1,857 research outputs found

    The Curious Dawn of American Public Schools

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    Three factors help to explain why school enrollments in the Northern United States were higher than those in the South and in most of Europe by 1850. One was affordability: the northern states had higher real incomes, cheaper teachers, and greater local tax support. The second was the greater autonomy of local governments. The third was the greater diffusion of voting power among the citizenry in much of the North, especially in rural communities. The distribution of local political voice appears to be a robust predictor of tax support and enrollments, both within and between regions.

    Quantum error correction beyond qubits

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    Quantum computation and communication rely on the ability to manipulate quantum states robustly and with high fidelity. Thus, some form of error correction is needed to protect fragile quantum superposition states from corruption by so-called decoherence noise. Indeed, the discovery of quantum error correction (QEC) turned the field of quantum information from an academic curiosity into a developing technology. Here we present a continuous-variable experimental implementation of a QEC code, based upon entanglement among 9 optical beams. In principle, this 9-wavepacket adaptation of Shor's original 9-qubit scheme allows for full quantum error correction against an arbitrary single-beam (single-party) error.Comment: realization of a Gaussian error correction protocol suitable for non-Gaussian error correctio

    A Study of Charmonium Systems across the Deconfinement Transition

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    We present results from lattice studies of charmonium systems near the deconfinement transition temperature. On quenched isotropic lattices with lattice spacings between 0.02 and 0.05 fm, bar{q} q systems with quark masses close to the charm mass and with different spin-parity quantum numbers are studied in the temperature range 0.9 Tc - 3 Tc. Results for temporal correlators of local operators, and the spectral functions constructed from them, are discussed. For the pseudoscalar and vector channels, the correlators are observed to change very little across the deconfinement transition, unlike in the case of the light quarks.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Lattice2002(nonzerot

    Kinetic characterization of a glycoside hydrolase family 44 xyloglucanase/endoglucanase from Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1

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    Two forms of Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1 endoglucanase B, a member of glycoside hydrolase family 44, one with only a catalytic domain and the other with a catalytic domain and a carbohydrate binding domain (CBM), were produced. Both forms hydrolyzed cellotetraose, cellopentaose, cellohexaose, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), birchwood and larchwood xylan, xyloglucan, lichenan, and Avicel but not cellobiose, cellotriose, mannan, or pullulan. Addition of the CBM increased catalytic efficiencies on both CMC and birchwood xylan but not on xyloglucan, and it decreased rates of cellopentaose and cellohexaose hydrolysis. Catalytic efficiencies were much higher on xyloglucan than on other polysaccharides. Hydrolysis rates increased with increasing cellooligosaccharide chain length. Cellotetraose hydrolysis yielded only cellotriose and glucose. Hydrolysis of cellopentaose gave large amounts of cellotetraose and glucose, somewhat more of the former than of the latter, and much smaller amounts of cellobiose and cellotriose. Cellohexaose hydrolysis yielded much more cellotetraose than cellobiose and small amounts of glucose and cellotriose, along with a low and transient amount of cellopentaose

    Association between birth weight and neuromotor performance: a twin study

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    The development of neonatal intensive care has led to an increase in the prevalence of children with low birth weight and associated morbidity. The objectives of this study are to verify (1) The association between birth weight (BW) and neuromotor performance? (2) Is the neuromotor performance of twins within the normal range? (3) Are intra-pair similarities in neuromotor development of Monozygotic (MZ) and Disygotic (DZ) twins of unequal magnitude? The sample consisted of 191 children (78 MZ and 113 DZ), 8.9+3.1 years of age and with an average BW of 2246.3+485.4g. In addition to gestational characteristics, sports participation and Zurich Neuromotor Assessment (ZNA) were observed at childhood age. The statistical analysis was carried out with software SPSS 18.0, the STATA 10 and the ZNA performance scores. The level of significance was 0.05. For the neuromotor items high intra and inter-investigator reliabilities were obtained (0.793<R<1). BW, gestational length and Apgar 5ÂŽ accounted for <26% of the variance. Twins showed elevated percentages of subjects (32.7%<76.9%) with low performance <P10 in time-related neuromotor tasks, but not for the quality of the associated movements (2.6%<6.4%). The MZ twins were more similar than DZ for several neuromotor items. BW showed a limited association with neuromotor performance


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    Rezim pencucian uang dalam bingkai perkembangan tindak pidana khusus memberikan pemahaman dan perhatian khu.ws di dalam upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasannya. Rancangan Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Pidana dalam semangatnya untuk melakukan rekodifikasi, konsolidasi, dan pembangunan hukum yang komprehensif patut dianalisis berdasarkan pendekatan Risk Based Assessment Approach atas pengaturannya, yang lebih terkesan seperti kompilasi dibandingkan dengan semangat tersebut, dan bersifat ambigu dan ambivalen. Persoalan memasukkan jiwa khusus menjadi komponen umum dalam suatu tubuh harus memperhatikan pada costs of crime maupun risk based approach tersebut. Artikel ini akan menganalisis lebih mendalam mengenai upaya pembangunan rezim anti pencucian uang yang saat ini telah diupayakan dengan maksimal, namun berbanding terbalik dengan semangat pengaturan dalam Rancangan Undang Undang tentang Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Pidana (selanjutnya disingkat RKUHP) ini. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah pendekatan penelitian hukum yuridis normatif atas perangkat peraturan hukum yang telah ada yaitu Undang Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dan berbagai perangkat aturan hukum lainnya, dan RKUHP. Pada gilirannya RKUHP harus memperhatikan lebih mendalam adanya ketidaksiapan dilakukannya proses adaptasi atas pendekatan costs of crime and risk based approach apabila RKUHP tersebut mengabaikan perumusan norma, pertimbangan rasa kepastian, ketertiban, dan keadilan hukum tanpa mengabaikan cita hukum yang ingin dihadirkan sebuah karya perdana (master piece) dari bangsa Indonesia sendiri. Ketidakmampuan pemberian ruang pengaturan yang lebih spesifik dan luwes di dalam pengaturannya menyebabkan cita hukum dan semangat pembangunan rezim anti pencucian uang ini tidak maksimal, dan memunculkan kerentanan di dalam penegakannya

    First-principles calculation of orbital Hall effect by Wannier interpolation: Role of orbital dependence of the anomalous position

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    The position operator in a Bloch representation acquires a gauge correction in the momentum space on top of the canonical position, which is called the anomalous position. We show that the anomalous position is generally orbital-dependent and thus plays a crucial role in the description of the intrinsic orbital Hall effect in terms of Wannier basis. We demonstrate this from the first-principles calculation of orbital Hall conductivities of transition metals by Wannier interpolation. Our results show that consistent treatment of the velocity operator by adding the additional term originating from the anomalous position predicts the orbital Hall conductivities different from those obtained by considering only the group velocity. We find the difference is crucial in several metals. For example, we predict the negative sign of the orbital Hall conductivities for elements in the groups X and XI such as Cu, Ag, Au, and Pd, for which the previous studies predicted the positive sign. Our work suggests the importance of consistently describing the spatial dependence of basis functions by first-principles methods as it is fundamentally missing in the tight-binding approximation

    Squaring the Circle: AIDS, Poverty, and Human Development

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    The authors discuss the "downstream" effects of AIDS on poverty, and the "upstream" effects of poverty upon acquiring HIV

    Promoting pp-based Hall effects by pp-dd-ff hybridization in Gd-based dichalcogenides

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    We conduct a first-principles study of Hall effects in rare-earth dichalcogenides, focusing on monolayers of the H-phase EuX2_2 and GdX2_2, where X = S, Se, and Te. Our predictions reveal that all EuX2_2 and GdX2_2 systems exhibit high magnetic moments and wide bandgaps. We observe that while in case of EuX2_2 the pp and ff states hybridize directly below the Fermi energy, the absence of ff and dd states of Gd at the Fermi energy results in pp-like spin-polarized electronic structure of GdX2_2, which mediates pp-based magnetotransport. Notably, these systems display significant anomalous, spin, and orbital Hall conductivities. We find that in GdX2_2 the strength of correlations controls the relative position of pp, dd and ff-states and their hybridization which has a crucial impact on pp-state polarization and the anomalous Hall effect, but not the spin and orbital Hall effect. Moreover, we find that the application of strain can significantly modify the electronic structure of the monolayers, resulting in quantized charge, spin and orbital transport in GdTe2_2 via a strain-mediated orbital inversion mechanism taking place at the Fermi energy. Our findings suggest that rare-earth dichalcogenides hold promise as a platform for topological spintronics and orbitronics.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure
