6 research outputs found

    Maxillary protraction in adult cleft lip and palate by a rigid external distraction device with dentoskeletal anchorage

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    Objective: The objective is to evaluate the effects of maxillary distraction osteogenesis (DO) in an adult patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) by using a rigid external distraction (RED) device with dentoskeletal anchorage. Method: 31-year-old male patient with UCLP with severe maxillary hypoplasia, dolichofacial growth pattern, negative overjet and 1.5 mm openbite. After pre-surgical orthodontic treatment, an intra-oral appliance was modified to prevent extrusion of the molars and clockwise rotation of the mandible. Stainless steel plates were soldered bilaterally to the intra oral appliance at the level of canines. During surgery, miniplates were inserted in the maxillary segment and fixed to the plates of the intra oral appliance with screws. Results: The mean distraction length was 12 mm immediately after DO. SNA increased from 73o to 82o after distraction. A significant advancement of the maxilla and correction of the sagittal Class III skeletal relationship was achieved. The vertical position of the mandible and the face was kept stable, and the soft tissue profile became more balanced. Conclusion: This intra oral appliance design achieved desired skeletal changes during maxillary protraction with RED device in dolichofacial CLP patient. Occlusion and facial profile changes was found to be stable in 1-year follow-up.PubMe

    Functional Outcomes Of Mandibular Distraction For The Relief Of Severe Airway Obstruction And Feeding Difficulties In Neonates With Pierre Robin Sequence

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    The purpose of this study was to review the application of mandibular distraction to relieve severe airway obstruction or feeding problems of neonates. Thirteen neonates with Pierre Robin sequence who underwent bilateral mandibular distraction between 2010 and 2013 for relief of their severe airway obstruction or feeding problems were retrospectively reviewed. The mean preoperative and postoperative airway diameters were 3.89 +/- 1.64 and 9.03 +/- 1.98 mm. respectively and significant difference was observed with distraction (p< 0.001). The rate of severe airway infection also significantly decreased from 69.2% to 23.1% (p= 0.016). 84.6% of the patients were able to be fed orally at discharge whereas 6 patients (46.2%) required support via orogastric tube before distraction (p= 0.125). No growth disturbance, dental complications or malocclusion was observed in the long-term follow up. Mandibular distraction appears to be a promising and effective surgical option for relieving airway obstruction and feeding problems in severe Pierre Robin Sequence patients.WoSScopu

    Dermal Fibroblast Transcriptome Indicates Contribution Of Wnt Signaling Pathways In The Pathogenesis Of Apert Syndrome

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    Cranial sutures are unossified connective tissue structures between the cranial bones, which allow expansion of these bones during development. Premature ossification of these structures is called craniosynostosis. Apert syndrome is a well-defined genetic syndrome, which is characterized by craniosynostosis and arises as a result of two missense mutations in Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor, type 2 gene (FGFR2). In this study, differentially expressed genes in dermal fibroblasts from individuals with Apert syndrome and controls were investigated to identify important pathways in the pathogenesis of Apert syndrome. For this purpose, primary skin fibroblast cultures obtained from 3 individuals with Apert syndrome and 3 controls without craniosynostosis were compared by transcriptome microarray, GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0. As a result, 181 genes were shown to be differentially expressed between experimental groups. Among these, 10 genes, which significantly differ in Apert syndrome fibroblasts compared to controls, were shown to be involved in a common interaction network and have common Gene ontology (GO) biological processes terms. COLI 1A1, COMP, CPXM2, ITGA8, MGF and INC are differentially expressed genes that have GO terms associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) organization, while FRZB, SFRP2 and WNT2 are involved in WNT signaling pathway. Reorganization of ECM and changes in WNT signaling pathway show that Apert syndrome primary fibroblast cultures may have an increased potential for bone differentiation. The results of this study support craniosynostosis in Apert syndrome may be the result of fast and early differentiation of connective tissue along the sutures.Wo

    Alx4 Dysfunction Disrupts Craniofacial and Epidermal Development

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    Genetic control of craniofacial morphogenesis requires a complex interaction of numerous genes encoding factors essential for patterning and differentiation. We present two Turkish families with a new autosomal recessive frontofacial dysostosis syndrome characterized by total alopecia, a large skull defect, coronal craniosynostosis, hypertelorism, severely depressed nasal bridge and ridge, bifid nasal tip, hypogonadism, callosal body agenesis and mental retardation. Using homozygosity mapping, we mapped the entity to chromosome 11p11.2-q12.3 and subsequently identified a homozygous c.793C -> T nonsense mutation in the human ortholog of the mouse aristaless-like homeobox 4 (ALX4) gene. This mutation is predicted to result in a premature stop codon (p.R265X) of ALX4 truncating 146 amino acids of the protein including a part of the highly conserved homeodomain and the C-terminal paired tail domain. Although the RNA is stable and not degraded by nonsense-mediated RNA decay, the mutant protein is likely to be non-functional. In a skin biopsy of an affected individual, we observed a hypomorphic interfollicular epidermis with reduced suprabasal layers associated with impaired interfollicular epidermal differentiation. Hair follicle-like structures were present but showed altered differentiation. Our data indicate that ALX4 plays a critical role both in craniofacial development as in skin and hair follicle development in human.WoSScopu

    Disruption of ALX1 Causes Extreme Microphthalmia and Severe Facial Clefting: Expanding the Spectrum of Autosomal-Recessive ALX-Related Frontonasal Dysplasia

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    We present an autosomal-recessive frontonasal dysplasia (FND) characterized by bilateral extreme microphthalmia, bilateral oblique facial cleft, complete cleft palate, hypertelorism, wide nasal bridge with hypoplasia of the ala nasi, and low-set, posteriorly rotated ears in two distinct families. Using Affymetrix 250K SNP array genotyping and homozygosity mapping, we mapped this clinical entity to chromosome 12q21. In one of the families, three siblings were affected, and CNV analysis of the critical region showed a homozygous 3.7 Mb deletion containing the ALX1 (CART1) gene, which encodes the aristaless-like homeobox 1 transcription factor. In the second family we identified a homozygous donor-splice-site mutation (c.531+1G > A) in the ALX1 gene, providing evidence that complete loss of function of ALX1 protein causes severe disruption of early craniofacial development. Unlike loss of its murine ortholog, loss of human ALX1 does not result in neural-tube defects; however, it does severely affect the orchestrated fusion between frontonasal, nasomedial, nasolateral, and maxillary processes during early-stage embryogenesis. This study further expands the spectrum of the recently recognized autosomal-recessive ALX-related FND phenotype in humans