150 research outputs found

    Reindeer warble fly larvae found in red deer

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    Seven third instar larvae of the reindeer warble fly (Hypoderma (=Oedemagena) tarandi) were found in a 2-3 year old male red deer {Cervus elaphus) shot on 14 November 1985 at Todalen, western Norway. This it, the first report of H. tarandi from red deer. In reindeer third instar larvae are found from February to June, and the unusual date of this record indicates a delayed development of the larvae due to abnormal host reactions. Warble fly larvae, probably H. tarandi, are also reported from moose {Alces alces) in northern Norway

    Home-range, movements and use of powerline poles of Eagle-Owls (Bubo bubo) at an island population in northern Norway

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    A dense island population of Eagle-Owls (Bubo bubo) close to the Arctic circle had suffered considerable mortality due to powerlines (electrocution and collision) throughout many decades. A study using GPS transmitter technology was carried out between 2009 and 2014. We studied home-range sizes, dispersal distances, mortality, and proposed mitigation techniques to prevent accidents. We found as expected that juvenile Eagle-Owls had larger home-ranges and moved farther than adults, but both age-groups moved much less than shown elsewhere in Europe. The probable reason for this was thought to be that this population was isolated by the surrounding sea, which might act as a barrier. The GPS data indicated that the poles of the grid were used as perching posts more than expected from a random distribution. This was explained by the lack of high trees and other elevated landscape features on these low islands. As a mitigation effort, we contributed to designing a perching-device for fitting on the poles that would prevent electrocution of the owls. This is now used by several grid-owners in coastal areas with high electrocution risk and is followed up by the National action plan for Eagle-Owl in Norway.publishedVersio

    Article Taxonomy and distribution of the Pygmy Eagle Aquila (Hieraaetus) weiskei (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae)

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    Abstract We re-evaluated the taxonomic status of the New Guinean subspecies weiskei of the Little Eagle Aquila morphnoides and confirmed that it differs considerably from the Australian A. morphnoides in multiple morphological and plumage characters. Genetic differentiation in published mitochondrial cyt-b and ND2 sequences between the nominate subspecies and weiskei is equivalent to that found between other accipitrid taxa at the species level, as are pairwise divergences between each Little Eagle taxon and their sister species, the Booted Eagle A. pennata. The available morphological and genetic evidence thus strongly and unambiguously supports the specific distinctness of A. weiskei. We propose the English name Pygmy Eagle, as this is the world's smallest known eagle. We show that the distribution of A. weiskei includes the western part of New Guinea (Vogelkop) and the Moluccas (Halmahera, Ternate and Seram), based on our new observations

    Genes Suggest Ancestral Colour Polymorphisms Are Shared across Morphologically Cryptic Species in Arctic Bumblebees

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    email Suzanne orcd idCopyright: © 2015 Williams et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Transport of Babesia venatorum-infected Ixodes ricinus to Norway by northward migrating passerine birds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bovine babesiosis is regarded as a limited health problem for Norwegian cows, and the incidence has decreased markedly since the 1930s. Rare cases of babesiosis in splenectomised humans from infection with <it>Babesia divergens </it>and <it>B.venatorum </it>have been described. The objective of this study was to determine whether birds can introduce <it>Babesia</it>-infected ticks. There are between 30 and 85 million passerine birds that migrate to Norway every spring.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Passerine birds were examined for ticks at four bird observatories along the southern Norwegian coast during the spring migrations of 2003, 2004 and 2005. The presence of <it>Babesia </it>was detected in the nymphs of <it>Ixodes ricinus </it>by real-time PCR. Positive samples were confirmed using PCR, cloning and phylogenetic analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 512 ticks examined, real-time PCR revealed five to be positive (1.0%). Of these, four generated products that indicated the presence of <it>Babesia </it>spp.; each of these were confirmed to be from <it>Babesia venatorum </it>(EU1). Two of the four <it>B. venatorum</it>-positive ticks were caught from birds having an eastern migratory route (<it>P</it>< 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Birds transport millions of ticks across the North Sea, the Skagerrak and the Kattegat every year. Thus, even with the low prevalence of <it>Babesia</it>-infected ticks, a substantial number of infected ticks will be transported into Norway each year. Therefore, there is a continuous risk for introduction of new <it>Babesia </it>spp. into areas where <it>I. ricinus </it>can survive.</p


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Pelukis Ade Moelyana Dalam Mengembangkan Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang di Cimahi Kajian Historis Tahun 1969-2010”. Permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang di Cimahi dari tahun 1969-2010 dan keterkaitannya dengan potensi ekonomi dari seni lukis pelepah pisang yang terabaikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis yang melalui empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan sumber lisan maupun sumber tertulis, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Untuk memperdalam analisis, penulis menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosial dan ilmu ekonomi dengan memakai konsep-konsep seperti interaksi sosial, distribusi, ekonomi kreatif, kewirausahaan, dll. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hal ini dilakukan karena terbatasnya sumber tertulis yang mengkaji secara langsung mengenai permasalahan di atas. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1969. Seni lukis ini merupakan seni lukis yang unik karena menggunakan limbah dari pelepah pisang. Pada awal perkembangannya seni lukis ini tidak serta merta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat sekitar, dan barulah pada tahun 2002 seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini mengalami puncak perkembangan. Pasalnya seni lukis ini tidak hanya dipasarkan di Cimahi saja, melainkan sampai ke mancanegara. Seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sektor ekonomi kreatif dan dapat dijadikan sebagai lahan lapangan pekerjaan. Banyak upaya yang dilakukan oleh pelukis untuk mengembangkan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang, selain itu pula pemerintah turut serta dalam mengembangkan seni lukis pelepah pisang. Kata kunci : Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang, Ekonomi Kreatif, Pemasaran This skripsi titled Ade Moelyama role in developing the art painting of wasted banana leaves in Cimahi of historical studies from 1969 to 2010. The main issue studied in this skripsi was “How Development Art Painting of Wasted Banana Leaves in Cimahi from 1969 to 2010 and linkages with economic potential of art painting of banana leaves neglected. The method used is the historical method through four phases of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the author use the approach interdisciplinary through the study of social and economic by using concepts such as social interaction, distribution, creative economy, entrepreneurship, and other. A research technique used in this research is to use interview techniques. This is done because of the limited resources that examines written directly on the above problems. Based on the research results, the art painting of wasted banana leaves has existed since 1969. This painting is a painting that is unique because it uses waste form banan leaves. In the early development of art is not necessarily acceptable to the local community, and then in 2002 the art painting of wasted banana leaves is experiencing the peak development. This is because not only do marketing painting around Cimahi but abroad as well. Painting of wasted banana stalks can be used as a creative economic sector and creates jobs. Lack of awareness of the various parties to make this painting became dormant. Many attempts were made by the painter to develop the art of waste banana leaves, in addition the goverment also participated in the development the art of painting banana leaves. Keywords : Art Painting of Banana Leaves, Creative Economy, Marketin

    Vurdering av risiko for biologiske mangfold ved innfĂžrsel og utsetting av gjess, ender, kalkun, tamdue og struts

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    Gjershaug, J. O. 2012. Vurdering av risiko for biologiske mangfold ved innfĂžrsel og utsetting av gjess, ender, kalkun, tamdue og struts. – NINA Rapport 787. 81 s. Det er her gjennomfĂžrt en miljĂžrisikovurdering av innfĂžrsel og hold av domestiserte former (kultivformer) av gjess og ender, samt tamduer, kalkun, struts, emu og nandu. Tilsvarende vurdering er gjort for «villtyper» av andefugler som holdes eller som potensielt kan bli holdt som hobbydyr (svaner, prydgjess og prydender). Det er brukt samme metodikk som for den Ăžkologiske risikovurderingen av fremmede arter i Norge som er gjennomfĂžrt i regi av Artsdatabanken. Etter denne klassifiseringsmetoden vurderes artene langs to akser som beskrives av invasjonspotensiale (spredningsevnen) pĂ„ x-aksen og graden av Ăžkologisk effekt pĂ„ y-aksen. I praksis har vi brukt kriteriet forventet levetid for bestanden i Norge for invasjonspotensialet. For Ăžkologisk effekt har risiko for overfĂžring av genetisk materiale (introgresjon) blitt brukt. Domestiserte gjess og ender ble vurdert Ă„ ha lav risiko, mens tamduer, kalkun, struts, emu og nandu ble vurdert Ă„ ha ingen kjent risiko. Av 136 vurderte arter av ikke-domestiserte («ville») andefugler, ble 41 (30 %) vurdert Ă„ ha ing-en kjent risiko, 70 (51 %) Ă„ ha lav risiko, 23 (17 %) Ă„ ha potensiell hĂžg risiko («ÞstsĂŠdgĂ„s, tundragĂ„s, stripegĂ„s, snĂžgĂ„s, keisergĂ„s, eskimogĂ„s, polargĂ„s, rĂždhalsgĂ„s, kanvasand, kopperhodeand, australdykkand, alaotraand, amurand, hvitĂžyeand, maoriand, ringand, purpurho-deand, hjelmfiskand, stivhaleand, «andesstivhaleand», trommeand, kafferand og blĂ„nebband), 1 (1 %)Ă„ ha hĂžg risiko (niland) og 1 ( 1 %) Ă„ ha svĂŠrt hĂžg risiko (kanadagĂ„s). Artene som ble vurdert til de to fĂžrste kategoriene ble plassert pĂ„ den foreslĂ„tte positivlista. Med positivlista menes en generell tillatelse til Ă„ innfĂžre og holde disse artene i fangenskap. PĂ„ grunn av den potensielle faren for genforurensning fra rĂžmte fangenskapsfugler til ville stedegne arter av andefugler, bĂžr hold av tamfugler bare skje i inngjerdet omrĂ„de. Vingestekking i form av klipping av vingefjĂŠr for Ă„ redusere flygeevnen bĂžr bli pĂ„budt pĂ„ flygedyktige andefugler. Det er kjent fra andre land at fremmede fuglearter kan pĂ„virke stedegne arter ved Ă„ spre syk-dommer. Det finnes ingen samlet oversikt over registrerte sykdomstilfeller hos importert fremmede fuglearter til Norge, eller tilfeller av sykdommer hos stedegne fuglearter i Norge som kan relateres til smitte fra importerte fremmede fuglearter. Det bĂžr vurderes om det er behov for en mer omfattende utredning om dette sakskomplekset, noe som krever en veterinĂŠrmedisinsk kompetanse. Import av levende fugler til Norge er regulert gjennom en forskrift, for Ă„ hindre spredning av fuglesykdommer. Det anbefales at positivlista blir revidert innen 10 Ă„r for Ă„ se om klimaendringer og andre for-hold gjĂžr det nĂždvendig med justeringer

    Biodiversity assessment of the Fagaras Mountains, Romania

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    Linnell, J. D. C., Kaltenborn, B., Bredin, Y. & Gjershaug, J. O. (2016) Biodiversity assessment of the Fagaras Mountains, Romania - NINA Report 1236. 86 pp. This report aims to summarise the existing knowledge concerning the biodiversity of the Fagaras Mountains, in the southern Carpathians of Romania. It is intended to provide a basis for an assessment of the ecosystem services that are being provided, and that could be provided, by the area. The Fagaras Mountains consist of an uninterrupted 70-80 km long ridge that reaches to over 2500 m in altitude, with many side ridges branching off, creating a highly variable topography. As well as containing Romanian's highest mountain, it also contains the largest area of continuous alpine zone habitat in Romania. The slopes are covered with spruce forests at higher altitudes and mixed deciduous forests at lower altitudes. At lower altitudes land-use gives way extensive low-intensity agriculture at the forest-farmland interface, and then more intensive agriculture where soils permit. Most of the mountain range is protected within two Natura 2000 sites that combine to an area of 2436 km2, and these adjoin several other Natura 2000 sites, and other Romanian protected areas. Our biodiversity assessment consisted of collecting existing data from published and unpublished sources. Over 72% of the area is forested, with the rest consisting of alpine grasslands (25%) and rock, scree and bogs. Some patches of virgin forest have been identified along the northern slopes of the mountain range, and many areas have not been surveyed. The biodiversity of the Fagaras Mountains has not been as well studied as in many of the neighbouring regions, however, it was still possible to build up a good preliminary species of species diversity for some species groups, including mammals (57 species), birds (130 species), amphibians (17 species), reptiles (13 species), fish (12 species), freshwater crayfish (2 species), butterflies and moths (563 species), beetles (125 species), dragonflies (15 species), spiders (40 species), water-bugs (22 species), water-mites (28 species), lichens (144 species) and plants (895 species). For other species groups such as fungi (19 species), snails (6 species) and crickets (2 species) there is clearly a lot more registration to do before these species lists will become complete. Of these species, a total of 107 are of EU community interest, being listed on either the Habitats Directive or the Birds Directive. Many of the species are also on the national Romanian red list. In terms of its size, species diversity, and ecological integrity the Fagaras Mountains are clearly an area with a very high biodiversity value. The majority of the records we found come from only two areas that have been comparatively well studied (Sinca Noua and the Upper Dambovita river basin). As a result, further studies of new areas andother species groups are clearly going to lead to an increase in the areas known diversity. Most of the area is subject to multiple human land uses, such as forestry, hunting, livestock grazing, the gathering of berries and mushrooms and low-intensity agriculture. These have formerly been conducted with low intensity and in ways that have been largely compatible with biodiversity conservation. However, recent trends have been towards an intensification of all human activities in recent years, most visibly shown by the introduction of poorly regulated clearcutting of forests. In addition, the area has been subject to a lot of poorly planned development, such as small scale hydro-electric plants, second homes and tourist infrastructure. There is therefore a desperate need to establish land-use zoning plans and guidelines for practices (forestry, hunting, livestock grazing, gathering of non-timber forest products, infrastructure development, agriculture) that are compatible with the conservation objectives of the Natura 2000 site. While the urgency of the situation requires that this work start at once to avoid irreversible changes, a great deal of further work to map habitats and species is needed in order to fine tune management guidelines for the specific human activities and land-uses.Linnell, J. D. C., Kaltenborn, B., Bredin, Y. & Gjershaug, J. O. (2016) Biodiversity assessment of the Fagaras Mountains, Romania - NINA Report 1236. 86 s. Sammendrag Denne rapporten oppsummerer eksiterende kunnskap om det biologisk mangfoldet i Fagaras fjellene, i de sÞrlige Karpatene, Romania. Rapporten har til hensikt Ä fungere som et grunnlag for Ä vurdere bÄde de Þkosystemtjenestene som er utnyttet, og de som kan bli utnyttet i omrÄdet. Fagaras fjellene bestÄr av en 70-80 km lang uavbrutt fjellkjede som strekker seg til over 2500 meter over havet, som har mange siderygger som forgreiner seg. Dette skaper en svÊrt variabel topografi. Her finnes det hÞyeste fjellet i Romania, og det stÞrste sammenhengende omrÄdet med alpint habitat i Romania. Fjellsidene er dekket med granskog i hÞyereliggende omrÄder og blandet lauvskog i lavereliggende omrÄder. I de lavereliggende omrÄdene er det bÄde lavintensivt landbruk, og et mer intensivt jordbruk der jordsmonnet tillater det. StÞrsteparten av fjellkjeden er vernet i to Natura 2000 omrÄder. VÄr evaluering av biodiversiteten bestod av Ä samle eksisterende data fra publiserte og upubliserte kilder. Mer enn 72 % av arealet er skogkledd, og det resterende arealet bestÄr av gressletter (25 %), stein, ur og myrer. Noen flekker av urskog er identifisert langs de nordlige skrÄningene av fjellkjeden, men store omrÄder har ikke blitt kartlagt. Biodiversiteten har ikke blitt like godt studert i Fagaras fjellene som i mange av naboregionene. Det var likevel mulig Ä lage en god oversikt over artsmangfoldet for enkelte artsgrupper, inkludert pattedyr (57 arter), fugler (130 arter), amfibier (17 arter), reptiler (13 arter), fisk (12 arter), ferskvannskreps (2 arter), sommerfugler og mÞll (563 arter), biller (125 arter), Þyenstikkere (15 arter), edderkopper (40 arter), teger (22 arter), vannmidder (28 arter), lav (144 arter) og planter (895 arter). For andre artsgrupper som sopp (19 arter), snegler (6 arter) og sirisser (2 arter), sÄ er det behov for mye mer registrering fÞr artslistene er komplette. Av artene som er funnet i omrÄdet, er 107 listet pÄ enten EUs habitatdirektivet eller fugledirektivet. Mange av artene er ogsÄ pÄ den nasjonale rumenske rÞdlista. I forhold til sin stÞrrelse, artsmangfold og Þkologisk integritet sÄ er Fagaras fjellene uten tvil et omrÄde med hÞy verdi for biologisk mangfold. Flertallet av artsregistering som vi fant kommer fra to omrÄder som er relativt godt undersÞkt (Sinca Noua og Upper Damouvitavassdraget). Dersom det utfÞres lignende undersÞkelser i andre omrÄder i fjellkjeden, kan det forventes store forbedringer i artslisten for omrÄdet. Ved nyregistreringer bÞr det ogsÄ fokuseres pÄ andre taksonomiske grupper av stor betydning som for eksempel bier, veps og maur Landskapet i omrÄdet er i stor grad pÄvirket av mennesker i form av skogbruk, jakt, beite, hÞsting av bÊr og sopp og lavintensivt landbruk. Dette har tidligere blitt utfÞrt med lav intensitet og pÄ mÄter som i stor grad er forenelig med bevaring av biologisk mangfold. I de senere Är har trenden gÄtt mot en Þkning av menneskskapt aktiviteter. Dette er er mest synlig i form av dÄrlig regulering av hogstflater. I tillegg har utviklingen , som for eksempel smÄskala vannkraftanlegg, fritidsboliger og infrastruktur i forbindelse med turisme, i omrÄdet vÊrt dÄrlig planlagt og har fÞrt til negativ innvirkning pÄ biodiversiteten. Det er et stort behov for Ä etablere reguleringsplaner for arealene og retningslinjer for ulike aktiviteter (skogbruk, jakt, husdyr beite, innsamling av sopp og bÊr, konstruksjon, landbruk), som er forenlige med verneformÄlet i Natura 2000 omrÄdene. Alvoret i situasjonen krever at dette arbeidet starter med en gang for Ä unngÄ irreversible endringer. Det gjenstÄr ogsÄ mye arbeid i Ä kartlegge naturtyper og arter, som er nÞdvendig for Ä kunne utvikler detaljert retningslinjer for forvaltningen av de spesifikke menneskelige aktivitetene og arealbruken.© Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Publikasjonen kan siteres fritt med kildeangivelse

    TARGET as a tool for prioritising biodiversity conservation payments on private land - a sensitivity analysis

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    The report is a companion to Barton, Faith et al. (2003) which motivates the use of the software TARGET for the prioritisation of biodiversity conservation payments on private land, or so-called “environmental service payments” in the Costa Rican context. The present report conducts an extensive sensitivity analysis for a number of variables that were deemed critical by managers reviewing initial TARGET results. Three different approaches to constructing the biodiversity indicators (attribute-based, PCA, and k-means) are followed, showing that the cost-efficient set of locations is most sensitive to this variable. The importance of the geographical scale and resolution of the environmental data for prioritisation of areas to receive payments is evaluated as these assumptions also implicitely define the comprehensiveness of the surrogate biodiversity indicator. Similarly, the generation of information on the opportunity cost of land-use for the whole study area is shown to be very sensitive to the GIS techniques used. Nevertheless, given an agreed set of assumptions on how to evaluate the existing georeferenced environmental and economic data – the TARGET algorithm provides quite robust and reliable sets of priority locations
