3,471 research outputs found

    Seres humanos y animales. La polémica contemporánea en cuanto a la titularidad de los derechos

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    Proposal for Psychomotor Development According to A.R. Luria’s Conception: New Data in Mexico

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    The aim of this work was to test a program for psychomotor development based on Luria´s concept of three functional brain units or blocks and the necessity of stimulation of the first functional unit in early childhood. Stimulation of subcortical systems associated with psychomotor and cognitive regulation may help to set thebasis for positive functioning of the cerebral cortex in the coming years. Vestibular exercises and proprioceptive stimulation were used. All exercises included significant communicative activity as described by Vigotsky and Lisina, which provide positive direct emotional contact between adult and child. Thirty-six babies with neurological risk were included in the study, along with their parents. After 300 days in the stimulation program, all the children presented positive functional development. We conclude that positive effects of these programs for correction and psychological development may be achieved during the first year of life. Keywords: neurological risk, emotional contact, joint activity, vestibular stimulatio

    Gold-Catalyzed Reaction of propargyl Esters and alkynylsilanes: Synthesis of vinylallene derivatives thorugh a Twofold 1,2-Rearrangement

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    The reaction of propargyl esters with alkynylsilanes under gold catalysis provides vinylallene derivatives through consecutive [1,2]-acyloxy/[1,2]-silyl rearrangements. Good yields, full atom-economy, broad substrate scope, easy scale-up and low catalyst loadings are salient features of this novel transformation. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations suggest a reaction mechanism involving initial [1,2]-acyloxy rearrangement to generate a gold vinylcarbene intermediate which upon regioselective attack of the alkynylsilane affords a vinyl cation which undergoes a type II-dyotropic rearrangement involving the silyl group and the metal fragment. Preliminary results on the enantioselective version of this transformation are also disclose

    Dominating 2-broadcast in graphs: complexity, bounds and extremal graphs

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    Limited dominating broadcasts were proposed as a variant of dominating broadcasts, where the broadcast function is upper bounded. As a natural extension of domination, we consider dominating 2-broadcasts along with the associated parameter, the dominating 2-broadcast number. We prove that computing the dominating 2-broadcast number is a NP-complete problem, but can be achieved in linear time for trees. We also give an upper bound for this parameter, that is tight for graphs as large as desired.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La posible exclusión de los servicios jurídicos prestados por abogado en la Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público

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    This work studies the legal framework of the legal services contract and its relation to lawyering deontological principles as a feasible legal argument to justify its exclusion from public procurement. Furthermore, the paper reflects on the inadequate transposition of Directive 2014/24/EU into the Spanish legal system via the Public Procurement Act, always related to the legal services contract when provided by a lawyer.En el presente trabajo se estudia el marco normativo del contrato de servicios jurídicos y su relación con las normas deontológicas de la abogacía como posible argumentación jurídica para justificar la no consideración de dichos servicios como objeto de un contrato público. Realiza una reflexión jurídica sobre la inadecuada transposición de la Directiva 2014/24/UE al ordenamiento interno mediante la actual Ley de Contratos del Sector Público, siempre en relación con el contrato de servicios jurídicos cuando es prestado por abogado

    De la clandestinidad al museo: la Collection de l’Art Brut en Lausanne

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    Este artículo se centra en la Collection de l’Art Brut en Lausanne, explorando su singularidad y el desarrollo de su colección. Además, se han introducido algunas experiencias previas del ámbito psiquiátrico que contextualizan esta propuesta, así como iniciativas coetáneas y posteriores al museo suizo que avisan de un aumento considerable en el número de entidades dedicadas al art brut y a otras prácticas artísticas afines.This article focuses on the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne exploring its uniqueness and the development of its collection. In addition, some previous experiences from the psychiatric field have been introduced to contextualize this proposal, as well as contemporary initiatives that came after the museum’s foundation which bring attention to the considerable increase in the number of entities dedicated to art brut and other related artistic practices

    Evaluación de fondos de inversión. El caso de Santander gestión de activos = Mutual fund performance. The case of Santander gestión de activos

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    Uno de los aspectos fundamentales de los que se ocupa la economía financiera, es el de evaluar las decisiones de los gestores de carteras de activos financieros. Este trabajo trata de contribuir al debate sobre la capacidad de los gestores de vencer al mercado, analizando el comportamiento de tres fondos de inversión en renta variable de una de las gestoras más importantes de nuestro país: Santander Gestión de Activos. Tras repasar la literatura en torno a la Hipótesis de Eficiencia del Mercado, y realizar diversos análisis empíricos en el periodo 2014-2018, los resultados proporcionados por el CAPM, el modelo de tres factores de Fama y French y el modelo de cinco factores de Fama y French, indican que los gestores no son capaces de batir al mercado en términos de rentabilidad ajustada por riesgo

    Machine Ethics: Do Androids Dream of Being Good People?

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    Is ethics a computable function? Can machines learn ethics like humans do? If teaching consists in no more than programming, training, indoctrinating¿ and if ethics is merely following a code of conduct, then yes, we can teach ethics to algorithmic machines. But if ethics is not merely about following a code of conduct or about imitating the behavior of others, then an approach based on computing outcomes, and on the reduction of ethics to the compilation and application of a set of rules, either a priori or learned, misses the point. Our intention is not to solve the technical problem of machine ethics, but to learn something about human ethics, and its rationality, by reflecting on the ethics that can and should be implemented in machines. Any machine ethics implementation will have to face a number of fundamental or conceptual problems, which in the end refer to philosophical questions, such as: what is a human being (or more generally, what is a worthy being); what is human intentional acting; and how are intentional actions and their consequences morally evaluated. We are convinced that a proper understanding of ethical issues in AI can teach us something valuable about ourselves, and what it means to lead a free and responsible ethical life, that is, being good people beyond merely "following a moral code". In the end we believe that rationality must be seen to involve more than just computing, and that value rationality is beyond numbers. Such an understanding is a required step to recovering a renewed rationality of ethics, one that is urgently needed in our highly technified society.This work has been supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the terms of the Multi-Annual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M17), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation). This research has received funding also from the RESTART project – “Continuous Reverse Engineering for Software Product Lines / Ingeniería Inversa Continua para Líneas de Productos de Software” (ref. RTI2018-099915-B-I00, Convocatoria Proyectos de I + D Retos Investigación del Programa Estatal de I + D + i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad 2018, grant agreement nº: 412122; and from the CritiRed project – “Elaboración de un modelo predictivo para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el uso de las redes sociales”, Convocatoria Retos de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (2019–2022), ref. RTI2018-095740-B-I00