99 research outputs found

    Minimal residual disease detection with tumor-specific CD160 correlates with event-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) correlates with outcome in the trial setting. However, MRD assessment does not guide routine clinical management and its assessment remains complex. We incorporated detection of the B cell, tumor-specific antigen CD160 to develop a single-tube, flow cytometry assay (CD160FCA) for CLL MRD to a threshold of 10(−4) to 10(−5). One hundred and eighty-seven patients treated for CLL were enrolled. Utilizing the CD160FCA methodology, there was a high level of comparison between blood and bone marrow (R=0.87, P<0.001). In a validation cohort, CD160FCA and the international standardised approach of the European Research Initiative on CLL group demonstrated high concordance (R=0.91, P<0.01). Patients in complete remission (CR) and CD160FCA negative had longer event-free survival (EFS) (63 vs 16 months, P<0.01) and prolonged time to next treatment (60 vs 15 months, P<0.001) vs MRD positive patients; with a median time to MRD positivity of 36 months. In multivariate analysis, CD160FCA MRD detection was independently predictive of EFS in patients in CR and even predicted EFS in the good-risk cytogenetic subgroup. CD160FCA offers a simple assay for MRD detection in CLL and gives prognostic information across different CLL risk groups

    White matter tract disconnection in Gerstmann's syndrome: Insights from a single case study

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    It has been suggested that Gerstmann's syndrome is the result of subcortical disconnection rather than emerging from damage of a multifunctional brain region within the parietal lobe. However, patterns of white matter tract disconnection following parietal damage have been barely investigated. This single case study allows characterising Gerstmann's syndrome in terms of disconnected networks. We report the case of a left parietal patient affected by Gerstmann's tetrad: agraphia, acalculia, left/right orientation problems, and finger agnosia. Lesion mapping, atlas-based estimation of probability of disconnection, and DTI-based tractography revealed that the lesion was mainly located in the superior parietal lobule, and it caused disruption of both intraparietal tracts passing through the inferior parietal lobule (e.g., tracts connecting the angular, supramarginal, postcentral gyri, and the superior parietal lobule) and fronto-parietal long tracts (e.g., the superior longitudinal fasciculus). The lesion site appears to be located more superiorly as compared to the cerebral regions shown active by other studies during tasks impaired in the syndrome, and it reached the subcortical area potentially critical in the emergence of the syndrome, as hypothesised in previous studies. Importantly, the reconstruction of tracts connecting regions within the parietal lobe indicates that this critical subcortical area is mainly crossed by white matter tracts connecting the angular gyrus and the superior parietal lobule. Taken together, these findings suggest that this case study might be considered as empirical evidence of Gerstmann's tetrad caused by disconnection of intraparietal white matter tracts

    The p.(Cys150Tyr) variant in CSRP3 is associated with late-onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in heterozygous individuals

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Up to 50% of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) show no disease-causing variants in genetic studies. Mutations in CSRP3 have been associated with HCM, but evidence supporting pathogenicity is inconclusive. In this study, we describe an HCM cohort with a missense variant in CSRP3 (p.Cys150Tyr) with supporting evidence for pathogenicity and a description of the associated phenotype. METHODS: CSRP3 was sequenced in 6456 index cases with a diagnosis of HCM and in 5012 probands with other cardiomyopathies. In addition, 3372 index cases with hereditary cardiovascular disorders other than cardiomyopathies (mainly channelopathies and aortopathies) were used as controls. RESULTS: The p.(Cys150Tyr) variant was identified in 11 unrelated individuals of the 6456 HCM probands, and it was not identified in patients with other cardiomyopathies (p < 0.0001) or in our control population (p < 0.0001). Ten of the index cases were heterozygous and one was homozygous. Homozygous had a more severe phenotype. Family screening identified 17 other carriers. Wild-type individuals showed no signs of disease. The mean age at diagnosis of affected individuals was 55 ± 13 years, and the mean left ventricular wall thickness was 18 ± 3 mm. The variant showed highly age-dependent penetrance. After a mean follow-up of 11 (±8) years, no adverse events were reported in any of the HCM patients. CONCLUSIONS: The p.(Cys150Tyr) variant in CSRP3 causes late-onset and low risk form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in heterozygous carriers

    Fístulas coronarias congénitas, un reto en el manejo terapéutico

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    Congenital coronary fistulas are uncommon vascular anomalies. They typically progress asymptomatically andare identified in the evaluation a heart murmur. Clinical follow-up and multimodal imaging are crucial for establishing appropriate management for each case. We present a patient who has been followed 25 years of followup for multiple coronary fistulas with significant left-to-left shunting, leading to left ventricular dilation that physiopathologically mimics severe aortic regurgitation. Therapeutic management will depend on clinical evolutionand the anatomical feasibility of closing the fistulous pathways.Las fístulas coronarias congénitas son anomalías vasculares poco comunes. Generalmente son asintomáticas y se diagnostican en el estudio de un soplo cardíaco. El seguimiento clínico y por imagen multimodal es esencial para establecer un manejo adecuado para cada paciente. Presentamos el caso de un varón que lleva 25 de años de seguimiento por múltiples fístulas coronarias con un importante cortocircuito izquierda-izquierda que ha causado una dilatación ventricular izquierda con una fisiopatología similar al de una insuficiencia aórtica severa. El manejo terapéutico dependerá de la evolución clínica y de la factibilidad anatómica para realizar el cierre de los trayectos fistulosos

    A questionnaire to collect unintended effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation: A consensus based approach

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been widely used in both clinical and research practice. However, TMS might induce unintended sensations and undesired effects as well as serious adverse effects. To date, no shared forms are available to report such unintended effects. This study aimed at developing a questionnaire enabling reporting of TMS unintended effects. A Delphi procedure was applied which allowed consensus among TMS experts. A steering committee nominated a number of experts to be involved in the Delphi procedure. Three rounds were conducted before reaching a consen-sus. Afterwards, the questionnaire was publicized on the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology website to collect further suggestions by the wider scientific community. A last Delphi round was then conducted to obtain consensus on the suggestions collected during the publiciza-tion and integrate them in the questionnaire. The procedure resulted in a questionnaire, that is the TMSens_Q, applicable in clinical and research settings. Routine use of the structured TMS questionnaire and standard reporting of unintended TMS effects will help to monitor the safety of TMS, particularly when applying new protocols. It will also improve the quality of data collection as well as the interpre-tation of experimental findings.(c) 2022 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    A novel role for the immunophilin FKBP52 in motor coordination

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    FKBP52 is a ubiquitously distributed immunophilin that has been associated with wideranging functions in cell signalling as well as hormonal and stress responses. Amongst other pathways, it acts via complex-formation with corticosteroid receptors and has consequently been associated with stress- and age-related neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Reduced levels of FKBP52 have been linked to tau dysfunction and amyloid beta toxicity in AD. However, FKBP52’s role in cognition and neurodegenerative disorder-like phenotypes remained to be elucidated. The present study aimed therefore at investigating the cognitive and behavioural effects of reduced FKBP52 levels of genetically modified mice during ageing. Female and male FKBP52+/+, FKBP52+/- and FKBP52-/- mice were compared at two-, ten-, twelve-, fifteenand eighteen-months-of-age in a series of behavioural tests covering specie-specific behaviour, motor activity and coordination, fear-, spatial and recognition memory as well as curiosity and emotionality. Whilst cognitively unimpaired, FKBP52+/- mice performed worse on an accelerating rotating rod than FKBP52+/+ littermates across all age-groups suggesting that FKBP52 is involved in processes controlling motor coordination. This deficit did not exacerbate with age but did worsen with repeated testing; pointing towards a role for FKBP52 in learning of tasks requiring motor coordination abilities. This study contributes to the knowledge base of FKBP52’s implication in neurodegenerative diseases by demonstrating that FKBP52 by itself does not directly affect cognition and may therefore rather play an indirect, modulatory role in the functional pathology of AD, whereas it directly affects motor coordination, an early sign of neurodegenerative damages to the brain

    Membrane-Bound IL-21 Promotes Sustained Ex Vivo Proliferation of Human Natural Killer Cells

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    NK cells have therapeutic potential for a wide variety of human malignancies. However, because NK cells expand poorly in vitro, have limited life spans in vivo, and represent a small fraction of peripheral white blood cells, obtaining sufficient cell numbers is the major obstacle for NK-cell immunotherapy. Genetically-engineered artificial antigen-presenting cells (aAPCs) expressing membrane-bound IL-15 (mbIL15) have been used to propagate clinical-grade NK cells for human trials of adoptive immunotherapy, but ex vivo proliferation has been limited by telomere shortening. We developed K562-based aAPCs with membrane-bound IL-21 (mbIL21) and assessed their ability to support human NK-cell proliferation. In contrast to mbIL15, mbIL21-expressing aAPCs promoted log-phase NK cell expansion without evidence of senescence for up to 6 weeks of culture. By day 21, parallel expansion of NK cells from 22 donors demonstrated a mean 47,967-fold expansion (median 31,747) when co-cultured with aAPCs expressing mbIL21 compared to 825-fold expansion (median 325) with mbIL15. Despite the significant increase in proliferation, mbIL21-expanded NK cells also showed a significant increase in telomere length compared to freshly obtained NK cells, suggesting a possible mechanism for their sustained proliferation. NK cells expanded with mbIL21 were similar in phenotype and cytotoxicity to those expanded with mbIL15, with retained donor KIR repertoires and high expression of NCRs, CD16, and NKG2D, but had superior cytokine secretion. The mbIL21-expanded NK cells showed increased transcription of the activating receptor CD160, but otherwise had remarkably similar mRNA expression profiles of the 96 genes assessed. mbIL21-expanded NK cells had significant cytotoxicity against all tumor cell lines tested, retained responsiveness to inhibitory KIR ligands, and demonstrated enhanced killing via antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity. Thus, aAPCs expressing mbIL21 promote improved proliferation of human NK cells with longer telomeres and less senescence, supporting their clinical use in propagating NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy

    CD160-Associated CD8 T-Cell Functional Impairment Is Independent of PD-1 Expression.

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    Expression of co-inhibitory molecules is generally associated with T-cell dysfunction in chronic viral infections such as HIV or HCV. However, their relative contribution in the T-cell impairment remains unclear. In the present study, we have evaluated the impact of the expression of co-inhibitory molecules such as 2B4, PD-1 and CD160 on the functions of CD8 T-cells specific to influenza, EBV and CMV. We show that CD8 T-cell populations expressing CD160, but not PD-1, had reduced proliferation capacity and perforin expression, thus indicating that the functional impairment in CD160+ CD8 T cells may be independent of PD-1 expression. The blockade of CD160/CD160-ligand interaction restored CD8 T-cell proliferation capacity, and the extent of restoration directly correlated with the ex vivo proportion of CD160+ CD8 T cells suggesting that CD160 negatively regulates TCR-mediated signaling. Furthermore, CD160 expression was not up-regulated upon T-cell activation or proliferation as compared to PD-1. Taken together, these results provide evidence that CD160-associated CD8 T-cell functional impairment is independent of PD-1 expression