1,682 research outputs found

    Estado y agricultura en Mexico : antecedentes e implicaciones de las reformas salinistas

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    1 archivo PDF (184 páginas)El 7 de noviembre de 1991, el presidente Salinas de Gortari anunció la reforma del artículo 27 de la Constitución, al respecto de esta reforma se presentan siete ensayos, cuyos temas son: perspectiva histórica: desde el Cardenismo hasta el Salinismo; la política neoliberal: regiones y sectores económicos; la política neoliberal: sectores Sociales. PALABRAS CLAVE: Enmiendas constitucionales. Tierras comunales. Agriculture and state. Constitutional amendments. Common

    All you can eat: the functional response of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus feeding on krill and copepods

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    The feeding behavior of the cosmopolitan cold-water coral (CWC) Desmophyllum dianthus (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) is still poorly known. Its usual deep distribution restricts direct observations, and manipulative experiments are so far limited to prey that do not occur in CWC natural habitat. During a series of replicated incubations, we assessed the functional response of this coral feeding on a medium-sized copepod (Calanoides patagoniensis) and a large euphausiid (Euphausia vallentini). Corals showed a Type I functional response, where feeding rate increased linearly with prey abundance, as predicted for a tentaculate passive suspension feeder. No significant differences in feeding were found between prey items, and corals were able to attain a maximum feeding rate of 10.99 mg C h−1, which represents an ingestion of the 11.4% of the coral carbon biomass per hour. These findings suggest that D. dianthus is a generalist zooplankton predator capable of exploiting dense aggregations of zooplankton over a wide prey size-range

    General Hydrography of the Beagle Channel, a Subantarctic Interoceanic Passage at the Southern Tip of South America

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    The Beagle Channel (BC) is a long and narrow interoceanic passage (∼270 km long and 1–12 km wide) with west-east orientation and complex bathymetry connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans at latitude 55°S. This study is the first integrated assessment of the main oceanographic features of the BC, using recent oceanographic observations from cruises, moored instruments and historical observations. The waters transported into the BC are supplied mainly by the Cape Horn Current, which carries Subantarctic Water (SAAW) at depth (100 m below surface) along the Pacific Patagonian continental shelf break. SAAW enters the continental shelf via a submarine canyon at the western entrance of the BC. The SAAW is diluted by fresh, nutrient depleted (nitrate, phosphate and silicic acid) Estuarine Water (EW) from Cordillera Darwin Ice Field (CDIF) forming modified SAAW (mSAAW). Freshwater inputs from the CDIF generate a two-layer system with a sharp pycnocline which delimits the vertical distribution of phytoplankton fluorescence (PF). Two shallow sills (<70 m) along the BC contribute to EW and mSAAW mixing and the homogenization of the entire water column east of the sills, coherent with Bernoulli aspiration. The central section of the BC, extending ∼100 km toward the east, is filled by a salty (31–32) variety of EW. In winter, this central section is nearly vertically homogeneous with low nutrient concentrations (0.9–1.1 μM PO4 and 7.5–10 μM NO3) and PF. The temporal variability of seawater temperature from 50 to 195 m in the central section of the BC was found to be mostly dominated by the annual and semiannual cycles and influenced by tidal forcing. The middle section of the BC was less influenced by oceanic inputs and its basin-like structure most likely favors retention, which was observed from the weakly stratified water column at the mooring site. Toward the east, the central section bathymetry is disrupted at Mackinlay Strait where another shallow sill separates the middle channel from the shallow eastern entrance that connects to the Atlantic Ocean. In this section, a weakly stratified two-layer system is formed when the eastward surface outflow (salty-EW) flows over a deeper, denser tongue of oceanic mSAAW.Fil: Giesecke Astorga, Claudio Ricardo. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Martín de Nascimento, Jacobo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. Instituto de Ciencias Polares, Ambientales y Recursos Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Piñones, Andrea. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Höfer, Juan. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Garcés Vargas, Jose. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Flores Melo, Elizabeth Ximena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Alarcón, Emilio. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Durrieu de Madron, Xavier. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Bourrin, François. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: González, Humberto E.. Universidad Austral de Chile; Chil

    Liquid methanol Monte Carlo simulations with a refined potential which includes polarizability, nonadditivity, and intramolecular relaxation

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    Monte Carlo simulations of liquid methanol were performed using a refined ab initio derived potential which includes polarizability, nonadditivity, and intramolecular relaxation. The results present good agreement between the energetic and structural properties predicted by the model and those predicted by ab initio calculations of methanol clusters and experimental values of gas and condensed phases. The molecular level picture of methanol shows the existence of both rings and linear polymers in the methanol liquid phase

    Social interactions and business portfolio among vegetable produc-ers in central Mexico

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    Objective: Analyze social interactions and business portfolio of vegetable producers in Central Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: we worked with 16 small vegetable producers. Semi-structured questionnaires and periodic monitoring were used in field to collect data. A Social Network analysis was carried out to know social interactions between producers, and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Ansoff matrix for the business portfolio. Results: We found that the products with potential in the market were lettuce and nopal. Broccoli and squash represent low sales and low utility. Producers with a higher degree of centrality grow lettuce, broccoli and squash, so we suggested to develop strategies for introducing nopal. Limitations on study/implications: It was necessary to deep in market and consumers analysis.Objective: To analyze the social interactions and business portfolio of vegetable producers in central Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Work was conducted with 16 small-scale vegetable producers. Semi-structured questionnaires and periodic monitoring were used in the field to collect data. A Social Network analysis was carried out to understand the social interactions between producers, and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Ansoff matrix was used for the business portfolio. Results: The study found that the products with potential in the market were lettuce and nopal. Broccoli and squash represent low sales and low utility. Producers with a higher degree of centrality grow lettuce, broccoli and squash, so we suggested developing strategies for introducing nopal. Limitations on study/implications: It was necessary to delve into market and consumers analysis

    Atlas Floresta Americana. Bonpland. 1850: La identificación de las plantas de la Materia Médica Misionera de Pedro de Montenegro (SJ)

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    The manuscript bequeathed by Amado Bonpland, Atlas Floresta Americana 1850, obtained from the Library of the Casa de la Cultura Benjamín Carrión (Quito, Ecuador) after efforts made by various entities, allows us to have material of great historical-scientific value and that contributes to the study of the plants identification described in the Materia Medica Missionera of Pedro de Montenegro. In this sense, it constitutes a documentary collection that integrates valuable data pertaining to the Jesuit period, as well as the period in which Bonpland remained in the River Plate basin. The manuscript was analyzed with an interdisciplinary approach. The objectives of the present study are to present the unpublished document, characterize it historically, transcribe it, translate it into Spanish, update the phytonyms to the current Guaraní, update the identifications of the plants of the Jesuit work Pedro de Montenegro, and compare these identifications with others made on the same work. The characteristics of the manuscript and the historical context of its production are described. The botanical affiliation of the plants identified by Bonpland from the Materia Medica Misionera is presented. The importance of this unpublished document as heritage is highlighted, as well as its possible contributions to Jesuit, botanical and pharmacological studies in general.El manuscrito legado por Amado Bonpland, Atlas Floresta Americana 1850, obtenido de la Biblioteca de la Casa de la Cultura Benjamín Carrión (Quito, Ecuador) luego de gestiones realizadas por diversas entidades, nos permite contar con un material de gran valor históricocientífico y que aporta al estudio de la identificación de las plantas descriptas en la Materia Médica Misionera de Pedro de Montenegro. En tal sentido constituye un fondo documental que integra datos valiosos pertenecientes al período jesuítico, como también del período en que Bonpland permaneció en la cuenca rioplatense. El manuscrito fue analizado desde un enfoque interdisciplinario. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son: presentar el documento inédito, caracterizarlo históricamente, transcribirlo, traducirlo al español, actualizar los fitónimos al guaraní actual, actualizar las identificaciones de las plantas de la obra del jesuita Pedro de Montenegro, y comparar dichas identificaciones con otras realizadas sobre la misma obra. Se describen las características del manuscrito y el contexto histórico de su producción. Se presenta la afiliación botánica de las plantas identificadas por Bonpland a partir de la Materia Médica Misionera. Se resalta la importancia de este documento inédito como patrimonio, como también sus posibles aportes a los estudios jesuíticos, botánicos y farmacológicos en general. INFORMACION COMPLEMENTARIA 

    Atlas American Forest. Bonpland. 1850: Identification of plants from the “Materia Médica Misionera” of Pedro de Montenegro (SJ)

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    El manuscrito legado por Amado Bonpland, Atlas Floresta Americana 1850, obtenidode la Biblioteca de la Casa de la Cultura Benjamín Carrión (Quito, Ecuador) luego de gestionesrealizadas por diversas entidades, nos permite contar con un material de gran valor históricocientífico y que aporta al estudio de la identificación de las plantas descriptas en la Materia Médica Misionera de Pedro de Montenegro. En tal sentido constituye un fondo documentalque integra datos valiosos pertenecientes al período jesuítico, como también del período enque Bonpland permaneció en la cuenca rioplatense. El manuscrito fue analizado desde unenfoque interdisciplinario. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son: presentar el documentoinédito, caracterizarlo históricamente, transcribirlo, traducirlo al español, actualizar los fitónimosal guaraní actual, actualizar las identificaciones de las plantas de la obra del jesuita Pedro deMontenegro, y comparar dichas identificaciones con otras realizadas sobre la misma obra.Se describen las características del manuscrito y el contexto histórico de su producción. Sepresenta la afiliación botánica de las plantas identificadas por Bonpland a partir de la MateriaMédica Misionera. Se resalta la importancia de este documento inédito como patrimonio, comotambién sus posibles aportes a los estudios jesuíticos, botánicos y farmacológicos en general.The manuscript bequeathed by Amado Bonpland, Atlas Floresta Americana 1850, obtained from the Library of the Casa de la Cultura Benjamín Carrión (Quito, Ecuador) after efforts made by various entities, allows us to have material of great historical-scientific value and that contributes to the study of the plants identification described in the Materia Medica Missionera of Pedro de Montenegro. In this sense, it constitutes a documentary collection that integrates valuable data pertaining to the Jesuit period, as well as the period in which Bonpland remained in the River Plate basin. The manuscript was analyzed with an interdisciplinary approach. The objectives of the present study are to present the unpublished document, characterize it historically, transcribe it, translate it into Spanish, update the phytonyms to the current Guaraní, update the identifications of the plants of the Jesuit work Pedro de Montenegro, and compare these identifications with others made on the same work. The characteristics of the manuscript and the historical context of its production are described. The botanical affiliation of the plants identified by Bonpland from the Materia Medica Misionera is presented. The importance of this unpublished document as heritage is highlighted, as well as its possible contributions to Jesuit, botanical and pharmacological studies in general.Fil: Arbelo, Aurora. Asociación de Directores de Museos ; ArgentinaFil: Gabriela Basualdo, M.. Ministerio de Coordinación y Planificación de Corrientes; ArgentinaFil: Cerruti, Cèdric. Université de la Rochelle; FranciaFil: Valenzuela, Fatima Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas; ArgentinaFil: Pageau, Christian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas; ArgentinaFil: González, Humberto E.. No especifíca;Fil: Clarisa Godoy, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Riabis, Melina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Guevara, David N.. No especifíca;Fil: Keller, Héctor A.. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales; ArgentinaFil: Stampella, Pablo César. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Aspectos clínicos de la angustia

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    Disposición para la angustia: Los accesos emocionales, entre ellos la angustia, tienen su asiento, según Fenichel, en factores biológicos y filogenéticos. Entendemos por el enunciado anterior la existencia de estructuras glandulares y nerviosas, de funcionamientos anclados sobre reacciones neuro-hormonales y bioquímicas, y de predisposiciones congénitamente adquiridas. Sobre lo anatómico y funcional nada podemos decir aquí; ese campo corresponde a la neurofisiología