264 research outputs found

    Evolution of Early Pleistocene fluvial systems in central Poland prior to the first ice sheet advance – a case study from the Bełchatów lignite mine

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    Deposits formed between the Neogene/Pleistocene transition and into the Early Pleistocene have been studied, mainly on the basis of drillings and at rare, small outcrops in the lowland part of Polish territory. At the Bełchatów lignite mine (Kleszczów Graben, central Poland), one of the largest opencast pits in Europe, strata of this age have long been exposed in extensive outcrops. The present paper is based on our field studies and laboratory analyses, as well as on research data presented by other authors. For that reason, it can be seen as an overview of current knowledge of lowermost Pleistocene deposits at Bełchatów, where exploitation of the Quaternary overburden has just been completed. The results of cartographic work, sedimentological, mineralogical and palynological analyses as well as assessment of sand grain morphology have been considered. All of these studies have allowed the distinction of three Lower Pleistocene series, i.e., the Łękińsko, Faustynów and Krzaki series. These were laid down in fluvial environments between the end of the Pliocene up to the advance of the first Scandinavian ice sheet on central Poland. The following environmental features have been interpreted: phases of river incision and aggradation, changes of river channel patterns, source sediments for alluvia, rates of aeolian supply to rivers and roles of fluvial systems in morphological and geological development of the area. The two older series studied, i.e., Łękińsko and Faustynów, share common characteristics. They were formed by sinuous rivers in boreal forest and open forest environments. The Neogene substratum was the source of the alluvium. The younger series (Krzaki) formed mainly in a braided river setting, under conditions of progressive climatic cooling. Over time, a gradual increase of aeolian supply to the fluvial system can be noted; initially, silt and sand were laid down, followed by sand only during cold desert conditions. These fluvio-periglacial conditions are identified in the foreground of the advance of the oldest ice sheet into this part of central Poland. The series studied have been compared with other fluvial successions which accumulated in the Kleszczów Graben during subsequent glaciations so as to document general changes in fluvial systems as reactions to climatic evolution. Thus, a palaeoenvironmental scenario has emerged which could be considered to be characteristic of central Poland during the Early Pleistocene

    Freedom of Information

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    OBJECTIVE: It has previously been shown that a combination of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) and intravenous (IV) steroid attenuates endotoxin-induced organ damage in a 6-hour porcine endotoxemia model. We aimed to further explore these effects in a 30-hour model with attention to clinically important variables. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: University animal laboratory. SUBJECTS: Domestic piglets (n = 30). INTERVENTIONS: Animals were randomized into 5 groups (n = 6 each): 1) Controls, 2) LPS-only (endotoxin/lipopolysaccharide (LPS) infusion), 3) LPS + iNO, 4) LPS + IV steroid, 5) LPS + iNO + IV steroid. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Exposure to LPS temporarily increased pulmonary artery mean pressure and impeded renal function with elevated serum creatinine and acidosis compared to a control group over the 30-hour study period. Double treatment with both iNO and IV steroid tended to blunt the deterioration in renal function, although the only significant effect was on Base Excess (p = 0.045). None of the LPS + iNO + IV steroid treated animals died during the study period, whereas one animal died in each of the other LPS-infused groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that combined early therapy with iNO and IV steroid is associated with partial protection of kidney function after 30 hours of experimental LPS infusion

    Left ventricular myxoma complicated by peripheral embolism

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    Śluzak lewej komory jest bardzo rzadkim, łagodnym guzem pierwotnym serca. Ze względu na umiejscowienie, wielkość oraz ruchomość może być źródłem zatorowości obwodowej. Nawrót śluzaka po chirurgicznym usunięciu jest rzadki i wynosi 0–3% w przypadkach guzów odosobnionych i 12–22% w postaciach występujących rodzinnie. Przedstawiono dwa przypadki śluzaków lewej komory serca powikłanych zatorowością tętnic kończyn dolnych. W pierwszym przypadku u 19-letniego mężczyzny, oprócz zatorowości obwodowej, stwierdzono szybki rozrost guza, który mógł sugerować tworzenie się skrzepliny. W 2. przypadku u 42-letniego mężczyzny 2 miesiące po operacyjnym usunięciu śluzaka zaobserwowano odrośnięcie guza w koniuszku lewej komory oraz pojawienie się dodatkowo dwóch guzów w jamie prawego przedsionka. Cechy kliniczne śluzaka serca zarówno w kontekście powikłań, jak i jego nawrotów nakazują wnikliwą obserwację, w tym kontrolę echokardiograficzną, u wszystkich chorych po chirurgicznym usunięciu tego nowotworu.Left ventricular myxoma is a very rare, benign primary cardiac tumor. Due to its localization, size and mobility, it may be a source of peripheral embolism. The recurrence of myxoma after surgical removal is rare, ranging from 0% to 3% in solitary tumors and 12–22% in the familial type. We report two cases of left ventricular myxomas complicated by arterial embolism. In the first case of a 19-years old male, apart from systemic embolisation, a very fast tumor growth, suggesting thrombus formation, was observed. In the second case of a 42-years old male, the recurrence of myxoma in left ventricle apex was found 2 months after surgical excision, together with de novo development of two additional tumors in the right atrium. Clinical features of cardiac myxoma, both in terms of complications and recurrences, necessitate careful follow up with an echocardiographic control in all patients after tumor removal surgery

    Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) and radiological findings suggestive of lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP) — case report

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    Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) is a term to describe individuals with both interstitial lung disease (ILD) and combinations of other clinical, serologic, and/or pulmonary morphologic features, which presumably originate from an underlying systemic autoimmune condition, but do not meet current rheumatologic criteria for a defined connective tissue disease (CTD). Predominantly, interstitial pneumonia arises in the course of an established CTD, but it is not so rare for the ILD to be the first, and possibly the one and only manifestation of a latent CTD. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) is an uncommon disease, characterized by infiltration of the interstitium and alveolar spaces of the lung by lymphocytes, plasma cells and other lymphoreticular elements. The cause of LIP is still unknown but it could be also a manifestation of CTD. Clinically, it is highly variable, from spontaneous resolution to progressive respiratory failure and death despite glucocorticoid treatment. Since there are no recent standards for the management of LIP, the disease is treated empirically. We report a case of a HIV-negative 54-year-old woman, who was suspected of LIP according to clinical features and radiological findings. Positive laboratory results were highly suggestive of underlying autoimmune process, but did not fulfil the criteria of any particular CTD. Because of severe general condition of the patient, immunosuppressive treatment was started immediately, without further invasive diagnostics including lung biopsy, which is required for a definitive diagnosis. We present two-year observation of the patient with all our doubts concerning clinical proceedings.Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) is a term to describe individuals with both interstitial lung disease (ILD) and combinations of other clinical, serologic, and/or pulmonary morphologic features, which presumably originate from an underlying systemic autoimmune condition, but do not meet current rheumatologic criteria for a defined connective tissue disease (CTD). Predominantly, interstitial pneumonia arises in the course of an established CTD, but it is not so rare for the ILD to be the first, and possibly the one and only manifestation of a latent CTD. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) is an uncommon disease, characterized by infiltration of the interstitium and alveolar spaces of the lung by lymphocytes, plasma cells and other lymphoreticular elements. The cause of LIP is still unknown but it could be also a manifestation of CTD. Clinically, it is highly variable, from spontaneous resolution to progressive respiratory failure and death despite glucocorticoid treatment. Since there are no recent standards for the management of LIP, the disease is treated empirically. We report a case of a HIV-negative 54-year-old woman, who was suspected of LIP according to clinical features and radiological findings. Positive laboratory results were highly suggestive of underlying autoimmune process, but did not fulfil the criteria of any particular CTD. Because of severe general condition of the patient, immunosuppressive treatment was started immediately, without further invasive diagnostics including lung biopsy, which is required for a definitive diagnosis. We present two-year observation of the patient with all our doubts concerning clinical proceedings

    Palaeoenvironmental changes established through pollen analysis of Latevistulian calcareous deposits in closed depressions in Bełchatów

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    The calcareous deposits in the upper part of Quaternary-age sediments were found in the Bełchatów mine. These deposits were accumulated in closed depressions. AIl these depressions are located in Świętojanka valley and tributary valleys (Fig. 1). The geological structure, chemical and mineral composition of calcareous deposits have been discussed elsewhere (Goździk, Konecka-BetIey 1992). In the present paper, the results of pollen analysis and more detailed field investigations of relationship between the calcareous deposits and neighbouring sediments are presented. The closed depressions were developed only the where Plenivistu1ian-age thick series of fluvial silty-sandy sediments occur. Numerous syngenetic ice wedge casts were found in these sediments (French, Goździk 1988). Pollen analysis of organic layers included in the siIty-sandy sediments and fossil beetles from one such layer, indicate a tundra depositional environment. Similar sediments from such present-day environments are always icerich and susceptible to thermokarst processes. It is very possible that PlenivistuIian-age fluvial sediments from Bełchatów were the same. Later, when thermokarst processes had been developed, the closed depressions were formed in places with a higher ice concentration. There is other evidence which supports a supposition about the important rOle of thermokarst processes. The 14C dates of the beginning of the formation of the closed depressions with standing water and the period of calcareous accumulation in Świętojanka valley established by pollen analysis, are similar to analogical deposits in typical thermokarst depressions in the area of the last glaciation in northern Poland. Calcareous deposits were found always to lie on aeolian cover sands, and were never invaded by dunes. This shows that calcareous deposition began after cover formation and perhaps after dune stabilization. Organic sediments from two ancient lakes I and III (Fig. 1) were analyzed by the palynological method. Calcareous deposits and two layers of peat situated above and below them were analysed. Results of this analysis are shown on Fig. 3 for lake I and Fig. 4 for lake Ill. Radiocarbon dates of peats from the lower levels of organic material of two lakes are similar - 12 540± 120 BP, GD-1875 (lake I) and 12 710± 130 BP, GD-5031 (lake Ill). Results of pollen analysis of both peat layers indicate that during their accumulation the vegetational landscape had a character of a treeless tundra without traces of lacustrine plants. This vegetation was developed under subarctic climatic conditions.The pollen analysis shows that after the peat accumulation the development of the lakes and calcareous material deposition began. This deposition in lake I started during Older Dryas time. It lasted throughout Alleroo and Younger Dryas time and finished at the beginning of the Holocene. Pollen diagrams of calcareous sediments from lakes I and III show many similarities, but there are some differences. These differences may indicate colder conditions during the accumulation of calcareous material in lake I1I--<:haracteristicfor Boiling period. An alternative interpretation of these differences is habitat rather than climatic. In the smaller lake III accumulation finished earlier than in lake I, that is at the and of Latevistulian.W stropowej części osadów czwartorzędowych odsłoniętych w kopalni "Bełchatów" występują utwory węglanowe, które były akumulowane w zagłębieniach bezodpływowych w dolinie Świętojanki, dopływie Widawki. Zagłębienia te powstały wskutek krasu termicznego związanego z powszechną degradacją wieloletniej zmarzliny. Na podstawie badań palinologicznych utworów oraz datowania 14C możliwe było uchwycenie zarówno momentu początkowego zjawisk krasowych, jak i okresu ich intensywnego rozwoju. Występujące w spągu utworów węglanowych torfy tworzyły się w warunkach podmokłych, lecz bez stałego zbiornika wodnego, w początkowej fazie krasu termicznego. Oznaczenia wiekowe metodą HC wykazały dla torfu z zagłębienia I datę 12 540 ± 120 lat BP, a z zagłębienia III datę 12710±130 lat BP. Badania palinologiczne dowodzą, że panowały tu wówczas otwarte zbiorowiska tundry bezdrzewnej. Postępująca degradacja zmarzliny powodowała pogłębianie obniżeń, aż do utworzenia się w nich stałych zbiorników wodnych. W zbiornikach tych gromadziły się utwory węglanowe. Spektrum palinologiczne z tych utworów dowodzi, że w zbiorniku I powstały w okresie a11erOdu,natomiast nie rozstrzyga, czy utwór węglanowy w zbiorniku III tworzył się w bollingu czy allerodzie. Torfy leżące w stropie węglanów narastały już w holocenie

    Zastosowanie algorytmów genetycznych do optymalizacji rozmieszczenia mobilnych routerów

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    Algorytmy genetyczne są wykorzystywane w szerokim spektrum ludzkiego dążenia do optymalizacji życia codziennego, są krokiem milowym dla całej gałęzi wiedzy określanej mianem sztucznej inteligencji. Został stworzony program optymalizujący, pod względem dostępnego zasięgu użytkowników, rozmieszczenie wielu mobilnych routerów w budynku, aplikacja biorącą pod uwagę rozmieszczenie ścian i użytkowników

    Evidence that platelet-derived microvesicles may transfer platelet-specific immunoreactive antigens to the surface of endothelial cells and CD34^+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells : implication for the pathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenias

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    The pathogenesis and tissue damage that accompanies destruction of platelets in immune thrombocytopenias (IT) is still not understood very well and in addition to platelets, other cells (e.g. endothelial cells, CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitors) may also become affected. Based on our previous work that platelet antigens (e.g., CD41) may be transferred by platelet-derived microvesicles (PMV) to the surface of other cells, we asked if platelet derived-antigens, especially those that are involved in the formation of anti-platelet antibodies in IT (e.g., against antigen HPA 1 a) could be also transferred by similar mechanism. To address this issue normal human CD34+ cells, human umbilical vein-endothelial cells (HUVEC) and monocytic cell line THP-1 were incubated with PMV derived from HPA1a+ donors. We noticed that the HPA1a antigen is highly expressed on PMV-derived from the HPAla positive platelets and is transferred in PMV-dependent manner to the surface of CD34+ cells, HUVEC and monocytic THP-1 cells. These cells covered with HPA1a positive PMV but not by PMV derived from HPAla negative platelets reacted with anti-HPA1a antibodies derived from the alloimmunized pregnant women. More importantly, human hematopoietic cells that were preincubated with HPA1a+ PMV and subsequently exposed to anti-HPA 1 a serum and human NK cells, become subject to elimination by antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity ADCC. Thus, we postulate that PMV-dependent transfer of antigens may playing an important role in "expanding" the population of target cells that may be affected by anti-platelet antibodies and explain several pathologies that accompany IT (e.g. damage of endothelium, cytopenias)

    Changes in the bronchial epithelia in patients with immotile cilia syndromes

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    Immotile cilia syndromes is a cause of recurrent infection of the airways and recurrent bronchopneumonias. Among the ciliary abnormalities are found changes in the structure of the microtubules, unco-ordinated ciliary movements caused by the absence of inner or outer or both dynein arms, and abnormalities of the kinetosomes and/or rete ridges. In patients with ciliary dyskinaesia bronchitis occurs early in life (during infancy) and usually has a recurrent tendency, so that bronchial biopsy is frequently undergone for diagnostic purposes. In this study we include 127 bronchial biopsies from patients (from 2 months to 49 years) unsuccessfully treated for recurrent respiratory tract infections. When performing regular diagnostic procedures on the light and electron microscopic level, we have looked for cilia abnormalities and also focused on changes within the mucosa and submucosa. The most common abnormality recorded was absence of the inner dynein arms, but in 40 cases neither of the dynein arms were present. Only a few patients had classical Kartagener&#8217;s syndrome. Special attention is drawn to biopsies from elderly patients, in whom long-standing infections were followed by extensive damage to the bronchial epithelium, including even a total absence of ciliated cells. In some cases enhanced regenerative processes and some foci of squamous metaplasia were found. In two cases even foci of low-grade dysplasia were diagnosed

    Kwalifikacja do opieki paliatywnej pacjentów leczonych przeszczepieniem komórek krwiotwórczych

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    Wszystkie działania podejmowane przez zespół prowadzący leczenie za pomocą przeszczepienia komórek krwiotwórczych (PKK) są nakierowane na prowadzenie agresywnej i bardzo dynamicznej terapii, której celem jest ratowanie życia i zdrowia. Zdarza się jednak, że w trakcie tej terapii, a nawet jeszcze przed jej wdrożeniem, mogą wystąpić wskazania do objęcia pacjenta opieką paliatywną (np. odrzucenie przeszczepu, ciężkie niepoddające się leczeniu powikłania przeszczepienia, nasilona oporna na terapię choroba przeszczep przeciwko biorcy). W prezentowanej pracy podjęto próbę zintegrowania dwóch całkowicie odrębnych działów medycyny i przedstawiono możliwe wskazania do opieki paliatywnej u pacjentów leczonych przeszczepieniem komórek krwiotwórczych.Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce 2014; 8, 3: 103–10