646 research outputs found

    Effect Of Etching Time And Light Source On The Bond Strength Of Metallic Brackets To Ceramic

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    This study evaluated the bond strength of brackets to ceramic testing different etching times and light sources for photo-activation of the bonding agent. Cylinders of feldspathic ceramic were etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 20 or 60 s. After application of silane on the ceramic surface, metallic brackets were bonded to the cylinders using Transbond XT (3M Unitek). The specimens for each etching time were assigned to 4 groups (n=15), according to the light source: XL2500 halogen light, UltraLume 5 LED, AccuCure 3000 argon laser, and Apollo 95E plasma arc. Light-activation was carried out with total exposure times of 40, 40, 20 and 12 s, respectively. Shear strength testing was carried out after 24 h. The adhesive remnant index (ARI) was evaluated under magnification. Data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Specimens etched for 20 s presented significantly lower bond strength (p0.05) were detected among the light sources. The ARI showed a predominance of scores 0 in all groups, with an increase in scores 1, 2 and 3 for the 60 s time. In conclusion, only the etching time had significant influence on the bond strength of brackets to ceramic.223245248Barghi, N., Fischer, D.E., Vatani, L., Effects of porcelain leucite content, types of etchants, and etching time on porcelaincomposite bond (2006) J Esthet Restor Dent, 18, pp. 47-52Nagayassu, M.P., Shintome, L.K., Uemura, E.S., Araújo, J.E., Effect of surface treatment on the shear bond strength of a resin-based cement to porcelain (2006) Braz Dent J, 17, pp. 290-295Shimada, Y., Yamaguchi, S., Tagami, J., Micro-shear bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to glass ceramics (2002) Dent Mater, 18, pp. 380-388Chen, J.H., Matsumura, H., Atsuta, M., Effect of different etching periods on the bond strength of a composite resin to a machinable porcelain (1998) J Dent, 26, pp. 53-58Guler, A.U., Yilmaz, F., Yenisey, M., Guler, E., Ural, C., Effect of acid etching time and a self-etching adhesive on the shear bond strength of composite resin to porcelain (2006) J Adhes Dent, 8, pp. 21-25Kasuya, K., Miyazaki, Y., Ogawa, N., Maki, K., Manabe, A., Itoh, K., Efficacy of experimental dual-cure resin cement for orthodontic direct bond system (2006) Orthod Waves, 65, pp. 107-111Meguro, D., Hayakawa, T., Kasai, K., Efficacy of using orthodontic adhesive resin in bonding and debonding characteristics of a calcium phosphate ceramic bracket (2006) Orthod Waves, 65, pp. 148-154Dall'igna, C.M., Marchioro, E.M., Spohr, A.M., Mota, E.G., Effect of curing time on the bond strength of a bracket-bonding system cured with a light-emitting diode or plasma arc light (2011) Eur J Orthod, 33, pp. 55-59Correr, A.B., Sinhoreti, M.A., Sobrinho, L.C., Tango, R.N., Schneider, L.F., Consani, S., Effect of the increase of energy density on Knoop hardness of dental composites light-cured by conventional QTH, LED and xenon plasma arc (2005) Braz Dent J, 16, pp. 218-224Cekic-Nagas, I., Egilmez, F., Ergun, G., The effect of irradiation distance on microhardness of resin composites cured with different light curing units (2010) Eur J Dent, 4, pp. 440-446Thind, B.S., Stirrups, D.R., Lloyd, C.H., A comparison of tungstenquartz- halogen, plasma arc and light-emitting diode light sources for the polymerization of an orthodontic adhesive (2006) Eur J Orthod, 28, pp. 78-82Filipov, I.A., Vladimirov, S.B., Residual monomer in a composite resin after light-curing with different sources, light intensities and spectra of radiation (2006) Braz Dent J, 17, pp. 34-38Park, J.K., Hur, B., Ko, C.C., García-Godoy, F., Kim, H.I., Kwon, Y.H., Effect of light-curing units on the thermal expansion of resin nanocomposites (2010) Am J Dent, 23, pp. 331-334Price, R.B., Labrie, D., Rueggeberg, F.A., Felix, C.M., Irraciance differences in the violet (405 nm) and blue (460 nm) spectral ranges among dental light-curing units (2010) J Esthet Restor Dent, 22, pp. 363-377Yen, T.W., Blackman, R.B., Baez, R.J., Effect of acid etching on the flexural strength of a feldspathic porcelain and a castable glass ceramic (1993) J Prosthet Dent, 70, pp. 224-233Reynolds, I.R., Composite filling materials as adhesives in orthodontics (1975) Br Dent J, 138, p. 83Rueggeberg, F., Contemporary issues in photocuring (1999) Compend Contin Educ Dent, (SUPPL.), pp. 4-15Olsen, M.E., Bishara, S.E., Boyer, D.B., Jakobsen, J.R., Effect of varying etching times on the bond strength of ceramic brackets (1996) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 109, pp. 403-409Sant'anna, E.F., Monnerat, M.E., Chevitarese, O., Stuani, M.B., Bonding brackets to porcelain - in vitro study (2002) Braz Dent J, 3, pp. 191-196Canay, S., Hersek, N., Ertan, A., Effect of different acid treatments on a porcelain surface (2001) J Oral Rehabil, 28, pp. 95-10

    Prevalencia do herpes virus tipo 2 e fatores de risco associados a sua infeccao em mulheres do sul do Brasil

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    SUMMARY The herpes simplex virus type 2 (HVS-2) is the most prevalent infection worldwide. It is a cofactor in the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV). This study evaluated the prevalence of HSV-2, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and associated factors in patients treated at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and Basic Health Units (BHU) in Rio Grande, Brazil. The observed prevalence of HSV-2 was 15.6%. Among the 302 women studied, 158 had received assistance in BHU and 144 were treated at FURG. The prevalence of HSV-2 in these groups was 10.8% and 20.8%, respectively, RR 1.9 and p = 0.012. Knowledge about the Pap smear, and the presence of lesions showed no association with HSV-2 infection. Multivariate analysis showed that the variable that most influenced the risk of HSV-2 infection was the presence of HIV infection, with a relative risk of 1.9 and p = 0.04. Discussion: Genital ulcers are an important entry point for HIV, and condom use is an important strategy to reduce transmission of HIV and HSV-2.RESUMO O vírus herpes simplex tipo 2 (HVS-2) é uma das infecções mais prevalentes em todo o mundo. Considera-se um co-factor na aquisição do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) e na persistência do papilomavirus humano (HPV). Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de HSV-2 usando a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e fatores associados em pacientes atendidos na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande e em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) do Rio Grande, Brasil. A prevalência de HSV-2 encontrada neste estudo foi de 15,6%. Entre as 302 mulheres estudadas, 158 haviam recebido assistência na UBS e 144 foram atendidos na FURG. A prevalência de HSV-2 nestes grupos foi de 10,8 e 20,8%, respectivamente, com RR: 1,9 e p = 0,012. Conhecer o exame de Papanicolaou, e presença de lesão não teve associação com infecção HSV-2. A análise multivariada mostrou que a variável que influencia no risco de infecção HSV-2 foi o paciente ter HIV, com risco relativo 1,9 e p = 0,04. Discussão: As úlceras genitais são importante porta de entrada para o vírus HIV e o uso do preservativo é estratégia importante para reduzir a transmissão do HIV e do HSV-2

    Increased Frequency of CD4 and CD8 Regulatory T Cells in Individuals under 15 Years with Multibacillary Leprosy

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    Background: Leprosy is a chronic disease, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which poses a serious public health problem worldwide. Its high incidence in people under 15 years old in Ceara state, Brazil, reflects the difficulty of its control. the spectrum of clinical manifestations is associated with the immune response developed, with the Th1 and Th2 responses being related to the paucibacillary and multibacillary forms, respectively. Regulatory T cells (Treg), which can suppress Th1 and Th2 response, have received special attention in the literature and have been associated with development of chronic infections. However, their role in leprosy in individuals under 15 years old has not yet been elucidated. We evaluated the frequency of CD4(+)/CD8(+)CD25(high)FOXP3(+) and CD4(+)/CD8(+)CD25(high)FOXP3(high) cells in leprosy patients and household contacts, in both cases under 15 years old.Methodology/Principal Findings: PBMC from 12 patients and 17 contacts were cultured for 72 hours with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 (activators) or with activators associated with total sonicated fraction of M. leprae. After culture, the frequency of CD4(+)/CD8(+) Treg was identified by flow cytometry. Cells stimulated by activators and antigen from multibacillary patients showed Treg frequencies almost two times that of the contacts: CD4(+)FOXP3(+) (21.93 +/- 8.43 vs. 13.79 +/- 8.19%, p = 0.0500), CD4(+)FOXP3(high) (10.33 +/- 5.69 vs. 5.57 +/- 4.03%, p = 0.0362), CD8(+)FOXP3(+) (13.88 +/- 9.19 vs. 6.18 +/- 5.56%, p = 0.0230) and CD8(+)FOXP3(high) (5.36 +/- 4.17 vs. 2.23 +/- 2.68%, p = 0.0461). Furthermore, the mean fluorescence intensity of FOXP3 in Treg was higher in multibacillary patients than in the contacts. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation of the bacillary index and number of lesions with the frequency of all Treg evaluated in patients.Conclusions/Significance: We have demonstrated for the first time that multibacillary leprosy patients under 15 years old have greater CD4(+) and CD8(+) Treg frequencies and these correlate with clinical and laboratorial aspects of disease. These findings suggest the involvement of these cells in the perpetuation of M. leprae infection.Fundacao Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoPost-Graduation Program in Medical MicrobiologyUniv Fed Ceara, Dept Pathol & Legal Med, Med Lab Immunol, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilDermatol Ctr Dona Libania, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilWalter Cantidio Univ Hosp, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pediat, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pediat, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Local regulation of antral follicle development and ovulation in monovulatory species

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    The identification of mutations in the genes encoding bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth and differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) associated with phenotypes of sterility or increased ovulation rate in sheep aroused interest in the study of the role of local factors in preantral and antral folliculogenesis in different species. An additive mutation in the BMP15 receptor, BMPR1b, which determines an increase in the ovulatory rate, has been introduced in several sheep breeds to increase the number of lambs born. Although these mutations indicate extremely relevant functions of these factors, the literature data on the regulation of the expression and function of these proteins and their receptors are very controversial, possibly due to differences in experimental models. The present review discusses the published data and preliminary results obtained by our group on the participation of local factors in the selection of the dominant follicle, ovulation, and follicular atresia in cattle, focusing on transforming growth factors beta and their receptors. The study of the expression pattern and the functionality of proteins produced by follicular cells and their receptors will allow increasing the knowledge about this local system, known to be involved in ovarian physiopathology and with the potential to promote contraception or increase the ovulation rate in mammals

    Inclusion Complex Of S(-) Bupivacaine And 2-hydroxypropyl- β-cyclodextrin: Study Of Morphology And Cytotoxicity

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    Local anesthetics (LA) belong to a class of pharmacological compounds that attenuate or eliminate pain by binding to the sodium channel of excitable membranes, blocking the influx of sodium ions and the propagation of the nerve impulse. S (-) bupivacaine (S(-) bvc) is a local anesthetic of amino-amide type, widely used in surgery and obstetrics for sustained peripheral and central nerve blockade. This article focuses on the characterization of an inclusion complex of S(-) bvc in 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD). Differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-Ray diffraction analysis showed structural changes in the complex. In preliminary toxicity studies, the cell viability tests revealed that the inclusion complex decreased the toxic effect (p<0.001) produced by S(-) bvc. These results suggest that the S(-) bvc:HP-β-CD inclusion complex represents a promising agent for the treatment of regional pain.273207212Araújo, D.R., Cereda, C.M., Brunetto, G.B., Pinto, L.M.A., Santana, M.H., de Paula, E., Encapsulation of mepivacaine prolongs the analgesia provided by sciatic nerve blockade in mice (2004) Can J Anaesth, 51, pp. 566-572Araújo, D.R., Fraceto, L.F., Braga, A.F.A., de Paula, E., Drug-delivery systems for racemic bupivacaine (S50-R50) and bupivacaine enantiomeric mixture (S75-R25):cyclodextrins complexation effects on sciatic nerve blockade in mice (2005) Rev Bras Anestesiol, 55, pp. 316-328Araújo, D.R., Moraes, C.M., Fraceto, L.F., Braga, A.F.A., de Paula, E., Cyclodextrin-bupivacaine enantiomeric mixture (S75-R25) inclusion complex and intrathecal anesthesia in rats (2006) Rev Bras Anestesiol, 56, pp. 495-506Bibby, D., Davies, N.M., Tueker, I.G., Mechanisms by which cyclodextrins modify drug release from polymeric drug delivery systems (2000) Int J Pharm, 197, pp. 1-11Covino, B.G., Vassalo, H.G., (1976) Local anesthetics: Mechanisms of action and clinical use, , New York: Grune and Stratton;, 255pFoster, R.H., Markham, A., Levobupivacaine. A review of its pharmacology and use as a local anaesthetic (2000) Drugs, 59, pp. 551-579Grant, G.J., Bansinath, M., Liposomal delivery systems for local anesthetics (2001) Reg Anesth Pain Med, 26, pp. 61-63Gristwood, R.W., Cardiac and CNS toxicity of levobupivacaine: Strengths of evidence for advantage over bupivacaine (2002) Drug Saf, 25, pp. 153-163Hirayama, F., Uekama, K., Cyclodextrin-based controlled drug release system (1999) Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 36, pp. 125-141Huang, Y.F., Pryor, M.E., Mather, L.E., Veering, B.T., Cardiovascular and central nervous system effects of intravenous S-bupivacaine and bupivacaine in sheep (1998) Anesth Analg, 86, pp. 797-804Jong, R.H., (1994) Local anesthetics, , Springfield: CC. Thomas;, 325pKohata, S., Jyodi, K., Ohyoshi, A., Thermal decomposition of cyclodextrins (α -, β-, γ, and modified β-CyD) and of metal-(β-CyD) complex in the solid phase (1993) Thermochim Acta, 217, pp. 187-198Loftsson, T., Brewster, M.E., Pharmaceutical application of Cyclodextrin. 1. Drug solubilization and stabilization (1996) J Pharm Sci, 85, pp. 1017-1025Loukas, Y.L., Vraka, V., Gregoriadis, G., Novel non-acidic formulations of haloperidol complexed with beta-cyclodextrin derivatives (1997) J Pharm Biomed Anal, 16, pp. 263-268Mather, L.E., McCall, P., McNicol, P.L., Bupivacaine enantiomer pharmacokinetics after intercostal neural blockade in liver transplant patients (1995) Anesth Analg, 80, pp. 328-335Michaud, M., Icart, S., Determination of the substitution of hydroxypropylbetadex using fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry (2001) PharmEuropa, 13, pp. 714-716Naidu, N.B., Chowdary, K.P.R., Murthy, K.V.R., Satyanarayana, V., Hayman, A.R., Becket, G., Physicochemical characterization and dissolution properties of meloxicam-cyclodextrin binary systems (2004) J Pharm Biomed Anal, 35, pp. 75-86Pinto, L.M.A., Fraceto, L.F., Santana, M.H.A., Pertinhez, T.A., Oyama, S., de Paula, E., Physico-chemical characterization of benzocaine-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes (2005) J Pharm Biomed Anal, 39, pp. 956-963Ren, X., Xue, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, K., Zheng, J., Lou, G., Gou, C., Shen, J., A novel cyclodextrin-deri ved tellurium compound with glutathione peroxidase (2002) Chembiochem, 3, pp. 363-365Rose, J.S., Neal, J.M., Kopacz, D.J., Extended-duration analgesia: Update on microspheres and liposomes (2005) Reg Anesth Pain Med, 30, pp. 275-285Strichartz, G.R., Ritchie, J.M., (1987) Local anesthetics: Handbook of experimental pharmacology, , Berlin: Springer-Verlag;, 445pThompson, D.O., Cyclodextrin-enabling excipients: Their present and future use in pharmaceuticals (1997) Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst, 14, pp. 1-10

    Brazilian pediatric reference data for quantitative ultrasound of phalanges according to gender, age, height and weight

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    To establish normative data for phalangeal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) measures in Brazilian students. The sample was composed of 6870 students (3688 females and 3182 males), aged 6 to 17 years. The bone status parameter, Amplitude Dependent Speed of Sound (AD-SoS) was assessed by QUS of the phalanges using DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi, Italy) equipment. Skin color was obtained by self-evaluation. The LMS method was used to derive smoothed percentiles reference charts for AD-SoS according to sex, age, height and weight and to generate the L, M, and S parameters. Girls showed higher AD-SoS values than boys in the age groups 7-16 (p<0.001). There were no differences on AD-SoS Z-scores according to skin color. In both sexes, the obese group showed lower values of AD-SoS Z-scores compared with subjects classified as thin or normal weight. Age (r(2) = 0.48) and height (r(2) = 0.35) were independent predictors of AD-SoS in females and males, respectively. AD-SoS values in Brazilian children and adolescents were influenced by sex, age and weight status, but not by skin color. Our normative data could be used for monitoring AD-SoS in children or adolescents aged 6-17 years106CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçãosem informação2006/01978-0; 2011/23460-1; 2002/13021-1; 2012/16778-

    Soil and productivity mapping of Eucalyptus grandis plantations, using a geographic information system

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    Detailed environmental land characterization is essential for technical and financial planning, for both the scientific point of view and technological application. This work aimed at the physiographic and pedological characterization and eucalyptus productivity mapping at Itatinga Forest Sciences Experimental Station (southeastern Brazil), using geographic information systems in order to identify possible cause-effect relationships between forest productivity and soil attributes. The digital cartographic dataset was structured as follows: as primary source of data, aerial photograph and field survey were used and, as a secondary source, topographical, geological and land use occupation maps were used. For mapping wood productivity at age six (MAI6, Mean Annual Increment), inventory data of permanent plots (same species, provenance and age) were used, which were obtained from Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Using simple linear correlation and backward stepwise multiple regression analysis, the dependent variable (MAI) was related with physical and chemical characteristics of the soils. Two standards of contour curves were identified, one with close curves, narrow and surrounding the drainage network, in the steeper and lower altitude areas; the other, with spaced contour lines, in the areas of higher altitude and with plane relief. Six types of soils were characterized as being highly related to the physiographic patterns of the area: loamy sandy to sandy clayey Typic Hapludox (LVAd, 47.5%), clayey Rhodic Hapludox (LVd1, 33.4%), sandy clay Rhodic Hapludox (LVd2, 6%), clayey Rhodic Hapludox (LVdf, 9.1%), Entisols (G, 3.4%) and Fluvents soil (RY, 0.6%). There were large variations in wood productivity in the Eucalyptus grandis plantations, characterized in six classes, ranging from 26 to 52 m(3) ha(-1) yr(-1). These productivity changes were strictly related to soil mapping units. Through multiple regression analysis, we found that clay and organic matter contents were the attributes which most strongly explained the productivity differences

    Intestinal microsporidiosis: a hidden risk in rheumatic disease patients undergoing anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy combined with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs?

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    OBJECTIVE: Immunosuppressed patients are at risk of microsporidiosis, and this parasitosis has an increased rate of dissemination in this population. Our objective was to evaluate the presence of microsporidiosis and other intestinal parasites in rheumatic disease patients undergoing anti-tumor necrosis factor/disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug treatment. METHODS: Ninety-eight patients (47 with rheumatoid arthritis, 31 with ankylosing spondylitis and 11 with psoriatic arthritis) and 92 healthy control patients were enrolled in the study. Three stool samples and cultures were collected from each subject. RESULTS: The frequency of microsporidia was significantly higher in rheumatic disease patients than in control subjects (36 vs. 4%, respectively; p<0.0001), as well as in those with rheumatic diseases (32 vs. 4%, respectively; p<0.0001), ankylosing spondylitis (45 vs. 4%, respectively; p<0.0001) and psoriatic arthritis (40 vs. 4%, respectively; p<0.0001), despite a similar social-economic class distribution in both the patient and control groups (p = 0.1153). Of note, concomitant fecal leukocytes were observed in the majority of the microsporidia-positive patients (79.5%). Approximately 80% of the patients had gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea (26%), abdominal pain (31%) and weight loss (5%), although the frequencies of these symptoms were comparable in patients with and without this infection (p&gt;0.05). Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis disease activity parameters were comparable in both groups (p&gt;0.05). The duration of anti-tumor necrosis factor/disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and glucocorticoid use were also similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: We have documented that microsporidiosis with intestinal mucosa disruption is frequent in patients undergoing concomitant anti-tumor necrosis factor/disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug therapy. Impaired host defenses due to the combination of the underlying disease and the immunosuppressive therapy is the most likely explanation for this finding, and this increased susceptibility reinforces the need for the investigation of microsporidia and implementation of treatment strategies in this population.FAPESPCNPQFederico FoundationWyet