12,470 research outputs found

    The impact of effective participation in stopping misinformation: an approach based on branching processes

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    The emergence of research focused to understand the spreading and impact of disinformation is increasing year over year. Most times, the purpose of those who start the spreading of information intentionally false and designed to cause harm is in catalyzing its fast transformation into misinformation, which is the false content shared by people who do not realize it is false or misleading. Our interest is in discussing the role of people who decide to adopt an active role in stopping the propagation of an information when they realize that it is false. For this, we formulate two simple probabilistic models to compare misinformation spreading in the possible scenarios for which there is a passive or an active environment of aware individuals. With aware individuals we mean those individuals who realize that a given information is false or misleading. In the passive environment we assume that if one of an aware individual is exposed to the misinformation then he/she will not spread it. In the active environment we assume that if one of an aware individual is exposed to the misinformation then he/she will not spread it but also he/she will stop the propagation to other individuals from the individual who contacted him/her. We appeal to the theory of branching processes to analyse propagation in both scenarios and we discuss the role and the impact of effective participation in stopping misinformation. We show that the propagation reduces drastically provided we assume an active environment, and we obtain theoretical and computational results to measure such a reduction, which in turns depends on the proportion of aware individuals and the number of potential contacts of each individual which is assumed to be random.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, revised version accepted for publication at Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Galactic Angular Momentum in the Illustris Simulation: Feedback and the Hubble Sequence

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    We study the stellar angular momentum of thousands of galaxies in the Illustris cosmological simulation, which captures gravitational and gas dynamics within galaxies, as well as feedback from stars and black holes. We find that the angular momentum of the simulated galaxies matches observations well, and in particular two distinct relations are found for late-type versus early-type galaxies. The relation for late-type galaxies corresponds to the value expected from full conservation of the specific angular momentum generated by cosmological tidal torques. The relation for early-type galaxies corresponds to retention of only ~30% of that, but we find that those early-type galaxies with low angular momentum at z=0 nevertheless reside at high redshift on the late-type relation. Some of them abruptly lose angular momentum during major mergers. To gain further insight, we explore the scaling relations in simulations where the galaxy formation physics is modified with respect to the fiducial model. We find that galactic winds with high mass-loading factors are essential for obtaining the high angular momentum relation typical for late-type galaxies, while AGN feedback largely operates in the opposite direction. Hence, feedback controls the stellar angular momentum of galaxies, and appears to be instrumental for establishing the Hubble sequence

    The stellar halos of ETGs in the IllustrisTNG simulations: II. Accretion, merger history, and dark halo connection

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    Stellar halos in early-type galaxies (ETGs) are shaped by their accretion and merger histories. We use a sample of 1114 ETGs in the TNG100 simulation with stellar masses 1010.3M/M101210^{10.3}\leq M_{*}/M_\odot\leq 10^{12}, selected at z=0 within the range of g-r colour and lambda-ellipticity diagram populated by observed ETGs. We study how the rotational support and intrinsic shapes of the stellar halos depend on the fraction of stars accreted, overall and separately by major, minor, and mini mergers. Accretion histories in TNG100 ETGs as well as the radial distributions of ex-situ stars fex(R)f_{ex}(R) strongly correlate with stellar mass. Low-mass ETGs have characteristic peaked rotation profiles and near-oblate shapes with rounder halos that are completely driven by the in-situ stars. At high fexf_{ex} major mergers decrease the in-situ peak in rotation velocity, flatten the V/σ(R)V_{*}/\sigma_{*}(R) profiles, and increase the triaxiality of the stellar halos. Kinematic transition radii do not trace the transition between in-situ and ex-situ dominated regions, but for systems with M>1010.6MM_{*}>10^{10.6}M_\odot the local rotational support and triaxiality of the stellar halos is anti-correlated with the local ex-situ fraction fex(R)f_{ex}(R) at fixed MM_{*}. These correlations are followed by fast and slow rotators alike with a continuous and overlapping sequence of properties. Merger events dynamically couple stars and dark matter: in high mass ETGs and at large radii where fex0.5f_{ex}\gtrsim0.5, both components tend to have similar intrinsic shapes and rotational support, and nearly aligned principal axes and spin directions. Based on these results we suggest that extended photometry and kinematics of massive ETGs (M>1010.6MM_{*}>10^{10.6}M_\odot) can be used to estimate the local fraction of ex-situ stars and to approximate the intrinsic shapes and rotational support of the co-spatial dark matter component. [abridged]Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, submitted to A&

    Modeling Galactic Conformity with the Color-Halo Age Relation in the Illustris Simulation

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    Comparisons between observational surveys and galaxy formation models find that the mass of dark matter haloes can largely explain galaxies' stellar mass. However, it remains uncertain whether additional environmental variables, generally referred to as assembly bias, are necessary to explain other galaxy properties. We use the Illustris Simulation to investigate the role of assembly bias in producing galactic conformity by considering 18,000 galaxies with MstellarM_{stellar} > 2×1092 \times 10^9 MM_{\odot}. We find a significant signal of galactic conformity: out to distances of about 10 Mpc, the mean red fraction of galaxies around redder galaxies is higher than around bluer galaxies at fixed stellar mass. Dark matter haloes exhibit an analogous conformity signal, in which the fraction of haloes formed at earlier times (old haloes) is higher around old haloes than around younger ones at fixed halo mass. A plausible interpretation of galactic conformity can be given as a combination of the halo conformity signal with the galaxy color-halo age relation: at fixed stellar mass, particularly toward the low-mass end, Illustris' galaxy colors correlate with halo age, with the reddest galaxies (often satellites) being preferentially found in the oldest haloes. In fact, we can explain the galactic conformity effect with a simple semi-empirical model, by assigning stellar mass based on halo mass (abundance matching) and by assigning galaxy color based on halo age (age matching). We investigate other interpretations for the galactic conformity, particularly its dependence on the isolation criterion and on the central-satellite information. Regarding comparison to observations, we conclude that the adopted selection/isolation criteria, projection effects, and stacking techniques can have a significant impact on the measured amplitude of the conformity signal.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS (minor revisions to match accepted version

    The progenitors of the intra-cluster light and intra-cluster globular clusters in galaxy groups and clusters

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    We use the IllustrisTNG50 cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, complemented by a catalog of tagged globular clusters, to investigate the properties and build up of two extended luminous components: the intra-cluster light (ICL) and the intra-cluster globular clusters (ICGC). We select the 39 most massive groups and clusters in the box, spanning the range of virial masses 5×1012<M200/M<2×10145 \times 10^{12} < \rm M_{200}/\rm M_{\odot} < 2 \times 10^{14}. We find good agreement between predictions from the simulations and current observational estimates of the fraction of mass in the ICL and its radial extension. The stellar mass of the ICL is only 10%20%\sim10\%-20\% of the stellar mass in the central galaxy but encodes useful information on the assembly history of the group or cluster. About half the ICL in all our systems is brought in by galaxies in a narrow stellar mass range, M=10101011M_*=10^{10}-10^{11} M\rm M_{\odot}. However, the contribution of low-mass galaxies (M<1010M_*<10^{10} M\rm M_{\odot}) to the build-up of the ICL varies broadly from system to system, 5%45%\sim 5\%-45\%, a feature that might be recovered from the observable properties of the ICL at z=0z=0. At fixed virial mass, systems where the accretion of dwarf galaxies plays an important role have shallower metallicity profiles, less metal content and a lower stellar mass in the ICL than systems where the main contributors are more massive galaxies. We show that intra-cluster GCs are also good tracers of this history, representing a valuable alternative when diffuse light is not detectable

    Cryptic genetic structure in an Argentinian population of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) evidenced by SSR markers and quantitative traits

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    In some regions of Argentina and Brazil, the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) causes significant damage to crops. An efficient integrated management program requires knowledge of pest population dynamics, dispersion patterns, sexual and oviposition behaviour, and adaptive landscape. The present study combined simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers and morphometric datasets in order to analyse the population structure and infer the oviposition resource use strategy of the females. Infested guava fruits were collected from nine wild trees in Tucumán, Argentina, and a total of 140 adult A. fraterculus were recovered. These were then measured for six morphometric traits and 89 of them were genotyped for eight SSR loci. Genetic variability estimates were high (expected heterozygosity = 0.71, allelic richness = 12.5), with 8 to 20 alleles per locus. According to Wright's F-statistics estimates, the highest proportion (83%) of genetic variation occurred within individuals while variance between and within fruits were similar (≈ 8.5%). Analysis of the cryptic genetic structure based on SSR using different approaches, namely discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and sparse non-negative matrix factorization (SNMF), yielded results consistent with the occurrence of two clusters with virtually no admixture. Average kinship between individuals which had emerged from the same fruit (0.07) was lower than that expected for full-sib families. Univariate and multivariate analyses of phenotypic data showed 54-66% of variance among individuals within fruits and 34-46% among fruits. The comparison between phenotypic (PST) and molecular (FST) differentiation identified wing width and length as possible target of positive selection. The average kinship and high genetic variation within fruits, together with the highly significant genetic differentiation among fruits, supports the hypothesis that each fruit was colonised by about three ovipositing females. The results also indicate that females were able to disperse widely from the emergence site before mating and starting oviposition activity.Instituto de GenéticaFil: Rodriguez, Angeles I. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; ArgentinaFil: Ferreyra, Laura Ines. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; ArgentinaFil: Lanzavecchia, Silvia Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Genética. Laboratorio de Genética de Insectos de Importancia Económica; ArgentinaFil: Gomez Cendra, Paula V. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vilardi, Juan Cesar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Mental Health Patients' Expectations about the Non-Medical Care They Receive in Primary Care: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study

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    A health system's responsiveness is the result of patient expectations for the non-medical care they receive. The objective of this study was to assess mental patients' responsiveness to the health system in primary care, as related to the domains of dignity, autonomy, confidentiality, and communication. Data were collected from 215 people over the age of 18 with mental disorders, using the Multi-Country Survey Study (MCSS) developed by the World Health Organization. Of them, 95% reported a good experience regarding the dignity, confidentiality, communication, and autonomy domains. Regarding responsiveness, patients valued the dignity domain as the most important one (25.1%). Among the patients who experienced poor confidentiality, five out of seven earned less than 900 euros per month (X-2 = 10.8, p = 0.004). Among those who experienced good autonomy, 85 out of 156 belonged to the working social class (90.4%), and among those who valued it as poor (16.1%), the highest proportion was for middle class people (X-2 = 13.1, p = 0.028). The two students and 87.5% of retirees experienced this dimension as good, and most patients who valued it as poor were unemployed (43.5%) (X-2 = 13.0, p = 0.011). Patients with a household income higher than 900 euros more frequently valued responsiveness as good, regarding those domains related to communication, with OR = 3.84, 95% CI = 1.05-14.09, and confidentiality, with OR = 10.48, 95% CI = 1.94-56.59. To conclude, as regards responsiveness in primary care, the dignity domain always obtained the best scores by people with mental disorders. Low economic income is related to a poor assessment of confidentiality. Working class patients, students, and retirees value autonomy as good

    Carbon assimilating fungi from surface ocean to subseafloor revealed by coupled phylogenetic and stable isotope analysis

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    Fungi are ubiquitous in the ocean and hypothesized to be important members of marine ecosystems, but their roles in the marine carbon cycle are poorly understood. Here, we use 13C DNA stable isotope probing coupled with phylogenetic analyses to investigate carbon assimilation within diverse communities of planktonic and benthic fungi in the Benguela Upwelling System (Namibia). Across the redox stratified water column and in the underlying sediments, assimilation of 13C-labeled carbon from diatom extracellular polymeric substances (13C-dEPS) by fungi correlated with the expression of fungal genes encoding carbohydrate-active enzymes. Phylogenetic analysis of genes from 13C-labeled metagenomes revealed saprotrophic lineages related to the facultative yeast Malassezia were the main fungal foragers of pelagic dEPS. In contrast, fungi living in the underlying sulfidic sediments assimilated more 13C-labeled carbon from chemosynthetic bacteria compared to dEPS. This coincided with a unique seafloor fungal community and dissolved organic matter composition compared to the water column, and a 100-fold increased fungal abundance within the subseafloor sulfide-nitrate transition zone. The subseafloor fungi feeding on 13C-labeled chemolithoautotrophs under anoxic conditions were affiliated with Chytridiomycota and Mucoromycota that encode cellulolytic and proteolytic enzymes, revealing polysaccharide and protein-degrading fungi that can anaerobically decompose chemosynthetic necromass. These subseafloor fungi, therefore, appear to be specialized in organic matter that is produced in the sediments. Our findings reveal that the phylogenetic diversity of fungi across redox stratified marine ecosystems translates into functionally relevant mechanisms helping to structure carbon flow from primary producers in marine microbiomes from the surface ocean to the subseafloor

    A KK-monopole giant graviton in AdS_5 x Y_5

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    We construct a new giant graviton solution in AdS_5 x Y_5, with Y_5 a quasi-regular Sasaki-Einstein manifold, consisting on a Kaluza-Klein monopole wrapped around the Y_5 and with its Taub-NUT direction in AdS_5. We find that this configuration has minimal energy when put in the centre of AdS_5, where it behaves as a massless particle. When we take Y_5 to be S^5, we provide a microscopical description in terms of multiple gravitational waves expanding into the fuzzy S^5 defined as an S^1 bundle over the fuzzy CP^2. Finally we provide a possible field theory dual interpretation of the construction.Comment: 11 pages, published versio

    Dynamical Processing of Geophysical Signatures based on SPOT-5 Remote Sensing Imagery

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    An intelligent post-processing computational paradigm based on the use of dynamical filtering techniques modified to enhance the quality of reconstruction of geophysical signatures based on Spot-5 imagery is proposed. As a matter of particular study, a robust algorithm is reported for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of geophysical indexes extracted from the real-world remotely sensed scenes. The simulation results verify the efficiency of the approach as required for decision support in resources management