1,566 research outputs found

    Invasive properties of south Indian strains of Streptococcus pyogenes in a HEp-2 cell model

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    The objective of this study was to consider the invasive properties of Streptococcus pyogenes in human pharyngeal epithelial cells, and to correlate these with their clinical significance. Clinical isolates of S. pyogenes obtained from blood cultures over a period of 10 years, and throat and skin isolates from a community-based study, were used in this investigation. The S. pyogenes isolates were inoculated in HEp-2 cells and subsequently treated with antibiotics to kill the extracellular bacteria. The cells were then lyzed, and a colony count was carried out to check for invasion. The throat and skin isolates had 45.7%, 25.7% and 28.5% of low, intermediate and high invasion efficiencies, respectively, while 80%, 8.6% and 11.4% of the blood isolates had low, intermediate and high invasion efficiencies. We concluded that the throat and the skin isolates from superficial infections were more invasive than the blood isolates, which is an interesting and paradoxical feature

    Latest results on Jovian disk X-rays from XMM-Newton

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    We present the results of a spectral study of the soft X-ray emission (0.2-2.5 keV) from low-latitude (`disk') regions of Jupiter. The data were obtained during two observing campaigns with XMM-Newton in April and November 2003. While the level of the emission remained approximately the same between April and the first half of the November observation, the second part of the latter shows an enhancement by about 40% in the 0.2-2.5 keV flux. A very similar, and apparently correlated increase, in time and scale, was observed in the solar X-ray and EUV flux. The months of October and November 2003 saw a period of particularly intense solar activity, which appears reflected in the behaviour of the soft X-rays from Jupiter's disk. The X-ray spectra, from the XMM-Newton EPIC CCD cameras, are all well fitted by a coronal model with temperatures in the range 0.4-0.5 keV, with additional line emission from Mg XI (1.35 keV) and Si XIII (1.86 keV): these are characteristic lines of solar X-ray spectra at maximum activity and during flares. The XMM-Newton observations lend further support to the theory that Jupiter's disk X-ray emission is controlled by the Sun, and may be produced in large part by scattering, elastic and fluorescent, of solar X-rays in the upper atmosphere of the planet.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in a special issue of Planetary and Space Scienc

    Critical temperature and giant isotope effect in presence of paramagnons

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    We reconsider the long-standing problem of the effect of spin fluctuations on the critical temperature and isotope effect in a phonon-mediated superconductor. Although the general physics of the interplay between phonons and paramagnons had been rather well understood, the existing approximate formulas fail to describe the correct behavior of % T_{c} for general phonon and paramagnon spectra. Using a controllable approximation, we derive an analytical formula for TcT_{c} which agrees well with exact numerical solutions of the Eliashberg equations for a broad range of parameters. Based on both numerical and analytical results, we predict a strong enhancement of the isotope effect when the frequencies of spin fluctuation and phonons are of the same order. This effect may have important consequences for near-magnetic superconductors such as MgCNi3_{3}Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    XMM-Newton observations of X-ray emission from Jupiter

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    We present the results of two XMM-Newton observations of Jupiter carried out in 2003 for 100 and 250 ks (or 3 and 7 planet rotations) respectively. X-ray images from the EPIC CCD cameras show prominent emission from the auroral regions in the 0.2 - 2.0 keV band: the spectra are well modelled by a combination of emission lines, including most prominently those of highly ionised oxygen (OVII and OVIII). In addition, and for the first time, XMM-Newton reveals the presence in both aurorae of a higher energy component (3 - 7 keV) which is well described by an electron bremsstrahlung spectrum. This component is found to be variable in flux and spectral shape during the Nov. 2003 observation, which corresponded to an extended period of intense solar activity. Emission from the equatorial regions of Jupiter's disk is also observed, with a spectrum consistent with that of solar X-rays scattered in the planet's upper atmosphere. Jupiter's X-rays are spectrally resolved with the RGS which clearly separates the prominent OVII contribution of the aurorae from the OVIII, FeXVII and MgXI lines, originating in the low-latitude disk regions of the planet.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, Proceedings of the Symposium 'The X-ray Universe 2005', San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, 26-30 September 2005. In pres

    Jupiter's X-ray and EUV auroras monitored by Chandra, XXM-Newton, and Hisaki satellite

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    Jupiter's X-ray auroral emission in the polar cap region results from particles which have undergone strong field-aligned acceleration into the ionosphere. The origin of precipitating ions and electrons and the time variability in the X-ray emission are essential to uncover the driving mechanism for the high-energy acceleration. The magnetospheric location of the source field line where the X-ray is generated is likely affected by the solar wind variability. However, these essential characteristics are still unknown because the long-term monitoring of the X-rays and contemporaneous solar wind variability has not been carried out. In April 2014, the first long-term multiwavelength monitoring of Jupiter's X-ray and EUV auroral emissions was made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM-Newton, and Hisaki satellite. We find that the X-ray count rates are positively correlated with the solar wind velocity and insignificantly with the dynamic pressure. Based on the magnetic field mapping model, a half of the X-ray auroral region was found to be open to the interplanetary space. The other half of the X-ray auroral source region is magnetically connected with the prenoon to postdusk sector in the outermost region of the magnetosphere, where the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability, magnetopause reconnection, and quasiperiodic particle injection potentially take place. We speculate that the high-energy auroral acceleration is associated with the KH instability and/or magnetopause reconnection. This association is expected to also occur in many other space plasma environments such as Saturn and other magnetized rotators

    Inter- and Intragranular Effects in Superconducting Compacted Platinum Powders

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    Compacted platinum powders exhibit a sharp onset of diamagnetic screening at T≃1.9T \simeq 1.9 mK in zero magnetic field in all samples investigated. This sharp onset is interpreted in terms of the intragranular transition into the superconducting state. At lower temperatures, the magnetic ac susceptibility strongly depends on the ac field amplitude and reflects the small intergranular critical current density jcj_{c}. This critical current density shows a strong dependence on the packing fraction f of the granular samples. Surprisingly, jcj_{c} increases significantly with decreasing f (jc(B=0,T=0)≃0.07j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.07 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.67 and jc(B=0,T=0)≃0.8j_{c}(B=0, T=0) \simeq 0.8 A/cm2^{2} for f = 0.50). The temperature dependence of jcj_{c} shows strong positive curvature over a wide temperature range for both samples. The phase diagrams of inter- and intragranular superconductivity for different samples indicate that the granular structure might play the key role for an understanding of the origin of superconductivity in the platinum compacts.Comment: 11 pages including 9 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B in Nov. 0

    X-rays from Saturn: A study with XMM-Newton and Chandra over the years 2002-05

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    We present the results of the two most recent (2005) XMM-Newton observations of Saturn together with the re-analysis of an earlier (2002) observation from the XMM-Newton archive and of three Chandra observations in 2003 and 2004. While the XMM-Newton telescope resolution does not enable us to resolve spatially the contributions of the planet's disk and rings to the X-ray flux, we can estimate their strengths and their evolution over the years from spectral analysis, and compare them with those observed with Chandra. The spectrum of the X-ray emission is well fitted by an optically thin coronal model with an average temperature of 0.5 keV. The addition of a fluorescent oxygen emission line at ~0.53 keV improves the fits significantly. In accordance with earlier reports, we interpret the coronal component as emission from the planetary disk, produced by the scattering of solar X-rays in Saturn's upper atmosphere, and the line as originating from the Saturnian rings. The strength of the disk X-ray emission is seen to decrease over the period 2002 - 2005, following the decay of solar activity towards the current minimum in the solar cycle. By comparing the relative fluxes of the disk X-ray emission and the oxygen line, we suggest that the line strength does not vary over the years in the same fashion as the disk flux. We consider possible alternatives for the origin of the line. The connection between solar activity and the strength of Saturn's disk X-ray emission is investigated and compared with that of Jupiter. We also discuss the apparent lack of X-ray aurorae on Saturn and conclude that they are likely to lie below the sensitivity threshold of current Earth-bound observatories. A similar comparison for Uranus and Neptune leads to the same disappointing conclusion.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; to be published in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics

    X-rays Studies of the Solar System

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    X-ray observatories contribute fundamental advances in Solar System studies by probing Sun-object interactions, developing planet and satellite surface composition maps, probing global magnetospheric dynamics, and tracking astrochemical reactions. Despite these crucial results, the technological limitations of current X-ray instruments hinder the overall scope and impact for broader scientific application of X-ray observations both now and in the coming decade. Implementation of modern advances in X-ray optics will provide improvements in effective area, spatial resolution, and spectral resolution for future instruments. These improvements will usher in a truly transformative era of Solar System science through the study of X-ray emission.Comment: White paper submitted to Astro2020, the Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Surve

    A study of Jupiter's aurorae with XMM-Newton

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    We present a detailed analysis of Jupiter's X-ray (0.2-10 keV) auroral emissions as observed by XMM-Newton in Nov. 2003 and compare it with that of an Apr. 2003 observation. We discover the existence of an electron bremsstrahlung component in the aurorae, which accounts for essentially all the X-ray flux above 2 keV: its presence had been predicted but never detected for lack of sensitivity of previous X-ray missions. This bremsstrahlung component varied significantly in strength and spectral shape over the 3.5 days covered by the Nov. 2003 observation, displaying substantial hardening of the spectrum with increasing flux. This variability may be linked to the strong solar activity taking place at the time, and may be induced by changes in the acceleration mechanisms inside Jupiter's magnetosphere. As in Apr. 2003, the auroral spectra below 2 keV are best fitted by a superposition of line emission most likely originating from ion charge exchange, with OVII playing the dominant role. We still cannot resolve conclusively the ion species responsible for the lowest energy lines (around 0.3 keV), so the question of the origin of the ions (magnetospheric or solar wind) is still open. It is conceivable that both scenarios play a role in what is certainly a very complex planetary structure. High resolution spectra of the whole planet obtained with the XMM-Newton RGS in the range 0.5-1 keV clearly separate emission lines (mostly of Fe) originating at low latitudes on Jupiter from the auroral lines due to O. These are shown to possess very broad wings which imply velocities of ~5000 km/s. Such speeds are consistent with the energies at which precipitating and charge exchanging O ions are expected to be accelerated in Jupiter's magnetosphere. Overall we find good agreement between our measurements and the predictions of recent models.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, to be published in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics
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