1,131 research outputs found

    Hard diffraction and the nature of the Pomeron

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    We ask the question whether the quark and gluon distributions in the Pomeron obtained from QCD fits to hard diffraction processes at HERA can be dynamically generated from a state made of ``valence-like'' gluons and sea quarks as input. By a method combining backward Q^2-evolution for data exploration and forward Q^2-evolution for a best fit determination, we find that the diffractive structure functions published by the H1 collaboration at HERA can be described by a simple ``valence-like'' input at an initial scale of order mu^2 ~ 2.3-2.7 GeV^2. The parton number sum rules at the initial scale mu^2 for the H1 fit gives 2.1\pm .1\pm .1 and .13\pm .01 \pm .02 for gluon and sea quarks respectively, corresponding to an initial Pomeron state made of (almost) only two gluons. It has flat gluon density leading to a plausible interpretation in terms of a gluonium state.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Threshold Resummation for W-Boson Production at RHIC

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    We study the resummation of large logarithmic perturbative corrections to the partonic cross sections relevant for the process pp -> W^+- X at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). At RHIC, polarized protons are available, and spin asymmetries for this process will be used for precise measurements of the up and down quark and anti-quark distributions in the proton. The corrections arise near the threshold for the partonic reaction and are associated with soft-gluon emission. We perform the resummation to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, for the rapidity-differential cross section. We find that resummation leads to relatively moderate effects on the cross sections and spin asymmetries.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures as eps files. One reference added and typo correcte

    Longitudinally Polarized Photoproduction of Inclusive Hadrons Beyond the Leading Order

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    We present a complete next-to-leading order QCD calculation for single-inclusive large-pT hadron production in longitudinally polarized lepton-nucleon collisions, consistently including ``direct'' and ``resolved'' photon contributions. This process could be studied experimentally at a future polarized lepton-proton collider like eRHIC at BNL. We examine the sensitivity of such measurements to the so far completely unknown parton content of circularly polarized photons.Comment: 15 pages, 7 eps figure

    Heavy Quark Initiated Contributions to Deep Inelastic Structure Functions

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    We present O(alpha_s^1) corrections to deep inelastic scattering amplitudes on massive quarks obtained within the scheme of Aivazis, Collins, Olness and Tung (ACOT). After identifying the correct subtraction term the convergence of these contributions towards the analogous coefficient functions for massless quarks, obtained within the modified minimal subtraction scheme (MSbar), is demonstrated. Furthermore, the quantitative relevance of the contributions to neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) structure functions is investigated for several choices of the factorization scale.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures; uses epsfig.sty, amssymb.sty, axodraw.sty; minor changes for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gluon distributions in nucleons and pions at a low resolution scale

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    In this paper we study the gluon distribution functions in nucleons and pions at a low resolution Q2Q^2 scale. This is an important issue since parton densities at low Q2Q^2 have always been taken as an external input which is adjusted through DGLAP evolution to fit the experimental data at higher scales. Here, in the framework of a model recently developed, it is shown that the hypothetical cloud of {\it neutral} pions surrounding nucleons and pions appears to be responsible for the characteristic valence-like gluon distributions needed at the inital low scale. As an additional result, we get the remarkable prediction that neutral and charged pions have different intrinsic sea flavor contents.Comment: final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Discussion on several points enlarge

    Modelling of gas dynamical properties of the KATRIN tritium source and implications for the neutrino mass measurement

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    The KATRIN experiment aims to measure the effective mass of the electron antineutrino from the analysis of electron spectra stemming from the beta-decay of molecular tritium with a sensitivity of 200 meV. Therefore, a daily throughput of about 40 g of gaseous tritium is circulated in a windowless source section. An accurate description of the gas flow through this section is of fundamental importance for the neutrino mass measurement as it significantly influences the generation and transport of beta-decay electrons through the experimental setup. In this paper we present a comprehensive model consisting of calculations of rarefied gas flow through the different components of the source section ranging from viscous to free molecular flow. By connecting these simulations with a number of experimentally determined operational parameters the gas model can be refreshed regularly according to the measured operating conditions. In this work, measurement and modelling uncertainties are quantified with regard to their implications for the neutrino mass measurement. We find that the systematic uncertainties related to the description of gas flow are represented by Δmν2=(3.06±0.24)103\Delta m_{\nu}^2=(-3.06\pm 0.24)\cdot10^{-3} eV2^2, and that the gas model is ready to be used in the analysis of upcoming KATRIN data.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Soffer's inequality and the transversely polarized Drell-Yan process at next-to-leading order

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    We check numerically if Soffer's inequality for quark distributions is preserved by next-to-leading order QCD evolution. Assuming that the inequality is saturated at a low hadronic scale we estimate the maximal transverse double spin asymmetry for Drell-Yan muon pair production to next-to-leading order accuracy.Comment: 20 Pages, LaTeX, 7 figures as eps file

    The Lamb shift contribution of very light millicharged particles

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    The leading order vacuum polarization contribution of very light millicharged fermions and scalar (spin-0) particles with charge \epsilon e and mass \mu to the Lamb shift of the hydrogen atom is shown to imply universal, i.e. \mu-independent, upper bounds on \epsilon: \epsilon \lsim 10^{-4} for \mu \lsim 1 keV in the case of fermions, and for scalars this bound is increased by a factor of 2. This is in contrast to expectations based on the commonly used approximation to the Uehling potential relevant only for conventionally large fermion (and scalar) masses.Comment: 10 pages including 3 figures, version to appear in Physical Review D (Rapid Communications

    A global analysis of inclusive diffractive cross sections at HERA

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    We describe the most recent data on the diffractive structure functions from the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations at HERA using four models. First, a Pomeron Structure Function (PSF) model, in which the Pomeron is considered as an object with parton distribution functions. Then, the Bartels Ellis Kowalski Wusthoff (BEKW) approach is discussed, assuming the simplest perturbative description of the Pomeron using a two-gluon ladder. A third approach, the Bialas Peschanski (BP) model, based on the dipole formalism is then described. Finally, we discuss the Golec-Biernat-W\"usthoff (GBW) saturation model which takes into account saturation effects. The best description of all avaible measurements can be achieved with either the PSF based model or the BEKW approach. In particular, the BEKW prediction allows to include the highest β\beta measurements, which are dominated by higher twists effects and provide an efficient and compact parametrisation of the diffractive cross section. The two other models also give a good description of cross section measurements at small xx with a small number of parameters. The comparison of all predictions allows us to identify interesting differences in the behaviour of the effective pomeron intercept and in the shape of the longitudinal component of the diffractive structure functions. In this last part, we present some features that can be discriminated by new experimental measurements, completing the HERA program.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figure

    Light Gluinos and the Parton Structure of the Nucleon

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    We study the effects of light gluinos with mass below about 1 GeV on the nucleon parton densities and the running of alpha_(S). It is shown that from the available high-statistics DIS data no lower bound on the gluino mass can be derived. Also in the new kinematical region accessible at HERA the influence of such light gluinos on structure f unctions is found to be very small and difficult to detect. For use in more direct searches involving final state signatures we present a radiative estimate of the gluino distribution in the nucleon.Comment: 23 pages, LateX, 8 figures, MPI-PhT/94-22, LMU-3/9