303 research outputs found

    Recaída em alcoólicos: causas e consequências

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    Esta comunicação surge na continuidade da comunicação apresentada ao II Congresso de Saúde, Cultura e Sociedade realizado em 2006. Nessa altura, através da experiência da Associação Reaprender a Viver (ARV), discutimos as causas e consequências do co-alcoolismo nos hábitos de consumo alcoólico. Propusemos um modelo explicativo do alcoolismo, no contexto da realidade Transmontana, no qual eram factores responsáveis o contexto sócio-cultural e económico, a prática de outras dependências, uma autonomização mal conseguida e a ausência de uma resposta preventiva e terapêutica eficaz. Na presente comunicação discutiremos as causas e consequências da recaída após tratamento. A partir da experiência de um ano de trabalho com alcoólicos da ARV, no qual tentamos levar em consideração o modelo explicativo então apresentado, e enquadrado conceptualmente pelo modelo de recaída proposto por Marlatt & Gordon (1985), apresentaremos um caso de estudo que, por um lado, revela a complexidade do modelo explicativo do alcoolismo e, por outro lado, escapa ao modelo de recaída proposto

    The reverse migration decision and occupational outcomes: A self-determination theory perspective

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    Return migration has a great impact for all parties involved, considering that motivation greatly shapes the migration and indeed the return migration experience it is beneficial to explore the motivation behind a migration decision and understand how this shapes the processes that follow. This study extends current research in migration by considering the motivation behind the decision in greater depth through the Self-Determination Theory. Semi-structured interview were used to explore motivation in this context and consider how this shaped behavioural and occupational outcomes. Overall, we found that employment opportunities were a greater motivator, and this greatly influenced the preparation undertaken following the migration decision. We also found that while social motivations were not considered when making the decision, the social network was used as a tool for research following the return migration decision.A migração de retorno tem um grande impacto para todas as partes envolvidas. Considerando que a motivação molda grandemente a migração e, de fato, a experiência de migração de retorno; explorar a motivação por trás de uma decisão de migração e observar como isso molda os processos que se seguem ia beneficiar o nosso entendemento nesta area. Este estudo amplia as pesquisas atuais em migração, considerando a motivação por trás da decisão em maior profundidade através da Teoria da Autodeterminação. Entrevista semi-estruturada foi usada para explorar a motivação neste contexto e considerar como isso moldou os resultados comportamentais e ocupacionais. No geral, descobrimos que as oportunidades de emprego era o motivador maior, e isso influenciou muito a preparação realizada após a decisão de migração. Também descobrimos que, embora as motivações sociais não tenham sido consideradas na tomada de decisão, a rede social foi usada como ferramenta de pesquisa após a decisão de migração de retorno

    Quality of life of patients with stroke rehabilitation

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and correlate quality of life and depression of patients in rehabilitation after stoke. METHODS: A transversal study conducted in two rehabilitation services with patients after stroke. Information collected included sociodemographic data, the Medical Outcome Study Short-form 36 - item Health Survey, the Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale, the Barthel Index and the Beck Depression Inventory. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 139 patients, with a mean age of 59.4 years; 59% were male. The general and specific quality of life scores were compromised. According to the Barthel Index, 49.6% of the patients presented moderate to severe dependency, and 49.7% had depressive symptoms according to the Beck Depression Index; there was no positive correlation between these data and general and specific quality of life. CONCLUSION: General and specific quality of life of patients in rehabilitation, after stroke, presented compromised domains.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar e correlacionar a qualidade de vida e depressão de pacientes após acidente vascular cerebral em reabilitação. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em dois serviços de reabilitação, com pacientes de acidente vascular cerebral. As informações coletadas foram sociodemográficas, o Medical Outcome Study 36 - item short-form health survey, o Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale, o Índice de Barthel e o Inventário de Depressão de Beck. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi constituída de 139 pacientes, idade média 59,4 anos e 59% eram homens. Houve comprometimento dos escores da qualidade de vida geral e específica. Segundo o Índice de Barthel 49,6% dos pacientes apresentavam dependência moderada a severa e 49,7% tinham sintomas depressivos, conforme Inventário de Depressão de Beck, não havendo correlação positiva entre estes dados e qualidade de vida geral e específica. CONCLUSÃO: A qualidade de vida geral e específica dos pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral, em reabilitação, apresentou domínios comprometidos.Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de AlagoasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPESciEL

    Poverty dynamics in Brazilian metropolitan areas: An analysis based on Hulme and Shepherd's categorization (2002–2011)

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    AbstractEver-more sophisticated studies on the methodological approach and the conceptual scope of poverty have led to a consensus among scholars on the dynamic characteristic of this phenomenon – in other words, the existence of an in-and-out of privation movement of individuals and families. Within this context, Hulme and Shepherd (2003) defined five groups according to the location of the punctual and average indicators of poverty vis-à-vis the poverty line. This paper's objective is to adapt this typology to Brazil, using PME (Monthly Job Survey) micro-data for the 2002–2011 timeframe and the six Brazilian Metropolitan Regions covered by PME as well as, by estimating a multinomial logit, investigate which family characteristics relate to a greater or lesser chance of belonging to each of the chronic and transitory poverty categories. Categorization allows observation that, despite a sweeping across-the-board decline in the percentage of families in all poverty categories in the past decade, those families always or usually poor display demographic, socioeconomic, access to and insertion into the labor market categories which differ from families in transitory poverty or classified as never poor. Moreover, Northeastern metropolitan regions (Salvador and Recife) have higher percentages of chronic or transitory poverty. Multinomial logit estimates make it possible to verify that families whose members have completed secondary schooling or college or hold a higher-qualified occupation stand lesser chances of entering into or remaining in poverty. Results call for differentiating among poor families, as they enter into or leave poverty – which is tantamount to saying that the dynamics of poverty must be taken into account as public policies are drawn up

    The Reasons for and Consequences of the Combined Use of Crack Cocaine and Alcohol in Brazil:: qualitative study

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    The objective of this study was to investigate, through the speeches of crack cocaine users, the reasons that lead them to combine crack cocaine with alcohol and the consequences of this combination, in Brazil. The lack of public policies and effective treatments has led crack cocaine users in Brazil to seek alternatives to cope with problems related to drug addiction. One adopted alternative is the consumption of crack cocaine together with other psychotropic drug. This study used the principles and instruments of qualitative research. A purposeful sample was constructed using key informants and gatekeepers whose sample size (N = 30) was defined by the theoretical saturation point. The study participants were subjected to in-depth interviews, and the responses were subjected to content analysis for the identification of thematic units. Alcohol use played many roles, including increasing the courage of drug users to go to the point of sale for psychotropic drugs, reducing thirst, and prolonging the positive effects of crack cocaine. The combination of alcohol and crack cocaine is commonly used to modulate the effects of the latter. A vicious cycle is established in which the consumption of alcohol stimulates the consumption of cocaine and vice versa. The participants also reported cost savings but admitted an increase in aggressiveness. The combined use of crack cocaine and alcohol can become a strong conditioned stimulus for the consumption of the former. The formation of the active metabolite cocaethylene in this drug combination may explain the prolongation of the effects of crack cocaine. Moreover, both drugs act in the mesolimbic dopaminergic system and consequently produce a synergistic effect. Severe outcomes such as cardiotoxicity, which can lead to death, in addition to aggression and the possibility of relapse to crack cocaine use, make this drug combination a public health problem that is greater than the individual consumption of these psychotropic drugs

    Physical properties of Physalis peruviana L

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    Physalis (Physalis peruviana L.), also known as cape gooseberry or ground-cherry, plays an important role in nutrition as an excellent base for dietetic products. Highly valued for its unique flavour, texture and colour, recent research has shown that physalis fruit is rich in many beneficial compounds. In this study, the diameter and mass of physalis fruits were measured, which can be used to calculate other biometric characteristics of the fruit, such as: surface area, volume or density. Other physical properties were measured, namely the colour coordinates, by means of a Chroma meter, whilst the textural parameters firmness and elasticity were measured with a texturometer. The following values were calculated for the physalis fruits analysed in the present work: 1.69 cm for average diameter; 8.98 cm2 for surface area, 2.51 cm3 for volume; 2.77 g for mass was, and 1.10 g/cm3 for density. The colour coordinates were 56.72 for lightness, 16.69 for redness, and 58.11 for yellowness. Skin firmness and elasticity were evaluated for texture attributes, and their average values were 2.40 N and 2.94 mm, respectively. The results of this work are in accordanc

    Avaliação das condições higio-sanitárias dos quiosques de restauração e ou bebidas da cidade de Lisboa e proposta de uma metodologia proativa simplificada de gestão da segurança dos alimentos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Segurança AlimentarEste estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar e avaliar as condições higio-sanitárias dos quiosques da cidade de Lisboa e criar um modelo de sistema de garantia de segurança dos alimentos simplificado e adaptado às especificidades destes estabelecimentos. Através da aplicação de uma lista de verificação, concebida com base na legislação aplicável ao setor alimentar e no Codex Alimentarius, conclui-se que as condições infraestruturais dos quiosques são estáticas, recaindo a principal atuação sobre as atitudes e comportamentos dos colaboradores. Devem ser transmitidos conhecimentos de higiene e segurança dos alimentos, por forma a produzir e comercializar alimentos seguros. Verificou-se que, na sua maioria, os quiosques não apresentavam um sistema de gestão da segurança dos alimentos efetivamente implementado, averiguando-se que muitos tinham subcontratados serviços de consultoria nesta temática, no entanto a escassez de auditorias e o desconhecimento desta obrigatoriedade por parte dos responsáveis pelos quiosques, levava a que estes sistemas não alcançassem o seu principal objetivo. Torna-se necessária, ainda, a adequação do sistema proposto à realidade de cada quiosque, e o seu acompanhamento por técnicos especializados junto de todos os colaboradores destes estabelecimentos.ABSTRACT - The objective of this study was to characterize and evaluate the sanitary conditions of the kiosks of the city of Lisbon and to create a simplified self-control system model adapted to the specifics characteristics of these establishments. By applying a checklist designed on the basis of food law and Codex Alimentarius, it is concluded that the infrastructural conditions of the kiosks are static, with the main focus on the attitudes and behaviors of the employees. Knowledge on food hygiene and safety should be transmitted in order to prepare and retail safe food. It has been verified that, for the most part, kiosks did not present an effectively implemented food safety management system, that and many had outsourced consulting services in this area. However, the lack of audits and the insufficiency of knowledge by those responsible by kiosks, meant that these systems did not reach their main objective. It is also necessary to adapt the proposed system to the reality of each kiosk, and its surveillance of all employees of these establishments by specialized technicians.N/

    Duarte, Fábio Bonfim (2007). Estudos de morfossintaxe tenetehára.

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    O livro objetivo desta resenha tem sua origem na tese de doutorado em lingüística defendida na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais pelo professor e lingüista Fábio Bonfim Duarte (2003). O presente livro trata da língua tenetehára. O autor chama atenção para os poucos estudos morfossintáticos existentes sobre a língua; nesse sentido, o objetivo principal do autor é, então, contribuir com a documentação da língua tenetehára


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    Neste trabalho faço inicialmente uma breve exposição sobre meu projeto de Doutorado (IEL, Unicamp - início 2007) que se propõe a descrever o funcionamento das categorias Tempo, Aspecto e Modo na língua Kaingang do Sul (Família Jê, Tronco Macro-Jê) a partir da observação de seu emprego em contextos discursivos, ou seja, em textos orais e escritos. Assume-se que a expressão lexical dessas categorias só pode ser adequadamente aferida no uso corrente da língua, ou seja, no discurso fluente e conhecidas suas condições de produção. Na seqüência, exemplifico com alguns dados de campo que estão atualmente sendo sistematizados