92 research outputs found

    Geochemical and mineralogical datasets on waters and stream precipitates from an abandoned mining site: Montevecchio-Ingurtosu district, Rio Irvi (SW Sardinia)

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    Geochemical modelling data and Powder X-Ray Diffraction data on samples collected along Rio Irvi (Montevecchio-Ingurtosu mining district, SW Sardinia, Italy) are reported in this paper. The data show the results of data processing to calculate water chemical speciation of ions and saturation indices of relevant mineral phases. These data are related with the research article: De Giudici G. et al (2018), Application of hydrologic-tracer techniques to the Casargiu adit and Rio Irvi (SW-Sardinia, Italy): Using enhanced natural attenuation to reduce extreme metal loads, Applied Geochemistry, vol.96, 42–54. The comparison of the calculated saturation indices of relevant Fe-bearing phases with the PXRD data of samples collected along the stream confirm the quality of the SI dataset and the good correlation between the calculations and the observed data. The comparison of this dataset with others can help to deeper understand and quantify the impact of past and current mining activity on water bodies, contributing to implement the scientific background for the application of remediation actions

    Malignant ventricular arrhythmias induction by programmed electrical stimulation of the right ventricular outflow tract only during type 1 brugada ECG maximization

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    OBJECTIVE: The role of electrophysiology study in Brugada syndrome (BS) sudden cardiac death risk stratification remains controversial and seems to depend on the phenotypic expression of the channelopathy. Ajmaline has a key role in the diagnosis of BS. We observed that programmed electrical stimulation (PES) of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), only when type 1 BS ECG is unmasked by ajmaline administration, induces ventricular arrhythmias. CASE REPORT: We describe a case of ventricular fibrillation induction by PES of the RVOT when type 1 BS ECG is revealed by ajmaline, in a patient with a baseline dynamic intermittent type 1 and 2 BS ECG. CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneous clinical presentations of BS are due to the underlying mechanisms. PES of the RVOT during positive ajmaline test maximizes the channelopathy and therefore sudden cardiac death risk-stratification in BS

    Pancreas divisum and duodenal diverticula as two causes of acute or chronic pancreatitis that should not be overlooked: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Pancreas divisum is a congenital anatomical anomaly characterized by the lack of fusion of the ventral and dorsal parts of the pancreas during the eighth week of fetal development. This condition is found in 5% to 14% of the general population. In pancreas divisum, the increased incidence of acute and chronic pancreatitis is caused by inadequate drainage of secretions from the body, tail and part of the pancreatic head through an orifice that is too small. The incidence of diverticula in the second part of the duodenum is found in approximately 20% of the population. Compression of the duodenal diverticula at the end of the common bile duct leads to the formation of biliary lithiasis (a principal cause of acute pancreatitis), pain associated with biliary lithiasis owing to compression of the common bile duct (at times with jaundice), and compression of the last part of Wirsung's duct or the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater) that may lead to both acute and chronic pancreatitis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the radiological findings of the case of a 75-year-old man with recurrent acute pancreatitis due to a combination of pancreas divisum and duodenal diverticula.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography is advisable in patients with recurrent pancreatitis (both acute and chronic) since it is the most appropriate noninvasive treatment for the study of the pancreatic system (and the eventual presence of pancreas divisum) and the biliary systems (eventual presence of biliary microlithiasis). Moreover, it can lead to the diagnostic suspicion of duodenal diverticula, which can be confirmed through duodenography with X-ray or computed tomography scan with a radio-opaque contrast agent administered orally.</p


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    Mining activity often leaves a critical legacy represented by huge volumes of mine wastes and residues, usually made up of highly reactive materials, which lead to the mobilization and dispersion of harmful elements in soils and waters. Although these extreme environments are adverse to the development of living organisms, it has been observed that some microorganisms are able to adapt, playing a role in metal mobility, and becoming part of the resilience of the system itself. The Iglesiente and Arburese (SW Sardinia, Italy) mine districts, now abandoned, have been exploited for centuries by mining activities aimed at Pb-Zn extraction from sulfides and non-sulfides (calamine) deposits. Here, biogeochemical barriers naturally occur as an adaptation of the ecosystem to environmental stresses. Studies, from macroscale to microscale, showed that sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) may influence metal mobility by mediating the precipitation of secondary authigenic metal sulfides under reducing conditions. Specifically, framboids of Zn sulfides and Fe sulfides have been observed in the sections of stream sediments core characterized by the presence of abundant organic matter, especially residues of vegetal tissues (e.g. roots and stems of Juncus acutus and Phragmites australis). Laboratory-scale experiments were performed to better understand the bioprecipitation processes. For this purpose, anaerobic batch tests were carried out using high polluted mining waters (Zn and sulfate concentrations up to 102 and 103 mg/l, respectively) inoculated with native selected sulfate-reducing bacteria from stream sediments collected in the investigated areas. Dramatic decrease (up to 100%) in Zn and sulfate was observed in solutions. Moreover, scanning electron microscopy - energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analysis, performed on solids recovered at the end of the experiments, showed the presence of precipitates characterized by a tubular morphology and made up by S and Zn. SRB inocula were studied by next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach, with the aim to compare the microbial diversity of the different SRB communities and to search for indigenous novel metal-tolerant sulfidogenic microorganisms. These findings represent a valuable step forward to plan effective bioremediation strategies for reducing metal mobility and dispersion. Also, bioprecipitation mediated by SRB can have great potentialities for metal recovery and our results can help to develop biomining techniques. The authors acknowledge CESA (E58C16000080003) from RAS and RAS/FBS (F72F16003080002) grants, and the CeSAR (Centro Servizi d'Ateneo per la Ricerca) of the University of Cagliari, Italy, for SEM analysis

    Natural attenuation can lead to environmental resilience in mine environment

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    Four streams flowing in the Iglesiente and Arburese mine districts (SW Sardinia, Italy), exploited for zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) extraction from sulphides and secondary non-sulphide mineralization (calamine ores), have been studied combining investigations from the macroscale (hydrologic tracer techniques) to the microscale (X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy). In the investigated area, concerns arise from release of metals to water during weathering of ore minerals and mine-waste. Specifically, Zn is observed at extremely high concentrations (10s of mg/L or more) in waters in some of the investigated catchments. The results from synoptic sampling campaigns showed marked differences of Zn loads, from 6.3 kg/day (Rio San Giorgio) to 2000 kg/day (Rio Irvi). Moreover, natural attenuation of metals was found to occur i) through precipitation of Fe compounds (Fe oxy/hydroxides and “green rust”), ii) by means of the authigenic formation of metal sulphides promoted by microbial sulphate reduction, iii) by metal intake in roots and stems of plants (Phragmites australis and Juncus acutus) and by immobilization in the rhizosphere, and iv) by cyanobacterial biomineralization processes that lead to formation of Zn-rich phases (hydrozincite and amorphous Zn-silicate). The biologically mediated natural processes that lead to significant abatement and/or reduction of metal loads, are the response of environmental systems to perturbations caused from mine activities, and can be considered part of the resilience of the system itself. The aim of this study is to understand the effect of these processes on the evolution of the studied systems towards more stable and, likely, resilient conditions, e.g. by limiting metal mobility and favouring the improvement of the overall quality of water. The understanding of how ecosystems adapt and respond to contamination, and which chemical and physical factors control these natural biogeochemical barriers, can help to plan effective remediation actions

    Assessment of origin and fate of contaminants along mining-affected Rio Montevecchio (SW Sardinia, Italy): A hydrologic-tracer and environmental mineralogy study

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    Hydrologic tracer techniques were applied to Rio Montevecchio (SW Sardinia, Italy), a stream affected by mine drainage, allowing the calculation of discharge and contaminant loads. Discharge along the stream showed a constant increase throughout the 2.7 km-long study reach, up to 13.6 l/s at the last synoptic point. Calculated loads of mine-related constituents were large, reaching values of 1780 kg/day for, 340 kg/day for Zn, 47 kg/day for Fe, and 50 kg/day for Mn. The difference of the cumulative instream metal loads between the first and the last synoptic sampling points indicated gains of 421 kg/day for Zn, 2080 kg/day for, 56 kg/day for Mn, and 50 kg/day for Fe. The source areas critical for contaminants loading were almost all concentrated in the first 800 meters of the stream, with the exception of Pb, whose loading occurs evenly along the whole study reach. Precipitation of secondary minerals along the streambed was responsible for a very high attenuation of Al and Fe loads (66% and 77%) and affected also and Zn loads, though less effectively. Rio Montevecchio has the second highest metal load among the rivers investigated with tracer techniques in SW Sardinia. In comparison with Rio Irvi, which has one order of magnitude higher metal loads, natural attenuation processes limit the loads in Rio Montevecchio. Results are useful to clarify the hydrogeochemical paths involved in the release and attenuation of pollutants, improving our understanding of stream responses to contamination and aiding development of site-specific remediation actions

    Impact of Marine Drugs on Animal Reproductive Processes

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    The discovery and description of bioactive substances from natural sources has been a research topic for the last 50 years. In this respect, marine animals have been used to extract many new compounds exerting different actions. Reproduction is a complex process whose main steps are the production and maturation of gametes, their activation, the fertilisation and the beginning of development. In the literature it has been shown that many substances extracted from marine organisms may have profound influence on the reproductive behaviour, function and reproductive strategies and survival of species. However, despite the central importance of reproduction and thus the maintenance of species, there are still few studies on how reproductive mechanisms are impacted by marine bioactive drugs. At present, studies in either marine and terrestrial animals have been particularly important in identifying what specific fine reproductive mechanisms are affected by marine-derived substances. In this review we describe the main steps of the biology of reproduction and the impact of substances from marine environment and organisms on the reproductive processes

    New high statistics measurement of Ke4K_{e4} decay form factors and ππ\pi\pi scattering phase shifts

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    We report results from a new measurement of the Ke4K_{e4} decay K±π+πe±νK^{\pm} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}e^{\pm}\nu by the NA48/2 collaboration at the CERN SPS, based on a partial sample of more than 670000 Ke4K_{e4} decays in both charged modes collected in 2003. The form factors of the hadronic current (F, G, H) and ππ\pi\pi phase difference (δ=δsδp\delta=\delta_{s}-\delta_{p}) have been measured in ten independent bins of the ππ\pi\pi mass spectrum to investigate the variation. A sizeable acceptance at large ππ\pi\pi mass, a low background and a very good resolution contribute to an improved experimental accuracy, a factor two better than in the previous measurement, when extracting the ππ\pi\pi scattering lengths a00a^{0}_{0} and a02a^{2}_{0}. Under the assumption of isospin symmetry and using numerical solutions of the Roy equations, the following values are obtained in the plane (a00,a02):a00=0.233±0.016stat±0.007syst,a02=0.0471±0.011stat±0.004systa^{0}_{0}, a^{2}_{0}): a^{0}_{0}=0.233 \pm 0.016_{stat} \pm 0.007_{syst}, a^{2}_{0}=-0.0471 \pm 0.011_{stat} \pm 0.004_{syst}. The presence of potentially large isospin effects is also considered and will allow comparison with precise predictions from Chiral Perturbation Theory

    Search for direct CP violating charge asymmetries in K±π±π+πK^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^- and K±π±π0π0K^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^0\pi^0 decays

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    A measurement of the direct CP violating charge asymmetries of the Dalitz plot linear slopes Ag=(g+g)/(g++g)A_g=(g^+-g^-)/(g^++g^-) in K±π±π+πK^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^- and K±π±π0π0K^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^0\pi^0 decays by the NA48/2 experiment at CERN SPS is presented. A new technique of asymmetry measurement involving simultaneous K+K^+ and KK^- beams and a large data sample collected allowed a result of an unprecedented precision. The charge asymmetries were measured to be Agc=(1.5±2.2)×104A^c_g=(-1.5\pm2.2)\times10^{-4} with 3.11×1093.11\times 10^9 K±π±π+πK^{\pm}\to\pi^\pm\pi^+\pi^- decays, and Agn=(1.8±1.8)×104A^n_g=(1.8\pm1.8)\times10^{-4} with 9.13×1079.13\times 10^7 K±π±π0π0K^{\pm}\to\pi^\pm\pi^0\pi^0 decays. The precision of the results is limited mainly by the size of the data sample.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. An updated version accepted by the EPJ

    How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons

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    COVID-19 negatively affected surgical activity, but the potential benefits resulting from adopted measures remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in surgical activity and potential benefit from COVID-19 measures in perspective of Italian surgeons on behalf of SPIGC. A nationwide online survey on surgical practice before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic was conducted in March-April 2022 (NCT:05323851). Effects of COVID-19 hospital-related measures on surgical patients' management and personal professional development across surgical specialties were explored. Data on demographics, pre-operative/peri-operative/post-operative management, and professional development were collected. Outcomes were matched with the corresponding volume. Four hundred and seventy-three respondents were included in final analysis across 14 surgical specialties. Since SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, application of telematic consultations (4.1% vs. 21.6%; p &lt; 0.0001) and diagnostic evaluations (16.4% vs. 42.2%; p &lt; 0.0001) increased. Elective surgical activities significantly reduced and surgeons opted more frequently for conservative management with a possible indication for elective (26.3% vs. 35.7%; p &lt; 0.0001) or urgent (20.4% vs. 38.5%; p &lt; 0.0001) surgery. All new COVID-related measures are perceived to be maintained in the future. Surgeons' personal education online increased from 12.6% (pre-COVID) to 86.6% (post-COVID; p &lt; 0.0001). Online educational activities are considered a beneficial effect from COVID pandemic (56.4%). COVID-19 had a great impact on surgical specialties, with significant reduction of operation volume. However, some forced changes turned out to be benefits. Isolation measures pushed the use of telemedicine and telemetric devices for outpatient practice and favored communication for educational purposes and surgeon-patient/family communication. From the Italian surgeons' perspective, COVID-related measures will continue to influence future surgical clinical practice