1,181 research outputs found

    Technology that makes our life easier

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    Our present life is characterized by the increasing role of technology, especially in everyday life. People make a fuss mainly about technologies making their life easier and more convenient. It‘s a social networking that really can be referred to one of the

    International Stand of Ukrainian Mechanical Engineering in the European Economy

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    The article analyses the significant changes in the society that have taken place in Ukraine for the past twenty-five years that considerably influenced the structure and dynamics of mechanical engineering, which, due to objective and subjective reasons, is not ready for large-scale transformational actions. The author has also investigated the dynamics of changes, taking place in the machine-building complex of Ukraine. There have been identified structural changes of the industrial complex that occurred during the crisis and post-crisis period. The article has identified the position of Ukrainian engineering in the European economy

    Sodium penetration and chemically induced stresses in the hollow cylinder of Rapoport-Samoilenko apparatus – I. Constitutive modeling

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    In this paper, a comprehensive theoretical investigation has been carried out with the main focus directed at the understanding on how sodium penetration and chemical expansion in the cathode material during aluminum electrolysis affect the time dependent and chemically induced stress distribution in the hollow cylinder of the Rapoport-Samoilenko apparatus. Constitutive modeling of chemical and mechanical phenomena has been given, and the formulae of stress distribution in the cylinder of the apparatus have been obtained.Теоретичні дослідження даної роботи пов'язані з урахуванням впливу явища хімічного переносу натрію та хімічного розширення в катодному матеріалі при алюмінієвому електролізі в розрахунках залежних від часу розподілень хімічно наведених напружень в циліндрі з отвором для апарата Рапопорта-Самойленка. Виконано моделювання хімічних і механічних явищ, та одержані формули розподілу напружень в циліндрі апарата

    Siberian crane chick calls reflect their thermal state

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    Chicks can convey information about their needs with calls. But it is still unknown if there are any universal need indicators in chick vocalizations. Previous studies have shown that in some species vocal activity and/or temporal-frequency variables of calls are related to the chick state, whereas other studies did not confirm it. Here, we tested experimentally whether vocal activity and temporal-frequency variables of calls change with cooling. We studied 10 human-raised Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) chicks at 3–15 days of age. We found that the cooled chicks produced calls higher in fundamental frequency and power variables, longer in duration and at a higher calling rate than in the control chicks. However, we did not find significant changes in level of entropy and occurrence of non-linear phenomena in chick calls recorded during the experimental cooling. We suggest that the level of vocal activity is a universal indicator of need for warmth in precocial and semi-precocial birds (e.g. cranes), but not in altricial ones. We also assume that coding of needs via temporal-frequency variables of calls is typical in species whose adults could not confuse their chicks with other chicks. Siberian cranes stay on separate territories during their breeding season, so parents do not need to check individuality of their offspring in the home area. In this case, all call characteristics are available for other purposes and serve to communicate chicks’ vital needs

    Female Scent Signals Enhances Male Resistance to Influenza

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    Scent of receptive females as signal to reproduction stimulate male mice to olfactory search of a potential breeding partner^1, 2^. This searching behavior is coupled with infection risk due to bacterial contamination of the fecal and urine scent marks^4^. The theoretical consideration of host evolution under inevitable parasitic pressures, including helminthes, bacteria, virus etc., predicts adaptations that help protect against parasites associated with breeding^7^. In this study, we propose that acceptation of female signals by male mice leads to adaptive redistribution of immune defense directed to protection against respiratory infection risks. Our results reveal migration of macrophages and neutrophils to upper airways upon exposure to female odor stimulus resulting in increased resistance to influenza virus in male mice. Contrary to widely accepted immunosuppressive function of female sexual signals, our data provide the first demonstration of the adaptive immunological response to female odor stimulus through induction of nonspecific immune response in upper airways

    The EUROPEAN UNION'S ERASMUS+ education program

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    The article is devoted to a complex of scholarship programs of the European Union aimed at increasing the mobility of students and researchers within the European spaceСтатья посвящена комплексу стипендиальных программ Европейского Союза, направленных на повышение мобильности студентов и исследователей в рамках европейского пространств

    Long-term stability in the vocal duets of the endangered Siberian Crane Leucogeranus leucogeranus

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    Vocal-based monitoring is increasingly being used as a non-invasive method for identifying individuals within avian populations and is promising for the Siberian Crane, Leucogeranus leucogeranus. This is a poorly studied, long-lived, secretive and critically endangered bird species that breeds in the Arctic tundra of western and eastern regions of Siberia. We assessed between- and within-year stability of individual-specific vocal features in duets of Siberian Crane and tested the effect of pair-mate change on their stability. Previous findings showed that duets are specific to different pairs of birds; however, it is still unknown how long pair-specific traits of duets remain and if they change in the course of a year or when birds re-mate. We recorded duets of 15 reproductively active pairs in the Oka Crane Breeding Centre in 2003–2006 and 2013–2017. We found that pair-specific vocal signatures remained stable both within the year and across ~ 10 years. After a change of mate, most of the variables we measured in the call did not change in any of the birds. Our data suggest that the stability of the individually specific vocal features may enable Siberian Cranes to be reliably identified by their duets over the birds’ lifetime. We believe that our work can increase confidence in the use of acoustic recognition techniques for endangered crane monitoring programs. Our results also suggest that Siberian Cranes may use their duets to form long-term social bonds between neighbours

    Investigation of Import Substitution and Expansion Impact in Russian Foreign Economic Practice by Supply Chain Strategy

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    Abstract-The gist of this article boils down to the practice of implementing foreign trade policy of Russia and its strategic interests in world trade in modern conditions. In the era of globalization, characterized by an aggravation of the political situation and the presence of sanctions, import substitution and export expansion are considered to be an important economic tool for the restoration and growth of the production potential of the Russian economy and the agro-industrial sector. The article discusses the experience of using import-substituting and export-expanding strategies in the Russian Federation. The scientific hypothesis is expressed in the following thesis: the study of the theoretical aspects of import-substituting and export-expanding supply chain strategies; a study of the nature, goals, characteristics and results of import substitution in Russia. The essence of import substitution is the economic policy of the state, aimed at reducing, and in some cases, completely stopping the entry of goods from other countries to the country's market. The import substitution supply chain strategy is aimed at maintaining its own industry, contributes to the modernization of economic sectors, innovative development and general state security. A methodical approach of the import substitution supply chain strategy being developed, it is possible to increase the production of goods in the country. Particular attention is paid to the study of the nature, goals, characteristics and results of import substitution in Russia.  Final positioning concept is formulated in the paper