832 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses the literalization of the metaphor of the body politic in contemporary urban fantasy. The body politic is one of the master tropes through which urban experience has been traditionally represented in literature, political discourse, and social studies. Urban fantasy transforms this metaphor into part of the fictional world of the text, thereby laying bare its cultural connotations, which are predominantly negative and dystopian. Thus a monstrous body is created, which is not that of an individual but rather of the city as a whole. The paper discusses three main registers of representing the monstrous urban body in fantasy: the dark city; the city-as-machine; and the city-as-organism. Each register is illustrated with a range of literary and cinematic examples

    Retaining Behavioral Healthcare Employees of the Millennial Generation

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    As a result of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the behavioral healthcare field is experiencing an increased demand for services. This increase is based on the availability of healthcare coverage to an estimated 13.4 million previously uninsured individuals. To meet this demand for treatment, the workforce of behavioral health therapists must grow. The largest generation entering the workforce, the Millennial Generation - those born after 1980 - is believed to lack commitment to their employers, frequently vacating their positions for the next best offer. The purpose of this case study was to determine factors that both affect retention and contribute to employee turnover among Millennial behavioral health therapists, in the hope of identifying approaches for retaining them in not-for-profit organizations. This exploration used Rousseau\u27s psychological contract theory as the theoretical lens. Secondary data from academic literature, public media, and published surveys were collected and analyzed using open coding to identify patterns and trends. Key variables influencing retention were parity in compensation, organizational culture, the opportunity to advance careers, and make a difference in the community. The implications for social change include informing policy makers and organizational leaders in behavioral healthcare about developing creative methods to increase retention. Recommendations include employer evaluation and improvement in their organizational culture and quality of relationships with their employees. The implementation of these recommendations could result in improved client outcomes, fiscal integrity, and organizational continuity

    The Medicalisation of Ayahuasca as a Depression Treatment : Cultural Reductivism and Biopiracy Concerns

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    This paper examines the possible consequences of medicalising the psychedelic Ayahuasca to be used as a treatment for depression. Through a science and technology studies (STS) understanding of the social construction of scientific facts, I consider how traditional indigenous uses of Ayahuasca are translated into Western medicine. Two special points of attention are: (1) the cultural reductivism entailed in the standardisation of the active substance of Ayahuasca (DMT), understood through Martin’s (2000) analysis of neuroreductivism in Western medicine, and (2) the issue of biopiracy, wherein biological resources are appropriated without fair compensation for indigenous communities. In conclusion, I suggest that the dangers of medicalising ayahuasca boil down to an unjustified hierarchy of scientific knowledge over indigenous knowledge systems, which might lead to serious consequences also for the effectiveness of the proposed treatment. Keywords: Medicalization, Ayahuasca, Neuroreductivism, Biopirac

    A Capacitação Tecnológica e o Desempenho Exportador da Indústria Brasileira de Software: O Papel dos Investimentos em P&D

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    Many studies have been analyzing the export performance of Brazilian software industry. The technological capability, however, has not been well exploited by literature. The aim of this study is verify the influence of technological capability in software - products and services - export performance. In special, the role of R&D investments. To proceed the analysis 488 enterprises of the Brazilian software industries were selected from the SEPIN/MCT database. The correlation between technological capability and export performance did not seem statistically significant. Discussions about this results and the competitiveness of software industry finishes this paper.Many studies have been analyzing the export performance of Brazilian software industry. The technological capability, however, has not been well exploited by literature. The aim of this study is verify the influence of technological capability in software - products and services - export performance. In special, the role of R&D investments. To proceed the analysis 488 enterprises of the Brazilian software industries were selected from the SEPIN/MCT database. The correlation between technological capability and export performance did not seem statistically significant. Discussions about this results and the competitiveness of software industry finishes this paper.Pesquisas têm avaliado o desempenho exportador da indústria brasileira de software, ao longo da última década. O enfoque tecnológico, contudo, ainda é pouco explorado pela literatura. Este trabalho avalia a questão da influência da capacitação tecnológica, no que concerne a investimentos em P&D, sobre o desempenho exportador da indústria de software. Foram pesquisadas 488 empresas, pertencentes à base de dados da Secretaria de Política de Informática do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (SEPIN/MCT). Revelou-se que o nível de investimentos em P&D não pareceu estar significativamente correlacionado ao desempenho exportador das empresas. Discussões acerca dessa constatação e sobre as perspectivas de competitividade da indústria brasileira de software finalizam este trabalho

    Les risques professionnels et leur gestion en situation : deux objets pour un seul objectif de formation [version française de l'article : Vidal-Gomel, C., Olry, P. & Rachedi, Y. (2009)]

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    Ce document est une version française de l'article : Vidal-Gomel, C., Olry, P. & Rachedi, Y. (2009). Os riscos profissionais e a sua gestão em contexto: dois objectos para um objectivo de formação comum. Laboreal, 5, (2), 31-47. En ligne : http://laboreal.up.pt/revista/artigo.php?id=48u56oTV658223483377;2:48:2L'objectif de cet article est d'appréhender la formation à la prévention des risques professionnels en y intégrant un questionnement sur les activités de gestion de ces risques par les opérateurs, c'est-à-dire leurs identifications et traitements des situations présentant des risques d'accidents du travail. De ce fait, le cadre d'analyse utilisé articule les apports de l'ergonomie, qui conduit à s'intéresser au fonctionnement du système de travail et aux déterminants de l'activité des opérateurs pour transformer les situations, et ceux de la didactique professionnelle, qui exploite le rôle majeur de la conceptualisation dans le développement des compétences professionnelles dans un objectif de formation

    Physical Activity Among Newly Immigrated Latino Adults

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    Latinos are disproportionately represented among overweight, obese, and unfit adults, putting them at higher risk for compromised health. This study examined weight status and usage of an aerobics program established within a residential complex among a sample of low-income, recently immigrated Latino adults (94 women/53 men). Results demonstrated that most participants were overweight or obese (79%) and physically inactive (59.1%). Results also indicated that while walking was the most common type of physical activity for both men and women, there are significant gender differences in other types of physical activities, in that housework was a more prevalent type of activity for women than men and yard work is a more prevalent activity for men. Furthermore, more women reported going to the exercise class than men while men reported to be more engaged in sports. The finding of this study provided valuable insights on the risk perception of being overweight and its connection to health, as well as useful information about the barriers to the physical activity and preferences for specific physical activities for this population

    The Effect of its Application on Supply Chain Performance Through Green Supply Chain Management in Food and Beverage Industry in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    This study examines the effect of IT application on the supply chain performance through green supply chain management in the Food and Beverage Industry in Surabaya. Data collection is conducted using questionnaires designed with a five-point Likert scale. From 70 questionnaires distributed, 64 were considered valid for further analysis. Data analysis uses the SEM-PLS technique with SmartPLS software version 3.0. This study assesses the extent to which the corporate apply IT and adopt the green supply chain management in improving the supply chain performance. The results of this study indicate that the use of IT applications influences supply chain performance. The IT application affects the green supply chain management. Green supply chain management affects the supply chain management. One of the interesting findings is that the IT application indirectly affects supply chain performance through green supply chain management. The findings of this study provide an insight for the manager on how to improve supply chain management. This research also contributes to the on-going research in the field of supply chain managemen