9 research outputs found
Next Level Information Dissemination: Videoproduktion an der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin
Pandemiebedingt finden seit März 2020 an der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin Kurse nur noch im Digitalen statt. Ein Erkunden und Kennenlernen des Ortes Bibliothek war nicht mehr möglich. So entstand die Idee, mit Hilfe eines Films die Bibliothek digital erlebbar zu machen und so den Neustudierenden einen guten Einstieg ins Studium zu ermöglichen. Was als kleines Projekt einer videogestützten Bibliotheksführung begann, entwickelte sich zu einem Selbstläufer und einem neuen Kompetenzbereich der Teaching Library. Neben Screencasts und Aufzeichnungen von Veranstaltungen ergänzen nun auch Realvideos den digitalen Content der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin. Aus dem erarbeiteten Wissen der durchgeführten Videoprojekte entwickelte sich zudem eine Hands-on-Veröffentlichung aus Praxistipps und Vorlagen zum Nachmachen für andere Bibliotheken oder öffentliche Einrichtungen.Due to the pandemic, courses at the university library of the Technische Universität Berlin have been held only virtually since March 2020. Thus, it was no longer possible to explore and get to know the library as a place. Therefore, the idea was born to make a film to help new students experience the library in a digital format. What began as a small project for a video-based library tour quickly gained importance and became a new area of expertise for the Teaching Library. In addition to screencasts and recordings of events, real videos now complement the digital content of the university library of the Technische Universität Berlin. Also, the knowledge gained from the video projects was published as a hands-on manual with practical tips and templates for other libraries or public institutions to reuse
Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome
The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead
Review of cases from the horse clinic of the Free University in Berlin 1976 - 1995
Deckblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Danksagung, Lebenslauf
Einleitung in das Thema sowie Erklärung, Diagnostik, Therapie und Prognose der
Beschreibung und Auswertung des Patientenmaterials
Zusammenfassung der Dissertation in Deutsch und Englisch
Verzeichnis der verwendeten Abkürzungen, Abbildungen und Tabellen
DatenmaterialDie Dissertation befasst sich mit den Fällen von 252 an Hufrehe erkrankten
Pferden in den Jahren 1976 - 1995\. Ziel dieser statistischen Arbeit ist es,
Zusammenhänge zwischen der Vielzahl an Patienteninformationen und den
klinischen sowie radiologischen Befunden herzustellen. Die sich daraus
ergebenden prognostischen Einschätzungen werden verglichen und diskutiert.In this thesis cases of laminitis in 252 horses in the years of 1976 - 1995
were reviewed. Various information about the patients has been examined and
related to the clinical and radiographic findings. The resulting prognostic
assessments were discussed
Vorlagen zum Buch "Videoproduktion in der Bibliothek"
Hier finden Sie die Vorlagen zum Buch "Videoproduktion in der Bibliothek" sowohl im PDF-Format als auch im DOCX-Format zum Nachnutzen. Darin enthalten sind u.a. ein Steckbrief des Videoprojekts, Leitfragen zur Absteckung einer Projektidee und eine Vorlage für ein Storyboard.Here you can find the templates for the book "Video Production in the Library" in PDF format as well as in DOCX format for further use. They include a profile of the video project, guiding questions to outline a project idea and a template for a storyboard
Video production in the library : from planning to publication from a librarian's perspective
Videos selbst in Ihrer Bibliothek zu produzieren muss nicht kompliziert sein. In diesem Buch erklären Ihnen die Autorinnen, was Sie wirklich brauchen, um ein eigenes Videoprojekt durchzuführen. Beginnend mit der ersten Videoidee bis hin zur finalen Archivierung Ihrer Aufnahmedateien begleiten wir Sie durch Ihr Projekt und zeigen Ihnen, was Sie alles für die Videoproduktion benötigen. Durch Vorlagen und Best-Practice-Beispiele ist dieses Buch eine gut verständliche Hilfe, ganz gleich wieviel Vorerfahrung Sie bereits mitbringen.Producing videos yourself in your library doesn't have to be complicated. In this book, the authors explain what you really need to complete your own video project. Starting with the initial video idea and ending with the final archiving of your recording files, we walk you through your project and show you everything you need for video production. With templates and best practices, this book is an easy-to-follow resource no matter how much previous experience you have
Transcriptional Organization and Regulation of Magnetosome Operons in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense
Genes involved in magnetite biomineralization are clustered within the genomic magnetosome island of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Their transcriptional organization and regulation were studied by several approaches. Cotranscription of genes within the mamAB, mamDC, and mms clusters was demonstrated by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) of intergenic regions, indicating the presence of long polycistronic transcripts extending over more than 16 kb. The transcription start points of the mamAB, mamDC, and mms operons were mapped at 22 bp, 52 bp, and 58 bp upstream of the first genes of the operons, respectively. Identified −10 and −35 boxes of the P(mamAB), P(mamDC), and P(mms) promoters showed high similarity to the canonical σ(70) recognition sequence. The transcription of magnetosome genes was further studied in response to iron and oxygen. Transcripts of magnetosome genes were detected by RT-PCR both in magnetic cells grown microaerobically under iron-sufficient conditions and in nonmagnetic cells grown either aerobically or with iron limitation. The presence of transcripts was found to be independent of the growth phase. Further results from partial RNA microarrays targeting the putative magnetosome transcriptome of M. gryphiswaldense and real-time RT-PCR experiments indicated differences in expression levels depending on growth conditions. The expression of the mam and mms genes was down-regulated in nonmagnetic cells under iron limitation and, to a lesser extent, during aerobic growth compared to that in magnetite-forming cells grown microaerobically under iron-sufficient conditions
Meta-omics data and collection objects (MOD-CO) : a conceptual schema and data model for processing sample data in meta-omics research
With the advent of advanced molecular meta-omics techniques and methods, a new era commenced for analysing and characterizing historic collection specimens, as well as recently collected environmental samples. Nucleic acid and protein sequencing-based analyses are increasingly applied to determine the origin, identity and traits of environmental (biological) objects and organisms. In this context, the need for new data structures is evident and former approaches for data processing need to be expanded according to the new meta-omics techniques and operational standards. Existing schemas and community standards in the biodiversity and molecular domain concentrate on terms important for data exchange and publication. Detailed operational aspects of origin and laboratory as well as object and data management issues are frequently neglected. Meta-omics Data and Collection Objects (MOD-CO) has therefore been set up as a new schema for meta-omics research, with a hierarchical organization of the concepts describing collection samples, as well as products and data objects being generated during operational workflows. It is focussed on object trait descriptions as well as on operational aspects and thereby may serve as a backbone for R&D laboratory information management systems with functions of an electronic laboratory notebook. The schema in its current version 1.0 includes 653 concepts and 1810 predefined concept values, being equivalent to descriptors and descriptor states, respectively. It is published in several representations, like a Semantic Media Wiki publication with 2463 interlinked Wiki pages for concepts and concept values, being grouped in 37 concept collections and subcollections. The SQL database application DiversityDescriptions, a generic tool for maintaining descriptive data and schemas, has been applied for setting up and testing MOD-CO and for concept mapping on elements of corresponding schema
Netzwerk der Open-Science-Initiativen (NOSI)
This project is the central platform for the Network of (German-speaking) Open Science Initiatives (Netzwerk der Open-Science-Initiativen, NOSI). We're providing protocols, links, and resources that might be of interest to others interested in Open Science