146 research outputs found

    Experimental confirmation of oscillating properties of the complex conductivity: Dielectric study of polymerization/vitrification reaction

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    Clear evidence of the existence of fractional kinetics containing the complex power-law exponents were obtained by conductivity measurements of polymerization reaction of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) performed inside a dielectric cell. We established the relationship between the Fourier image R(jω) of the complex memory function K(t) and the time-dependent mean square displacement 〈r2(t)〉. This relationship helps to understand the origin of the different power-law exponents appearing in the real part of complex conductivity Re[σ(ω)] and find a physical/geometrical meaning of the power-law exponents that can form the complex-conjugated values. The complex-conjugated values of the power-law exponents leading to oscillating behavior of conductivity follows from the fractional kinetics suggested by one of the authors (R.R.N.). The relationships [R(jω)⇔Re[σ(ω)]⇔〈r2(t)〉] are becoming very efficient in classification of different types of collective motions belonging to light and heavy carriers involved in the relaxation/transfer process. The conductivity data obtained for Re[σ(ω)] during the whole polymerization process of the PVP at different temperatures (80, 90, 100 °C) are very well described by the fitting function that follows from the suggested theory. Original fitting procedure based on the application of the eigen-coordinates (ECs) method helps to provide a reliable fitting procedure in two stages and use the well-developed and statistically stable linear least square method (LLSM) for obtaining the correct values of the fitting parameters that describe the behavior of Re[σ(ω, Tr)] in the available frequency range for the current time of the chemical reaction Tr measured during the whole process of polymerization. The suggested theory gives a unique possibility to classify the basic types of motions that take place during the whole polymerization process. © 2007

    The first experimental confirmation of the fractional kinetics containing the complex-power-law exponents: Dielectric measurements of polymerization reactions

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    For the first time we achieved incontestable evidence that the real process of dielectric relaxation during the polymerization reaction of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is described in terms of the fractional kinetic equations containing complex-power-law exponents. The possibility of the existence of the fractional kinetics containing non-integer complex-power-law exponents follows from the general theory of dielectric relaxation that has been suggested recently by one of the authors (R.R.N). Based on the physical/geometrical meaning of the fractional integral with complex exponents there is a possibility to develop a general theory of dielectric relaxation based on the self-similar (fractal) character of the reduced (averaged) microprocesses that take place in the mesoscale region. This theory contains some essential predictions related to existence of the non-integer power-law kinetics and the results of this paper can be considered as the first confirmation of existence of the kinetic phenomena that are described by fractional derivatives with complex-power-law exponents. We want to stress here that with the help of a new complex fitting function for the complex permittivity it becomes possible to describe the whole process for real and imaginary parts simultaneously throughout the admissible frequency range (30 Hz-13 MHz). The fitting parameters obtained for the complex permittivity function for three temperatures (70, 90 and 110 °C) confirm in general the picture of reaction that was known qualitatively before. They also reveal some new features, which improve the interpretation of the whole polymerization process. We hope that these first results obtained in the paper will serve as a good stimulus for other researches to find the traces of the existence of new fractional kinetics in other relaxation processes unrelated to the dielectric relaxation. These results should lead to the reconsideration and generalization of irreversibility and kinetic phenomena that can take place for many linear non-equilibrium systems. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A Periodic Table for Black Hole Orbits

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    Understanding the dynamics around rotating black holes is imperative to the success of the future gravitational wave observatories. Although integrable in principle, test particle orbits in the Kerr spacetime can also be elaborate, and while they have been studied extensively, classifying their general properties has been a challenge. This is the first in a series of papers that adopts a dynamical systems approach to the study of Kerr orbits, beginning with equatorial orbits. We define a taxonomy of orbits that hinges on a correspondence between periodic orbits and rational numbers. The taxonomy defines the entire dynamics, including aperiodic motion, since every orbit is in or near the periodic set. A remarkable implication of this periodic orbit taxonomy is that the simple precessing ellipse familiar from planetary orbits is not allowed in the strong-field regime. Instead, eccentric orbits trace out precessions of multi-leaf clovers in the final stages of inspiral. Furthermore, for any black hole, there is some point in the strong-field regime past which zoom-whirl behavior becomes unavoidable. Finally, we sketch the potential application of the taxonomy to problems of astrophysical interest, in particular its utility for computationally intensive gravitational wave calculations.Comment: 42 pages, lots of figure

    Estudio, medida y mitigación de la concentración de radón en la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidade da Coruña

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    A study of radon concentration has been carried out at the University of A Coruña’s Technical Architecture School. For that purpose, soil and construction materials, as well as building location have been analyzed. After that, measurements have been performed in order to find out radon concentrations. Two techniques have been used to make that enquiry for both short term and long term measurements: for short term, measurements were made using an on-site ionization chamber detector, while, for long term, trace detectors have been employed. Due to the results, and according with the Spanish Law (Spanish Official Bulletin – Boletín Oficial del Estado, of December 21, 2011, IS-33 Instruction), corrective works have taken place (cracks sealing, installation of a forced ventilation system) in order to diminish the high radon concentrations. After works, new measurements proved that radon concentration values lowered about 50 % and 90 %.Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la concentración de gas radón en la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidade da Coruña. Para ello se ha analizado la ubicación del edificio, el terreno y los materiales de construcción empleados. A continuación se han efectuado mediciones para determinar la concentración de gas radón, empleando dos técnicas: medida in situ con un detector de cámara de ionización (corto espacio de tiempo), y medida con detectores de trazas (largo espacio de tiempo). En función de los resultados obtenidos, y teniendo en cuenta la legislación vigente (BOE, Instrucción IS-33, de 21 de diciembre de 2011), se han efectuado medidas correctoras (sellado de grietas, instalación de un sistema mecánico de ventilación) con el objetivo de mitigar las elevadas concentraciones de radón. Tras la ejecución de dichas medidas correctoras se efectuaron nuevas mediciones, verificándose la mitigación de radón en valores que oscilan entre el 50 y el 90 %

    Ayuda Memoria Necesidades y soluciones para la imlementación de servicios energéticos en instituciones públicas y privadas Posibilidades para el FASERT

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    Presenta los principales hallazgos y resultados de los Talleres participativos, auspiciados por FASERT, a fin de conocer las necesidades de asistencia técnica y posibles soluciones que se vislumbran para el escalamiento de los programas sociales del sector público, desde la óptica los diversos actores involucrados

    Dinamizando el mercado de energía renobable térmica para incrementar los ingresos y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores del Perú

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    El material presenta algunas estadísticas para contextualizar la situación en Perú y sus logros en cuanto a los proyecto que encentivan la energía renovable, además de una breve introducción a intentificar la tecnología para generar fuente renobable térmica.Presents statistics to contextualize the situation in Peru and its achievements projects that encourage renewable energy, as well as a brief introduction to trying the technology to generate renewable thermal sources

    Formation of Interstellar Clouds: Parker Instability with Phase Transitions

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    We follow numerically the nonlinear evolution of the Parker instability in the presence of phase transitions from a warm to a cold HI interstellar medium in two spatial dimensions. The nonlinear evolution of the system favors modes that allow the magnetic field lines to cross the galactic plane. Cold HI clouds form with typical masses ~= 10^5 M_sun, mean densities ~= 20 cm^-3, mean magnetic field strengths ~= 4.3 muG (rms field strengths ~= 6.4 muG), mass-to-flux ratios ~= 0.1 - 0.3 relative to critical, temperatures ~= 50 K, (two-dimensional) turbulent velocity dispersions ~= 1.6 km s^-1, and separations ~= 500 pc, in agreement with observations. The maximum density and magnetic field strength are ~= 10^3 cm^-3 and ~= 20 muG, respectively. Approximately 60% of all HI mass is in the warm neutral medium. The cold neutral medium is arranged into sheet-like structures both perpendicular and parallel to the galactic plane, but it is also found almost everywhere in the galactic plane, with the density being highest in valleys of the magnetic field lines. `Cloudlets' also form whose physical properties are in quantitative agreement with those observed for such objects by Heiles (1967). The nonlinear phase of the evolution takes ~< 30 Myr, so that, if the instability is triggered by a nonlinear perturbation such as a spiral density shock wave, interstellar clouds can form within a time suggested by observations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS; high-resolution color figures may be found at https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/mkunz/MKC08

    I will not go, I cannot go: cultural and social limitations of disaster preparedness in Asia, Africa, and Oceania

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    While much work has been invested in addressing the economic and technical basis of disaster preparedness, less effort has been directed towards understanding the cultural and social obstacles to and opportunities for disaster risk reduction. This paper presents local insights from five different national settings into the cultural and social contexts of disaster preparedness. In most cases, an early warning system was in place, but it failed to alert people to diverse environmental shocks. The research findings show that despite geographical and typological differences in these locations, the limitations of the systems were fairly similar. In Kenya, people received warnings, but from contradictory systems, whereas in the Philippines and on the island of Saipan, people did not understand the messages or take them seriously. In Bangladesh and Nepal, however, a deeper cultural and religious reasoning serves to explain disasters, and how to prevent them or find safety when they strike