3,941 research outputs found

    Caribbean Plate margin evolution : constraints and current problems

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    Oceanic crust was generated at multiple spreading centres during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, forming a "proto-Caribbean" oceanic domain. During the Cretaceous, part of that crustal domain thickened into an oceanic plateau, of petrologic Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) to Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) affinity. Simultaneously, the South and North American continental plates developed rifting and tholeiitic magmatism in the Middle America region (Venezuela and Cuba). The rifting created space for the proto-Caribbean oceanic domain. Petrological and regional correlations suggest that, beginning in the Cretaceous, the proto-Caribbean domain was involved into two main stages of subduction, referred to as first and second "eo-Caribbean" phases. Each phase is characterized by oblique convergence. The older (mid-Cretaceous) stage, involved in subduction (probably eastward dipping) of thin proto-Caribbean lithosphere, with generation of Island Arc Tholeiitic (IAT) and Calc-Alkaline (CA) magmatism, accompanied by high pressure - low temperature (HP - LT) metamorphic effects, and formation of arc units and ophiolitic melanges (Guatemala, Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in the northern margin; Venezuela in the southern). The Late Cretaceous second stage consisted of westward dipping intra-oceanic subduction; it is recorded by tonalitic arc magmatism related to the onset of the Aves - Lesser Antilles arc system. Since the Late Cretaceous, the inner undeformed portions of the Caribbean oceanic plateau (i.e. the Colombian and Venezuelan Basins) were trapped east of the Pacific subduction of the Chortis, Chorotega and Choco blocks, ultimately building the Central American Isthmus. From Tertiary to Present, continuous eastward movement of the Caribbean Plate with respect to the Americas, gave rise to transpression along both the northern and southern margins, marked by scattered and dismembered ophiolitic terranes

    evolutionary frequency response function of linear systems subjected to earthquake accelerograms using the adaptive chirplet decomposition

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    Abstract In seismic engineering, in order to reproduce the typical characteristics of real earthquakes ground-motion time history, several approaches has been proposed in literature. In this study the adaptive chirplet signal decomposition is adopted to analyze recorded accelerograms in order of defining appropriately evolutionary power spectra [1]. The present study focuses on a method to evaluate in closed-form the evolutionary frequency response function, that is required to evaluate the statistics of the response of linear structural systems [2], once the adaptive chirplet signal decomposition is adopted

    Caribbean Plate margin evolution: constraints and current problems

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    Oceanic crust was generated at multiple spreading centres during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, forming a “proto-Caribbean” oceanic domain. During the Cretaceous, part of that crustal domain thickened into an oceanic plateau, of petrologic Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) to Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) affinity. Simultaneously, the South and North American continental plates developed rifting and tholeiitic magmatism in the Middle America region (Venezuela and Cuba). The rifting created space for the proto-Caribbean oceanic domain. Petrological and regional correlations suggest that, beginning in the Cretaceous, the proto-Caribbean domain was involved into two main stages of subduction, referred to as first and second “eo-Caribbean” phases. Each phase is characterized by oblique convergence. The older (mid-Cretaceous) stage, involved in subduction (probably eastward dipping) of thin proto-Caribbean lithosphere, with generation of Island Arc Tholeiitic (IAT) and Calc-Alkaline (CA) magmatism, accompanied by high pressure - low temperature (HP - LT) metamorphic effects, and formation of arc units and ophiolitic melanges (Guatemala, Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in the northern margin; Venezuela in the southern). The Late Cretaceous second stage consisted of westward dipping intra-oceanic subduction; it is recorded by tonalitic arc magmatism related to the onset of the Aves - Lesser Antilles arc system. Since the Late Cretaceous, the inner undeformed portions of the Caribbean oceanic plateau (i.e. the Colombian and Venezuelan Basins) were trapped east of the Pacific subduction of the Chortis, Chorotega and Choco blocks, ultimately building the Central American Isthmus. From Tertiary to Present, continuous eastward movement of the Caribbean Plate with respect to the Americas, gave rise to transpression along both the northern and southern margins, marked by scattered and dismembered ophiolitic terranes

    Image Content Enhancement Through Salient Regions Segmentation for People With Color Vision Deficiencies

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    Color vision deficiencies affect visual perception of colors and, more generally, color images. Several sciences such as genetics, biology, medicine, and computer vision are involved in studying and analyzing vision deficiencies. As we know from visual saliency findings, human visual system tends to fix some specific points and regions of the image in the first seconds of observation summing up the most important and meaningful parts of the scene. In this article, we provide some studies about human visual system behavior differences between normal and color vision-deficient visual systems. We eye-tracked the human fixations in first 3 seconds of observation of color images to build real fixation point maps. One of our contributions is to detect the main differences between the aforementioned human visual systems related to color vision deficiencies by analyzing real fixation maps among people with and without color vision deficiencies. Another contribution is to provide a method to enhance color regions of the image by using a detailed color mapping of the segmented salient regions of the given image. The segmentation is performed by using the difference between the original input image and the corresponding color blind altered image. A second eye-tracking of color blind people with the images enhanced by using recoloring of segmented salient regions reveals that the real fixation points are then more coherent (up to 10%) with the normal visual system. The eye-tracking data collected during our experiments are in a publicly available dataset called Eye-Tracking of Color Vision Deficiencies

    Toxoplasma gondii in raw milk from Sicily

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    Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites shed in milk of infected animals are a potential source of human infection often underestimated. Furthermore, limited risk assessment studies have been carried out to evaluate the transmission of toxoplasmosis by milk consumption. In this frame the availability of few and often not validated analytical methods can be a major shortcoming when investigating the extent of milk contamination and the parasite viability. To address the issue, 1381 samples of raw milk from unknown sero-status cows, donkeys, sheep and goats were examined for the detection of T. gondii DNA by a real time PCR method targeting the 529bp repeating element. The protozoan DNA was detected in 67 samples of cow’s milk (4,93% and 35% individual and herd prevalence respectively) and in one sample of donkey milk. Allegedly, on farm cats cohabitation as well as extensive management in the cattle farms that tested positive, can be accounted for environmental loading and transmission of T. gondii oocysts that are the unique sources of infection for milk-producing animals. Food safety-wise, results are noteworthy since recently raw cow’s milk consumption has become increasingly popular with the spread of automatic raw milk vending machines. Albeit heating treatment before consumption is mandatory for consumers, neglect of this requirement cannot be ruled out and could lead the way for foodborne infection. This is particularly true in view of evidences that T. gondii tachyzoites in experimentally spiked cow’s milk samples could be able to survive in gastric fluids for long enough (1 h) before reaching the intestine and infect the host

    A comparison between standard and crossfeed monopulse radars in presence of rough sea scattering and ship movements

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    Monopulse radars are widely used in tracking systems, due to their relative simplicity and theoretical precision, but the presence of multipath impairs the tracking capabilities of these radars, especially when multipath signals are strong, as in a naval environment. A special monopulse setup, the crossfeed, has been proposed in the past to provide an automatic cancellation from smooth sea multipath. In this contribution, the performances of such a system are analyzed in presence of rough sea scattering and compared with those of a standard monopulse setup. Particular attention is devoted to performance degradations due to possible phase errors in the passive network implementing the comparator and due to ship rolling and pitching. This latter requires a full 3D monopulse simulator for its correct evaluation

    Working with children who are victims of abuse: Emotions and representations of professionals in residential children's communities

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    Professionals who work in residential children's communities face many difficulties and, when the hosted children have a history of abuse and maltreatment, the risk of vicarious traumatization and professional burn-out, which has a negative effect on the professional's work and well-being as well as on the effectiveness at work, is very high. This qualitative study aims to explore, via the content analysis of text recorded in some Photolangage® groups, the representations of social workers and educators in residential children's communities on the theme of work management of physical and sexual abuse victims. The participants were 37 social workers from 6 residential communities for 0-6 years old child in the region of Palermo (Italy). The analysis of the discourse revealed four main themes: "emotional responses", "difficulty in coping with emotions related to abuse", "relationship with the institutional network" and "work methods/strategies", which seem to guide and inform the social workers in our daily relationship with children. These results, which are in line with clinical observations, indicate the importance of supporting, through tools such as supervision and analysis of professional practices, professionals who work with maltreated and abused children, the only way to protect their well-being and the "therapeutic role" in the care and protection of children which they fulfil

    Réseaux artistiques latino-américains : synchronicités, contacts et divergences.

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    Understanding originality and innovation to be proposals that contribute to the interpretation of change and to the formation of a transnational field of art and visual culture from Latin America, this dossier for Artelogie investigates tensions between the historical avant-gardes of the early twentieth century, both in Latin America and Europe, and the neo avant-gardes that emerged globally between 1960 and 1990, approximately. The relationship between these vanguards has been fraught by theoretical and methodological difficulties posed by scholarly literatures that have assessed these phenomena, themselves by no means homogenous or coordinated, mostly in terms of derivation and creative exhaustion. This assessment has originated from the so-called centers of the art world and early universalist theories of the avant-garde rather than from their local places of art making and its circulation. These largely Eurocentric claims have foreclosed analysis of the historical significance of key moments in postwar art and their critical and innovative potential in comparative terms. The reappearance of collage and assemblage, and of grid and monochromatic painting, to name only a few avant-garde techniques, was a self-reflexive return, offering a critique of postwar societies. Neo avant-gardes consciously forged formal and informal networks that linked colleagues and strategies beyond their local scenes or nationalist histories. With this dossier we seek to investigate temporal, spatial, formal, and thematic synchronicities that emerge from both contact and divergence among artworks, artists, critics, curators, and other cultural agents. Through their critical comparison we expect to produce conceptualizations of postwar art history that generate and invert rather than merely add to dominant narratives to date.Entendiendo la originalidad y la innovación como propuestas que contribuyen a la interpretación del cambio y la formación de un campo transnacional, este número de Artelogie explora las tensiones entre las vanguardias históricas de principios del siglo XX (tanto latinoamericanas como europeas) y las neo-vanguardias que surgieron entre 1960 y 1990, aproximadamente, en el arte latino y latinoamericano. Hasta el presente esta relación ha estado plagada de dificultades teóricas y metodológicas planteadas por literaturas académicas que han evaluado estos fenómenos, que de ninguna manera son homogéneos o coordinados, sobre todo en términos de derivación y agotamiento creativo con respecto a los centros hegemónicos del mundo del arte. Esta perspectiva ha excluido el análisis del significado histórico de los momentos clave en el arte de la posguerra y su potencial crítico e innovador en términos comparativos. La reaparición del collage y el assemblage, y de la pintura abstracta y monocromática, por mencionar solo algunas técnicas vanguardistas, implicó un retorno autorreflexivo que ofreció una crítica de las sociedades de la posguerra. Los artistas de vanguardia forjaron conscientemente redes formales e informales que vincularon artistas y estrategias más allá de sus escenarios locales o historias nacionales. Con el presente dossier buscamos investigar estas sincronicidades que surgen tanto del contacto como de la divergencia. A través de su comparación crítica, esperamos producir conceptualizaciones de la historia del arte de la posguerra que generen e inviertan las denominaciones que ordenan la historia del arte, en lugar de simplemente agregar artistas a las narrativas globales que dominan hasta el presente