475 research outputs found

    Microbiological contamination in Portuguese firefighters headquarters

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    Tese de mestrado, Biologia Humana e Ambiente, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasIn occupational environments, employees might be exposed to a diversity of microbiological agents. However, less is known about firefighter’s exposure in the work environment. Thus, this study aims to characterize the microbiological contamination in firefighter’s headquarters from Lisbon, Portugal. SARS-CoV-2 and fungal resistance profile assessment were also performed. Eleven firefighters headquarters (FFH) were assessed and the sampling campaign comprised active and passive sampling methods. The microbiological assessment covered culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. Additionally, to perform the azole resistance screening the samples extracts were inoculated in Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) azole supplemented media (Itraconazole (ITR), Voriconazole (VOR) and Posaconazole (POS)). In general, from all the matrices the predominant genera were Cladosporium and Penicillium. Regarding microbiological load indoors, in accordance with the scientific criteria for occupational exposure assessment (I /O ≤1), from the 11 FFH sampled, 5 (45.45%) surpassed the stipulated value in what concerns fungal levels. The same trend was reported in 7 FFH (63.63%) for bacteria. Moreover, when using the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested indoor guideline (maximum value of 150 CFU.m-3 ), the same FFH were above the stipulated limits for fungal and bacterial load respectively. Overall, the use of a multi-approach protocol for sampling and analyses allowed a broader microbial characterization. Also, fungal growth in azole supplemented media suggests the presence of multidrug resistance. Thus, further antifungal susceptibility tests should be preconized. The molecular detection of sections Fumigati and Nidulantes in additional matrices suggests molecular tools as a suitable approach overcoming culture-dependent methods limitations. Regarding SARS-CoV-2 assessment, no detection was obtained which suggest the effectiveness of cleaning in viral control. In short, these facilities are an occupational environment to have into consideration regarding the microbiological contamination. In fact, more research is needed in order to implement proper measures to reduce workers risk and minimize the exposure

    Exploring the role of Interleukin-6 and other host-associated factors in tumor progression and metastasis development

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    ABSTRACT: Traditionally, cancer research has had its centre of attention in tumor cells and alterations in their genes, but recently, there has been a shift in focus beyond the tumor cells themselves to the surrounding tumor microenvironment. Specifically, it has become clear that bone-marrow derived cells (BMDCs) play a critical role in metastases development. We demonstrate that IL-6 knockout mice bearing breast or melanoma tumors had a reduction in the number of metastatic foci and metastatic burden as compared to wild-type mice. Analysis of pre-metastatic lungs and blood showed an IL-6 dependent increase in Stat3 activation with CD11b+Gr1+ MDSCs mobilization and recruitment to these sites during metastatic progression. Inducible-ubiquitous overexpression of activated Stat3 increased hematopoietic progenitor cells (Sca1+c-Kit+) and MDSCs in the bone marrow and promoted their mobilization to the lungs, which was abrogated in IL-6 deficient mice. A requirement for bone marrow derived IL-6 for metastasis was determined, as restoration of metastatic growth was observed in IL-6 knockout mice transplanted with wild-type bone marrow. We also demonstrate that in response to IL-6 and TGF-β, upregulation of the Inhibitor of Differentiation 1 (Id1) redirects BMDC differentiation towards Id1-high expressing MDSC with a reciprocal decrease in DC numbers. Genetic inactivation of Id1 largely corrects the myeloid imbalance, whereas Id1 overexpression in the absence of tumor-derived factors re-creates it. These results reveal a critical role for Id1 in suppressing the anti-tumor immune response during tumor progression. We also explored the role of VEGFR1 expression in BMDCs, and our results clearly demonstrate an important function for VEGFR1-regulated CXCL4 expression by BMDCs in regulating angiogenesis at the primary tumor and metastatic microenvironments. Taken together, our results reinforce the concept of the BMDCs and bone marrow microenvironment as necessary participants in solid-tumor metastasis development.RESUMO: Historicamente, a investigação em cancro centrou-se nas células tumorais e nas alterações genéticas destas células, mas recentemente, tem ocorrido uma mudança de foco para o microambiente tumoral. Especificamente, vários estudos têm demonstrado um papel crítico das células derivadas de medula óssea (BMDCs) no processo de tumorigénese e metastização. Os resultados do nosso trabalho demonstram redução significativa no número de lesões metastáticas pulmonares em ratinhos IL-6 KO com tumores da mama ou melanoma comparativamente com ratinhos wild-type. A análise de sangue e tecido pulmonar em fase pré-metastática mostrou ativação Stat3 dependente de IL-6, com mobilização e recrutamento de MDSCs CD11b + Gr1 + para os futuros órgãos metastáticos. A indução de sobreexpressão de Stat3 resultou num aumento de células hematopoiéticas progenitoras (Sca1 + c-Kit +) e MDSCs na medula óssea, e promoveu a sua mobilização para os pulmões, o que não se verificou em ratinhos IL-6 KO. Nos ratinhos IL-6 KO transplantados com medula óssea wild-type houve recuperação do padrão metastático, o que demonstra o papel importante da IL-6 no processo de metastização. O nosso trabalho também demonstrou que a sobreexpressão de Id1, em resposta a IL-6 ou TGF- β, redireciona a diferenciação de BMDCs no sentido de MDSC com elevada expressão de Id1, com uma diminuição recíproca no número de DCs. Demonstramos ainda que a inactivação genética de Id1 corrige o desequilíbrio mieloide, e que a sobreexpressao de Id1 na ausência de factores tumorais, recria este desequilíbrio. Estes resultados revelam um papel crítico de Id1 na supressão da resposta imune antitumoral durante o desenvolvimento tumoral. O nosso trabalho explorou ainda o papel da expressão de VEGFR1 em BMDCs, e os nossos resultados demonstram que a expressão de CXCL4 dependente de VEGFR1 pelas BMDCs desempenha uma importante função na regulação da angiogênese do tumor primário e do microambiente metastatico. Globalmente, os nossos resultados reforçam o conceito das BMDCs e do microambiente da medula óssea como participantes necessários no desenvolvimento de metástases de tumores sólidos

    Nosocomial and community-acquired urinary tract infections

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    No passado, acreditava-se que o trato urinário fosse um local estéril, onde a aquisição de bactérias era um fator disruptivo para o aparecimento de infeções do trato urinário. Estudos clínicos contradizem essa ideologia, confirmando a presença de um microbioma saudável, com mecanismos de defesa importantes. As infeções do trato urinário são consideradas a segunda causa mais comum de doenças infeciosas, assumindo 40% de todas as infeções nosocomiais e a maioria das infeções adquiridas na comunidade. Importa reiterar que muitas destas são desenvolvidas em pacientes saudáveis, sem comorbilidades. As repercussões financeiras das infeções do trato urinário são enormes, principalmente devido à sua elevada incidência. Dois exemplos, como a cistite e a pielonefrite, são os principais contribuintes para este problema de saúde. Os custos incluem prescrições de antibióticos, ausências laborais por doença, despesas de hospitalização, entre outos. Adicionalmente, o fator de recorrência acaba por avultar os custos associados a uma infeção urinária. Um dos grandes problemas que surge é a crescente resistência antibiótica, uma vez que o tratamento usual das infeções urinárias exige este tipo de prescrição. O associado uso excessivo de antibióticos causa problemas preocupantes, não só para a segurança do paciente, como também para a comunidade envolvente. Desta forma, o médico deve não só questionar a gravidade da infeção, mas ainda, se existe benefício no tratamento antibiótico de um determinado paciente. Para mudar o paradigma da resistência aos antibióticos estão a ser desenvolvidas novas estratégias de tratamento e medidas profiláticas. No entanto, existe ainda um longo caminho para ser percorrido, através da amplificação do número de estudos clínicos e do aprofundamento do conhecimento tanto do microbioma existente no trato urinário como das opções terapêuticas que dele podem resultar.Formerly it was thought that the urinary tract was a sterile place, where the acquisition of bacteria was a disruptive factor for the appearance of urinary tract infections. Nowadays, the clinical studies contradict this ideology, confirming the presence of a healthy microbiome, with important defence mechanisms. Urinary tract infections are considered the second most common cause of infectious diseases, assuming 40% of all infections acquired in the hospitals and the majority of community-acquired infections. It is noteworthy that many of these are developed in healthy patients, without comorbidities. The financial implications of urinary tract infections are enormous, predominantly a result of its high incidence. Two examples of it, such as cystitis and pyelonephritis, are major contributors to the overall health burden. The costs include antimicrobial prescriptions, sick days, hospitalization expenses, among others. Furthermore, the recurrence factor ends up looming the costs associated with a urinary infection. One of the big problems arising is the growing resistance to antibiotics, since the usual treatment of urinary infections requires antibiotic prescription. The associated antibiotic overuse causes serious problems, not only for the specific patient safety but for the surrounding community. Thus, the physician must question not only the state of the infection, but if there is benefit in a certain patient’s antibiotic treatment. To shift the paradigm of antibiotic resistance, new treatment strategies and prophylactic measures are emerging. However, there is still a long way to go, through the amplification of the number of clinical studies and the knowledge of both the microbiome existing in the urinary tract and the therapeutic options that may result from it.Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um trabalho desenvolvido com alunas e alunos da disciplina Ensino de História, de agosto a novembro, no Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB, no semestre 2020.1. Na ocasião, pensamos sobre as possibilidades e os desafios de abordar conteúdos e procedimentos didáticos para esse componente, especificamente em aulas remotas. No primeiro momento, pensamos em acionar a sensibilidade nas aulas de História, aquilo que nos passa, que nos afeta, que nos toca, que nos forma a partir do que sentimos. Para isso, fundamentamo-nos nas contribuições de Soares Júnior (2019) e Albuquerque Júnior (s/d), com a finalidade de refletir sobre as aulas de História desvinculadas das amarras do ensino tradicional positivista. Metodologicamente, utilizamos as experiências vividas, apresentadas e relatadas pelos alunos e alunas da referida disciplina. Concluímos que precisamos pensar no ensino de História para as crianças a partir de concepções que mobilizem a sensibilidade, o ver, o ouvir, o imaginar, o criar e o sentir, tendo em vista a formação de cidadãos comprometidos com a realidade, a identidade, o respeito e a alteridade.This article has the objective of presenting a work developed with students from the component History Teaching, from August to November, in the Pedagogy Degree at Universidade Estadual da Paraíba – UEPB [Paraíba’s State University], in the 2020.1 semester. At the occasion, we have thought about the possibilities and challenges of approaching subjects and didactic procedures for this component, specifically in remote classes. At the first, we have thought in actioning the sensibility in History classes, what we have passed, what affects us, touches us, forms us from what we feel. For this, we have based on the contributions of Soares Júnior, (2019) and Albuquerque Júnior (s/d), with the goal of reflecting on History classes untied from the moorings of positivist traditional teaching. Methodologically, we have used the lived experiences, presented and related by the students of referred component. We have concluded that we need to think of History teaching for children from conceptions that mobilize the sensibility, the seeing, listening, imagining, creating, and feeling, considering the formation of citizens committed to reality, identity, respect, and otherness.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un trabajo desarrollado con estudiantes de la disciplina de Didáctica de la Historia, de agosto a noviembre, en la Licenciatura en Pedagogía de la Universidad Estatal de Paraíba - UEPB, en el semestre 2020.1. En ese momento, pensamos en las posibilidades y desafíos de abordar contenidos y procedimientos didácticos para este componente, específicamente en clases remotas. En un principio pensamos en activar la sensibilidad en las clases de Historia, lo que nos pasa, lo que nos afecta, lo que nos toca, lo que nos moldea desde lo que sentimos. Para ello, nos basamos en los aportes de Soares Júnior (2019) y Albuquerque Júnior (s/d), con el propósito de reflexionar sobre clases de Historia que no están vinculadas a la enseñanza positivista tradicional. Metodológicamente, utilizamos las experiencias vividas, presentadas e informadas por los estudiantes de esa disciplina. Concluimos que es necesario pensar en la enseñanza de la historia a los niños desde conceptos que movilicen la sensibilidad, el ver, el oír, imaginar, crear y sentir, con miras a formar ciudadanos comprometidos con la realidad, la identidad, el respeto y la alteridad

    Synergy of farnesol and antibiotics against planktonic versus biofilm cells of Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Staphylococcus epidermidis is the most frequent cause of nosocomial sepsis and catheter-related infections, in which biofilm formation is considered to be one of the main virulence mechanisms. Moreover, their increased resistance to conventional antibiotic therapy enhances the need to develop new therapeutical agents. Farnesol, a quorum-sensing molecule in Candida albicans, has been described as impairing bacterial growth. The goal of this study was to evaluate the synergistic effect of farnesol and antibiotics on planktonic and biofilm cells of S. epidermidis strains (1457 and 9142). To accomplish that, three antibiotics with different mechanisms of action were tested: vancomycin (cell wall synthesis inhibitor), tetracycline (Protein synthesis inhibitor) and rifampicin (RNA synthesis inhibitor). A 24 h kinetic study was performed using these antibiotics at the peak serum concentration along with farnesol at concentrations of 30, 100, 200 and 300 μM. To evaluate planktonic cells viability, it was used two tests: a rapid colorimetric method that is based on the reduction of tetrazolium salt (XTT) to measure mitochondrial cellular activity and standard colony forming units enumeration (CFU). The growth inhibition effect of farnesol and/or antibiotics on biofilm cells of S. epidermidis was assessed by XTT, CFU enumeration and Crystal Violet, which measures total biomass of biofilm. In planktonic as well as in biofilm cells, both strains of S. epidermidis studied were much less susceptible to farnesol than to all the antibiotics tested. All the antibiotics were highly effective against planktonic cells. Biofilm cells were much less susceptible than planktonic cultures to vancomycin, tetracycline and rifampicin. In planktonic cells it was not observed a synergistic effect of farnesol and any of the antibiotics used, except for the strain 9142 when treated with vancomycin. In biofilms, there was a synergistic effect of farnesol and all antibiotics, expressed by the reduction of biomass and mitochondrial cellular activity of biofilm cells. The susceptibility of biofilm cells to farnesol and antibiotics was higher when the antibiotic tested was rifampicin, followed by tetracycline and finally by vancomycin

    Farnesol as a prospective antimicrobial agent against Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Objectives: Staphylococcus epidermidis is now among the most important pathogenic agents responsible for bloodstream nosocomial infections and for biofilm formation on indwelling medical devices. Its increasing resistance to common antibiotics is a challenge for the development of new antimicrobial agents. Accordingly, the goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of farnesol, a natural sesquiterpenoid, on Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm cells and compare this one with the effect of vancomycin, one of the most frequently used antibiotics to treat resistant nosocomial infections. Another aim of this work was to determine if subjecting S. epidermidis cells to farnesol they acquire resistance. Methods: A 24 h kinetic study was performed using vancomycin at the peak serum concentration (40mg/L) and farnesol at concentrations of 30, 100, 200 and 300 microM. The growth inhibition effect of farnesol and vancomycin on biofilm cells of S. epidermidis was assessed by XTT (the reduction of this tetrazolium salt is a measure of cellular activity and is easily assessed by colorimetry) and Crystal Violet, which measures total biomass of biofilm. The biofilm cells were analysed by confocal laser scanning microscopy after being stained with Live/Dead. Resistance to farnesol and vancomycin was tested growing S. epidermidis planktonic cells in sub-inhibitory concentrations of farnesol and vancomycin and then subjecting these cells to inhibitory concentrations of both antimicrobial agents during 24 hours. After that, cellular activity was assessed by XTT. This was repeated for 5 consecutive days. Results: Both tested agents act at the cell wall level, vancomycin inhibits the biosynthesis of bacterial cell wall, while farnesol is considered to disrupt the normal barrier function of the cell membrane. Interestingly, farnesol at a concentration higher than 200 microM displayed the same or higher effectiveness of vancomycin at peak serum concentration. In fact, the response of the strains tested was very similar for both farnesol (>200 microM) and vancomycin. Regarding cells resistance to farnesol, the results point out to a slight increase of tolerance but not to an acquired resistance, because the percentage of inhibition was steady along the time. Conclusions: Overall, the results indicate a potential antibacterial effect of farnesol against S. epidermidis, and therefore the possible action of this molecule on the prevention of S. epidermidis related infections

    As Parcerias Público-Privadas na Europa e em Portugal

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    Tendo em vista o crescimento do número de Parcerias Público-Privadas que teve lugar nos finais do século XX e primeira década do século XXI, quer na Europa, quer em Portugal, pretende-se com este estudo analisar o debate sobre o papel, por vezes polémico, desempenhado por estas formas de contratação no contexto internacional de crise e de contenção da despesa pública. Duas questões fulcrais são colocadas em sede de debate: as Parcerias Público-Privadas contribuíram para a redução da despesa pública? Verificou-se, ou não, degradação na qualidade do serviço público? Será analisada a definição de Parceria Público-Privada, enquadrada no conceito mais lato de outsourcing, e identificado o enquadramento histórico-económico e político em que assentou o crescimento desta forma de contratação no âmbito dos serviços públicos, quais os objetivos a que se propunha e se estes objetivos foram atingidos nas perspetivas financeira e social. Por último, serão detalhados e analisados os riscos associados à utilização desta forma de contratação.FC

    Desenvolvimento de uma scooter elétrica

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    Este projeto apresenta a conceção de um conjunto de circuitos eletrónicos de controlo de potência para acionar um motor de corrente contínua de uma Scooter Elétrica, com base num micro-controlador. O acionamento do Motor da Scooter é feito através de um sinal PWM, com base na plataforma Arduino. O sinal PWM é utilizado para controlar o MOSFET da ponte-H (acionador), corrigindo a velocidade para a desejada. Os sinais provenientes dos sensores de corrente, tensão e temperatura, são processados pelos seus circuitos de condicionamento de sinal e são adquiridos para o microcontrolador que converte esses sinais analógicos em sinais digitais exibidos no monitor série do software Arduíno.This project presents the design of a set of electronic control and power circuits to drive an electric scooter direct current motor, through na micro-controller. The activation of the Scooter Engine is done through a PWM signal, where the signal is generated through an Arduino platform. The PWM signal is applied to control an M-bridge MOSFET, correcting the speed to the desired one. The signals from the current, voltage and temperature sensors are processed by their signal conditioning circuits and are acquired by the microcontroller that converts these analog signals into digital signals displayed on the Arduino software serial monitor
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