248 research outputs found

    Characterization of particleboards produced with Orange (Citrus sinensis L.) and Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) wood species using Modified Starch as adhesive

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    The continuing rise in raw material prices imposes the search for new raw materials with low economic competition. Generally, wood species utilized in particleboards (PBs) production are either softwoods like red fir, spruce and pine, or hardwoods like beech, poplar and birch. In recent years, several investigations into the potential advantages of using annual plants, fast-growing species and agricultural residues in the PBs production and on their performances as a raw material for PBs have been conducted. The present research focused on developing PBs produced with wood branches of Orange tree (Citrus sinensis L.) from crops and Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) wood residues from forest stand. Orange tree crops predominate the southern part of Italy, and Turkey oak forests are widespread along the Apennine mountain, especially in Basilicata Region. The management of both wood species produces a large amount of biomass often burned in the field or sometimes shredded and left into the soil to increase the organic matter, or used for energy purposes. Generally, PBs are manufactured with Urea-Formaldehyde (UF) as a binder, known as a toxic substance for human health. In this research Corn Starch modified with glutardialdehyde (MS) was promoted as a low environmental impact adhesive. PBs produced with orange and oak wood particles and using two types of adhesives, UF and MS, were compared and evaluated in terms of mechanical properties, such as modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and internal bond strength (IB), and physical properties, such as thickness swelling (TS) and water absorption (WA). The obtained data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s mean separation tests. All panels produced with UF adhesive showed good mechanical performances. Panels produced with the mixture of UF and MS showed acceptable MOE and IB values, complying with the minimum requirements of the standard EN 312:2004 for P2 panels type, namely non-structural panels including furniture for use in dry areas. TS values met also the requirement for P3 panels type intended for use in humid conditions, according to the standard EN 312:2004, but only in the case of the panels produced with UF adhesive. The use of MS has negatively affected the physical properties (TS and WA) and resistance to bending (MOR). However, the produced panels showed good performance for indoor applications, where dimensional stability is not a strict requirement

    LTA4H expression in canine oral melanomas: methodological set up and preliminary results

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    Leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H) is a hydrolytic enzyme which converts leukotriene A4 intoleukotriene B4 inside the arachidonic acid cascade. Besides playing a well-known role in inflammation,it has also been investigated for possible implications in different types of tumors, including canine uvealmelanoma (Chen et al., 2004; Malho et al., 2013). In the present study, we set up RT-PCR andimmunohistochemical protocols to investigate the expression of LTA4H gene and protein, respectively,in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) specimens of canine melanomas. 16 samples of canine oralmelanomas were histopathologically evaluated and divided in two subgroups based on morphologicalcriteria of malignancy. RT-PCR protocols for the target gene LTA4H were set up on frozen and FFPEsamples of the same tumor. Immunohistochemical investigation of LTA4H protein was performed witha mouse monoclonal antibody anti-LTA4H (clone 1E9). Preliminary tests were carried out to define theprotocol: with and without bleaching, with different unmaskings, with different serial dilutions of theprimary antibody. RT-PCR set up resulted in comparable good efficiency on both frozen and FFPEsamples. Final immunohistochemical protocol included: hydrogen peroxide bleaching, water bathunmasking and 1:100 dilution of the primary antibody. Positive immunostaining for LTA4H was presentin neoplastic cells of all melanoma samples, with variable localization and intensity. These preliminaryresults encourage future applications of the studied techniques to quantify differential expression ofLTA4H in canine melanomas both at molecular and histological level. Laboratory results will becompared with follow up data, in order to verify if LTA4H can be proposed as a valuable prognosticmarker

    Blue‐collar workers, career success and innovation in manufacturing

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    In the article the main marketing features of business portfolio evaluation process were shown. It was emphasized, that market correlation between business portfolio components is required to be mentioned during its balance estimation. In case it was figured out, those components (strategic business units (SBU) and supporting market activities) need to be in business directions organized. One of the effective ways of solving those business challenges is the algorithm of finding and forming balanced portfolio which was discribed in this article. To be successfully completed it should include the following input values: correlation matrix of SBU; the range within which the number of SBU in the portflio changes; the final number of optimal business portfolios.В статье предложен один из путей решения задачи поиска и формирования сбалансированного портфеля бизнесов предприятия. Он представляет собой алгоритм объединения составляющих первого уровня агрегации - стратегических единиц бизнеса и поддерживающих видов деятельности - в комплексные бизнес-направления (второй уровень агрегации). Алгоритм базируется на оценке баланса бизнес-направлений с помощью рыночной корреляции этих составляющих между собой. У статті запропоновано один із шляхів вирішення задачі пошуку та формування збалансованого портфеля бізнесів підприємства. Він являє собою алгоритм об’єднання складових першого рівня агрегації – стратегічних одиниць бізнесу та підтримуючих видів діяльності – у комплексні бізнес-напрями (другий рівень агрегації). Алгоритм базується на оцінці балансу бізнес-напрямів за допомогою ринкової кореляції цих складових між собою

    Insufficient control of blood pressure and incident diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Incidence of type 2 diabetes might be associated with preexisting hypertension. There is no information on whether incident diabetes is predicted by blood pressure control. We evaluated the hazard of diabetes in relation to blood pressure control in treated hypertensive patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Nondiabetic, otherwise healthy, hypertensive patients (N = 1,754, mean +/- SD age 52 +/- 11 years, 43% women) participated in a network over 3.4 +/- 1 years of follow-up. Blood pressure was considered uncontrolled if systolic was >or=140 mmHg and/or diastolic was >or=90 mmHg at the last outpatient visit. Diabetes was defined according to American Diabetes Association guidelines. RESULTS: Uncontrolled blood pressure despite antihypertensive treatment was found in 712 patients (41%). At baseline, patients with uncontrolledblood pressure were slightly younger than patients with controlled blood pressure (51 +/- 11 vs. 53 +/- 12 years, P < 0.001), with no differences in sex distribution, BMI, duration of hypertension, baseline blood pressure, fasting glucose, serum creatinine and potassium, lipid profile, or prevalence of metabolic syndrome. During follow-up, 109 subjects developed diabetes. Incidence of diabetes was significantly higher in patients with uncontrolled (8%) than in those with controlled blood pressure (4%, odds ratio 2.08, P < 0.0001). In Cox regression analysis controlling for baseline systolic blood pressure and BMI, family history of diabetes, and physical activity, uncontrolled blood pressure doubled the risk of incident diabetes (hazard ratio [HR] 2.10, P < 0.001), independently of significant effects of age (HR 1.02 per year, P = 0.03) and baseline fasting glucose (HR 1.10 per mg/dl, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In a large sample of treated nondiabetic hypertensive subjects, uncontrolled blood pressure is associated with twofold increased risk of incident diabetes independently of age, BMI, baseline blood pressure, or fasting glucose

    Insufficient control of blood pressure and incident diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Incidence of type 2 diabetes might be associated with preexisting hypertension. There is no information on whether incident diabetes is predicted by blood pressure control. We evaluated the hazard of diabetes in relation to blood pressure control in treated hypertensive patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Nondiabetic, otherwise healthy, hypertensive patients (N = 1,754, mean +/- SD age 52 +/- 11 years, 43% women) participated in a network over 3.4 +/- 1 years of follow-up. Blood pressure was considered uncontrolled if systolic was >or=140 mmHg and/or diastolic was >or=90 mmHg at the last outpatient visit. Diabetes was defined according to American Diabetes Association guidelines. RESULTS: Uncontrolled blood pressure despite antihypertensive treatment was found in 712 patients (41%). At baseline, patients with uncontrolledblood pressure were slightly younger than patients with controlled blood pressure (51 +/- 11 vs. 53 +/- 12 years, P < 0.001), with no differences in sex distribution, BMI, duration of hypertension, baseline blood pressure, fasting glucose, serum creatinine and potassium, lipid profile, or prevalence of metabolic syndrome. During follow-up, 109 subjects developed diabetes. Incidence of diabetes was significantly higher in patients with uncontrolled (8%) than in those with controlled blood pressure (4%, odds ratio 2.08, P < 0.0001). In Cox regression analysis controlling for baseline systolic blood pressure and BMI, family history of diabetes, and physical activity, uncontrolled blood pressure doubled the risk of incident diabetes (hazard ratio [HR] 2.10, P < 0.001), independently of significant effects of age (HR 1.02 per year, P = 0.03) and baseline fasting glucose (HR 1.10 per mg/dl, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In a large sample of treated nondiabetic hypertensive subjects, uncontrolled blood pressure is associated with twofold increased risk of incident diabetes independently of age, BMI, baseline blood pressure, or fasting glucose

    Comparison between the diagnostic accuracy of clinico-pathological and molecular tests for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)

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    The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) of conventional clinic-pathological tests with that of molecular tests such as routine PCR and PCR followed by the sequencing of the Spike (S) gene. Blood, effusion and tissues specimens were collected from 21 FIP suspected cats. In vivo examination consisted of CBC, serum protein electrophoresis, AGP measurement, cytological and biochemical examination and the evaluation of the ΔTNC on effusions, and of molecular tests such the screening PCR (target: 3’UTR region) and the PCR directed towards the S gene followed by the amplification products sequencing in order to detect the aminoacidic substitution recently considered diagnostic for FIP1. These molecular techniques were applied to tissues collected during necropsy, which also allowed forming an FIP group (13 cats) and a non-FIP group (5 cats) based on histology and immunohistochemistry. The best test on tissues was immunohistochemistry (sens: 92.3%; spec: 100%), while the screening PCR suffered of low specificity (spec: 33.3%) and the S gene sequencing showed low sensitivity (sens: 69.2%).On effusions, the best tests resulted screening PCR and cytology (sens and spec: 100%) in comparison with the ΔTNC measurement (sens: 85.7 %; spec: 100%) and the S gene sequencing (sens: 42.8%; spec: 100%).On blood, the best test resulted AGP measurement (sens: 81.8%; spec: 100%), while serum protein electrophoresis showed a surprisingly low sensitivity (sens: 41.7%). Screening PCR (sens: 55.6%; spec: 100%) and S gene sequencing (sens: 33.3%; spec: 100%) proved again low accuracy.


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    Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is a deciduous species characterized by high morphological variability and a widespread distribution range along with South-East Europe. The wood of Turkey oak is scarcely considered as industrial lumber and is mainly used as firewood. Biomass pre-processing by heating improves feedstock consistency (mainly loss of water) and thereby improves its energetic efficiency. The main goal of this research was to evaluate how different hydro-thermal treatments affect the high calorific values and the relative ash content of lignin-derived from Turkey oak wood differentially treated by combining temperature, time and steam parameters. Sapwood and heartwood were distinguished for each treatment. Twelve different treatments were performed by using samples randomly selected. Samples were treated in a small heating unit with ± 1 °C accuracy under atmospheric pressure, according to two different heating cycles namely 120 and 180 °C. The Klason lignin content was assessed by a modified TAPPI method. High calorific value (HCV) was calculated by the fire testing technology bomb calorimeter method. Thermal treatment and the steaming processes significantly increased the HCV in examined wood samples. The strongest effect was highlighted when steaming was associated with the highest temperature. The combined effect of steaming and heating was shown to be effective in the process improvement in order to obtain both a higher content of lignin and a corresponding improvement of HCV. Keywords: treatment, high calorific value, lignin

    Recycled-PET fibre based panels for building thermal insulation : environmental impact and improvement potential assessment for a greener production

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    A screening of Life Cycle Assessment for the evaluation of the damage arising from the production of 1 kg of recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (RPET) fibre-based panel for building heat insulation was carried out according to the ISO 14040:2006 and 14044:2006. All data used were collected on site based on observations during site visits, review of documents and interviews with technical personnel and management. These data were processed by using SimaPro 7.3.3, accessing the Ecoinvent v.2.2 database and using the Impact 2002+ method. The study showed damage to be equal to 0.000299 points mostly due to the: 1) PET thermo-bonding fibre supply fromChina bymeans of a freight-equipped intercontinental aircraft; 2) production of bottle-grade granulate PET; 3) mediumvoltage electricity consumption during the manufacturing of RPET fibre panel. Itwas also highlighted that there were environmental benefits due to recycling through mainly avoiding significant emissions and reduced resource consumption. An improvement assessment was carried out to find solutions aimed at reducing the damage coming from the most impacting phases. Furthermore, the environmental impacts due to the production of the analysed RPET fibre-based panelwere compared to other materials with the same insulating function, such as polystyrene foam, rockwool and cork slab. Finally, the environmental benefits of the recycling of PE

    Energy and environmental assessment of industrial hemp for building applications : a review

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    Buildings significantly contribute to global environmental pollution due to consumption of both natural and primary-energy resources as well as to emission of carbon dioxide in their life-cycles. Therefore, to enable construction of more sustainable buildings, it is important and urgent that new low-environmental impact materials are developed, mainly by reducing the use of non-renewable resources. In this regard, the recent advances in the development of natural fibres represent a significant opportunity to produce improved-materials and energy from renewable resources. For this purpose, assessments of energy and environmental performances are needed to support both the design and the production of the aforementioned materials so as to identify solutions for enhanced contribution to global sustainability. In this context, this study presented a review of the papers published so far that have focussed upon the assessment of the environmental and energy impacts related to the use of hemp-based materials for building applications. The reviewed studies aimed at testing and improving hygro-thermal properties and eco-friendliness of these materials so as to enable reduction of both embodied and operational energy, whilst preserving both indoor air quality and comfort. Doing so would enable limiting the use of energy resources and, as a consequence, their impacts to human health and to the environment, so contributing to making buildings healthier and more environmentally sustainable throughout their life-cycles. Based upon the findings of the studies reviewed these materials have strengths and weaknesses and their use is strictly dependent on the given structural situation and on specific requirements of thermal, moisture, fire and sound protection. In particular, all studies concluded that the main strength in the use of hemp-based materials comes from the production phase because of the “green” origin of these materials, mainly associated with the carbon sequestration during plantation growth