60 research outputs found

    Experience of Indonesia

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    Capital movements ; Monetary policy ; International finance

    Balance Sheet Vulnerability and Macroeconomic Management in Indonesia

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    The economic and financial crises hitting Indonesia in 1997 have triggered a significant economic downturn. A critical issue addressed is how common shocks during crisis period have brought about macroeconomic outcome. The paper briefly discusses the problems, response and lessons learnt in the country’s effort to restore the economy to its long-term potential growth path. By examining balance sheet conditions across sectors in the economy, it is shown that even though some progress has been achieved, overall balance sheet conditions are still vulnerable to further shocks that may hit the economy, so that efforts to restore economic growth and stability face substantial challenges. Considering these constraints, Indonesian macroeconomic policy makers focus their efforts on strengthening financial markets, among others, by developing bond markets and implementing banking architecture. However, various constraints will remain unless the government speeds up the necessary reforms, mostly institutional in nature


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    ABSTRAKS Buoyed by the windfall oil revenues during the oil boom period (1973-1981) Indonesian non-oil exports have remained far behind. The plummeting oil and primary commodity prices in the early 1980\u27s shocked the Indonesian government who then responded by accelerating the introduction of reform designed to stimulate and diversify non-oil exports. The steady increase of income and the fast growth of non-oil exports is proof of the sound macro-economic management that has been consistently implemented by the policy makers through out the development period. However, one crucial obstacle faced by Indonesia is the relatively high-cost economy and inefficient productive sector which has made Indonesian products less competitive to many low-labor cost economies such as China, Vietnam, Pakistan, India, etc. \u27 Meanwhile, globalization in almost every sector - creating "borderless" world - has indicated that the success of the development program of a nation will be highly dependent on the ability of the country to be competitive in the world market. Strengthening the trust towards increasing competitiVeness is even more important for a small country such as Indonesia. The need for increasing efficiency, the burden of increasing foreign debt, and the declining oil surplus has been the driving force of the reducing role of the government in the engine of development and an increased reliance on. the private sector. A total improvement in productivity and efficiency is the key, and it requires a total commitment from both the government as well as the private sector who will be in the forefront of the battle. This\u27 article attempts to explore the impact of the new globalization environment post Uruguay Round, and discusses the opportunities and challenges as well as threats to the Indonesian trade and business community. For consideration of the Indonesian business world various strategies on how to gain maximum benefit of the opportunities are also summarized. Finally, the article will conclude with some suggestions on how to strengthen the existence of Indonesian products in the world market. Keywords: Indonesian business


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    Nilai tukar rupiah yang relatif stabil dan bahkan cenderung mengalami apresiasi sebelum Juli 1997 telah mendorong capital inflow yang cukup besar ke Indonesia. Fenomena tersebut merupakan hal yang logis bagi suatu negara yang menganut sistem devisa bebas dan perekonomiannya terbuka karena arus modal akan selalu mengikuti return investasi yang terbesar dan resiko seminimal mungkin. Namun sejak currency turnmoil melanda Thailand dan menyebar ke negara-negara ASEAN lainnya pada pertengahan Juli 1997, capital inflow tersebut telah menjadi bumerang karena telah berubah menjadi arus balik yang membahayakan baik terhadap nilai tukar rupiah maupun terhadap perekonomian nasional. Nilai tukar rupiah secara simultan mendapat tekanan yang cukup berat karena besarnya capital outflow akibat hilangnya kepercayaan investor asing terhadap prospek perekonomian Indonesia. Tekanan terhadap nilai tukar rupiah tersebut diperberat lagi dengan semakin maraknya kegiatan speculative bubble, sehingga sejak krisis berlangsung nilai tukar rupiah mengalami depresiasi hingga mencapai 75%


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    Kuwini mango (Mangifera odorata) is a fruit that has a fibrous fruit flesh and flavorful seared so far underutilized. Wine mango Kuwini is one way to increase the economic value and utilization of mango Kuwini, as well as increasing the diversity of food products. In this study Kuwini mango meat processed into juice mango mangoes Kuwini by comparison Kuwini: water 1:2. Granulated sugar is added to the variation of 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%. The results showed that the addition of sugar at the beginning of the fermentation of wine can increase the levels of ethanol in wine Kuwini mango, mango wine Kuwini thus meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Wine mango Kuwini with a difference of optimum increase in the ethanol content is the addition of sugar as much as 15%, with an increase in ethanol content of 8.47%. It also observed changes in total sugar, reducing sugar, total acid tertitrasi (TAT), pH, ethanol and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell count before and after fermentation. The test results of microbial contaminants Salmonella sp. and coliforms were negative, and a test of the total number of bacterial contaminants are below the maximum contaminant limit (<1 Ă— 102). The test results hedonic / A indicates that the mango wine Kuwini with the addition of 25% sugar has the highest preference level compared with mango wine Kuwini with the addition of sugar 0%, 5% and 15%


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    Kuwini mango (Mangifera odorata) is a fruit that has a fibrous fruit flesh and flavorful seared so far underutilized. Wine mango Kuwini is one way to increase the economic value and utilization of mango Kuwini, as well as increasing the diversity of food products. In this study Kuwini mango meat processed into juice mango mangoes Kuwini by comparison Kuwini: water 1:2. Granulated sugar is added to the variation of 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%. The results showed that the addition of sugar at the beginning of the fermentation of wine can increase the levels of ethanol in wine Kuwini mango, mango wine Kuwini thus meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Wine mango Kuwini with a difference of optimum increase in the ethanol content is the addition of sugar as much as 15%, with an increase in ethanol content of 8.47%. It also observed changes in total sugar, reducing sugar, total acid tertitrasi (TAT), pH, ethanol and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell count before and after fermentation. The test results of microbial contaminants Salmonella sp. and coliforms were negative, and a test of the total number of bacterial contaminants are below the maximum contaminant limit (<1 Ă— 102). The test results hedonic / A indicates that the mango wine Kuwini with the addition of 25% sugar has the highest preference level compared with mango wine Kuwini with the addition of sugar 0%, 5% and 15%


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    Tampoi or Tampui (baccaurea macrocarpa) is a widespread endemic plant known from the area of  Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Malay Peninsula. This fruit is a rare fruit with a sweet and sour taste. The fruit is full of antioxidant which can protect body cells from free radical damage. At present, the use of Tampoi fruit is scarce and people of Kalimantan usually prepare Tampoi fruit as tuak or traditional beverage or just directly eat the fruit. The purpose of this study were: (1) Introduced and elaborate the benefits of the Tampoi fruit. (2) Discovered new flavors created from Tampoi fruit. (3) The author wanted to examine whether Tampoi fruit can be processed into processed foods. (4) Explained the community, especially the people of Kalimantan that Tampoi fruit can be processed into food ingredients and processed foods. (5) Increased the economic price of Tampoi fruit with the aim of preincreasing the economic level of the people of Kalimantan (6) Increased public interest in cultivating Tampoi fruit in order to increase the economic level of the people of Kalimantan. Therefore, to support these goals, product research will be carried out using descriptive, quantitative method by conducting panelist tests so that the resulting products have good standard. Products made from processed Tampoi fruit in this research include cookies, skin chips, fruit chips, noodles, jams, syrup, sorbet and seeds steeping. Based on the results from the research, as many as 8 products which include appetizers, main dishes, desserts, and beverages, were innovated from Tampoi fruit. Keywords:  Tampoi fruit, Kalimantan, Processed Food, Processed Beverage

    Produksi Biogas Menggunakan Substrat Limbab

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengarub penambahan sumber nitrogen urin sapi/ whey pada substrat feses sapi yang dicampur jerarni padi terhadap produksi biogasl metana. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian adalah penambahanjerarni padi 5%, 10% dan 15%, penambahan sumber N adalah urin 15% atau whey kejulO% atau urin 15% + wbey10%.Fermentasi dilakukan dalarn botol schot 2 liter, dengan waktu fermentasi 40 hari pada suhu ruang.Variabel tergantung pada penelitian ini adalah volume biogas, konsentrasi metana, pH, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), TSS (Total Suspended Solids), VSS (Volatile Suspended Solids). Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium dengan menggunakan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali.Hasil penelitian menunjuk.kan fermentasi yang menghasilkan biogas terbanyak adalah komposisi substrat feses sapi ditambah jerami 5% dengan penambahan sumber N urin 15%. Biogas yang dihasilkan selama fermentasi 40 hari adalah 4984.861 ml dengan konsentrasi gas metana 51525.7 ppm


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has a devastating impact on all world economic activities, including the tourism industry. Tourist satisfaction and revisit intention are two important factors in the recovery of economic activity in the tourism sector. These two variables are also influenced by tourists' perceptions of the COVID-19 protocol implemented by tourist destinations. Desa Wisata Cibuntu puts forward the concept of community-based tourism. Located in Kuningan Regency, West Java, its’ homestay is their main business. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence tourist satisfaction and tourists’ revisit intention to Desa Wisata Cibuntu during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is an explanatory study that seeks to explain the causative relationships between endogenous and exogenous variables. The sampling technique used in this study was non-probability sampling with a convenience sampling method. The research instrument used was a questionnaire with 25 indicators and the data were analyzed using SEM with 100 respondents. The data obtained from the research instrument shows that all indicators meet the requirements of discriminant validity, convergent validity and reliability. The data were analyzed using the bootstrapping method using 5000 subsamples. The result is the coefficient of determination for tourist satisfaction is 87.6% and for interest in return visits is 91.6%. In the t test, 4 hypotheses were rejected, and 5 hypotheses were accepted. In conclusion, cultural contact has no significant effect on satisfaction and interest in return visits during the COVID-19 pandemic and satisfaction also does not have a significant effect on revisit intention. In this study, the COVID-19 protocol is one of the important factors affecting tourist satisfaction and revisit intention
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