107 research outputs found

    Fundamentals and dynamics of house prices:the case of the Capital Region of Helsinki (1995–2019)

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    Abstract. This thesis attempts to answer whether house prices are at their long-term equilibrium level, whether house prices converge towards their long-term equilibrium level and what drives house prices in the Capital Region of Helsinki (CRH). Our sample period covers 1995Q1–2019Q4 on behalf of the stability of the estimated coefficients, avoiding the distortion from periods of great volatility and structural changes (financial deregulation during the 1980s and the economic crisis of the 1990s). This analysis is sustained on Oikarinen’s (2009) life-cycle model, although keeping an eye on other relevant research (e.g., Meen 1990, Hort 1998, Meen 2002 and Oikarinen 2007). We run Johansen cointegration test to test for cointegration relationships and thereafter we estimate three different Vector Error Correction Models. Thus simple, these models capture the fundamentals underlying house prices in the CRH. The demand side of the housing market is catered by the real rental price determinants (such as aggregate income and some demographic variables), the real user cost and a loan stock variable. Construction costs and housing stock (real rental price determinant) cater for the supply side of the market. Demand side fundamentals, aggregate income (and therefore, demographic factors), loan-to-GDP ratio, lagged house prices and real user costs are driving house price in the Capital Region of Helsinki. Supply side fundamentals are proven irrelevant as house price determinants. Based on our “best-fitted” model, results suggest the existence of a long-term relationship among house prices, aggregate income (and therefore demographic factors) and loan-to-GDP ratio. Whereas in the short-term, only lagged values of house prices and real user cost show short-term causality on house prices. We find that lagged values of house prices are far from following a random walk process. As DiPasquale and Wheaton (1994) state. The three models show short-term causality between lagged values of house prices and current prices. Estimated income elasticities, range from 0.492 and 0.697 and loan-to-GDP ratio elasticities range within 0.237 and 0.302, in line with previous research in Finland (see e.g., Takala & Pere 1991, Barot & Takala 1998 or Oikarinen 2009). Moreover, this thesis’ results suggest that house prices converge towards the long-term equilibrium level. Real house prices converge, albeit at a slow pace, about 4.5–6.8% a quarter. Results are in the line of previous research conducted in Finland (see e.g., Takala & Pere 1991, Barot & Takala 1998 or Oikarinen 2009). Hence, the assumption of market clearing in housing markets has to be relaxed as some authors suggest (see e.g., Case & Schiller 1990, Mankiw & Weil 1989). Some degree of inefficiency in housing market describes better why market prices are sluggish in CRH

    Applying personality theory to a group of police bodyguards : a physically risky prosocial prototype?

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    The aim of the present study is twofold. First, to present evidence in favour of the application of the dispositional model to police applicants and second to present evidence that police bodyguard manifest a personality profile similar to that of subjects engaged in activities that imply a high level of physical risk of a prosocial kind. The sample consisted of 20 subjects, the complete Bodyguard Unit from the Autonomous Government of Catalunya. Subjects were administered the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the Sensation Seeking Scale form V (SSS-V) from Zuckerman. The findings seem to favour the dispositional model and that the profile of a police bodyguard matches that of prosocials. The profile of a police bodyguard is characterized by being ambiverted, emotionally stable, with low scores on psychoticism and sensation seeking, and shows a distinctive characteristic expressed by a high sincerity and a low susceptibility to boredomEl objetivo del presente estudio es doble. Primero presentar evidencia a favor de la aplicación del modelo disposicional a los aspirantes a policía y segundo evidenciar que los policías-guardaespaldas manifiestan perfiles de personalidad similares a los de los sujetos que practican actividades que implican un nivel elevado de riesgo físico de tipo prosocial. La muestra consistió en 20 sujetos, la totalidad de la Unidad de Guardaespaldas del Gobierno Autónomo de Catalunya. A los sujetos se les administró el Cuestionario de Personalidad de Eysenck (EPQ) y la Escala de Búsqueda de Sensaciones forma V (SSS-V) de Zuckerman. Los resultados parecen favorecer el modelo disposicional y que el perfil de personalidad de los policías-guardaespaldas se corresponde con el perfil de los sujetos buscadores de sensaciones de tipo prosocial. Así pues, el perfil del policía-guardaespaldas se caracteriza por ser ambivertido, emocionalmente estable, con puntuaciones bajas en psicoticismo y búsqueda de sensaciones, mostrando a su vez una característica distintiva expresada por una alta sinceridad y una baja susceptibilidad al aburrimient

    Applying personality theory to a group of police bodyguards: A physically risky prosocial prototype

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    Since the 70's arguments for and against the existence of a personality profile distinctive for police applicants have appeared in the scientific literature. Those who argue for the existence of such a profile favour the dispositional model that states that police candidates show some determined personality traits that distinguish them from the general population. Opponents to such a pre-existing profile for policemen propose the socialization model that states that the profile of a police officer is formed during the training at the academy. Both points of view have special importance for the selection of police candidates. If a personality profile distinctive for policemen exists it is necessary to know its components and use them as criteria to select future applicants. In this way, voluntary and compulsory dropouts can be diminished, whether during the formation or later professional career. If however such a profile does not exist and solely develops as the result of the socialization process during the formation at the academy, the component of the selection process addressing to that profile will no longer prove useful and should be discarded. Several studies Applying personality theory to a group of police bodyguards: a physically risky prosocial prototype? Montserrat Gomà-i-Freixanet and Andreas A. J. Wismeijer Autonomous University of Barcelona The aim of the present study is twofold. First, to present evidence in favour of the application of the dispositional model to police applicants and second to present evidence that police bodyguard manifest a personality profile similar to that of subjects engaged in activities that imply a high level of physical risk of a prosocial kind. The sample consisted of 20 subjects, the complete Bodyguard Unit from the Autonomous Government of Catalunya. Subjects were administered the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the Sensation Seeking Scale form V (SSS-V) from Zuckerman. The findings seem to favour the dispositional model and that the profile of a police bodyguard matches that of prosocials. The profile of a police bodyguard is characterized by being ambiverted, emotionally stable, with low scores on psychoticism and sensation seeking, and shows a distinctive characteristic expressed by a high sincerity and a low susceptibility to boredom. Perfil de personalidad de un grupo de policías-guardaespaldas: ¿Un prototipo de riesgo físico prosocial? El objetivo del presente estudio es doble. Primero presentar evidencia a favor de la aplicación del modelo disposicional a los aspirantes a policía y segundo evidenciar que los policías-guardaespaldas manifiestan perfiles de personalidad similares a los de los sujetos que practican actividades que implican un nivel elevado de riesgo físico de tipo prosocial. La muestra consistió en 20 sujetos, la totalidad de la Unidad de Guardaespaldas del Gobierno Autónomo de Catalunya. A los sujetos se les administró el Cuestionario de Personalidad de Eysenck (EPQ) y la Escala de Búsqueda de Sensaciones forma V (SSS-V) de Zuckerman. Los resultados parecen favorecer el modelo disposicional y que el perfil de personalidad de los policías-guardaespaldas se corresponde con el perfil de los sujetos buscadores de sensaciones de tipo prosocial. Así pues, el perfil del policía-guardaespaldas se caracteriza por ser ambivertido, emocionalmente estable, con puntuaciones bajas en psicoticismo y búsqueda de sensaciones, mostrando a su vez una característica distintiva expresada por una alta sinceridad y una baja susceptibilidad al aburrimiento

    Perfil de personalidad en pacientes con trasplante renal: el modelo alternativo de los cinco factores

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    Background: There is limited research on personality traits that characterized kidney transplant patients. The aim of this study was to describe personality profile of kidney transplant patients using the Alternative Five Factor Model (AFFM), and compared it with the Spanish standard population. Method: Personality was assessed using the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ). A sample of 207 kidney transplant patients was matched by age and gender with 207 standard range controls. A logistic regression analyses was utilized to study the contribution of each ZKPQ dimension to describe the distinctive transplant patient’s profile. Results: Significant differences were showed in Neuroticism-Anxiety (p=.001), Aggression-Hostility (p=.009), and Activity (p=.001) dimensions, with lower scores on transplant patients compared with standard population. But Sociability (p=.024) was significantly higher on kidney transplant patients. In logistic regression analysis low scores on Neuroticism-Anxiety (p=.005) and Activity (p=.001) were the significant predictors to characterize personality traits of kidney transplant patients. Conclusions: Kidney transplant patients had a differential profile under the AFFM compared to standardrange sample, with lower scores on Neuroticism-Anxiety and Activity dimensions.Introducción: la investigación sobre rasgos de personalidad en pacientes con trasplante renal es limitada. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el perfil de personalidad de pacientes con trasplante renal, utilizando el modelo alternativo de cinco factores (AFFM), y compararlo con población estándar española. Material y métodos: la personalidad fue evaluada mediante el Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ). Una muestra de 207 pacientes con trasplante renal se emparejó por edad y género con 207controles de la población estándar. El análisis de regresión logística permitió estudiar la aportación de cada dimensión del ZKPQ al perfil distintivo de los pacientes trasplantados. Resultados: aparecieron diferencias significativas en las dimensiones de Neuroticismo-Ansiedad (p=.001), Agresión-Hostilidad (p=.009) y Actividad (p=.001), con puntuaciones bajas en pacientes trasplantados en comparación con la población estándar. La sociabilidad (p=.024) fue significativamente mayor en pacientes trasplantados. En el análisis de regresión, las bajas puntuaciones en Neuroticismo-Ansiedad (p=.005) y Actividad (p=.001) fueron predictores significativos para caracterizar los rasgos de personalidad de pacientes trasplantados. Conclusiones: desde el AFFM, los pacientes con trasplante renal muestran un perfil diferente de personalidad comparado con la población estándar, con bajas puntuaciones en las dimensiones de Neuroticismo-Ansiedad y Actividad

    Autonomic nervous system assessment in critically ill patients undergoing a cognitive rehabilitation therapy

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    Recent clinical and electrophysiological studies reveal a high incidence of autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction in patients treated in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Cognitive rehabilitation (CR) is a behavioral therapy that has proven to be effective improving cognitive deficits in clinical populations with abnormalities in brain activation patterns. A total of 17 critically ill patients received CR aimed to improve the ANS status, which was quantified in terms of HRV. The CR included cognitive exercises aimed to improve prefrontal activation. HRV was obtained during pre-CR, CR and post-CR. Power in the low (PLF) and high (PHF) frequency bands related to sympathetic and parasympathetic systems was computed. PHF was obtained within a band centered at respiratory rate. Comparing with baseline values, 7 patients showed an increased PHF in post-CR, suggesting an increase of parasympathetic activity

    Simple intradyne PSK system for UDWDM-PON

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    A homodyne coherent receiver for ultra-dense WDM-PON with off the shelf components is presented. It consists of a conventional DFB, phase switched clock signal, an optical coupler instead of a 90º hybrid, balanced photodetectors and digital signal processing. The phase swing for a DBPSK signal was optimized and the performance was experimentally evaluated in terms of the sensitivity for several laser linewidths. The acceptable frequency offset and clock time delay was also assessed. The results exhibit a sensitivity of -48 dBm at a BER of 10-3 and indicate a high tolerance to phase noise.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Disseny del portafolis per a incrementar la motivació acadèmica i convergir amb l'EEES

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    Aquesta experiència s'emmarca en una assignatura troncal de primer cicle de la llicenciatura de Psicologia, Psicologia de la Personalitat. El projecte, guiat per les directrius de l'espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES), consta del disseny i aplicació del portafolis de l'estudiant en el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge. Amb l'objectiu de garantir la participació dels estudiants en l'avaluació de la qualitat interna d'aquest procés d'innovació docent, s'ha administrat un inventari de sis ítems per conèixer la influencia del portafolis en el procés d'aprenentatge en una mostra de 179 alumnes. Els resultats indiquen que el 89 % d'estudiants avalua positivament la introducció del portafolis en el procés d'aprenentatge i es conclou que el procés d'adaptació a l'EEES s'ha dut a terme correctament i de forma satisfactòria.Esta experiencia se enmarca en una asignatura troncal de primer ciclo de la licenciatura de Psicología, Psicología de la Personalidad. El proyecto, guiado por las directrices del espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES), consta del diseño y aplicación del portafolio del estudiante en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Con el objetivo de garantizar la participación de los estudiantes en la evaluación de la calidad interna de este proceso de innovación docente, se ha administrado un inventario de seis ítems para conocer la influencia del portafolio en el proceso de aprendizaje en una muestra de 179 alumnos. Los resultados indican que el 89% de estudiantes evalúa positivamente la introducción del portafolio en el proceso de aprendizaje y se concluye que el proceso de adaptación al EEES se ha llevado a cabo correctamente y de forma satisfactoria.This experience is part of Psychology of Personality, the core subject in the 1st cycle of the Psychology Degree Course. The project, based on European Higher Education Area (EHEA) guidelines, consists of the design and application of the student's portfolio in the teaching-learning process. In order to guarantee the students' participation in the assessment of the internal quality of this teaching innovation process, an inventory of six items was administered in order to ascertain the influence of the portfolio on the learning process in a sample of 179 students. The results show that 89 % of the students positively rated the introduction of the portfolio in their learning process, and concludes that the process of adaptation to the European Higher Education Space took place correctly and satisfactorily

    Virtual reality-based early neurocognitive stimulation in critically ill patients: A pilot randomized clinical trial

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    This study focuses on the application of a non-immersive virtual reality (VR)-based neurocognitive intervention in critically ill patients. Our aim was to assess the feasibility of direct outcome measures to detect the impact of this digital therapy on patients’ cognitive and emotional outcomes. Seventy-two mechanically ventilated adult patients were randomly assigned to the “treatment as usual” (TAU, n = 38) or the “early neurocognitive stimulation” (ENRIC, n = 34) groups. All patients received standard intensive care unit (ICU) care. Patients in the ENRIC group also received adjuvant neurocognitive stimulation during the ICU stay. Outcome measures were a full neuropsychological battery and two mental health questionnaires. A total of 42 patients (21 ENRIC) completed assessment one month after ICU discharge, and 24 (10 ENRIC) one year later. At onemonth follow-up, ENRIC patients had better working memory scores (p = 0.009, d = 0.363) and showed up to 50% less non-specific anxiety (11.8% vs. 21.1%) and depression (5.9% vs. 10.5%) than TAU patients. A general linear model of repeated measures reported a main effect of group, but not of time or group–time interaction, on working memory, with ENRIC patients outperforming TAU patients (p = 0.008, ¿p2 = 0.282). Our results suggest that non-immersive VR-based neurocognitive stimulation may help improve short-term working memory outcomes in survivors of critical illness. Moreover, this advantage could be maintained in the long term. An efficacy trial in a larger sample of participants is feasible and must be conducted. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Middle and late Holocene climate change and human impact inferred from diatoms, algae and aquatic macrophyte pollen in sediments from Lake Montcortès (NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    During the middle and late Holocene, the Iberian Peninsula underwent large climatic and hydrologic changes, but the temporal resolution and regional distribution of available palaeoenvironmental records is still insufficient for a comprehensive assessment of the regional variability. The high sedimentation rate in karstic, meromictic Montcortès Lake (Catalan pre-Pyrenees) allows for a detailed reconstruction of the regional palaeoecology over the last 5,340 years using diatom analysis, aquatic pollen, sedimentological data, and historic documentary records. Results show marked fluctuations in diatom species assemblage composition, mainly between dominant Cyclotella taxa and small Fragilariales. We suggest that the conspicuous alternation between Cyclotella comta and C. cyclopuncta reflects changes in trophic state, while the succession of centric and pennate species most likely reflects changes in the hydrology of the lake. The diatom assemblages were used to identify six main phases: (1) high productivity and likely lower lake levels before 2350 BC, (2) lower lake levels and a strong arid phase between 2350 and 1850 BC, (3) lake level increase between 1850 and 850 BC, (4) relatively high lake level with fluctuating conditions during the Iberian and Roman Epochs (650 BC–350 AD), (5) lower lake levels,unfavourable conditions for diatom preservation, eutrophication and erosion triggered by increased human activities in the watershed during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (900–1300 AD), and (6) relatively higher lake levels during the LIA (1380–1850 AD) and afterwards. The combined study of diatoms, algae and pollen provides a detailed reconstruction of past climate, which refines understanding of regional environmental variability and interactions between climate and socio-economic conditions in the Pyrenees.Financial support for this research was provided by the Spanish Inter-Ministry of Science and Technology (CICYT), through the projects LIMNOCLIBER (REN2003-09130-C02-02), LIMNOCAL (CGL2006-13327-C04-01) and GRACCIE-CONSOLIDER (CSD2007-00067). The Ebro Hydrographic Survey kindly provided updated, present-day limnological data. Two anonymous referees greatly improved a former version of this manuscript.Peer Reviewe

    Viure amb càncer colorectal

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    Treballs d'Educació Farmacèutica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2015-2016. Tutors: Jordi Casas Sánchez i Marian March Pujol