127 research outputs found

    Workshop on preparation of Laquer Peels to teach Sedimentology

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    El presente trabajo presenta el proceso técnico para la elaboración de una piel de laca sobre un perfil de sedimento en el medio natural o en testigos en caja. Estas pieles de laca son reproducciones fieles del original y fáciles de transportar y conservar y en ellas se resalta la estructura interna de tal forma que ésta se visualiza mejor que en el propio perfil sedimentario. El análisis de los perfiles obtenidos mediante la aplicación de esta técnica ofrece una posibilidad de profundización en el proceso de comprensión de los principios de la sedimentología y constituye una herramienta útil en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje.This paper presents the technical process for preparing lacquer peels on a sedimentary profile in the natural environment or in a boxcore. These laquer peels are accurate reproductions of the original, easy to transport and conserve; they highlight the internal structure in such a way that it can be seen better than in the original profile. The analysis of the profiles obtained by applying this technique provides a better understanding of the principles of sedimentology and is a useful tool in the teaching-learning process

    Foundational Challenges in Automated Data and Ontology Cleaning in the Semantic Web

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    The application of automated reasoning systems to data cleaning in the Semantic Web raises many challenges on the foundational basis of cleaning agent design. The authors discuss some of them. They finally argue that logic trust in the Semantic Web can only be achieved if it is based on certified reasoning.Junta de Andalucía TIC-13

    Effects of Motivational Climate on Fear of Failure and Anxiety in Teen Handball Players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the e ects of the motivational climate created by the coach and perceived by a group of young, high-performance handball players on their fear of failure and precompetitive anxiety. The study participants were 479 young handball players. The age range was 16–17 years old. Players were administered a battery composed of a Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, a Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory, and Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R, to measure the aforementioned theoretical constructs. Using structural equation modelling (SEM), the results showed that the handball players experienced high levels task-involving climate and moderate values of self-confidence. In contrast, players experienced lower levels of ego-involving climate, fear of failure, and cognitive and somatic anxiety. The obtained model shows that fear of failure positively mediates the association between an ego-involving climate with both cognitive and somatic anxiety, and negatively in terms of self-confidence. In contrast, fear of failure does not mediate the associations between a task-involving climate and both somatic and cognitive anxiety and self-confidence

    Seasonal variation of the organic carbon, inorganic carbon and sulfur contents in sediments of the Odiel and Tinto river estuary (SW Spain)

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    The study of 12 sediment traps located in the Tinto and Odiel river estuary show the influence of the acid contributions in the seasonal variation of the contents in organic carbon, inorganic carbon and sulfur. The seasonal relations between organic carbon and sulfur (C/S) have allowed determining environmental conditions of the estuarine system. Of this form, the winter conditions correspond to a normal marine environment, whereas rest of the year varies between euxinic and semi-euxinic conditions due to the high rate of evaporation that takes place in the intertidal zone that favors sulphate precipitatio


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    This work aims to systematize the theoretical-methodological elements necessary to successfully complete the training of the educational advisory competence in students of Psychology Pedagogy. It is based on scientific postulates to understand the dynamics of the related components in the form of systems that intervene, in the initial training in a general way and in the Psychology Pedagogy professional in a particular way. The educational advisory competence assumed as integration of contents that condition the psycho-pedagogue's ideal professional performance as an educational adviser, facilitator of the development of the potentialities of the educational process directed by the advised, to make decisions, execute them and commit to their results.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo sistematizar elementos teórico-metodológicos necesarios para cumplir satisfactoriamente la formación de la competencia de asesoría educativa en estudiantes de Pedagogía Psicología. Se fundamenta desde postulados científicos para comprender la dinámica de los componentes relacionados en forma de sistemas que intervienen, en la formación inicial de forma general y en el profesional de Pedagogía Psicología de manera particular. La competencia de asesoría educativa asumida como integración de contenidos que condicionan el desempeño profesional idóneo del psicopedagogo como asesor educativo, facilitador del desarrollo de las potencialidades del proceso educativo que dirige el asesorado, para adoptar decisiones, ejecutarlas y comprometerse con sus resultados

    Strategy to form the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence in the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training

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    The formation of psycho-pedagogical counseling as a competence in the initial training of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional constitutes a social need, inasmuch as it surpasses the formation of this as a skill or mode of action. It is conceived from and for professional performance, as a concretion of what the professional intervention knows and needs, in a process from dependence to independence in practice. In this sense, the objective of this article is to socialize a pedagogical strategy for the formation of the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence from the internalization of its constitutive elements, its externalization in practice and the evaluative reflection of what it needed, applied and needs to transform in the formation for its efficiency. The scientific research methods used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and modeling; all of them of theoretical character and document analysis, observation, survey and specialists' criteria; of empirical character; demonstrated the scientific value, viability and feasibility of the strategy. The strategy, as a novel element, shows the new understanding of the formation of psycho-pedagogical counseling as a competence of the Pedagogy-Psychology professional in initial training and its contribution to reach agile professionals, prepared for change, useful in the management and solution of the conflicts that derive from it in the basic labor entities. It favors the awareness of the actions in the formation of the psycho-pedagogical counseling competence and stimulates the transit to higher stages

    Ontology Cleaning by Mereotopological Reasoning

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    A mereotopological semantics to manage ontologies is presented. The aim is to provide a formal basis for ontology cleaning. It allows us to arrange, in a consistent manner, the concepts in early steps of the building of an ontology as well as to repair anomalies. The semantics supports cleaning cycle that combines several AI techniques as closed world assumption, default reasoning on taxonomies and knowledge acquisition.Junta de Andalucía TIC-13

    Wound Healing Activity of Nanoclay/Spring Water Hydrogels

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    This project was supported by an FPU grant (MECD), the Spanish research group CTS-946 and the program for international mobility of PhD students (University of Granada). Special thanks to the Department of Drug Sciences of the University of Pavia (Italy).Background: hydrogels prepared with natural inorganic excipients and spring waters are commonly used in medical hydrology. Design of these clay-based formulations continues to be a field scarcely addressed. Safety and wound healing properties of different fibrous nanoclay/spring water hydrogels were addressed. Methods: in vitro biocompatibility, by means of MTT assay, and wound healing properties were studied. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy was used to study the morphology of fibroblasts during the wound healing process. Results: all the ingredients demonstrated to be biocompatible towards fibroblasts. Particularly, the formulation of nanoclays as hydrogels improved biocompatibility with respect to powder samples at the same concentration. Spring waters and hydrogels were even able to promote in vitro fibroblasts motility and, therefore, accelerate wound healing with respect to the control. Conclusion: fibrous nanoclay/spring water hydrogels proved to be skin-biocompatible and to possess a high potential as wound healing formulations. Moreover, these results open new prospects for these ingredients to be used in new therapeutic or cosmetic formulations.German Research Foundation (DFG)Spanish research group CTS-946Program for international mobility of PhD students (University of Granada

    Seroprevalencia de las infecciones por el virus Diarrea Vírica Bovina en ganado bovino en Andalucía

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    Se ha realizado un estudio seroepidemiológico frente al virus de la Diarrea Vírica Bovina (vDVB) en la cabaña bovina andaluza, utilizando para ello un ELISA indirecto para la detección de anticuerpos frente a una proteína altamente conservada (p80). Después de eliminar los animales vacunados, la encuesta se realizó sobre 4.768 individuos pertenecientes a 227 colectivos no vacunados frente al vDVB, mediante muestreo estadístico para un nivel de confianza del 95 por ciento. La seropositividad obtenida ha sido del 42,3 por ciento de los individuos analizados, mientras que la prevalencia estimada de rebaños seropositivos alcanzó el 70,9 por ciento. La proporción de bovinos persistentemente infectados (IP) encontrada en la muestra (0,063 % de los individuos y 1,32 de los colectivos), ha sido más baja de la esperada en función de la alta seroprevalencia detectada, hecho que demuestra que la supervivencia de estos animales lógicamente está condicionada