1,748 research outputs found

    Impact of Growing Location and Harvest Time on Health Promoting Compounds from Dandelion Leafy Green

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    Dandelion is considered a weed and undervalued by most people. Dandelion’s bitter sensory appeal and lack of knowledge for its health benefits offsets its potential to be consumed as a leafy green. The focus of this study investigated the impact of growing location, harvest time and determined which leafy green part acquired high levels of health promoting compounds from various dandelion varieties. Dandelion var. Catalonga leaf blade had higher amounts of vitamin C, carotenoids, chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B, antioxidant activity and dietary fiber versus the whole leaf and petiole during the late harvest. Catalonga from New Jersey had highest amounts of vitamin C, Catalonga from Texas and New Jersey contained violaxanthin, lutein, β-carotene, chlorophyll A and B. DPPH scavenging activity and total phenolic content was highest in the leaf blade of Catalonga Texas. Catalonga Texas had a higher percentage of bound bile acid salts, CDCA (sodium chenodeoxycholate) and DCA (sodium deoxycholate), and total dietary fiber. In continuation, various dandelion varieties were treated with different thermal processing techniques to acquire hot aqueous extracts and tested for antioxidant potential. Dandelion var. Garnet Stem from Texas, resulted in high DPPH scavenging activities when boiled for 15 min and microwaved for 4 min. Both boiling and microwaving contained highest antioxidant activity versus hot sonication. Lastly, successive extraction of phenolics decreased drastically as the time of boiling increased but dandelion varieties were able to recover almost at the same level of phenolics when boiled for 15 min. Results from thermal extraction presented significant amounts of antioxidant activity from Garnet Stem and was furthered investigated. Garnet Stem’s red midvein/petiole tissue was used in an optimized extraction protocol and four anthocyanins were quantified for the first time, cyanidin-3-(6-malonyl)-glucoside (A-2) with the greatest amount present. Vitamin C and β-carotene were highest in the leaf blade of Garnet Stem from New Jersey. Lutein, violaxanthin, chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b was the highest in leaf blade of Garnet Stem from Texas. Highest bound bile acid salt was CDCA and Garnet Stem from New Jersey contained the highest amount of total dietary fiber (40.5 %). Both Catalonga and Garnet Stem varieties have different amounts of phytochemicals dependent on location and time of harvest in the leafy blade, but the presence of such health benefitting compounds proposes its use as another leafy green vegetable in the market. Dandelion leafy greens can be eaten fresh, raw or in an herbal tea form

    GP Financial Management Capacity and PRI Financial Management Reform Efforts in West Bengal

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    The State of West Bengal in its Annual Financial Statement of 2009-2010 called for “decentralization with accountability.” In addition to an expanded welfare system and the promotion of self-reliance at the local level, the State has been concerned with improving livelihoods through significantly enhanced funding to its local governments. To be effective, decentralization should move to the level of villages in rural areas in addition to accommodating urban municipalities. The Government of West Bengal (GOWB) has a strong interest in increasing the service delivery to constituents and has encouraged development in the area of financial management by providing incentives, training, computerization and the dissemination of good practice information for rural local governments (PRIs) in order to advance such delivery. This report provides a detailed assessment of the current state of budgeting and financial management capacity of the GOWB PRIs, an assessment of PRI financial management reforms, and focused attention to the capacity of the GPs to manage budgets and fiscal flow. Results from this work support development of a new grant program. The report also highlights budgeting and financial management issues relevant to creating an efficient flow of funds in such a grant program, given the capacity witnessed in GOWB rural local governments. Also, benchmarks that might be considered in a new grant program are provided

    GP Financial Management Capacity and PRI Financial Management Reform Efforts in West Bengal

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    The State of West Bengal in its Annual Financial Statement of 2009-2010 called for “decentralization with accountability.” In addition to an expanded welfare system and the promotion of self-reliance at the local level, the State has been concerned with improving livelihoods through significantly enhanced funding to its local governments. To be effective, decentralization should move to the level of villages in rural areas in addition to accommodating urban municipalities. The Government of West Bengal (GOWB) has a strong interest in increasing the service delivery to constituents and has encouraged development in the area of financial management by providing incentives, training, computerization and the dissemination of good practice information for rural local governments (PRIs) in order to advance such delivery. This report provides a detailed assessment of the current state of budgeting and financial management capacity of the GOWB PRIs, an assessment of PRI financial management reforms, and focused attention to the capacity of the GPs to manage budgets and fiscal flow. Results from this work support development of a new grant program. The report also highlights budgeting and financial management issues relevant to creating an efficient flow of funds in such a grant program, given the capacity witnessed in GOWB rural local governments. Also, benchmarks that might be considered in a new grant program are provided

    The Political Culture of Free People of African Descent in Eighteenth-Century New Granada (1750-1810)

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    This dissertation is a study of the lives and political culture of free people of African descent in eighteenth-century Colombia. It explores the ways in which free people of African descent interacted with the Hispanic monarchy institutions and how these interactions shaped their conception of their membership in the body politic and constituted themselves as political subjects. I analyze the ways in which these subjects were incorporated to the Monarchy, how they understood, claimed and negotiated this membership, and how, in this process, they forged their own political notions. I pay attention to the different repertoires of actions of free people and analyze the different ways in which they manifested discontent and participated in politics. Chapter 1 offers an overview of the population of free people in eighteenth-century Colombia. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 delve into three different groups of free people, traders, fluvial workers, and urban and rural poor. Chapter 5 explores participation free people of African descent in one of the largest upheavals of the colonial era, the Comunero revolt. I argue that the corporative and jurisdictional nature of the composite Hispanic monarchy had enduring effects on the ways in which free people of African descent imagined and framed their relation to the state. Free vassals of African descent were not allowed a corporate existence as indigenous group. However, through their continued engagement with legal institutions, they carved out a political place for themselves, that was informed by the corporative and jurisdictional culture. This research recasts previous interpretations of the Age of Revolutions that read free people’s political participation mostly through the lens of political modernity and assessed their ideas and actions in terms of their commitment towards legal equality and freedom. Modern ideas of equality and freedom were instrumental for free people, but they were deeply entrenched with notions of privileges and corporate and jurisdictional difference. This explains the fragmentary nature of their political participation in the first years of the Republican life

    Impact of Growing Location and Harvest Time on Health Promoting Compounds from Dandelion Leafy Green

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    Dandelion is considered a weed and undervalued by most people. Dandelion’s bitter sensory appeal and lack of knowledge for its health benefits offsets its potential to be consumed as a leafy green. The focus of this study investigated the impact of growing location, harvest time and determined which leafy green part acquired high levels of health promoting compounds from various dandelion varieties. Dandelion var. Catalonga leaf blade had higher amounts of vitamin C, carotenoids, chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B, antioxidant activity and dietary fiber versus the whole leaf and petiole during the late harvest. Catalonga from New Jersey had highest amounts of vitamin C, Catalonga from Texas and New Jersey contained violaxanthin, lutein, β-carotene, chlorophyll A and B. DPPH scavenging activity and total phenolic content was highest in the leaf blade of Catalonga Texas. Catalonga Texas had a higher percentage of bound bile acid salts, CDCA (sodium chenodeoxycholate) and DCA (sodium deoxycholate), and total dietary fiber. In continuation, various dandelion varieties were treated with different thermal processing techniques to acquire hot aqueous extracts and tested for antioxidant potential. Dandelion var. Garnet Stem from Texas, resulted in high DPPH scavenging activities when boiled for 15 min and microwaved for 4 min. Both boiling and microwaving contained highest antioxidant activity versus hot sonication. Lastly, successive extraction of phenolics decreased drastically as the time of boiling increased but dandelion varieties were able to recover almost at the same level of phenolics when boiled for 15 min. Results from thermal extraction presented significant amounts of antioxidant activity from Garnet Stem and was furthered investigated. Garnet Stem’s red midvein/petiole tissue was used in an optimized extraction protocol and four anthocyanins were quantified for the first time, cyanidin-3-(6-malonyl)-glucoside (A-2) with the greatest amount present. Vitamin C and β-carotene were highest in the leaf blade of Garnet Stem from New Jersey. Lutein, violaxanthin, chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b was the highest in leaf blade of Garnet Stem from Texas. Highest bound bile acid salt was CDCA and Garnet Stem from New Jersey contained the highest amount of total dietary fiber (40.5 %). Both Catalonga and Garnet Stem varieties have different amounts of phytochemicals dependent on location and time of harvest in the leafy blade, but the presence of such health benefitting compounds proposes its use as another leafy green vegetable in the market. Dandelion leafy greens can be eaten fresh, raw or in an herbal tea form


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    Control interno y rentabilidad en las empresas del sector de ventas de fertilizantes y abonos para la agricultura en los distritos de Lima metropolitana, 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar sí el control interno influye en la rentabilidad de las empresas del Sector de ventas de fertilizantes y abonos para la agricultura en los distritos de lima metropolitana, 2020. Se utilizó el enfoque cuantitativo, tipo de investigación aplicada, mientras que su diseño no experimental, explicativo y descriptivo. Un grupo de 14 empresas conforman la población del estudio, de los cuales 86 colaboradores toman la muestra para la investigación, comprendiendo al gerente general, contador, asistentes contables, administradores. Se recolectó datos mediante la encuesta y el instrumento del cuestionario, los mismos que serán tratados estadísticamente. El estudio llego a la siguiente conclusión: Se determinó que el control interno influye significativamente en la rentabilidad de las empresas del Sector de ventas de fertilizantes y abonos para la agricultura en los distritos de lima metropolitana, 2020, determinándose que la aplicación del control interno no es un tema que involucra únicamente al área contable, sino que es ineludible la participación y compromiso de toda la organización para obtener una rentabilidad que beneficia a todos.The general objective of this research was to determine whether internal control influences the profitability of companies in the fertilizer and fertilizer sales sector for agriculture in the districts of metropolitan Lima, 2020. The quantitative approach was used, type of applied research, while its design was non-experimental, explanatory, and descriptive. A group of 10 companies make up the population of the study, of which 86 collaborators are sampled for the research, comprising the general manager, accountant, accounting assistants, administrators. Data were collected by means of the survey and the questionnaire instrument, which will be treated statistically. The study reached the following conclusion: It was determined that internal control significantly influences the profitability of companies in the fertilizer and fertilizer sales sector for agriculture in the districts of metropolitan Lima, 2020, determining that the application of internal control is not an issue that involves only the accounting area, but it is essential the participation and commitment of the entire organization to obtain a profitability that benefits everyone

    Aplicación de las medidas de protección a las víctimas indirectas de violencia familiar en el Callao, 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo de investigación Determinar el alcance de aplicación de las medidas de protección para víctimas indirectas de violencia familiar en el Callao, 2020 y presentar un enfoque cualitativo que represente una aproximación a la realidad del fenómeno estudiado desde el punto de vista de los especialistas que tratan el tema de la violencia familiar, el tipo de estudio fue básico, a través del método inductivo interpretativo, con un diseño de teoría fundamentada, el escenario de estudio fue el mencionado. El resultado obtenido fue que la aplicación de medidas de protección a víctimas indirectas de violencia familiar en Callao, 2020 es casi inexistente ya que van dirigidas a víctimas de violencia directa. Como conclusión, se encontró que las medidas de protección se aplican en su mayoría a las víctimas directas de violencia familiar y se ignoran las víctimas de violencia indirecta; la aplicación de medidas de protección a las víctimas indirectas de violencia psicológica, económica y física es insatisfactoria e ineficaz; se destaca la importancia del uso del tratamiento psicológico en la recuperación emocional de las víctimas; este consenso se amplía al afirmar que contribuye a la lucha contra la perpetuación de la cadena de violencia en la sociedad contra las víctimas de violencia indirecta, pero se necesitan otras medidas

    Proceso de victimización en el delito de violación sexual en el distrito judicial de Lima Centro, 2022

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    La referente investigación se desplegó a fin de determinar de qué manera se genera el proceso de victimización en el delito de violación sexual en el distrito judicial de Lima Centro en el año 2022; estudio realizado en el contexto del distrito Judicial de Lima Centro en las Fiscalías Provinciales Penales Especializadas de Violencia contra la Mujer y los Integrantes del Grupo Familiar. Se realizó un estudio básico con un enfoque cualitativo, con diseño de teoría fundamentada, aplicándose la entrevista como técnica de recolección y como instrumento de recolección se utilizó a la guía de entrevista, a fin de recabar resultados e información más precisa sobre el tema. Las conclusiones del estudio indican que si se permitido determinar que los procedimientos legales señalados son adecuados para la recepción de declaraciones de las víctimas del ilícito de violación sexual; sin embargo, se hace la referencia que son los operadores de justicia quienes no aplican correctamente la norma, asimismo, se considera que las diligencias en el proceso de investigación si generan la revictimización; dicha información fue recopilada de fiscales y asistentes en función fiscal que se desarrollan en el ámbito de estudio, y contrastada con legislación internacional y nacional