7 research outputs found

    Standardization on purification process of Lingam (இலிங்கம்)

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    From the above study report purification process of Lingam is more important and highlightened to remove the toxins, to increase its efficacy and to change its complicated form into more easily acceptable form. Standardization is necessary to ensure the availability of the uniform product in all part of the world. Thus today standardization is very essential to focus on our system of medicine for practice. Based on the above rationale the present study was carried out with an aim to standardize the purification of Lingam based on some qualitative and quantitative analysis as per PLIM guidelines. Lingam which is one of the mineral compound mentioned in the Siddha literatures to treat major illness. Raw Lingam was collected from reputed shop in Chennai and got authentication. The Lemon was collected from Local Market in Chennai and got authentication. The drug was investigated for physico-chemical parameters which ensured the quality and purity of drug. All the parameters were denoted in recommended range. The Physicochemical analysis had done for raw Lingam and purified Lingam. pH of Raw Lingam and purified lingam were measured as per protocol. In the Biochemical analysis we obtained the presence of Iron compound in purified Lingam which is absent in unpurified Lingam. The heavy metal analysis was carried out in Lingam before and after purification by AAS to ensure the below detection of arsenic and Lead. Mercury and cadmium were slightly reduced after purification of Lingam. It was confirmed that the Mercury level was found to be decreased in purified Lingam. Scanning electron microscope which was widely used to identify phases based on qualitative chemical analysis and/or crystalline structure before and after purification of Lingam. Precise measurement of very small features and objects down to 50 nm in size is also accomplished using the SEM. In SEM size of purified lingam is reduced when compared to the size of unpurified Lingam. X-ray diffraction is a unique method in determination of crystalline of a compound before and after purification of Lingam. FTIR was an analytical technique used to identify organic, polymeric, and in some cases, inorganic materials before and after purification of Lingam. FTIR confirmed the presence of Mercuric sulphide in the purified Lingam. Thus it can be postulate that the purification procedures as mentioned in Siddha literature help to remove the toxic effect without interfering its therapeutic efficacy. It may reduce the effect of toxic substance in the drug. The study stresses the need of purification process of the drug before going to prepared medicines with strong evidence. Information obtained from these studies can be used as markers in the identification and standardization of this mineral. CONCLUSION: The Present study is an attempt to establish the scientific basis for the purification of Lingam. The Aim of the purification is to minimize the toxic effect of the drug and enhance the potency and safety of a drug. These findings are strongly confirmed the effectiveness of Siddha purification. Hence it can be concluded that the concept of detoxification procedure as mentioned in Siddha text provides contemporary evidence with a good scientific background. These explorations will definitely help to set a standard procedure for purification of Lingam. This is the reason why Siddhars have said purification is a must before going to any preparation of medicine

    Phyto Fabrication of Silver Nanocomposites from Ageratum conyzoides as Potent Mosquitocidal and Antidengue Activity of Aedes aegypti

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    Mosquitoes pose an enormous threat to millions of people worldwide and transmit important diseases, including malaria, dengue, yellow fever, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis and the Zika virus. Currently, a growing number of phyto-synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have recently been proposed as effective mosquito larvicides and are gaining traction over synthetic chemical pesticides due to their less deleterious effects on non-target species and novelty in mechanisms. action. The current study was conducted to evaluate the larvicidal and pupicidal activity of AgNP synthesized from Ageratum conyzoides against dengue vector Aedes aegypti as well as in vitro antiviral assay. The biosynthesized AgNPs were characterized using a UV-Vis spectrometer, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The mosquito larvae were tested with biosynthesized AgNPs and the LC50 values recorded were I-stage (20.451), II-stage (23.307), III-stage (27.397), IV-stage (33.351), and pupa (39.668), respectively. To screen the anti-dengue properties of A. conyzoides-synthesized AgNP, an in vitro antiviral assay was performed. The present research reported moderate cytotoxicity rates in Vero cells exposed to A. conyzoides-synthesized AgNP at various concentrations. From this we observed that no adverse morphological differences were found in the treated cells that were comparable to the control Vero cells. Overall, our results demonstrated that AgNPs synthesized by A. conyzoides can be used to design newer and safer dengue control agents