163 research outputs found

    Herdade do Castelão. Reabilitar sobre um Compósito - Entre o Popular e o Contemporâneo

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    A presente dissertação consiste na elaboração de uma proposta de reabilitação para um conjunto edificado habitacional de apoio a funções agrícolas, atualmente, votado ao esquecimento. Localizado em Santa Eulália, Elvas, Portugal, apresenta características que, num primeiro olhar, se identificam como incomuns na arquitetura da região. A reabilitação motiva-se num programa que tenta responder, por um lado, a um uso de cariz familiar e, por outro, a uma vertente turística que pretende reavivar o uso da propriedade. O projeto acompanha-se de uma vontade de estudar a problemática de intervenção em edifícios desenraizados do lugar, ciente da necessidade de compreender o edifício e a sua circunstância sobre os vários tempos - passado, presente e futuro. A proposta de intervenção está, por isso, assente numa investigação teórico-prática que, baseada numa análise e reflexão teórica sobre as problemáticas de intervenção num edifício existente, auxiliará o processo de conceção arquitetónica.The present dissertation consists in the elaboration of a rehabilitation proposal for a housing set supporting agricultural functions, currently doomed to oblivion. Located in Santa Eulália, Elvas, Portugal, it presents characteristics that, at a first glance, can be identified as unusual in the architecture of the region. The rehabilitation is motivated in a program that it tries to respond, on one hand, to a family use and, on the other hand, to a touristic use that intends to revive the property. It also is intended to study the problematic of intervention in uprooted buildings, aware of the need to understand the building and its circumstance over the various periods of time - past, present and future. The intervention proposal is therefore based on a theoretical and practical research that, based on an analysis and theoretical reflection about the problems of intervention in an existing building, will help the architectural design process

    Um espaço de aprendizagem com software livre : relatório de estágio

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    Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do II Ciclo de Estudos em Ensino de Informática, que acompanha o percurso seguido, no período em que decorreu a prática de ensino supervisionada. No período de dificuldades económicas que atravessamos, a que a escola não escapa, torna-se imperioso olhar para o software livre e analisar a pertinência da sua utilização em contexto escolar. Deste estudo, resultou a criação de uma sala de informática, com software livre, para utilização quer por professores, quer por alunos. Paralelamente, é elaborada uma reflexão sobre o trabalho do professor, na procura das respostas aos desafios com que se é confrontado na atividade docente, assim como a contextualização e o desenrolar detalhado das atividades realizadas durante o estágio.This paper was created within the second cycle of studies in Computer Education, which tracks the route followed in its supervised teaching practice time frame. In the period of economic difficulties we are experiencing, which schools cannot escape, it is imperative to look for free software and analyze the appropriateness of its use in schools. This study resulted in the creation of a computer room with free software for use either by teachers or by students. Moreover, it is presented a reflection, regarding the teacher’s work in the field, in search of answers to the challenges that are faced in all teaching activities, as well as the context and deployment of all the activities developed during this internship

    The influence of BMI and predictors of disordered eating and life satisfaction on postmenopausal women

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    This study aims to compare eating behaviours, body satisfaction, exercise and life satisfaction between normal-weight and overweight postmenopausal women, and to examine the predictors of disordered eating and life satisfaction among postmenopausal women (n= 294) . The overweight group had more eating disordered behaviour, more body dissatisfaction, and lower physical quality of life. The increase of age predicted less disordered eating. Higher BMI, the perception of an ideal weight lower than the current one, lower body satisfaction, and physical quality of life predicted disordered eating. Higher body satisfaction, less psychosocial discomfort, and a greater degree of sexual symptom discomfort predicted life satisfaction

    Humanoid realistic simulator: the servomotor joint modeling

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    This paper presents a humanoid servomotor model that can be used in simulations. Once simulation is a tool that reduces the software production time, it was developed a realistic simulator that own the humanoid features. Based on a real platform, the simulator is validated when compared with the reality

    Humanoid gait optimization resorting to an improved simulation model

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    The simulation of a robot with a high number of joints can easily become unstable. Numerical errors on the first joint of the chain are propagated to the other joints. This is a very common problem in humanoid robots. A way to plan the gait for those robots is using simulation and optimization techniques. This paper addresses a new approach to optimize gait parameter sets using an Adaptive Simulated Annealing optimization algorithm combined with a new joint model that reduces its instability. The new model and the optimization are implemented in SimTwo (a developed physical robot simulator that is capable of simulating user defined robots in a three-dimensional space since it includes a physical model based on rigid body dynamics) and results are shown that validate the approach

    Humanoid robot simulation with a joint trajectory optimized controller

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    This paper describes a joint trajectory optimized controller for a humanoid robot simulator following the real robot characteristics. As simulation is a powerful tool for speeding up the control software development, the proposed accurate simulator allows to fulfil this goal. The simulator, based on the Open Dynamics Engine and GLScene graphics library, provides instant visual feedback. The proposed simulator, with realistic dynamics, allows to design and test behaviours and control strategies without access to the real hardware in order to carry out research on robot control without damaging the real robot in the early stages of the development. The joints controller techniques, such as acceleration, speed and energy consumption minimization are discussed and experimental results are presented in order to validate the proposed simulator

    Robust mobile robot localization based on security laser scanner

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    This paper addresses the development of a new localization system based on a security laser presented on most AGVs for safety reasons. An enhanced artificial beacons detection algorithm is applied with a combination of a Kalman filter and an outliers rejection method in order to increase the robustness and precision of the system. This new robust approach allows to implement such system in current AGVs. Real results in industrial environment validate the proposed methodology.The work presented in this paper, being part of the Project "NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000060" is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by national funds, through the Portuguese funding agency, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposal of a new real-time cooperative challenge in mobile robotics

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    In this paper it is presented a new robot competition that is going to be included in Robotica 2011, the main Robotics Portuguese Competition. The robot competition takes place in an emulated factory plant, where Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) must cooperate to perform tasks. To accomplish their goals the AGVs must deal with localization, navigation, scheduling and cooperation problems, that must be solved autonomously. One option of prototyping the AGVs is the use of the Lego Mindstorms NXT technology. The presented example can play an important role in education due to the inherent multi-disciplinary concepts that are involved, motivating students to technological areas. It also plays an important role in research and development, because it is expected that the outcomes that will emerge here, will later be transfered to other application areas, such as service robots and manufacturing

    Inverted pendulum virtual control laboratory

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    This paper describes a tool for interactive learning that can be used to improve control systems design. The developed system is ready to use and allows testing different control methods. It can be used by students for problem solving and individual learning. The virtual control laboratory was implemented as a teaching aid during lectures on control systems. As there is no need to do any special programming or debugging, the students can focus on the control items. Classical control methods such as PID and State-Space approaches are available and gains can be tuned. A friendly appearance based on openGL 3D shows a simulation of the real word: A cart with an inverted pendulum is "bumped" with a force. The dynamic equations of motion for the control system are linearized assuming that the pendulum does not move more than a few degrees away from the vertical allowing to apply linear control methods. Although, the simulated system is realistic and based on a Dynamics Engine

    Humanoid robot simulator: a realistic dynamics approach

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    This paper describes a humanoid robot simulator with realistic dynamics. As simulation is a powerful tool for speeding up the control software development, the suggested accurate simulator allows to accomplish this goal. The simulator, based on the Open Dynamics Engine and GLScene graphics library, provides instant visual feedback and allows the user to test any control strategy without damaging the real robot in the early stages of the development. The proposed simulator also captures some characteristics of the environment that are important and allows to test controllers without access to the real hardware. Experimental results are shown that validate this approach
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