81 research outputs found

    Abrupt climate changes of the last deglaciation detected in a Western Mediterranean forest record

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    Abrupt changes in Western Mediterranean climate during the last deglaciation (20 to 6 cal ka BP) are detected in marine core MD95-2043 (Alboran Sea) through the investigation of high-resolution pollen data and pollen-based climate reconstructions by the modern analogue technique (MAT) for annual precipitation (Pann) and mean temperatures of the coldest and warmest months (MTCO and MTWA). Changes in temperate Mediterranean forest development and composition and MAT reconstructions indicate major climatic shifts with parallel temperature and precipitation changes at the onsets of Heinrich stadial 1 (equivalent to the Oldest Dryas), the Bölling-Allerød (BA), and the Younger Dryas (YD). Multi-centennial-scale oscillations in forest development occurred throughout the BA, YD, and early Holocene. Shifts in vegetation composition and (Pann reconstructions indicate that forest declines occurred during dry, and generally cool, episodes centred at 14.0, 13.3, 12.9, 11.8, 10.7, 10.1, 9.2, 8.3 and 7.4 cal ka BP. The forest record also suggests multiple, low-amplitude Preboreal (PB) climate oscillations, and a marked increase in moisture availability for forest development at the end of the PB at 10.6 cal ka BP. Dry atmospheric conditions in the Western Mediterranean occurred in phase with Lateglacial events of high-latitude cooling including GI-1d (Older Dryas), GI-1b (Intra-Allerød Cold Period) and GS-1 (YD), and during Holocene events associated with high-latitude cooling, meltwater pulses and N. Atlantic ice-rafting. A possible climatic mechanism for the recurrence of dry intervals and an opposed regional precipitation pattern with respect to Western-central Europe relates to the dynamics of the westerlies and the prevalence of atmospheric blocking highs. Comparison of radiocarbon and ice-core ages for well-defined climatic transitions in the forest record suggests possible enhancement of marine reservoir ages in the Alboran Sea by 200 years (surface water age 600 years) during the Lateglacial

    Truncación de GSK-3 por calpaína: implicaciones fisiológicas y patológicas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 17-06-0

    EQ-5D-5L valuation project for the Spanish population: a descriptive overview and preliminary results

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    The latest EQ-5D instrument, EQ-5D-5L, needs new country-specific valuation studies to obtain a value set adapted to the characteristics of the updated instrument. Eight countries from Europe, North and South America and Asia have participated on pilot exercises to develop a final protocol which will be commonly used to perform the valuation studies in each country. Spain is the first country where this protocol has been introduced as part of the Valuation Project for the Spanish Population. This discussion paper reports a descriptive overview of EQ-5D-5L valuation results in the Spanish population and its preliminary results.The survey has a two-stage sample plan. The first stage concentrates on the selection of Spanish regions. The 50 Spanish regions were ordered by population size, and the first 20 regions covering 80% of the total Spanish population were selected. In the second stage, a simple random sampling strategy on each of the selected regions was conducted. The sample size on each region was calculated multiplying the total sample size (1,000) by the percentage of the population on the region respect the total population of the select 20 regions. Data will be collected between 21st May and 15th June 2012 using the final agreed protocol by the EuroQol group. Primary data collection will be conducted by a specialist survey company with a second company conducting a strict quality control process to ensure interviews and data collection of highest quality. The final survey has three blocks of questions. The first block includes patient characteristics (age, gender, socioeconomic status and so on), and a respondent valuation of own health using the EQ-5D-5L. The second block contains 10 composite time trade-offs (TTO) questions, for states better than death classic TTO is used and the “Lead Time” TTO is used for those health states considered worse than death. In this case the lead time (period in full health) is 10 years and the time in the disease is another 10 years to be comparable with the classical TTO were there are 10 years in full health and 10 years in the disease. The last block contains 7 discrete choice experiments questions, where the participant has to choose between two states. Finally some questions about the difficulties of the survey are also included. Descriptive statistics of the final sample are reported. A detailed overview of summary statistics for the health state valuations is included. Different models were explored; hybrid TTO and DC model and DC conditional logistic rescaled with TTO values were used and compared

    Excitotoxicity induced by kainic acid provokes glycogen synthase kinase-3 truncation in the hippocampus

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. In neuronal cultures, glycogen synthase kinase 3(GSK3) is truncated at the N-terminal end by calpain downstream of activated glutamate receptors. However, the in vivo biological significance of that truncation has not been explored. In an attempt to elucidate if GSK3 truncation has a pathophysiological relevance, we have used intraperitoneal injections of kainic acid (KA) in rats and intra-amygdala KA microinjections in mice as in vivo models of excitotoxicity. Spectrin cleavage analyzed by immunohistochemistry was observed in the CA1 hippocampal field in KA-intraperitoneal treated rats while the CA3 region was the hippocampal area affected after intra-amygdala KA microinjections. GSK3β immunofluorescence did not colocalize with truncated spectrin in both treatments using an antibody that recognize the N-terminal end of GSK3β. Thus, those neurons which are spectrin-positive do not show GSK3β immunolabelling. To study GSK3β truncation in vitro, we exposed organotypic hippocampal slices and cultured cortical neurons to KA leading to the truncation of GSK3 and we found that truncation was blocked by the calpain inhibitor calpeptin. These data suggest a relationship between N-terminal GSK3β truncation and excitotoxicity. Overall, our data reinforces the important relationship between glutamate receptors and GSK3 and their role in neurodegenerative processes in which excitotoxicity is involved.Ministerio de Educa ción y Ciencia (SAF2010-15525 and BUF2013-40664-P) and Comunidad de Madrid (S2010/BMD-2331). We also acknowl- edge institutional support from Fundación Ramón ArecesPeer Reviewe

    Equal Footing of Thermal Expansion and Electron–Phonon Interaction in the Temperature Dependence of Lead Halide Perovskite Band Gaps

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    Lead halide perovskites, which are causing a paradigm shift in photovoltaics, exhibit an atypical temperature dependence of the fundamental gap: it decreases in energy with decreasing temperature. Reports ascribe such a behavior to a strong electron–phonon renormalization of the gap, neglecting contributions from thermal expansion. However, high-pressure experiments performed on the archetypal perovskite MAPbI<sub>3</sub> (MA stands for methylammonium) yield a negative pressure coefficient for the gap of the tetragonal room-temperature phase, which speaks against the assumption of negligible thermal expansion effects. Here we show that for MAPbI<sub>3</sub> the temperature-induced gap renormalization due to electron–phonon interaction can only account for about 40% of the total energy shift, thus implying thermal expansion to be more if not as important as electron–phonon coupling. Furthermore, this result possesses general validity, holding also for the tetragonal or cubic phase, stable at ambient conditions, of most halide perovskite counterparts

    Handling data quality issues to estimate the Spanish EQ-5D-5L value set using a hybrid interval regression approach

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    Background The Spanish five-level EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) valuation study was the first to use the EuroQol Valuation Technology protocol, including composite time trade-off (C-TTO) and discrete choice experiments (DCE). In this study, its investigators noticed that some interviewers did not fully explain the C-TTO task to respondents. Evidence from a follow-up study in 2014 confirmed that when interviewers followed the protocol, the distribution of C-TTO responses widened. Objectives To handle the data quality issues in the C-TTO responses by estimating a hybrid interval regression model to produce a Spanish EQ-5D-5L value set. Methods Four different models were tested. Model 0 integrated C-TTO and DCE responses in a hybrid model and models 1 to 3 altered the interpretation of the C-TTO responses: model 1 allowed for censoring of the C-TTO responses, whereas model 2 incorporated interval responses and model 3 included the interviewer-specific protocol violations. For external validation, the predictions of the four models were compared with those of the follow-up study using the Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient. Results This stepwise approach to modeling C-TTO and DCE responses improved the concordance between the valuation and follow-up studies (concordance correlation coefficient: 0.948 [model 0], 0.958 [model 1], 0.952 [model 2], and 0.989 [model 3]). We recommend the estimates from model 3, because its hybrid interval regression model addresses the data quality issues found in the valuation study. Conclusions Protocol violations may occur in any valuation study; handling them in the analysis can improve external validity. The resulting EQ-5D-5L value set (model 3) can be applied to inform Spanish health technology assessments

    Temporal dynamics and role of benthic habitat for the Mediterranean slipper lobster Scyllarides latus in a National Park

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    Populations of large large decapods have diminished due to intense fishing pressure and habitat modification along the widely inhabited coast. During the last decade some of the well established marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Western Mediterranean have led to growing densities of one of the most sought after large decapods, the slipper lobster Scyllarides latus (Latreille, 1803). A four year monitoring study was conducted to assess seasonal dynamics and habitat preference of S. latus in the Cabrera Archipelago National Park. Sampling was carried out through underwater visual census on rocky habitats at 0 - 50 m depth. The species may be found in caves, under boulders, and on walls and slopes at depths of up to 35 m, showing a preference for caves at 5 to 20 m depth. These hábitats provide diverse shelter types that are used during the daily period of trophic inactivity. S latus has a marked seasonality with highest densities occurring in late spring, and they disappear almost entirely from rocky coastal habitats in mid-summer. Knowledge of the preferred habitats and spatial pattern of the species is needed for implementing appropriate management schemes to stimulate their recover

    Knowing the past to improve the future: Estimating historical fishing catches to improve fisheries management in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    We developed for the first time the commercial fishing catches reconstruction of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) between 1950 and 2010, by adding non-reported components, including unreported landings and discards, to the official reported landing data. To back‑estimate historical unreported landings and discards, collaboration and information acquired from fishermen were essential, as gathered through interviews and observer programs of the Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO) on board commercial bottom trawling fleet. We estimated a total catch of 511,500 t over the period 1950‑2010, of which official landings represented 49% (around 248,000 t), followed by unreported catches (32%) and discards (20%). A decrease in unreported catches was observed during the period 1950-2010 (from 58% to 38%) due to a reduction of unreported landings, but substantial efforts are still required to improve the recordings of actual fishing catches. This work contributes to the global assessment of fisheries removals led by the Sea Around Us and aims to provide the basis for an improved management of the Balearic Islands and Mediterranean Sea fisheries

    Dealing with the health state ‘dead’ when using discrete choice experiments to obtain values for EQ-5D-5L heath states - Springer

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    __Abstract__ __Objective__ : To evaluate two different methods to obtain a dead (0)—full health (1) scale for EQ-5D-5L valuation studies when using discrete choice (DC) modeling. __Method__ : The study was carried out among 400 respondents from Barcelona who were representative of the Spanish population in terms of age, sex, and level of education. The DC design included 50 pairs of health states in five blocks. Participants were forced to choose between two EQ-5D-5L states (A and B). Two extra questions concerned whether A and B were considered worse than dead. Each participant performed ten choice exercises. In addition, values were collected using lead-time trade-off (lead-time TTO), for which 100 states in ten blocks were selected. Each participant performed five lead-time TTO exercises. These consisted of DC models offering the health state ‘dead’ as one of the choices—for which all participants’ responses were used (DCdead)—and a model that included only the responses of participants who chose at least one state as worse than dead (WTD) (DCWTD). The study also estimated DC models rescaled with lead-time TTO data and a lead-time TTO linear model. __Results__ : The DCdead and DCWTD models produced relatively similar results, although the coefficients in the DCdead model were slightly lower. The DC model rescaled with lead-time TTO data produced higher utility decrements. Lead-time TTO produced the highest utility decrements. __Conclusions__: The incorporation of the state ‘dead’ in the DC models produces results in concordance with DC models that do not include ‘dead’