3,084 research outputs found

    Neoconstitucionalismo negativo y neoconstitucionalismo positivo

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    La expresión "neoconstitucionalismo" es sumamente ambigua: la cultura contemporánea la usa para denotar cosas tan heterogéneas como una forma de estado, una política de activismo judicial, una reconstrucción teórica de los sistemas jurídicos contemporáneos, una metodología jurídica y una adhesión ideológica al derecho. Este trabajo se centra en los aspectos de política jurisprudencial, de teoría del derecho y de metodología jurídica, enfatizando dos posibles perspectivas del neoconstitucionalismo: una negativa que delinea dicha multifacética concepción del derecho como un conjunto de oposiciones a las tesis defendidas por las concepciones dominantes, y otra positiva que pretende haber identificado una serie de "nuevos descubrimientos" en los sistemas jurídicos contemporáneos. En esta versión positiva se examinan ocho tesis: (1) el derecho de los estados constitucionales es una combinación de reglas y principios, (2) reglas y principios son aptos para constituir un conjunto sistematico de normas, (3) las constituciones contemporáneas incorporan valores morales, de manera que habrían creado una conexión relevante entre derecho y moral, (4) tal incorporación implica un deber de interpretar las disposiciones constitucionales mediante una lectura moral, (5) toda norma jurídica es derrotable, (6) algunos estándares jurídicos requieren de un razonamiento ponderativo o de balance, opuesto al tradicional razonamiento subsutivo, (7) interpretando holísticamente las disposiciones jurídicas, los jueces pueden llegar a decidir cualquier controversia, y, (8) las normas jurídicas no pueden tener cualquier contenido, porque su contenido es determinado en última instancia por juicios morales. El trabajo termina ilustrando aciertos y equivocaciones de cada versión del neoconstitucionalismo

    Incompatibility and entailment in the logic of norms

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    In this paper I examine critically some theses on the incompatibility and the implication between norms that appear in a well-known article by Bulygin on the conceptions of the logic of norms elaborated, respectively, by Weinberger and Kelsen. I also analyze Bulygin\u2019s thesis according to which the expressive conception of norms, defended by Kelsen in the last part of his career, is perfectly capable of explaining the relationship of justification that mediates between general norms and particular norms (especially, between legislated norms and judicial decisions) and, being capable of this, cannot be accused of \u201cirrationalism\u201d, as Weinberger argues instead. This work is concluded by formulating a dilemma that Bulygin should face: either the notion of the satisfaction of norms is accepted and the \u201crationalism\u201d of the expressive conception is saved, or this notion is rejected and with it also the possibility of \u201cexpressive\u201d rationality in legal reasoning

    Quantifying the benefits of vehicle pooling with shareability networks

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    Taxi services are a vital part of urban transportation, and a considerable contributor to traffic congestion and air pollution causing substantial adverse effects on human health. Sharing taxi trips is a possible way of reducing the negative impact of taxi services on cities, but this comes at the expense of passenger discomfort quantifiable in terms of a longer travel time. Due to computational challenges, taxi sharing has traditionally been approached on small scales, such as within airport perimeters, or with dynamical ad-hoc heuristics. However, a mathematical framework for the systematic understanding of the tradeoff between collective benefits of sharing and individual passenger discomfort is lacking. Here we introduce the notion of shareability network which allows us to model the collective benefits of sharing as a function of passenger inconvenience, and to efficiently compute optimal sharing strategies on massive datasets. We apply this framework to a dataset of millions of taxi trips taken in New York City, showing that with increasing but still relatively low passenger discomfort, cumulative trip length can be cut by 40% or more. This benefit comes with reductions in service cost, emissions, and with split fares, hinting towards a wide passenger acceptance of such a shared service. Simulation of a realistic online system demonstrates the feasibility of a shareable taxi service in New York City. Shareability as a function of trip density saturates fast, suggesting effectiveness of the taxi sharing system also in cities with much sparser taxi fleets or when willingness to share is low.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 3 figures, SI: 24 page

    Three Addenda To Normative Systems

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    El artículo aborda tres nociones centrales en la famosa obra Sistemas normativos de Carlos Alchourrón y Eugenio Bulygin: 1) el concepto de «complementario» por lo que concierne al consecuente de una norma y el consiguiente concepto de laguna parcial; 2) el concepto de laguna normativa que, al ser un concepto combinatorio, no permite dar cuenta de un concepto más amplio de laguna normativa que se encuentra a menudo en la discusión entre los juristas, y 3) las relaciones lógicas entre universos de casos de distinta finura o especificidad, por lo que concierne al pasaje de lo más fino a lo menos fino. Respecto de estas tres nociones, el presente artículo propone, respectivamente, enmendar parcialmente la primera, ampliar la segunda y reinterpretar la tercera.The paper deals with three notions, which are crucial in the famous book Normative Systems by Carlos Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin: 1) the concept of «complementary» concerning the consequent of a norm and the related concept of a partial gap; 2) the concept of a normative gap which, being a combinatory notion, does not allow one to grasp a wider concept of a normative gap, which is often found in doctrinal literature, and 3) the logical relations between universes of cases of different fineness or specificity, for what concerns the passage from finer universes to less fine universes. Regarding these three notions, the present paper proposes, respectively, to partially amend the first, to widen the second, and to reinterpret the third

    Una mirada positivista a los desacuerdos te\uf3ricos

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    Los autores analizan las partes del libro "Legalidad" de Scott Shapiro que abordan el problema de los desacuerdos jur\ueddicos y la conexa teor\ueda de la interpretaci\uf3n (y metainterpretaci\uf3n) desplegada por Shapiro con el fin de superar tal dificultad. La cuesti\uf3n de los desacuerdos jur\ueddicos, junto con las principales asunciones del positivismo jur\ueddico, hace necesario, de acuerdo con los autores, prestar cierta atenci\uf3n a las versiones contempor\ue1neas de tal concepci\uf3n te\uf3rico-jur\ueddica. En consecuencia, la estructura del art\uedculo es la siguiente: en el primer p\ue1rrafo, se trata el positivismo en el modo en que normalmente es explicado en la teor\ueda del derecho angloamericana; en el segundo p\ue1rrafo, los autores presentan su propia explicaci\uf3n del positivismo jur\ueddico metodol\uf3gico, deudora en gran medida de las obras de Bobbio y Ross; en el tercer p\ue1rrafo, se resume el argumento de los desacuerdos y se analizan atentamente las dificultades que supuestamente plantea al positivismo jur\ueddico; esto lleva al cuarto p\ue1rrafo, donde la concepci\uf3n de Shapiro de la interpretaci\uf3n jur\ueddica y su consiguiente respuesta a semejante desaf\uedo son examinadas; en el quinto y \ufaltimo p\ue1rrafo, se extraen algunas conclusiones, siendo la principal de ellas que la sofisticada teor\ueda de la interpretaci\uf3n de Shapiro es, por un lado, supererogatoria y, por otro, infiel al aut\ue9ntico esp\uedritu del positivismo metodol\uf3gico tradicional, al mezclar aspectos descriptivos y prescriptivos de la interpretaci\uf3n jur\ueddica

    Incompatibility and entailment in the logic of norms

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    In this paper I examine critically some theses on the incompatibility and the implication between norms that appear in a well-known article by Bulygin on the conceptions of the logic of norms elaborated, respectively, by Weinberger and Kelsen. I also analyze Bulygin’s thesis according to which the expressive conception of norms, defended by Kelsen in the last part of his career, is perfectly capable of explaining the relationship of justification that mediates between general norms and particular norms (especially, between legislated norms and judicial decisions) and, being capable of this, cannot be accused of “irrationalism”, as Weinberger argues instead. This work is concluded by formulating a dilemma that Bulygin should face: either the notion of the satisfaction of norms is accepted and the “rationalism” of the expressive conception is saved, or this notion is rejected and with it also the possibility of “expressive” rationality in legal reasoning. | A prior version of this text was presented on 28 July 2015, at the Special Workshop “Bulygin’s Philosophy of Law”, XXVII IVR Congress, Washington, DC (USA)

    Sobre los fundamentos analíticos de la teoría del derecho. Recensión de “Teoría analítica del derecho” de Jorge Luis Rodríguez

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    El presente artículo pasa en reseña el libro “Teoría analítica del derecho” de Jorge Rodríguez. La primera parte está dedicada a ilustrar los contenidos del volumen, mientras que la segunda parte contiene algunas observaciones críticas en tema de aplicación de la lógica a las normas, relaciones entre positivismo y no-cognoscitivismo ético, jerarquías normativas, dinámica del derecho, interpretación jurídica y verdad de las premisas fácticas de la sentencia judicial. En las conclusiones se enumeran las principales virtudes del volumen comentado

    un desencuentro

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    Learning the optimal Tikhonov regularizer for inverse problems

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Neural information processing systems foundation. All rights reserved.In this work, we consider the linear inverse problem y = Ax+ε, where A: X → Y is a known linear operator between the separable Hilbert spaces X and Y, x is a random variable in X and ε is a zero-mean random process in Y . This setting covers several inverse problems in imaging including denoising, deblurring and X-ray tomography. Within the classical framework of regularization, we focus on the case where the regularization functional is not given a priori, but learned from data. Our first result is a characterization of the optimal generalized Tikhonov regularizer, with respect to the mean squared error. We find that it is completely independent of the forward operator A and depends only on the mean and covariance of x. Then, we consider the problem of learning the regularizer from a finite training set in two different frameworks: one supervised, based on samples of both x and y, and one unsupervised, based only on samples of x. In both cases we prove generalization bounds, under some weak assumptions on the distribution of x and ε, including the case of sub-Gaussian variables. Our bounds hold in infinite-dimensional spaces, thereby showing that finer and finer discretizations do not make this learning problem harder. The results are validated through numerical simulations.Peer reviewe

    Flexor hallucis longus transfer and composite anterolateral thigh fascio-cutaneous flap for reconstruction of massive chronic and infected Achilles tendon lesion. A case report and review of the literature

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    Achilles tendon reconstruction with substance loss and infection in the overlying soft tissues is a challenge. There is no standardized treatment in literature for these cases. We describe a one-stage tendon reconstruction, using flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendon transfer and an anterolateral thigh flap with vascularized fascia lata in a patient with re-rupture of the Achilles tendon, soft tissue infection and a tendon defect of 10 cm in length. The surgical procedure has had a successful outcome; patient has recovered normal gait, has recovered complete ankle range of motion with only a partial loss in plantar flexion of the big toe, without any loss in strength. No complications have emerged at follow-up. This technique is promising in treating large Achilles tendon defects with overlying soft tissue infection in a one-stage procedure