55 research outputs found

    DR.SGX: Hardening SGX Enclaves against Cache Attacks with Data Location Randomization

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    Recent research has demonstrated that Intel's SGX is vulnerable to various software-based side-channel attacks. In particular, attacks that monitor CPU caches shared between the victim enclave and untrusted software enable accurate leakage of secret enclave data. Known defenses assume developer assistance, require hardware changes, impose high overhead, or prevent only some of the known attacks. In this paper we propose data location randomization as a novel defensive approach to address the threat of side-channel attacks. Our main goal is to break the link between the cache observations by the privileged adversary and the actual data accesses by the victim. We design and implement a compiler-based tool called DR.SGX that instruments enclave code such that data locations are permuted at the granularity of cache lines. We realize the permutation with the CPU's cryptographic hardware-acceleration units providing secure randomization. To prevent correlation of repeated memory accesses we continuously re-randomize all enclave data during execution. Our solution effectively protects many (but not all) enclaves from cache attacks and provides a complementary enclave hardening technique that is especially useful against unpredictable information leakage


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    Objective:to identify the frequency of and justification for episiotomy in childbirths attended by residents in obstetric nursing. Method:Descriptive and retrospective study conducted in October-November, 2016, in a public maternity hospital in the city of SĂŁo Paulo. The study population consisted of 884 low-risk pregnant women. Chi-square testwas used for statistical analysis. Results:Episiotomy was performed in 174 (19.7%) deliveries and in 512 (59%) there were perineal lacerations. Perineal integrity was maintained in 187 (21.4%) deliveries. The main indications were related to perineal conditions: 54 (58.1%) perineal rigidity, 22 (23.7%) short perineum and 19 (20.4%) imminent severe laceration.Conclusion:The frequency of use of episiotomyby residents in obstetric nursingis higher than evidence based recommendations from the WHO, and regarding the reasons for the procedure, they differ from those generally reported worldwide, which leads to reflections about the model of professional training of obstetric nurses and the distance between theory and practice.Objetivo: Identificar la frecuencia y la razĂłn de ejecuciĂłn de episiotomĂ­a en partos atendidos por residentes en enfermerĂ­a obstĂ©trica. MĂ©todo: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, realizado de octubre a noviembre de 2016 en maternidad pĂșblica del municipio de SĂŁo Paulo. PoblaciĂłn constituida por 884 parturientas de bajo riesgo. Para anĂĄlisis estadĂ­stico se aplicĂł test de Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: Se practicĂł episiotomĂ­a en 174 (19,7%) partos, y en 512 (59%) hubo laceraciones perineales. Se mantuvo la integridad perineal en 187 (24,4%) de los partos. Las indicaciones principales se relacionaron con las condiciones perineales: 54 (58,1%) por rigidez perineal, 22 (23,7%) por perineo corto y 19 (20,4%) por inminencia de laceraciĂłn grave. ConclusiĂłn: La prĂĄctica de episiotomĂ­a entre residentes supera lo recomendado por la OMS y, respecto a las razones presentadas, existe discrepancia con las mundialmente aplicadas, debiĂ©ndose reflexionar sobre el modelo de formaciĂłn y de la distancia entre teorĂ­a y prĂĄctica.Objetivo: identificar a frequĂȘncia e justificativa para a realização da episiotomia em partos assistidos por residentes em enfermagem obstĂ©trica. MĂ©todo: estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, realizado no perĂ­odo de outubro a novembro de 2016, em uma maternidade pĂșblica do municĂ­pio de SĂŁo Paulo. A população do estudo foi constituĂ­da por 884 parturientes de baixo risco. Para anĂĄlise estatĂ­stica, utilizou-se o teste Qui-Quadrado. Resultados: a episiotomia ocorreu em 174 (19,7%) partos e em 512 (59%) houve laceraçÔes perineais. A integridade perineal foi mantida em 187 (21,4%) partos. As principais indicaçÔes estiveram relacionadas Ă s condiçÔes do perĂ­neo: 54 (58,1%) por rigidez perineal, 22 (23,7%) perĂ­neo curto e 19 (20,4%) eminĂȘncia de laceração grave. ConclusĂŁo: a prĂĄtica de episiotomia entre residentes estĂĄ acima do recomendado pela OMS e, com relação Ă s justificativas apresentadas, hĂĄ discrepĂąncia com as mundialmente utilizadas, trazendo reflexĂ”es acerca do modelo de formação e do distanciamento entre teoria e prĂĄtica

    The Aspergillus nidulans pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases are essential to integrate carbon source metabolism

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    The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH), that converts pyruvate to acetyl-coA, is regulated by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases (PDHK) and phosphatases (PDHP) that have been shown to be important for morphology, pathogenicity and carbon source utilization in different fungal species. The aim of this study was to investigate the role played by the three PDHKs PkpA, PkpB and PkpC in carbon source utilization in the reference filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, in order to unravel regulatory mechanisms which could prove useful for fungal biotechnological and biomedical applications. PkpA and PkpB were shown to be mitochondrial whereas PkpC localized to the mitochondria in a carbon source-dependent manner. Only PkpA was shown to regulate PDH activity. In the presence of glucose, deletion of pkpA and pkpC resulted in reduced glucose utilization, which affected carbon catabolite repression (CCR) and hydrolytic enzyme secretion, due to de-regulated glycolysis and TCA cycle enzyme activities. Furthermore, PkpC was shown to be required for the correct metabolic utilization of cellulose and acetate. PkpC negatively regulated the activity of the glyoxylate cycle enzyme isocitrate lyase (ICL), required for acetate metabolism. In summary, this study identified PDHKs important for the regulation of central carbon metabolism in the presence of different carbon sources, with effects on the secretion of biotechnologically important enzymes and carbon source-related growth. This work demonstrates how central carbon metabolism can affect a variety of fungal traits and lays a basis for further investigation into these characteristics with potential interest for different applications.We would like to thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, grant numbers 2016/07870-9 for GHG and 2014/00789-6 for LJA), the Science Foundation Ireland (SCI, grant number 13/CDA/2142 for OB) for providing financial support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Características y manejo del cåncer de mama precoz en mujeres añosas asistidas en la Unidad Docente Asistencial de Mastología del Hospital de Clínicas en el período 2011-2018

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    Nota de contribuciĂłn: ConcepciĂłn y diseño del estudio: Camejo N. y Castillo C.-- HernĂĄndez A. y Delgado N.-- RecolecciĂłn de los datos o realizaciĂłn de los experimentos: Camila Goldman, Vanra Barcena, Santiago GonzĂĄlez, Sofia Arenas, Martina Abero y MarĂ­a Icardo.-- AnĂĄlisis e interpretaciĂłn de los datos o resultados: Camejo N, Camila Goldman, Vanra BĂĄrcena, Santiago GonzĂĄlez, Sofia Arenas, Martina Abero y MarĂ­a Icardo.-- AnĂĄlisis estadĂ­sticos de los datos o resultados: Camejo N., HernĂĄndez A., Camila Goldman, Vanra BĂĄrcena, Santiago GonzĂĄlez, Sofia Arenas, Martina Abero y MarĂ­a Icardo.-- ElaboraciĂłn de un borrador del manuscrito: Camejo N., Castillo C. y HernĂĄndez A.-- Escritura del manuscrito: Camejo N., Castillo C. y HernĂĄndez A.--SupervisiĂłn del trabajo: Delgado L.Nota del Editor: El editor responsable para la publicaciĂłn de este manuscrito es Juan Dapueto.IntroducciĂłn: Existen pocas pautas para el tratamiento del cĂĄncer de mama (CM) en pacientes añosas, lo que puede conducir al sub o sobre tratamiento. Objetivo: Conocer las caracterĂ­sticas, manejo y la evoluciĂłn del CM precoz en mujeres añosas. Material y mĂ©todos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal. Se recolectaron datos relacionados con las caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nico patolĂłgicas y la evoluciĂłn de pacientes de 70 años o mĂĄs tratadas por CM en el perĂ­odo comprendido entre el 1/1/ 2011 y el 31/12/ 2018, asistidas en el Hospital de ClĂ­nicas. Se utilizaron herramientas de estadĂ­stica descriptiva y para calcular la sobrevida global (SVG) se utilizĂł el mĂ©todo de Kaplan-Meier. Resultados: se incluyeron 31 pacientes; la edad mediana al diagnĂłstico fue 76,8 años; las caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nico-patolĂłgicas fueron: carcinoma ductal: 71%; GH 1-2: 74,2%; estadio I: 54,8 %; sin metĂĄstasis axilares: 80,6 %; HER2-RE/RP+ 80,6%; HER2+ 16,7%, y triple negativas 3,2%. El 29% de las pacientes fueron diagnosticadas mediante tamizaje poblacional y el 74,2% recibieron tratamiento segĂșn pautas vigentes, mientras que el 38,7% fueron subtratadas y el 16,1% sobretratadas. La mediana de SVG fue de 98,7 meses. Conclusiones: Una minorĂ­a de las pacientes fue diagnosticada mediante tamizaje oblacional, el tipo histolĂłgico mĂĄs frecuente fue el ductal y la prevalencia de los tumores HER2-RE/RP+ fue mayor que en las pacientes mĂĄs jĂłvenes. La mayorĂ­a de las pacientes recibiĂł tratamiento estĂĄndar.Introduction: There are few guidelines for the treatment of breast cancer (BC) in older patients, which can lead to under- or over treatment. Objective: To understand the characteristics, management and evolution of early BC in older women. Material and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were collected on the clinical-pathological characteristics and evolution of patients aged 70 years or older, treated for BC in the period from 1/1/ 2011 to 31/12/ 2018, at the Hospital de ClĂ­nicas. Descriptive statistical tools were used and the Kaplan-Meier method was applied to calculate the overall survival (OS) rate. Results: 31 patients were included; median age at diagnosis was 76.8 years old; the clinical-pathological characteristics were: ductal carcinoma: 71%; HG 1-2: 74.2%; stage I: 54.8%; no axillary metastases: 80.6%; HER2-ER/PR+ 80.6%; HER2+ 16.7%, and triple negative 3.2%. Of all the patients, 29% were diagnosed through screening and 74.2% were treated according to current guidelines, while 38.7% were under-treated and 16.1% over-treated. The median OS was 98.7 months. Conclusions: A minority of patients were diagnosed by screening, the most frequent histological type was ductal and the prevalence of HER2-RE/RP+ tumors was higher than in younger patients. Most patients received standard treatment.Introdução: Existem poucas diretrizes para o tratamento do cĂąncer de mama (CM) em pacientes idosos, o que pode levar ao sub ou excesso de tratamento. Objetivo: Conhecer as caracterĂ­sticas, manejo e evolução do MC precoce em mulheres idosas. Material e mĂ©todos: estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal. Foram coletados dados relacionados Ă s caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nico patolĂłgicas e Ă  evolução dos pacientes com 70 anos ou mais atendidos por CM no perĂ­odo de 01/01/2011 a 31/12/2018, atendidos no Hospital de ClĂ­nicas. Ferramentas de estatĂ­stica descritiva foram usadas e o mĂ©todo de Kaplan-Meier foi usado para calcular a sobrevida global (SVG). Resultados: 31 pacientes foram incluĂ­dos; a mediana de idade ao diagnĂłstico foi de 76,8 anos; as caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nico-patolĂłgicas foram: carcinoma ductal: 71%; GH 1-2: 74,2%; estĂĄgio I: 54,8%; sem metĂĄstases axilares: 80,6%; HER2-RE / RP + 80,6%; HER2 + 16,7% e triplo negativo 3,2%. 29% dos pacientes foram diagnosticados por triagem populacional e 74,2% receberam tratamento de acordo com as diretrizes atuais, enquanto 38,7% foram subtratados e 16,1% supertratados. O SVG mĂ©dio foi de 98,7 meses. ConclusĂ”es: A minoria dos pacientes foi diagnosticada por rastreamento populacional, o tipo histolĂłgico mais frequente foi ductal e a prevalĂȘncia de tumores HER2-RE / RP + foi maior do que em pacientes mais jovens. A maioria dos pacientes recebeu tratamento padrĂŁo

    Identification of metabolic pathways influenced by the G-protein coupled receptors GprB and GprD in Aspergillus nidulans

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    Heterotrimeric G-protein-mediated signaling pathways play a pivotal role in transmembrane signaling in eukaryotes. Our main aim was to identify signaling pathways regulated by A. nidulans GprB and GprD G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). When these two null mutant strains were compared to the wild-type strain, the DeltagprB mutant showed an increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity while growing in glucose 1% and during starvation. In contrast, the DeltagprD has a much lower PKA activity upon starvation. Transcriptomics and (1)H NMR-based metabolomics were performed on two single null mutants grown on glucose. We noted modulation in the expression of 11 secondary metabolism gene clusters when the DeltagprB and DeltagprD mutant strains were grown in 1% glucose. Several members of the sterigmatocystin-aflatoxin gene cluster presented down-regulation in both mutant strains. The genes of the NR-PKS monodictyphenone biosynthesis cluster had overall increased mRNA accumulation in DeltagprB, while in the DeltagprD mutant strain the genes had decreased mRNA accumulation. Principal component analysis of the metabolomic data demonstrated that there was a significant metabolite shift in the DeltagprD strain. The (1)H NMR analysis revealed significant expression of essential amino acids with elevated levels in the DeltagprD strain, compared to the wild-type and DeltagprB strains. With the results, we demonstrated the differential expression of a variety of genes related mainly to secondary metabolism, sexual development, stress signaling, and amino acid metabolism. We propose that the absence of GPCRs triggered stress responses at the genetic level. The data suggested an intimate relationship among different G-protein coupled receptors, fine-tune regulation of secondary and amino acid metabolisms, and fungal development

    Strategies for tropical forest protection and sustainable supply chains: challenges and opportunities for alignment with the UN sustainable development goals

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    Governance for sustainable development increasingly involves diverse stakeholder groups, with the promise of enhanced legitimacy and effectiveness in decision-making and implementation. The UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) emphasise the important role of multiple (non-state) actors, including businesses and non-governmental organisations, including in efforts to ensure the sustainability of supply chains, and to reduce tropical deforestation and forest degradation. This paper critically analyses sustainability strategies to examine how the UN SDG agendas related to ‘sustainable supply chains’ and ‘tropical forest protection’ are framed and enacted by two contrasting non-state actors: (1) Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), an NGO in Brazil working to address deforestation, including by supporting farmers to produce commodities, and (2) Unilever, a global consumer goods manufacturer and major buyer of such commodities. By identifying areas of variability in the discursive techniques used by ICV and Unilever, we unearth particular power dynamics that can shape the processes and outcomes of sustainability strategies. This paper finds that the two organisations use diverse strategies at different levels of governance, both participate actively in multi-stakeholder forums to advance their organisations’ goals, but have divergent framings of ‘sustainability’. Despite being considered ‘non-state’ actors, the strategies of the two organisations examined both reflect, and influence, the structural effects of the state in the implementation of non-state organisations’ strategies, and progress towards the SDGs. Although there is alignment of certain strategies related to tropical forest protection, in some cases, there is a risk that more sustainable, alternative approaches to governing forests and supply chains may be excluded

    Database Survey of Anti-Inflammatory Plants in South America: A Review

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    Inflammation is a complex event linked to tissue damage whether by bacteria, physical trauma, chemical, heat or any other phenomenon. This physiological response is coordinated largely by a variety of chemical mediators that are released from the epithelium, the immunocytes and nerves of the lamina propria. However, if the factor that triggers the inflammation persists, the inflammation can become relentless, leading to an intensification of the lesion. The present work is a literature survey of plant extracts from the South American continent that have been reported to show anti-inflammatory activity. This review refers to 63 bacterial families of which the following stood out: Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae and Celastraceae, with their countries, parts used, types of extract used, model bioassays, organisms tested and their activity

    Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals different strategies for degradation of steam-exploded sugarcane bagasse by Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei

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