745 research outputs found

    Pumping seawater from coastal aquifers for supplying desalination plants

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    The lack of water in the coastal areas demands an onerous search for an appropriate solution. One solution is that of water transfer from areas of surplus, but this is itself problematical. Technological developments have introduced the possibility of utilizing desalinated seawater as a drinking water source at a competitive price. Abstraction from coastal aquifers that are connected to the sea appears to be the cheapest means of supply. However, pumping poses some problems due to the corrosiveness of seawater. These problems include the difficulties of choosing suitable sites for the abstractions, drilling method, casing, filter pack, as well as the design of a monitoring system to assess aquifer behaviour as a result of the generally high exploitation rate. The 31 boreholes that have been drilled in the Andarax Delta near the city of Almeria are cited as an example of a real application

    Impact of gastroesophageal reflux disease on work absenteeism, presenteeism and productivity in daily life: a European observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The RANGE (<it>R</it>etrospective <it>AN</it>alysis of <it>G</it>astro<it>E</it>sophageal reflux disease [GERD]) study assessed differences among patients consulting a primary care physician due to GERD-related reasons in terms of: symptoms, diagnosis and management, response to treatment, and effects on productivity, costs and health-related quality of life. This subanalysis of RANGE determined the impact of GERD on productivity in work and daily life.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>RANGE was conducted at 134 primary care sites across six European countries (Germany, Greece, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK). All subjects (aged ≥18 years) who consulted with their primary care physician over a 4-month identification period were screened retrospectively, and those consulting at least once for GERD-related reasons were identified (index visit). From this population, a random sample was selected to enter the study and attended a follow-up appointment, during which the impact of GERD on productivity while working (absenteeism and presenteeism) and in daily life was evaluated using the self-reported Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire for patients with GERD (WPAI-GERD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 373,610 subjects consulted with their primary care physician over the 4-month identification period, 12,815 for GERD-related reasons (3.4%); 2678 randomly selected patients attended the follow-up appointment. Average absenteeism due to GERD was highest in Germany (3.2 hours/week) and lowest in the UK (0.4 hours/week), with an average of up to 6.7 additional hours/week lost due to presenteeism in Norway. The average monetary impact of GERD-related work absenteeism and presenteeism were substantial in all countries (from €55/week per employed patient in the UK to €273/patient in Sweden). Reductions in productivity in daily life of up to 26% were observed across the European countries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GERD places a significant burden on primary care patients, in terms of work absenteeism and presenteeism and in daily life. The resulting costs to the local economy may be substantial. Improved management of GERD could be expected to lessen the impact of GERD on productivity and reduce costs.</p

    Efecto de dosis de acido polimaleico en la estabilidad estructural de suelos salinos.

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    Se estudió el efecto de distintas dosis de ácido polimaleico sobre la estabilidad estructural de tres tipos de suelos salinos. Se separaron los agregados naturales que pasaron por el tamiz de 4,00 mm y quedaron retenidos en el tamiz de 2,00 mm, se aplicaron dosis de ácido polimaleico de 0,5, 10 y 15 L/ha sobre los agregados. Cada 30 dias se determinó la distribución de agregados estables y el porcentage de arcilla dispersa en agua. Para los tres tipos de suelos las dosis más elevadas presentaron un mayor aumento del diámetro medio ponderado de los agregados y mayor reducción del porcentaje de arcilla dispersa en agua

    Caracterización del sistema poroso y de su influencia en el deterioro por cristalización de sales en calizas y dolomías explotadas en Abanto (Zaragoza, España)

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    The Abanto natural stone is a rock used in modern constructions and currently quarried as an ornamental rock in Abanto, Zaragoza. The varieties described here are a limestone with depositional texture and a crystalline limestone. In this work we have carried out a detailed study of the mineralogy, texture, hydric behaviour, pore system characteristics, dynamic behaviour and behaviour against the effects of salt crystallisation. After 30 cycles of salts crystallization, the weight loss in these rocks is lower than 0.5%. This low weathering is a consequence of the configuration of their pore system, characterised by a low open porosity and high percentages of microporosity with pore-throat sizes on average of less than a 0.2 µm. The petrographical and physical characteristics, as well as its high resistance against salt crystallisation confer these rocks a high technical quality for their use as building stones in modern construction.La piedra natural de Abanto es un material utilizado en obra civil moderna y explotado como roca Ornamental en Abanto (Zaragoza). Las variedades caracterizadas son una caliza con textura deposicional y una caliza cristalina. En este trabajo se ha realizado un detallado estudio de su mineralogía, textura, características del sistema poroso, comportamiento hídrico, comportamiento dinámico y de su comportamiento frente a la cristalización de sales. La pérdida en peso en estas rocas es inferior al 0,5% tras realizar 30 ciclos de cristalización de sales. Esta baja alterabilidad es consecuencia de la configuración del sistema poroso, caracterizado por presentar una baja porosidad abierta y porcentajes elevados de microporosidad con tamaños de radios de acceso de poro preferentemente inferiores a 0,2 µm. Sus características petrográficas y físicas, así como su elevada resistencia frente a la cristalización de sales, les confieren unas buenas cualidades técnicas para su utilización como materiales de usos constructivos

    Effect of levels of polymaleic acid on the structural stability of saline soils.

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    The effect of levels of polymaleic acid was studied on the structural stability of two saline soils exposed to intensive cultivation. Soil samples with undisturbed structure were collected and placed in containers where levels polymaleic acid (0, 10, 20 and 30L/ha) were applied diluted water, in order to raise the moisture up to field capacity. One week later, controlled drip irrigation was applied using a volume corresponding to the pluviometric precipitation of the areas where the samples were collected. The washed soil samples were taken from the containers with the objective of lowering the moisture and separating the aggregates, considering those which passed through a 4 mm sieve and were retained in a 2 mm sieve. From each soil type, four bags of aggregates weighting 1 kg were taken, received a second application of the same levels of the polymer diluted in the irrigation water, adjusting the moisture of the samples of aggregates to 80% of the field capacity. The plastic bags with the humid samples were weighted and closed to keep the moisture uniform. Three subsamples from each bag were taken every 30 days to determine the weighed mean diameter (WMD) of the aggregates up to 150 days. After washing the soil with distilled water, WMD of the aggregates was reduced in the two soil types, in different proportions. The highest levels caused a lower reduction on the stability grade, showing the role of the polymer on protection of the aggregates against disintegration. After 30 days of the second application of the polymer on washed aggregates, WMD started to increase differently for all the treatments, showing is effect on increasing structural stability of the soils

    Un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi ass. nova) per a la província de Castelló (Espanya)

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    Es proposa un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) pertanyent a l’aliança Teucrio pseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (classe Lygeo-Stipetea), emplaçada al Paratge Natural del Desert de les Palmes (Castelló, Espanya).A new association of perennial xerophytic grassland (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) belonging to the alliance Teucrio pseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (Lygeo-Stipetea class) is proposed, occurring in the Natural Park Desert de les Palmes (Castellón, Spain)

    Centaurea X sanchisiana nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae), a new hibrid for the iberian flora

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    Es descriu un nou híbrid del gènere Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) producte de l'encreuament entre C. Aspera L. i C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. x sanchisiana nothosp. nov., a més de dues noves notovarietats, Var. malvarosae i var. pectiniformis. Aquestos híbrids han estat localitzats a Alatoz i Casas de Ves (Albacete, Espanya) i Borriana (Castelló, Espanya) respectivament. A més de les corresponents descripcions i diagnosis, s'hi aporten 4 lamines i una taula amb els principals trets diagnòstics que els diferencien deis parentals i de dos tàxons morfològicament pròxims. Es comparen trets reproductius de la nova notoespecie referits a !'involucre i al pol·len amb els de C. x pouzinii De. Es proposa una nova notosecció Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov.A new hybrid of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae), coming from the cross between C. aspera L. and C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. x sanchisiana, nothosp. nov., and two new nothovarieties, var. ma/varosae and varo pectiniformis are described. These hybrids were found respectively in Alatoz and Casas de Ves (Albacete, Spain), and Borriana (Castellón, Spain). The plant descriptions and diagnosis, as well as iconography and the table showing the main diagnostic characters to distinguish them from both parentals and two morphologycally similar taxa are provided. New nothospecies's reproductive traits related to the involucre and pollen are compared with those of C. x pouzinii De. A new nothosection Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov., is proposed

    Transformations of public spaces - sustainable and ethical approach to architectural and urban design using mixed cultural background

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    Transformations of public spaces are an integral part of city life. These processes although addressing site specific problems are universal for the urban centres across European countries struggling with desurbanisation, social exclusion, massive tourism, climate change and pollution

    Taxonomical and nomenclatural notes in the genus Cheirolophus Cass. (Asteraceae, Centaureinae)

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    Es lectotipifica i es reivindica el valor taxonòmic de Cheirolophus cavanillesianus nomo nov. [Centaurea virgata Cav., sinònim reemplaçat, syn. subst.) (Asteraceae, Centaureinae), espècie descrita per A. J. Cavanilles el 1795 per a la província d'Alacant. Dins d'aquest taxon, incloem a nivell subespecífic la varietat capillifolius [Ch. cavanillesianus subsp. capillifolius, combo & stat. nov.), taxon indicat per a diverses localitats de la província d'Alacant. Així mateix, es realitza la lectotipificació de Ch. intybaceus (Lam.) Dostál.We propose the lectotypification as well as the taxonomic value for Cheirolophus cavanillesianus nomo nov. [Centaurea virgata Cav., replaced synonym, syn. subst.) (Asteraceae, Centaureinae), a plant species described by A. J. Cavanilles in 1795 for the province of Alicante. Within this taxon we raise up to the subspecies level the variety capillifolius [Ch. cavanillesianus subsp. capillifolius, combo & stat. nov.), taxa indicated for sorne populations of the Alicante coast. Moreover, Ch. intybaceus (Lam.) Dostál has also been lectotypified

    A new terophytic grassland association (Polycarpo diphylli-Psiluretum incurvi, ass. nova) from Serra d'Espadà and surroundings is proposed (Castelló, Spain)

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    Es proposa un nou pradell terofític, l'associació Polycarpo diphylli-Psiluretum incurvi R. Roselló, J. R, Vázquez, P. P. Ferrer, E. Laguna, Gómez Nav. & J. B. Peris, pertanyent a l'aliança Brachypodietalia distachyi (classe Tuberarietea guttatae), emplaçat al Parc Natural de la Serra d'Espadà i els seus voltants (Castelló, Espanya).A new terophytic grassland association Polycarpo diphylli-Psiluretum incurvi R. Roselló, J. R. Vázquez, P. P. Ferrer, E. Laguna, Gómez Nav. & J. B. Peris, belonging to the alliance Brachypodietalia distachyi (Tuberarietea guttatae class) is proposed, occurring in the Natural Park Serra d'Espadà and its surroundings (Castellón, Spain)