303 research outputs found

    Forbidden islands. The absence of endemics among the insular non-volant terrestrial mammalian fauna of the Red Sea

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    The Red Sea is a land-locked sea that is globally significant in terms of the unique biodiversity and endemism of its marine species. In contrast, the terrestrial biodiversity on its islands is poor and mainly composed of species present also on the mainland. To profile the non-volant terrestrial mammalian fauna, we reviewed all available records in the literature and report some recent captures; in particular, we point out two additional species from the Dahlak archipelago: the Northeast African spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus) and a still undetermined shrew (Crocidura sp.). As far as we know, the only endemic vertebrates are three species of snake (Squamata, Serpentes) and perhaps one gazelle (Gazella arabica). The composition of the insular mammalian fauna of the Red Sea is olygotypic, consisting of only a few taxa, mostly anthropochorous, that are shared with the mainland of eastern Africa and/or western Arabia, and which are repeated monotonously on the few islands inhabited by mammals. A lack of endemic mammals can be explained as the result of the only recent connection of almost all the islands with the mainland during the Last Glacial Maximum and by the harsh climatic conditions that allow the survival of only a few xeric specialists

    Milk somatic cell count and its relationship with milk yield and quality traits in Italian water buffaloes.

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    ABSTRACT In Southern Italy, buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) milk is mostly intended for the manufacture of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) cheese. Despite the economic boost of the last 2 decades, the buffalo farming system should be improved to maximize the efficiency of the dairy industry, improve yield and quality of milk and cheese, and work toward better animal welfare. Milk somatic cell count (SCC) is used worldwide as an indicator of udder health in individual milk and is useful for monitoring farm hygiene in bulk milk. Mastitis data are currently not available on a large scale in Italy; thus, SCC is essential for identifying animals with suspected udder infection and inflammation. Moreover, high milk SCC is associated with altered composition and acidity, and poor technological properties of milk. However, payment systems of the PDO area are based simply on the delivered volume of milk rather than on quality characteristics. Hence, currently there are no penalties for elevated SCC in bulk milk in the Italian buffalo dairy industry. In addition, SCC for buffalo milk is not mentioned by either the European Community regulations or the PDO protocol, evidencing a lack of rules for the maximum SCC limit. To provide a phenotypic characterization of SCC at the population level and to improve knowledge on buffalo milk quality, 876,299 test-day records of 70,156 buffaloes reared in the PDO area were analyzed. Data revealed that around 11% of herd-test-dates (≥5 animals sampled each) showed average milk SCC ≥400,000 cells/mL (i.e., above the threshold fixed by the European Community for bovine milk). This suggests that there is room to improve SCC at both the farm and individual level. Within first parity, more than 28 and 15% of lactations had average SCC ≥200,000 and ≥300,000 cells/mL, respectively. Both percentages increased with parity and were 39 and 25% in sixth parity, respectively. Supporting this, the proportion of lactations with average SCC ≥500,000 cells/mL increased from 6% in first parity to 12% in sixth parity. Milk yield and SCC were negatively correlated with each other, especially when SCC level was high. An ANOVA was carried out on test-day record milk yield and composition traits, with fixed effects of parity, lactation stage, class of somatic cell score (n = 6), month of calving, and their interactions; buffalo, herd-test-date, and residual were considered random effects. Significantly lower milk yield and lactose percentage were estimated in progressively higher classes of somatic cell score, whereas no significant differences were observed for fat and protein percentages. This is the first attempt to investigate milk SCC in a large data set of Italian dairy buffaloes. These findings may be helpful for defining reliable and effective SCC thresholds to be adopted whenever specific penalties for high SCC are included in milk payment systems. Finally, these results could be used in mastitis monitoring plans aiming to reduce SCC and udder issues at both the individual and farm levels in the Italian buffalo population

    Space tests of the strong equivalence principle:BepiColombo and the Sun-Earth Lagrangian points opportunity

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    The validity of General Relativity, after 100 years, is supported by solid experimental evidence. However, there is a lot of interest in pushing the limits of precision by other experiments. Here we focus our attention on the equivalence principle, in particular the strong form. The results of ground experiments and lunar laser ranging have provided the best upper limit on the Nordtvedt parameter {\eta} that models deviations from the strong equivalence principle. Its uncertainty is currently {\sigma}[{\eta}] =4.4 ×\times 10−410^{-4}. In the first part of this paper we will describe the experiment, to measure {\eta}, that will be done by the future mission BepiColombo. The expected precision on {\eta} is ≈\approx 10−510^{-5}. In the second part we will consider the ranging between the Earth and a spacecraft orbiting near the Sun-Earth Lagrangian points to get an independent measurement of {\eta}. In this case, we forecast a constraint similar to that achieved by lunar laser ranging.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    A quasi-complete mechanical model for a double torsion pendulum

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    We present a dynamical model for the double torsion pendulum nicknamed PETER, where one torsion pendulum hangs in cascade, but off-axis, from the other. The dynamics of interest in these devices lies around the torsional resonance, that is at very low frequencies (mHz). However, we find that, in order to properly describe the forced motion of the pendulums, also other modes must be considered, namely swinging and bouncing oscillations of the two suspended masses, that resonate at higher frequencies (Hz). Although the system has obviously 6+6 Degrees of Freedom, we find that 8 are sufficient for an accurate description of the observed motion. This model produces reliable estimates of the response to generic external disturbances and actuating forces or torques. In particular, we compute the effect of seismic floor motion (tilt noise) on the low frequency part of the signal spectra and show that it properly accounts for most of the measured low frequency noise.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Sporotrichoid Mycobacterium marinum infection in an elderly woman

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    We describe the case of an elderly woman who acquired a Mycobacterium marinum infection following skin exposure to the bacteria through a small wound on her right ring finger, obtained while preparing fish. The resultant sporotrichoid nodules of the right hand and the distal forearm, refractory to the initial therapy with doxycycline and rifampicin, were successfully treated with oral regimen of clarithromycin. \ua9 2015 by the article author(s)

    Sporotrichoid Mycobacterium marinum infection in an elderly woman

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    We describe the case of an elderly woman who acquired a Mycobacterium marinum infection following skin exposure to the bacteria through a small wound on her right ring finger, obtained while preparing fish. The resultant sporotrichoid nodules of the right hand and the distal forearm, refractory to the initial therapy with doxycycline and rifampicin, were successfully treated with oral regimen of clarithromycin

    Dati VIIRS-Nightfire per il monitoraggio del gas flaring in Amazzonia: il caso Yasun\ued

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    L\u2019estrazione di combustibili fossili \ue8 un\u2019attivit\ue0 che ha ormai raggiunto aree remote ad alta diversit\ue0 biologica e culturale, tra le quali desta gran preoccupazione l\u2019espansione della frontiera petrolifera in Amazzonia occidentale, specialmente nella Riserva della Biosfera Yasun\uec (YBR), uno dei luoghi pi\uf9 biodiversi del pianeta e casa ancestrale degli indigeni Waorani. In prossimit\ue0 di questa zona, gli impatti socio-ambientali diretti e indiretti delle varie fasi dell\u2019estrazione petrolifera sono ampiamente documentati. Tra queste attivit\ue0, la distribuzione spaziale e gli impatti ambientali del gas flaring non sono stati ancora investigati a fondo, anche a causa della mancanza di un sistema di monitoraggio e documentazione delle posizioni dei flare e dei volumi di gas bruciato. Negli ultimi anni si sta assistendo per\uf2 a un\u2019inversione di tendenza, grazie allo sviluppo di vari metodi di monitoraggio da remoto, attraverso l\u2019analisi multispettrale da satellite. Lo scopo di questo studio \ue8 mappare l\u2019attivit\ue0 di gas flaring nell\u2019area dello YBR, analizzando diacronicamente e valutando gli impatti potenziali sia sulla biodiversit\ue0 che sulle comunit\ue0 locali. I dati giornalieri prodotti dalla NOAA da gennaio 2017 a marzo 2018, basate sull\u2019elaborazione di immagini dal sensore \u201cVisible Infrared Imaging Radiometric Suite\u201d del satellite Suomi-SNPP per il monitoraggio delle attivit\ue0 di gas flaring, sono stati analizzati e geoprocessati con dati sulle aree protette e comunit\ue0 indigene. Per il corretto posizionamento dei flare, quando possibile, \ue8 stato fatto riferimento ai dataset annuali della NOAA, per i nuovi flare \ue8 stato usato il centroide delle rilevazioni. I risultati preliminari mostrano la presenza di un nuovo sito di flare nel campo petrolifero Tiputini vicino all\u2019 \u201cArea Nucleo\u201d della YBR; tre flare sono stati rilevati nella zona buffer e 19 nella zona di transizione della YBR. spaziale ha inoltre identificato 6 comunit\ue0 indigene in un raggio di 6 Km dai flare. Questo studio rivela l\u2019enorme potenziale degli open data come Nightfire della NOAA per il monitoraggio di aree remote ad elevata importanza per la conservazione della biodiversit\ue0 e dei territori indigeni

    Unburnable and Unleakable Carbon in Western Amazon: Using VIIRS Nightfire Data to Map Gas Flaring and Policy Compliance in the Yasun\ued Biosphere Reserve

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    In the Amazon Rainforest, a unique post-carbon plan to mitigate global warming and to protect the exceptional bio-cultural diversity was experimented in 2007\u20132013 by the Ecuadorian government. To preserve the rainforest ecosystems within the Yasun\ued-ITT oil block, the release of 410 million metric tons of CO2 would have been avoided. The neologism \u201cyasunization\u201d emerged as an Amazonian narrative on \u201cunburnable carbon\u201d to be replicated worldwide. Considering the unburnable carbon, petroleum-associated gas flaring represents the unleakable part. Flaring is an irrational practice that consists of burning waste gases, representing not only a leak of energy but also a pollution source. The general aim of the paper is to monitor gas flaring as a tool, revealing, at the same time, the implementation of environmental technologies in the oil sector and the compliance of sustainable policies in the Amazon region and the Yasun\ued Biosphere Reserve. Specific objectives are: (i) identifying and estimating gas flaring over seven years (2012\u20132018); (ii) mapping new flaring sites; iii) estimating potentially affected areas among ecosystems and local communities. We processed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Nightfire annual dataset, based on the elaboration of imagery from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and developed a GIS-based novel simple method to identify new flaring sites from daily detections. We found that 23.5% of gas flaring sites and 18.4% of volumes of all oil industries operating in Ecuador are located within the Yasun\ued Biosphere Reserve (YBR). Moreover, we detected 34 additional flaring sites not included in the NOAA dataset\u201412 in the YBR and one in Tiputini field, a key area for biological and cultural diversity conservation. We also found that at least 10 indigenous communities, 18 populated centers and 10 schools are located in the potentially affected area. Gas flaring can be used as a policy indicator to monitor the implementation of sustainable development practices in complex territories

    Optimizing the Earth-LISA "rendez-vous"

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    We present a general survey of heliocentric LISA orbits, hoping it might help in the exercise of rescoping the mission. We try to semi-analytically optimize the orbital parameters in order to minimize the disturbances coming from the Earth-LISA interaction. In a set of numerical simulations we include nonautonomous perturbations and provide an estimate of Doppler shift and breathing as a function of the trailing angle.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Submitted on CQ
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