4,462 research outputs found


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Marco SANTORO, La donna nel Rinascimento meridional

    Extended explanation of Orevkov's paper on proper holomorphic embeddings of complements of Cantor sets in C2\Bbb C^2 and a discussion of their measure

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    We clarify the details of a cryptical paper by Orevkov in which a construction of a proper holomorphic embedding γ ⁣:P1CC2\gamma\colon\Bbb P^1\setminus{C}\hookrightarrow\Bbb C^2 is performed; in particular, it is proved that such a construction can be done to get the Cantor set CC to have zero Hausdorff dimension

    Approximation and accumulation results of holomorphic mappings with dense image

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    We display four approximation theorems for manifold-valued mappings. The first one approximates holomorphic embeddings on pseudoconvex domains in Cn\Bbb C^n with holomorphic embeddings with dense images. The second theorem approximates holomorphic mappings on complex manifolds with bounded images with holomorphic mappings with dense images. The last two theorems work the other way around, constructing (in different settings) sequences of holomorphic mappings (embeddings in the first one) converging to a mapping with dense image defined on a given compact minus certain points (thus in general not holomorphic)

    Proper Holomorphic Embeddings of complements of large Cantor sets in C2\Bbb C^2

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    We present a construction of a proper holomorphic embedding f ⁣:P1CC2f\colon \Bbb P^1\setminus C\hookrightarrow \Bbb C^2, where C is a Cantor set obtained by removing smaller and smaller vertical and horizontal strips from a square of side 2, allowing to realize it to have Lebesgue measure arbitrarily close to 4

    Presente e futuro delle biblioteche accademiche nella percezione e nelle opinioni di coloro che le guidano. Una breve panoramica internazionale

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    This synthetic overview starts with a recent book: Conversations with Leading Academic and Research Library Directors: International Perspectives on Library Management, eds. Patrick Lo et al. (Cambridge, MA; Kidlington, UK: Chandos Publishing, 2019). The book collects thirty interviews with leaders of libraries belonging to institutions of high prestige in the international field. Important informative and narrative elements emerge from the conversations. Specifically, they concern the profiles of respondents, the challenges faced, the changes taking place (change management, digital innovation, new services, new ways of relating to researchers and students). In its second part, the article compares the results of this research project to other similar studies of the same period. The final part presents a few words about the future perspectives of academic libraries in the world.Questa sintetica panoramica prende le mosse da un recente volume: Patrick Lo et al., eds,Conversations with Leading Academic and Research Library Directors: International Perspectiveson Library Management (Cambridge, MA; Kidlington,UK: Chandos Publishing, 2019). Il libro raccoglie trenta interviste somministrate a leader di biblioteche appartenenti a istituzioni dialto prestigio internazionale. Dalle conversazioni emergono importanti elementi informativi e narrativi sui profili degli intervistati, sulle sfide affrontate e sui cambiamenti in atto (cambiamento organizzativo, innovazione digitale, nuovi servizi, nuove modalità di relazione con ricercatori e studenti). Nella sua seconda parte l’articolo mette a confronto gli esiti di questo studio con altre ricerche e indagini simili dello stesso periodo.La terza parte presenta alcune considerazioni sulle prospettive future delle biblioteche accademiche nel mondo

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