2,057 research outputs found

    Questioni bioetiche di inizio vita nel dibattito pubblico del Regno Unito

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    Il lavoro di ricerca si fonda su di un’attenta ed approfondita analisi degli interventi di regolazione politica e giuridica adottati in Gran Bretagna nell’ultimo quarantennio in relazione alla vita nascente, al fine di ricostruire ed analizzare in maniera critica le principali implicazioni etiche e bioetiche connesse a tale tematic

    Wild geophytes of ornamental interest in the native flora of southern Italy

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    The growing focus on the protection and the conservation of biodiversity has attracted attention to problem of the potential invasiveness of alien species that escaped cultivation spread in various types of habitats and might replace native species. This would lead to a loss of biodiversity and have negative economic and environmental repercussions. The Mediterranean flora is particularly rich in genera and species that are characteristic of different habitats, soil and climatic conditions, and can offer exciting opportunities for innovation in the floricultural industry. In this paper we test the qualitative and quantitative data of wild geophytic species with a focus on the peninsular regions of Southern Italy. Information regarding the attributes of each species was obtained from a number of published sources, including flora and plant checklists. This selection of geophytes belonging to the spontaneous flora of Southern Italy presents a potential floricultural interest in Italy, since these plants could be used as street furniture and for gardens and turfing

    Habitat Fragmentation and Lichen Diversity in Peri-Urban Woodlands: A Case Study in the Municipality of Potenza (Southern Italy)

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    The fragmentation of the natural habitat is a process that is exponentially increasing worldwide and represents one of the biggest threats to biological diversity. Habitat destruction and fragmentation have a major impact on landscapes and may also affect ecosystems, populations, and species. The ongoing anthropogenic process can result in habitat loss for some species, habitat creation for others, reduced patch size, and increased distance between patches, which may lead to local extinction. We analyzed the effects of patch size and isolation on lichens in Quercus pubescens woods surrounding the city of Potenza (south Italy). We randomly sampled 11 forest patches with homogeneous environmental variables using circular plots with a 10 m radius; the patches ranged from 0.3 to 30 ha. For each plot, we collected data about presence and abundance of epiphytic lichens. We performed the analyses at the patch level using linear regression and multivariate analysis, searching for effects on species richness, life forms, and community compositions. Multivariate analyses were used to study the effect of fragmentation on the structure of lichen vegetation. We investigated the main predictor of lichen species richness in habitat fragmentations and concluded that patch area per se is an important (positive) driver of lichen species richness in Mediterranean peri-urban forests

    RNA Interference in Mammalia Cells by RNA-3’-PNA Chimeras

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    The discovery of siRNAs as the mediators of RNA interference has led to an increasing interest in their therapeutic applications. Chemical modifications are introduced into siRNAs to optimize the potency, the stability and the pharmacokinetic properties in vivo. Here, we synthesize and test the effects of RNA-3’-PNA chimeras on siRNA functioning and stability. We demonstrate that the chemical modifications are compatible with the siRNA machinery, because all the PNA-modified siRNAs can efficiently mediate specific gene silencing in mammalian cells. Furthermore, we find that the modification on the sense strand of siRNA results in an increased persistence of the activity, whereas modification on both strands results in enhanced nuclease resistance in serum

    Evaluation of Native Grasses for Sustainable Turfgrass in the Bioclimatic Mediterranean Region

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    This study reports the results of a research project (Mi.T.E.A.Med) funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. The research was organised in two phases: the first one involved the screening of the study area (Southern Italy) to find suitable turfgrass species and the second one focused on ex situ cultivation to test the ecotypes with salinity resistance. During the first step of the research, 11 sites from 6 regions of Southern and Central Italy were identified. In these sites, 24 ecotypes of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. were collected and their habitus, phenology, and some biometric parameters have been determined. During the 2 years of research, both botanic and agronomic characterisation of the collected C. dactylon ecotypes was carried out. Some native accessions showed a behaviour similar to commercial cultivars, while an ecotype from the Abruzzo Region showed better results compared to the commercial cultivars for several quality indices. The results of this project showed that Mediterranean-adapted native grass species (e.g. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) are worth investigating for turfgrass, making for their performance and low resource requirement (especially water). This species can be used as promising alternatives to conventional non-native turfgrasses

    Long-term salvage therapy with cyclosporin A in refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Treatment of severe, chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) refractory to most usual therapies is a difficult challenge. Little information exists on the clinical use of cyclosporin A (CyA) in the treatment of ITP. This report describes long-term treatment with CyA (median, 40 months) and follow-up (median, 36.8 months) in 12 adult patients with resistant ITP. CyA used in relatively low doses (2.5-3 mg/kg of body weight per day) led to a clinical improvement in 10 patients (83.3%). Five had a complete response (41.1%), 4 a complete response to maintenance therapy (33.3%), and one a partial response (8.3%). Two patients had no response. Most patients with a response (60%) had a long-term remission (mean, 28.6 months) after discontinuation of CyA. One patient had a relapse of ITP 4 years after CyA therapy was stopped. Side effects were moderate and transient, even in patients dependent on continued CyA treatment. CyA seems to represent reasonable salvage treatment in severe, potentially life-threatening, refractory ITP

    Mechanisms of acquired BRAF inhibitor resistance in melanoma. A systematic review

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    This systematic review investigated the literature on acquired v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 (BRAF) inhibitor resistance in patients with melanoma. We searched MEDLINE for articles on BRAF inhibitor resistance in patients with melanoma published since January 2010 in the following areas: (1) genetic basis of resistance; (2) epigenetic and transcriptomic mechanisms; (3) influence of the immune system on resistance development; and (4) combination therapy to overcome resistance. Common resistance mutations in melanoma are BRAF splice variants, BRAF amplification, neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog (NRAS) mutations and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2) mutations. Genetic and epigenetic changes reactivate previously blocked mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, activate alternative signaling pathways, and cause epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Once BRAF inhibitor resistance develops, the tumor microenvironment reverts to a low immunogenic state secondary to the induction of programmed cell death ligand-1. Combining a BRAF inhibitor with a MEK inhibitor delays resistance development and increases duration of response. Multiple other combinations based on known mechanisms of resistance are being investigated. BRAF inhibitor-resistant cells develop a range of ‘escape routes’, so multiple different treatment targets will probably be required to overcome resistance. In the future, it may be possible to personalize combination therapy towards the specific resistance pathway in individual patients

    evaluation of native grasses for sustainable turfgrass in the bioclimatic mediterranean region

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    This study reports the results of a research project (Mi.T.E.A.Med) funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. The research was organised in two phases: the first one involved the screening of the study area (Southern Italy) to find suitable turfgrass species and the second one focused on ex situ cultivation to test the ecotypes with salinity resistance. During the first step of the research, 11 sites from 6 regions of Southern and Central Italy were identified. In these sites, 24 ecotypes of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. were collected and their habitus, phenology, and some biometric parameters have been determined. During the 2 years of research, both botanic and agronomic characterisation of the collected C. dactylon ecotypes was carried out. Some native accessions showed a behaviour similar to commercial cultivars, while an ecotype from the Abruzzo Region showed better results compared to the commercial cultivars for several quality indices. The results of this project showed that Mediterranean-adapted native grass species (e.g. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) are worth investigating for turfgrass, making for their performance and low resource requirement (especially water). This species can be used as promising alternatives to conventional non-native turfgrasses
