67 research outputs found

    Морфология и биохимические свойства клеток, содержащих серотонин в эндометрии самок крыс

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „NicolaeTestemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Știinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată сentenarului profesorului B.Z. Perlin, Chişinău, 20-22 septembrie 2012The population of cells of the DES (Diffuse Endocrine System) containing serotonin, is localized mainly in the functional endometrium, as a rule, forming groups. These cells have an oval and round shape. The cells of the DES located in the endometrium show specific properties: serotonin granules with specific fluorescence are contained in the cytoplasm, and are capable of grasp serotonin - precursors (triptofan and 5-hydroxitriptofan) and to synthesize from them serotonin. All these characteristics illustrate, that these cells are part of DES. Популяция клеток ДЭС (Диффузной Эндокринной Системы), содержащих серотонин локализована преимущественно в функциональном слое эндометрия в виде клеточных скоплений. Клетки имеют овальную или округлую форму. Клетки ДЭС, расположенные в эндометрии, демонстрируют специфические свойства: содержат в цитоплазме гранулы, обладающие специфической для серотонина флуоресценцией, способные захватывать веществапредшественники (триптофан и 5-гидрохитриптофан) и синтезировать из них серотонин. Все перечисленные свойства указывают на принадлежность описанных клеток к ДЭС


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    The paper presents the results of the development of radio packet generator high power supply for STI - electromagnetic acoustic transducers noncontact ultrasonic defectoscopes. It is shown that by increasing the capacity of generators increases the sensitivity of detection of internal defects in metal products to the level of the traditional contact defectoscopes and thicknessmeters.В статье приведены результаты разработки генераторов пакетных радиоимпульсов большой мощности для питания электромагнитно – акустический преобразователей бесконтактных ультразвуковых дефектоскопов. Показано, что за счет увеличения мощности генераторов повышается чувствительность обнаружения внутренних дефектов в металлоизделиях до уровня традиционных контактных дефектоскопов и толщиномеров.У статті приведені результати розробки генераторів пакетних радіоімпульсів великої потужності для живлення електромагнітно – акустичний перетворювачів безконтактних ультразвукових дефектоскопів. Показано, що за рахунок збільшення потужності генераторів підвищується чутливість виявлення внутрішніх дефектів в металовиробах до рівня традиційних контактних дефектоскопів і товщиномірів

    Euclidean Gibbs states of interacting quantum anharmonic oscillators

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    A rigorous description of the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of an infinite system of interacting ν\nu-dimensional quantum anharmonic oscillators is given. The oscillators are indexed by the elements of a countable set LRd\mathbb{L}\subset \mathbb{R}^d, possibly irregular; the anharmonic potentials vary from site to site. The description is based on the representation of the Gibbs states in terms of path measures -- the so called Euclidean Gibbs measures. It is proven that: (a) the set of such measures Gt\mathcal{G}^{\rm t} is non-void and compact; (b) every μGt\mu \in \mathcal{G}^{\rm t} obeys an exponential integrability estimate, the same for the whole set Gt\mathcal{G}^{\rm t}; (c) every μGt\mu \in \mathcal{G}^{\rm t} has a Lebowitz-Presutti type support; (d) Gt\mathcal{G}^{\rm t} is a singleton at high temperatures. In the case of attractive interaction and ν=1\nu=1 we prove that Gt>1|\mathcal{G}^{\rm t}|>1 at low temperatures. The uniqueness of Gibbs measures due to quantum effects and at a nonzero external field are also proven in this case. Thereby, a qualitative theory of phase transitions and quantum effects, which interprets most important experimental data known for the corresponding physical objects, is developed. The mathematical result of the paper is a complete description of the set Gt\mathcal{G}^{\rm t}, which refines and extends the results known for models of this type.Comment: 60 page

    Pathogenic variants in the DEAH-box RNA helicase DHX37 are a frequent cause of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis and 46,XY testicular regression syndrome

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    PURPOSE: XY individuals with disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) are characterized by reduced androgenization caused, in some children, by gonadal dysgenesis or testis regression during fetal development. The genetic etiology for most patients with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis and for all patients with testicular regression syndrome (TRS) is unknown. METHODS: We performed exome and/or Sanger sequencing in 145 individuals with 46,XY DSD of unknown etiology including gonadal dysgenesis and TRS. RESULTS: Thirteen children carried heterozygous missense pathogenic variants involving the RNA helicase DHX37, which is essential for ribosome biogenesis. Enrichment of rare/novel DHX37 missense variants in 46,XY DSD is highly significant compared with controls (P value = 5.8 × 10-10). Five variants are de novo (P value = 1.5 × 10-5). Twelve variants are clustered in two highly conserved functional domains and were specifically associated with gonadal dysgenesis and TRS. Consistent with a role in early testis development, DHX37 is expressed specifically in somatic cells of the developing human and mouse testis. CONCLUSION: DHX37 pathogenic variants are a new cause of an autosomal dominant form of 46,XY DSD, including gonadal dysgenesis and TRS, showing that these conditions are part of a clinical spectrum. This raises the possibility that some forms of DSD may be a ribosomopathy

    Метилмалоновая ацидурия у детей: клинические рекомендации

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    Methylmalonic acidemia (aciduria) is an inherited metabolic disturbance from the group of organic acidemias (acidurias). The article presents etiopathogenetic, epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of the problem. The possibilities of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods the tactics of dietary correction of metabolic disorders in acute and interstitial periods of the disease are described in details; features of drug treatment are outlined. The necessary information for clinical practice and patients’ everyday life is given in the article.Метилмалоновая ацидемия (ацидурия) — генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание группы органических ацидемий (ацидурий). В статье представлены этиопатогенетические, эпидемиологические, диагностические и терапевтические аспекты данной проблемы. Подробно освещены возможности лабораторных и инструментальных методов диагностики и особенности медикаментозного лечения, изложена тактика диетической коррекции метаболических нарушений в острый и межприступный периоды заболевания. Дана необходимая информация для практических врачей и родителей пациентов

    Gonadectomy in conditions affecting sex development: a registry-based cohort study

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    Objectives To determine trends in clinical practice for individuals with DSD requiring gonadectomy. Design Retrospective cohort study. Methods Information regarding age at gonadectomy according to diagnosis; reported sex; time of presentation to specialist centre; and location of centre from cases reported to the International DSD Registry and who were over 16 years old in January 2019. Results Data regarding gonadectomy were available in 668 (88%) individuals from 44 centres. Of these, 248 (37%) (median age (range) 24 (17, 75) years) were male and 420 (63%) (median age (range) 26 (16, 86) years) were female. Gonadectomy was reported from 36 centres in 351/668 cases (53%). Females were more likely to undergo gonadectomy (n = 311, P < 0.0001). The indication for gonadectomy was reported in 268 (76%). The most common indication was mitigation of tumour risk in 172 (64%). Variations in the practice of gonadectomy were observed; of the 351 cases from 36 centres, 17 (5%) at 9 centres had undergone gonadectomy before their first presentation to the specialist centre. Median age at gonadectomy of cases from high-income countries and low-/middle-income countries (LMIC) was 13.0 years (0.1, 68) years and 16.5 years (1, 28), respectively (P < 0.0001) with the likelihood of long-term retention of gonads being higher in LMIC countries. Conclusions The likelihood of gonadectomy depends on the underlying diagnosis, sex of rearing and the geographical setting. Clinical benchmarks, which can be studied across all forms of DSD will allow a better understanding of the variation in the practice of gonadectomy

    Structural features of the normal prostatic stroma

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    Catedra de histologie, citologie și embriologie, Catedra de anatomie a omului Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract The prostate is an organ extensively studied in recent years, particularly related to the prostate cancer. In fact, cancer is not just a disorder caused by uncontrolled cell growth. Malignancy also includes loss of normal tissue architecture, genetic changes and stromal changes. The human prostate is composed of two compartments: epithelial part (secretory acini and ducts) and stroma. Prostatic stroma has a complex structure and consists of two basic components: specific cellular component and the extracellular matrix. Each component has importance in the induction process and maintaining of local homeostasis that could contribute to malignant or benign transformation processes. In this review, we will focus our attention on studying of stromal microenvironment in normal conditions