moderada. Es destacable que, independientemente del grado, todas las competencias evaluadas superen la puntuación media. Seguramente el hecho de que las personas analizadas estén ubicadas en centros ocupacionales es una variable que facilita su desarrollo competencial

    Calidad de vida y competencias de empleabilidad en personas trabajadoras en centros especiales de empleo

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    This article goes in depth in the relationship between employability skills and quality of life of people with mild and moderate intellectual disability who work in a special employment center (CEE), as a determining factor in their level of socio-community inclusion. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire on labor competences (own elaboration), as well  as through the scale of quality of life by Schalock and Verdugo (2008) with 100 workers of 15 CEE. The worker’s supervisor answered both. People in the sample have a low level of quality of life, but high in job skills. There    is no relationship between both variables. In terms of quality of life, young people show better levels of personal development than those over 45 years of age; and men present better results in interpersonal relationships. High levels of competence do not differ according to age or gender. Results show the need for a longitudinal educational action centered on the person, already initiated in schooling, to promote the domains of the quality of life and to continue throughout life. On the other hand, job training developed in the CEE shows good results in the professional skills of participants in the study. The specific groups that require priority actions are those over 45 years old, to promote quality active aging, as well as women, to avoid double discrimination to which they are subjected (disability and  gender).Este artículo profundiza en la relación entre competencias de empleabilidad (CE) y calidad de vida (CV) en personas con discapacidad intelectual leve y moderada que trabajan en un centro especial de empleo (CEE), como elemento determinante en su nivel de inclusión socio-comunitaria. La información se recogió mediante un cuestionario de competencias de empleabilidad de elaboración propia, así como a través de la escala de calidad de vida de Schalock y Verdugo (2008), que se pasó a 100 trabajadores de 15 CEE. Las personas de la muestra presentan un bajo nivel de calidad de vida, pero alto en competencias de empleabilidad. No existe relación entre ambas variables. En cuanto a la calidad de vida, los jóvenes muestran mejores niveles de desarrollo personal que los mayores de 45 años y los hombres presentan mejores resultados en las relaciones interpersonales. Los altos niveles competenciales no difieren en función de la edad ni del género. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de una acción educativa longitudinal centrada en la persona, iniciada ya en la etapa de escolarización, para promover los dominios de la calidad de vida y que esta continúe a lo largo de la vida. Por otro lado, la formación laboral desarrollada desde los CEE evidencia buenos resultados en las competencias de las personas participantes en el estudio. Los colectivos específicos que requieren acciones prioritarias son el de personas mayores de 45 años, para promover un envejecimiento activo de calidad, así como el de mujeres, para evitar la doble discriminación a la que se ven sometidas (discapacidad y género)

    Cómo se compra en Valladolid

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    Producción CientíficaEstudio de los hábitos de consumo en el comercio minorista de la ciudad de ValladolidGeografíaInforme encargado por AVADECO con la colaboración de la Consejería de Industria, Comercio y Turismo de la Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Diagnóstico de necesidades de formación para revitalizar el sector comercial

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    Producción CientíficaEstudio del comercio minorista en las ciudades de Valladolid (incluyendo análisis pormenorizado del centro y varios barrios) y Medina del Campo, basado en el impuesto de actividades económicas y la realización de encuestas a comerciantes y consumidores.Geografí

    A long non-coding RNA that harbors a SNP associated with type 2 diabetes regulates the expression of TGM2 gene in pancreatic beta cells

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    IntroductionMost of the disease-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) lie in non- coding regions of the human genome. Many of these variants have been predicted to impact the expression and function of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA), but the contribution of these molecules to the development of complex diseases remains to be clarified. MethodsHere, we performed a genetic association study between a SNP located in a lncRNA known as LncTGM2 and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D), and analyzed its implication in disease pathogenesis at pancreatic beta cell level. Genetic association study was performed on human samples linking the rs2076380 polymorphism with T2D and glycemic traits. The pancreatic beta cell line EndoC-bH1 was employed for functional studies based on LncTGM2 silencing and overexpression experiments. Human pancreatic islets were used for eQTL analysis. ResultsWe have identified a genetic association between LncTGM2 and T2D risk. Functional characterization of the LncTGM2 revealed its implication in the transcriptional regulation of TGM2, coding for a transglutaminase. The T2Dassociated risk allele in LncTGM2 disrupts the secondary structure of this lncRNA, affecting its stability and the expression of TGM2 in pancreatic beta cells. Diminished LncTGM2 in human beta cells impairs glucose-stimulated insulin release. ConclusionsThese findings provide novel information on the molecular mechanisms by which T2D-associated SNPs in lncRNAs may contribute to disease, paving the way for the development of new therapies based on the modulation of lncRNAs.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PID2019-104475GA-I00 to I.S, and PGC2018-097573-A-I00 to AC-R) and the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) - EFSD/JDRF/Lilly Programme on Type 1 Diabetes Research to IS. FO (MS19/00109) is recipient of the Miguel Servet scheme, and AL (FI19/00045) was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España (ES). HR-M (PRE2019-089350) is supported by predoctoral grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Gobierno de España (ES) IG-M, MS-C, JM-S and AO-G were supported by Predoctoral Fellowship Grants from the UPV/EHU (Universidad del Pais Vasco/EuskalHerrikoUnibertsitatea) and the Basque Department of Education. MC is supported by the Fonds National de la RechercheScientifique (FNRS), the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research (sponsored by the French Diabetes Federation, Abbott, Eli Lilly, Merck Sharp & Dohme, and Novo Nordisk) and FF and MC by the EFSD/BoehringerIngelheim European Research Programme on Multi-System Challenges in Diabetes. The funders were not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article, or the decision to submit it for publication

    Grado de adherencia y conocimiento previo a la conciliación terapéutica en pacientes en diálisis peritoneal

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    Producción CientíficaEl empleo de medicamentos implica a pacientes y profesionales sanitarios, y puede dar lugar a errores con importantes repercusiones clínicas. A estos errores contribuyen la pluripatologìa, la polimedicaciòn, la fragmentación del sistema de salud (con múltiples médicos prescriptores sin registro único de salud), así como al desconocimiento del tratamiento por parte del paciente, familiares o cuidadores. Para disminuir estos errores de medicación se han propuesto varios procesos entre los que se incluyen la conciliación de la medicación (crear lista de medicación exacta que recoja todos los fármacos que el paciente toma), revisión del tratamiento (evaluar la lista para adecuación, efectividad, seguridad y conveniencia en conjunción con el estado de salud del paciente) y manejo individualizado de la terapia (comprobando adherencia, conocimiento de fármacos y lista de medicación «en la cartera»

    Automatic imagine analyzer to assess retinal vessel caliber (Altair) tool validation for the analysis of retinal vessels

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    Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of the tool Automatic image analyzer to assess retinal vessel caliber (ALTAIR) to analyze the vascularization of the retina and cardiovascular risk prediction. Design and method: Cross-sectional of tools validation study. We included 250 subjects in total, aged 62 +/- 9 years, 51% males. We have made a validation of reliability analyzing the intraclass correlation (ICC) intra observer, inter observer and inter device (compared with AVindex calculator) to the thickness, area and length of arteries and veins of the retina in 3 concentric circles from the disc in 120 retinographies. The concurrent validity was performed with 250 subjects and 497 retinographies, analyzing the relationship with age, blood pressure, parameters of vascular structure and function, renal function and cardiovascular risk estimated with scales. Results: In the sample, the 32% are obese, 68% hypertensive and 17% diabetic. The interobserver ICC for thickness, area and length of veins and arteries ranged from 0.809 to length of arteries to 0.916 to veins area. The intra observer ICC for intra thickness, area and length of veins and arteries ranged from 0.640 for the length of the veins and 0.906 for the area of the arteries and the inter device ICC was for arteriovenous ratio (AVR) 0.887, thickness of arteries 0.590 and veins thickness 0.677. We found a moderate correlation of the age (r between 0.30 and 0.50, p < 0.001) with the retinal vascular parameters analyzed. In multiple linear regression analysis after adjusting for age and sex, the association of AVR and arterial thickness with the diastolic blood pressure and albumin creatinine ratio and arterial area and length with systolic arterial blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness remains. Also the thickness area and length of the vessels show an association with cardiovascular risk estimated SCORE scale. Conclusions: The ALTAIR tool shows a good reliability in the concordance inter observers, intra observer and inter device measurements and a concordant validity to show an association with vascular parameters, target organ damage and cardiovascular risk