4,268 research outputs found

    Proton recoil polarization in exclusive (e,e'pp) reactions

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    The general formalism of nucleon recoil polarization in the (e,eNN{\vec e},e'{\vec N}N) reaction is given. Numerical predictions are presented for the components of the outgoing proton polarization and of the polarization transfer coefficient in the specific case of the exclusive 16^{16}O(e,epp{\vec e},e'{\vec p}p)14^{14}C knockout reaction leading to discrete states in the residual nucleus. Reaction calculations are performed in a direct knockout framework where final-state interactions and one-body and two-body currents are included. The two-nucleon overlap integrals are obtained from a calculation of the two-proton spectral function of 16^{16}O where long-range and short-range correlations are consistently included. The comparison of results obtained in different kinematics confirms that resolution of different final states in the 16^{16}O(e,epp{\vec e},e'{\vec p}p)14^{14}C reaction may act as a filter to disentangle and separately investigate the reaction processes due to short-range correlations and two-body currents and indicates that measurements of the components of the outgoing proton polarization may offer good opportunities to study short-range correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Correlation functions at small quark masses with overlap fermions

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    We report on recent work on the determination of low-energy constants describing Delta{S}=1 weak transitions, in order to investigate the origins of the Delta{I}=1/2 rule. We focus on numerical techniques designed to enhance the statistical signal in three-point correlation functions computed with overlap fermions near the chiral limit.Comment: Talk presented at Lattice2004(weak), Fermilab, 21-26 June 2004, 3 pages, 2 figure

    Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD:a finite-size scaling study on the lattice

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    Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD with massless quarks at infinite volume can be seen in a finite box by studying, for instance, the dependence of the chiral condensate from the volume and the quark mass. We perform a feasibility study of this program by computing the quark condensate on the lattice in the quenched approximation of QCD at small quark masses. We carry out simulations in various topological sectors of the theory at several volumes, quark masses and lattice spacings by employing fermions with an exact chiral symmetry, and we focus on observables which are infrared stable and free from mass-dependent ultraviolet divergences. The numerical calculation is carried out with an exact variance-reduction technique, which is designed to be particularly efficient when spontaneous symmetry breaking is at work in generating a few very small low-lying eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. The finite-size scaling behaviour of the condensate in the topological sectors considered agrees, within our statistical accuracy, with the expectations of the chiral effective theory. Close to the chiral limit we observe a detailed agreement with the first Leutwyler-Smilga sum rule. By comparing the mass, the volume and the topology dependence of our results with the predictions of the chiral effective theory, we extract the corresponding low-energy constant.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Non-perturbative renormalisation of left-left four-fermion operators with Neuberger fermions

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    We outline a general strategy for the non-perturbative renormalisation of composite operators in discretisations based on Neuberger fermions, via a matching to results obtained with Wilson-type fermions. As an application, we consider the renormalisation of the four-quark operators entering the Delta S=1 and Delta S=2 effective Hamiltonians. Our results are an essential ingredient for the determination of the low-energy constants governing non-leptonic kaon decays.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Topological susceptibility in the SU(3) gauge theory

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    We compute the topological susceptibility for the SU(3) Yang--Mills theory by employing the expression of the topological charge density operator suggested by Neuberger's fermions. In the continuum limit we find r_0^4 chi = 0.059(3), which corresponds to chi=(191 +/- 5 MeV)^4 if F_K is used to set the scale. Our result supports the Witten--Veneziano explanation for the large mass of the eta'.Comment: Final version to appear on Phys. Rev. Let

    Relativistic descriptions of quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering: application to scaling and superscaling ideas

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    The analysis of the recent experimental data on charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections measured at MiniBooNE requires fully relativistic theoretical descriptions also accounting for the role of final state interactions. In this work we evaluate inclusive quasielastic differential neutrino cross sections within the framework of the relativistic impulse approximation. Results based on the relativistic mean field potential are compared with the ones corresponding to the relativistic Green function approach. An analysis of scaling and superscaling properties provided by both models is also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Short-range and tensor correlations in the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn) reaction

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    The cross sections for electron induced two-nucleon knockout reactions are evaluated for the example of the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn)14^{14}N reaction leading to discrete states in the residual nucleus 14^{14}N. These calculations account for the effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and include the contributions of two-body meson exchange currents as the pion seagull, pion in flight and the isobar current contribution. The effects of short-range as well as tensor correlations are calculated within the framework of the coupled cluster method employing the Argonne V14 potential as a model for a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The relative importance of correlation effects as compared to the contribution of the meson exchange currents depends on the final state of the residual nucleus. The cross section leading to specific states, like e.g. the ground state of 14^{14}N, is rather sensitive to the details of the correlated wave function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures include

    Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Elimination

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    Let S0S_0 be a smooth and compact real variety given by a reduced regular sequence of polynomials f1,...,fpf_1, ..., f_p. This paper is devoted to the algorithmic problem of finding {\em efficiently} a representative point for each connected component of S0S_0 . For this purpose we exhibit explicit polynomial equations that describe the generic polar varieties of S0S_0. This leads to a procedure which solves our algorithmic problem in time that is polynomial in the (extrinsic) description length of the input equations f1,>...,fpf_1, >..., f_p and in a suitably introduced, intrinsic geometric parameter, called the {\em degree} of the real interpretation of the given equation system f1,>...,fpf_1, >..., f_p.Comment: 32 page

    Polar Varieties, Real Equation Solving and Data-Structures: The hypersurface case

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    In this paper we apply for the first time a new method for multivariate equation solving which was developed in \cite{gh1}, \cite{gh2}, \cite{gh3} for complex root determination to the {\em real} case. Our main result concerns the problem of finding at least one representative point for each connected component of a real compact and smooth hypersurface. The basic algorithm of \cite{gh1}, \cite{gh2}, \cite{gh3} yields a new method for symbolically solving zero-dimensional polynomial equation systems over the complex numbers. One feature of central importance of this algorithm is the use of a problem--adapted data type represented by the data structures arithmetic network and straight-line program (arithmetic circuit). The algorithm finds the complex solutions of any affine zero-dimensional equation system in non-uniform sequential time that is {\em polynomial} in the length of the input (given in straight--line program representation) and an adequately defined {\em geometric degree of the equation system}. Replacing the notion of geometric degree of the given polynomial equation system by a suitably defined {\em real (or complex) degree} of certain polar varieties associated to the input equation of the real hypersurface under consideration, we are able to find for each connected component of the hypersurface a representative point (this point will be given in a suitable encoding). The input equation is supposed to be given by a straight-line program and the (sequential time) complexity of the algorithm is polynomial in the input length and the degree of the polar varieties mentioned above.Comment: Late