635 research outputs found

    Selective C(sp2)−H Halogenation of "click" 4-Aryl-1,2,3-triazoles

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    Selective bromination reactions of “click compounds” are described. Electron-neutral and electron-deficient arenes selectively undergo unprecedented Pd-catalyzed C–H ortho-halogenations assisted by simple triazoles as modular directing groups, whereas electron-rich arenes are regioselectively halogenated following an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction pathway. These C–H halogenation procedures exhibit a wide group tolerance, complement existing bromination procedures, and represent versatile synthetic tools of utmost importance for the late-stage diversification of “click compounds”. The characterization of a triazole-containing palladacycle and density functional theory studies supported the mechanism proposal.We are grateful to Gobierno Vasco (ELKARTEK_KK-2015/0000101; IT_1033-16) and UPV/EHU (GIU15/31) for financial support. A. C. thanks MINECO for a Ramón y Cajal research contract (RYC-2012-09873). Cost-CHAOS action is also acknowledged

    “Make Spain Great Again” - The Rise of Far-Right Populism in España

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    In recent years, the spread of far-right ideology has expanded across Europe. Spain, a country that was once considered “immune” to the grasp of far-right ideals, has seen a rise in far-right populist membership in recent years. The Vox Party, Spain’s major far-right populist regime has gained seats in regional and federal parliament, leading many to consider Spain a new frontier for the ideology. What are the conditions that spurred this change? How did Spain, which once held great immunity to this issue, finally succumb to wave of far-right populism that has been crashing into Europe for years? This research project will examine the key features that led to the rise of the Vox party, and analyze the shifts in Spanish society and culture that helped to create an environment for far-right populism to take hold

    Aerodynamic models for finite flapping wings at low Reynolds numbers

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    This thesis explores the validity of employing quasi-steady aerodynamic models to predict the forces generated by finite flapping wings at low Reynolds numbers. To this end, an actuator disk analysis (momentum theory) and a blade element method are implemented to compute the aerodynamic forces on flapping wings in two flight regimes: forward flight and hover. The actuator disk analysis is used to estimate an average value of the flow velocity induced by the wing motion. This is then considered by the blade element method along with the geometry and kinematics of the wing to compute the spanwise forces according to an available quasisteady aerodynamic model. Since the induced velocity is dependent on the aerodynamic forces, the problem is solved in an iterative manner. Four different empirical aerodynamic models are considered: Dickinson et al. (1996), Wang et al. (2003), Dickson and Dickinson (2004), and Moriche (2017). The predictions of the models are compared to results obtained with direct numerical simulations (DNS) for the same kinematic cases. An analysis of the prediction accuracy of each model is provided as well as a proposal of some general guidelines regarding further investigation into quasi-steady aerodynamic models.Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Parliamentary speakership: from individual speakership to the collective direction of parliamentary work

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    The article explains the evolution of the parliamentary speakership in different countries of continental Europe in the XIX and XX centuries. The text focuses on three questions in order to define how the speakership was shaped in the parliaments that emerged from the liberal revolution: the procedure by which the speaker was elected, the duration of his mandate and his functions. Starting from the definition of the initial model, it analyzes how after the II World War the direction of parliamentary work evolved towards a shared model involving three bodies. These were the speakership itself, the bureau of the chamber and the conference of presidents of the parliamentary groups, with functions delimited among the three bodies and the speakership maintaining those competencies that had necessarily to be performed by a unipersonal bod

    The First Carlis War form the Basque nationalist ideology

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    [ES] La Historiografía sobre el carlismo se ha centrado en el análisis de las obras académicas, sin fijarse en textos (tales como folletos de divulgación, discursos políticos o escritos periodísticos que tienen una mayor transcendencia en la formación de la cultura y de la ideología popular. El presente trabajo se centra, desde el punto de vista de los contenidos en tres elementos fundamentales del conflicto (génesis de la guerra, empresa de Muñagorri y Paz de Bergara) que hacen referencia a la cuestión foral; y en el tratamiento de la figura de Zumalacarregui, convertido en héroe de la idea nacional vasca.[FR] L’hsitoriographie sur le Carlisle s’est focalisée sur l’anlyse des ouvrages académiques, sans se fixer sur des textes (tels que prospectus, discours politiques ou écrits journalistiques) que ont un grad influence sur la formation de la culture et de l’ideologie populaire. Ce travail est axé, d’un point de vue des contenus, sur tris élements fondamentaux du conflit (genése de la guerre, Enterprise de Muñagorri et Paix de Bergara) que font réfe3rence á la question forale ; et sur le traitement de la figure de Zumalacarregui, convertif en héros de lídeé national basque.Peer reviewe

    Hacia una definición del cómic ¿La historieta como literatura? Estado de la cuestión

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    30 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 26-30[ES] El siguiente trabajo tiene como finalidad abordar el debate de si es o no es el cómic un objeto literario. Se pretende plantear el estado de la cuestión de acuerdo con la opinión de distintos académicos, literatos y, finalmente, la propia autora, que se sitúa a favor de considerar la historieta como literatura. Se ha optado por emplear los términos «cómic» e «historieta» para referirse tanto a las obras como al propio género que nos atañe.[EN] The object of this study is to address the debate on whether is or is not comic literature. It is intended to raise the state of the question in accordance with the opinion of different academics, writers and, finally, the author herself, who is in favour of considering comics as literature. The present work will use the terms «comic» and «historieta» to refer to both, the works and the genre that concerns us.[EUS] Ikerketa honen xedea eztabaida bati aurre egitea da: ea komikia literatura den edo ez den. Debatearen egoera akademiko, idazle eta, azkenik, egilearen beraren iritzien bitartez planteatuko da. Azken horrek komikia literatura gisa ulertuko du. «Komiki» eta «historieta» terminoak erabiliko dira dagozkigun, bai komiki–lanak, bai generoa bera aipatzeko.[FRE] L'objet de cette étude est d'aborder le débat sur la question de savoir si la bande dessinée est ou non un genre littéraire. Il vise à poser la problématique en fonction de l'opinion de différents universitaires, écrivains et, finalement, de l'auteur elle–même, qui considère la bande dessinée comme de la littérature. Nous avons choisi d’utiliser les termes «comic» et «historieta» pour désigner à la fois les œuvres et le genre qui nous concerne.[ITA] Il seguente lavoro si propone di affrontare il dibattito sul fatto che il fumetto sia o meno un oggetto letterario. Si intende sollevare lo stato della questione in accordo con l'opinione di diversi accademici, scrittori e, infine, la stessa autrice, che è favorevole a considerare il fumetto come letteratura. Abbiamo scelto di utilizzare i termini «comic» e «historieta» per riferirci sia alle opere che al genere che ci riguarda.[JPN] 本研究レポートの意図はコミックが文学作品かどうかを調査したものである、この議論点を様々な大学院研究者、作家に見解を求め、さらに『コミックス作品は文学作品だ』という筆者の見解にも基づいて検証され。 『コミック』と『historieta』という言葉はコミック作品事態、そして一般的なジャンル名としても用いられることになった

    The right to privacy whithin criminal investigations: an approach from Strasbourg

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    The final degree paper analyzes the protection to the right to privacy within the criminal investigation process. During the investigations, the right to privacy of the suspect might be in danger due to the necessity of obtaining evidences for the future trial. For assessing the limits of the right to privacy in this purpose, the rules established by the European Convention of Human Rights and the interpretation of the Strasbourg Court will be taken into accoun

    The right to privacy whithin criminal investigations: an approach from Strasbourg

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    The final degree paper analyzes the protection to the right to privacy within the criminal investigation process. During the investigations, the right to privacy of the suspect might be in danger due to the necessity of obtaining evidences for the future trial. For assessing the limits of the right to privacy in this purpose, the rules established by the European Convention of Human Rights and the interpretation of the Strasbourg Court will be taken into accoun

    Descripción del estado adulto de Cercobrachys peruanicus (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae)

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    Adults of both sexes of Cercobrachys peruanicus Soldán are described for the first time and the genus and species are reported from Bolivia. Diagnoses, illustrations, and environmental data are provided. Adults of C. peruanicus can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: many (8–16) cross veins in the fore wings, penes lobes completely fused, with posterior margin straight, and styliger plate with a broad median emargination posteriorly.Cercobrachys peruanicus Soldán are described for the first time and the genus and species are reported from Bolivia. Diagnoses, illustrations, and environmental data are provided. Adults of C. peruanicus can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: many (8–16) cross veins in the fore wings, penes lobes completely fused, with posterior margin straight, and styliger plate with a broad median emargination posteriorly.C. peruanicus can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: many (8–16) cross veins in the fore wings, penes lobes completely fused, with posterior margin straight, and styliger plate with a broad median emargination posteriorly.can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: many (8–16) cross veins in the fore wings, penes lobes completely fused, with posterior margin straight, and styliger plate with a broad median emargination posteriorly.Fil: Molineri, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; ArgentinaFil: Goitia, Edgar. Universidad Mayor de San Simón; Bolivi