55 research outputs found

    Kinematics of Tycho-2 Red Giant Clump Stars

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    Based on the Ogorodnikov-Milne model, we analyze the proper motions of 95 633 red giant clump (RGC) stars from the Tycho-2 Catalogue. The following Oort constants have been found: A = 15.9+-0.2 km/s/kpc and B = -12.0+-0.2 km/s/kpc. Using 3632 RGC stars with known proper motions, radial velocities, and photometric distances, we show that, apart from the star centroid velocity components relative to the Sun, only the model parameters that describe the stellar motions in the XY plane differ significantly from zero. We have studied the contraction (a negative K-effect) of the system of RGC stars as a function of their heliocentric distance and elevation above the Galactic plane. For a sample of distant (500--1000 pc) RGC stars located near the Galactic plane (|Z|<200 pc) with an average distance of d=0.7 kpc, the contraction velocity is shown to be Kd= -3.5+-0.9 km/s; a noticeable vertex deviation, lxy = 9.1+-0.5 degrees, is also observed for them. For stars located well above the Galactic plane (|Z|>=200 pc), these effects are less pronounced, Kd = -1.7+-0.5 km/s and lxy = 4.9+-0.6 degrees. Using RGC stars, we have found a rotation around the Galactic X axis directed toward the Galactic center with an angular velocity of -2.5+-0.3 km/s/kpc, which we associate with the warp of the Galactic stellar-gaseous disk.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Open Clusters IC 4665 and Cr 359 and a Probable Birthplace of the Pulsar PSR B1929+10

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    Based on the epicyclic approximation, we have simulated the motion of the young open star clusters IC 4665 and Collinder 359. The separation between the cluster centers is shown to have been minimal 7 Myr ago, 36 pc. We have established a close evolutionary connection between IC 4665 and the Scorpius-Centaurus association -- the separation between the centers of these structures was 200\approx200 pc 15 Myr ago. In addition, the center of IC 4665 at this time was near two well-known regions of coronal gas: the Local Bubble and the North Polar Spur. The star HIP 86768 is shown to be one of the candidates for a binary (in the past) with the pulsar PSR B1929+10. At the model radial velocity of the pulsar Vr=2±50V_r= 2\pm50 km s1^{-1}, a close encounter of this pair occurs in the vicinity of IC 4665 at a time of -1.1 Myr. At the same time, using currently available data for the pulsar B1929+10 at its model radial velocity Vr=200±50V_r=200\pm50 km s1^{-1}, we show that the hypothesis of Hoogerwerf et al. (2001) about the breakup of the ζ\zetaOph--B1929+10 binary in the vicinity of Upper Scorpius (US) about 0.9 Myr ago is more plausible.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Analysis of Peculiarities of the Stellar Velocity Field in the Solar Neighborhood

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    Based on a new version of the Hipparcos catalogue and an updated Geneva-Copenhagen survey of F and G dwarfs, we analyze the space velocity field of about 17000 single stars in the solar neighborhood. The main known clumps, streams, and branches (Pleiades, Hyades, Sirius, Coma Berenices, Hercules, Wolf 630-alpha Ceti, and Arcturus) have been identified using various approaches. The evolution of the space velocity field for F and G dwarfs has been traced as a function of the stellar age. We have managed to confirm the existence of the recently discovered KFR08 stream. We have found 19 Hipparcos stars, candidates for membership in the KFR08 stream, and obtained an isochrone age estimate for the stream, 13 Gyr. The mean stellar ages of the Wolf 630-alpha Ceti and Hercules streams are shown to be comparable, 4--6 Gyr. No significant differences in the metallicities of stars belonging to these streams have been found. This is an argument for the hypothesis that these streams owe their origin to a common mechanism.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    GYES, a multifibre spectrograph for the CFHT

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    We have chosen the name of GYES, one of the mythological giants with one hundred arms, offspring of Gaia and Uranus, for our instrument study of a multifibre spectrograph for the prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Such an instrument could provide an excellent ground-based complement for the Gaia mission and a northern complement to the HERMES project on the AAT. The CFHT is well known for providing a stable prime focus environment, with a large field of view, which has hosted several imaging instruments, but has never hosted a multifibre spectrograph. Building upon the experience gained at GEPI with FLAMES-Giraffe and X-Shooter, we are investigating the feasibility of a high multiplex spectrograph (about 500 fibres) over a field of view 1 degree in diameter. We are investigating an instrument with resolution in the range 15000 to 30000, which should provide accurate chemical abundances for stars down to 16th magnitude and radial velocities, accurate to 1 km/s for fainter stars. The study is led by GEPI-Observatoire de Paris with a contribution from Oxford for the study of the positioner. The financing for the study comes from INSU CSAA and Observatoire de Paris. The conceptual study will be delivered to CFHT for review by October 1st 2010.Comment: Contributed talk at the Gaia ELSA conference 2010, S\`evres 7-11 June 2010, to be published on the EAS Series, Editors: C. Turon, F. Arenou & F. Meynadie

    Новые комбинации и названия сосудистых растений Азиатской России.

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    In this paper, we present nomenclatural novelties required in the course of the preparation of the second, revised version of the checklist of vascular plants of Asian Russia. The first version was published in 2012 (Baikov 2012). At the family level, we accepted the modern classification systems (APG IV for flowering plants, PPG I for lycophytes and ferns, and GPG for gymnosperms). At the genus level, we follow the generic concepts applied for particular taxonomic groups according to the Catalogue of Life (COL; https://www.catalogueoflife.org/), version COL23.5. At the species level, we consistently apply the monotypic species concept (also known in Russia as Komarov’s concept). In total, this paper presents one new nothogenus name (× Sibirotrisetokoeleria Chepinoga nom. nov., Poaceae) and 156 new names in the rank of species, in 28 families: Amaranthaceae Juss. (1 name), Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil. (1), Apiaceae Lindl. (2), Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl (12), Boraginaceae Juss. (4), Caryophyllaceae Juss. (11), Crassulaceae J. St.-Hill. (3), Cyperaceae Juss. (8), Ericaceae Juss. (2), Fabaceae Lindl. (16), Gentianaceae Juss. (1), Geraniaceae Juss. (1), Juncaceae Juss. (1), Lamiaceae Martinov (1), Menyanthaceae Dumort. (1), Orchidaceae Juss. (1), Orobanchaceae Vent. (1), Papaveraceae Juss. (4), Plantaginaceae Juss. (1), Poaceae Barnhart (49), Polygonaceae Juss. (4), Primulaceae Batsch. ex Borkh. (6), Ranunculaceae Juss. (4), Rosaceae Juss. (5), Salicaceae Mirb. (2), Saxifragaceae Juss. (11), Vitaceae Juss. (1), Zygophyllaceae R. Br. (2 names)

    Galactic Kinematics from OB3 Stars with Distances determined from Interstellar Ca II Lines

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    Based on data for 102 OB3 stars with known proper motions and radial velocities, we have tested the distances derived by Megier et al. from interstellar Ca II spectral lines. The internal reconciliation of the distance scales using the first derivative of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation {\Omega}'0 and the external reconciliation with Humphreys's distance scale for OB associations refined by Mel'nik and Dambis show that the initial distances should be reduced by \approx 20%. Given this correction, the heliocentric distances of these stars lie within the range 0.6-2.6 kpc. A kinematic analysis of these stars at a fixed Galactocentric distance of the Sun, R0=8 kpc, has allowed the following parameters to be determined:(1) the solar peculiar velocity components (U_o,V_o,W_o)=(8.9,10.3,6.8)\pm(0.6,1.0,0.4) km/s;(2) the Galactic rotation parameters {\Omega}_o=-31.5\pm0.9 km/s/kpc, {\Omega}'_o=+4.49\pm0.12 km/s/kpc^2, {\Omega}"_o=-1.05\pm0.38 km/s/kpc^3, (the corresponding Oort constants are A=17.9\pm0.5 km/s/kpc, B=-13.6\pm1.0 km/s/kpc and the circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood is |V_o|=252\pm14 km/s); (3) the spiral density wave parameters, namely: the perturbation amplitudes for the radial and azimuthal velocity components, respectively, f_R = -12.5\pm1.1 km/s and f_{\theta}=2.0\pm1.6 km/s; the pitch angle for the two-armed spiral pattern i=-5.3\pm0.3 degrees, with the wavelength of the spiral density wave at the solar distance being {\lambda}=2.3\pm0.2 kpc; the Sun's phase in the spiral wave {\chi}_o=-91\pm4 degrees.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    CHARA Array K'-band Measurements of the Angular Dimensions of Be Star Disks

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    We present the first K'-band, long-baseline interferometric observations of the northern Be stars gamma Cas, phi Per, zeta Tau, and kappa Dra. The measurements were made with multiple telescope pairs of the CHARA Array interferometer, and in every case the observations indicate that the circumstellar disks of the targets are resolved. We fit the interferometric visibilities with predictions from a simple disk model that assumes an isothermal gas in Keplerian rotation. We derive fits of the four model parameters (disk base density, radial density exponent, disk normal inclination, and position angle) for each of the targets. The resulting densities are in broad agreement with prior studies of the IR excess flux and the resulting orientations generally agree with those from interferometric H-alpha and continuum polarimetric observations. We find that the angular size of the K' disk emission is smaller than that determined for the H-alpha emission, and we argue that the difference is the result of a larger H-alpha opacity and the relatively larger neutral hydrogen fraction with increasing disk radius. All the targets are known binaries with faint companions, and we find that companions appear to influence the interferometric visibilities in the cases of phi Per and kappa Dra. We also present contemporaneous observations of the H-alpha, H-gamma, and Br-gamma emission lines. Synthetic model profiles of these lines that are based on the same disk inclination and radial density exponent as derived from the CHARA Array observations match the observed emission line strength if the disk base density is reduced by approximately 1.7 dex.Comment: ApJ in press (2007 Jan 1), 55 pages, 14 figure

    WIYN Open Cluster Study. XXVI. Improved kinematic membership and spectroscopy of IC 2391

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    [Abridged] Contex. Young open clusters provide important clues to the interface between the main sequence and pre-main-sequence phases of stellar evolution. The young and nearby open cluster IC 2391 is well-suited to studies of these two evolutionary phases. Aims. We establish a bona fide set of cluster members and then analyze this set in terms of binary frequency, projected rotational velocities, [Fe/H], and lithium abundance. In the wake of the Hipparcos distance controversy for the Pleiades, we compare the main-sequence fitting distance modulus to the Hipparcos mean parallax for IC 2391. Results. The proper-motion survey covers a 6 times larger sky area than the prior targeted searches for cluster members in IC 2391. A total of 66 stars are considered bona fide cluster members down to a mass equivalent to 0.5M_sun. A quarter of them have been newly identified with many in the F2-K5 spectral range, which is crucial for a main-sequence fit. We find a mean [Fe/H] value of +0.06+/-0.06, when a solar abundance of log epsilon (Fe)=7.45 is adopted. The main sequence fitting yields a distance modulus that is 0.19 mag larger than that derived from Hipparcos parallaxes; thus this offset nearly has the size of a similar offset found for the Pleiades. The Li abundance pattern is similar to the earlier findings and is typical for a 40 Myr old open cluster.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Severe traumatic injury during long duration spaceflight: Light years beyond ATLS

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    Traumatic injury strikes unexpectedly among the healthiest members of the human population, and has been an inevitable companion of exploration throughout history. In space flight beyond the Earth's orbit, NASA considers trauma to be the highest level of concern regarding the probable incidence versus impact on mission and health. Because of limited resources, medical care will have to focus on the conditions most likely to occur, as well as those with the most significant impact on the crew and mission. Although the relative risk of disabling injuries is significantly higher than traumatic deaths on earth, either issue would have catastrophic implications during space flight. As a result this review focuses on serious life-threatening injuries during space flight as determined by a NASA consensus conference attended by experts in all aspects of injury and space flight